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Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 12:53 pm
by Silverado
I am seriously thinking about buying a safety vest. It's been in the back of mind for some time now and I will probably buy one before the New Year. As soon as I have done some research on them.

I have looked at the Air Point vests and others that are similar. Although I have not tried any of them on yet. I am hoping to go to some Tack Stores in the next few weeks to try them on.

Yesterday, I was at the gym and started talking to a woman who had an Ariat bag…it turned out that she had started riding when she was 12 years old and this past summer she took a back fall, an experienced horsewoman. I think she is now in her 60's. She doesn't remember what happen just that she was on the ground and the horse was looking at her. Her back was broken, she now has 18 screws in her back and will not ride again. She is doing well and in therapy and I did not realize when I started talking with her that she was injured. We talked about the air vests and she said she had ordered an Air vest in the morning and later that day she had the accident. The vest arrived 3 days later and she was in ICU.

So….that really spoke to me, I am getting a vest. I have thought about it for a long time and this just made me realize I should not just think, I need to get one. Just not sure which one. A regular eventing vest or an Air vest.

Hass anyone accidentally dismount without unhooking the Air vest from the saddle?

Suggestions? Comments? Thoughts?


Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:05 pm
by quinta
The air vests are meant to be used in combination with a standard body protector vest, not alone. Definitely worth going to a local tack store to try on vests, because there are a huge number of options, both between different brands and between sizes for any given vest. Not sure if you are planning any eventing, but if so, then pay attention to which ones are approved for that use (not all of them are). Many will seem stiff and uncomfortable when you try them on, but you do get used to them once you've had it on for a while. I have the Airowear (, which I picked because I wanted an approved vest and because it fit me really well.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:50 pm
by Silverado
I did not realize the air vest was to used in combination with a standard body protector vest. More things to consider. And thanks for the note about making sure it's an approved vest.

Thank you for your post, it is very helpful.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2015 11:03 pm
by DJR
I echo all that quinta said. I took a bad fall in May this year and landed hard on my back (I think). I have no memory of the event or of the subsequent ~45 minutes. I ended up with a focal sore area in my mid-thoracic spine that resolved on its own, and a severe concussion. I was wearing a helmet & body protection. I, and my treating physicians, are quite sure that without the body vest I'd have been much more badly hurt.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 7:55 pm
by jaybird660
I use one with my vest when competing XC and schooling xc but often use it as just the vest when jumping in the ring or on the trail as one of my horses can be very exuberant at times and has dumped me more than once. It takes the stress out as I know that the landing will be softer. I did dismount once, forgetting to unclip and I thought my horse would be spooked but wasn't. It also has allowed me to ride with fractures earlier than I would have without it.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2015 9:44 pm
by Silverado
Thanks for all your suggestions, I am going to be trying on some vests soon. I am very interested in the Airowear, I called and talked with one tack shop today that also said it was a very popular vest. (Thanks quinta!!). It was a bit of a shock to me to realize that I couldn't just get the air vest by itself.

I just hope once I finally get both vests that I remember to unclip before I dismount!

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 8:26 pm
by pawsplus
You do not HAVE to wear a body protector vest with an air vest. They are not intended to be worn with them, but alone. Wearing both is an eventing rule (you can wear either the body protector alone OR both vests, but not only the air vest), but in the real world you can do what you like. Obviously wearing both is extra protection, but wearing only the air vest will protect you far more than wearing nothing. I cannot wear a standard body protector vest (I surprised myself by turning out to be really claustrophobic in them!) so got an air vest. I barely know it's there and I feel better wearing it in dicey situations.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 2:28 am
by Silverado
Thank you pawsplus…..that is good to know! I am going to try on some body protectors and see how I feel in them, I know in the past I thought they looked so stiff but I never tried one on. The Airowear looks quite a bit more comfortable to me but then I haven't seen it in person. I was starting to think I would get a body protector first and then an air vest but now I may change my mind.

Truly….thank you all for so much information, it really is quite helpful.

Re: Please "talk" to me about safety vests...

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 5:29 am
by Flight
I started with an older aerowear body protector and now have a Vipa. The Vipa is much more comfy. Definitely try some on if you can.