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Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 4:15 am
by Hayburner
The MacRider saddle I purchased off EBay will not fit my horse correctly. I tried a new MacRider and loved how cushy the seat was, I seemed to melt into it. But, I was worried about having it fitted on a regular basis, as I'm not in an area they typically cover.

My Wintec Isabell is still working for us and I do like the deeper seat and stick of the saddle.

I tried 2 other Saddles today and I ordered one. Now, I am second guessing my decision to move on from my beloved Wintec :lol:

How long did you ride in a saddle before you decided it was right for you and you ordered it?

Did the saddle fitter leave you a saddle to test ride for a few days before making the plunge to buy or not buy it?

I know you are all wondering what saddle I choose, it is an Albion Fabrento. It's a more petite saddle, and seems to fit me fine.i like that it has external thigh block, is not super heavy and is a nice quality saddle.
My horse is 15.1 but wide so I think a wider panels would be good for her back. Tho, the body worker always comments on how good her back is, so the Wintec is ok for her physically.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:43 pm
by blob
Congrats on ordering a new saddle! I don't know the Albion Fabrrento, but sounds like you've found a good one for you.

In the past, I've done a standard 1 week trial before. But recently I had two slightly different experiences:

I ordered a new saddle via fitter. I tried the demo just while the fitter was there (so maybe a total of 10-15 minutes) and went ahead and ordered. I liked the demo. But of course the saddle was set for my needs. Well, when it came I didn't like it! ACK. It was my lesson learned because I think I don't actually know what I like...meaning I can't verbalize what's best for me. Luckily this ended up being an ok situation because my fitter worked with me to fix the saddle until I liked it. So, ended up working out just fine. But now I know that I don't know myself as well as I think. And also that maybe i need more than 10-15 minutes in a saddle to figure things out.

I recently bought a new saddle. In this case I was able to try the actual saddle I would buy. The initial trial was for 1 week, but the rep was very clear that if I needed more time we could work it out. I ended up doing over a 2 week trial because every time I spoke to the rep about questions she answered my questions and said 'why don't you keep it a bit longer'. So, by the time I ended up buying it, I felt pretty confident having had time to ride in it over many rides.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:38 pm
by Hayburner
Exactly Blob!

I'm afraid that a 10-15 min ride isn't enough to make a firm and accurate decision on a saddle. Also, when spending 5k, I want to be sure I LOVE it.

My Friend ordered a custom saddle after riding in the demo and when hers came her horse wasn't happy in it. He seemed ok in the demo and 15 min ride.

I may call the sales rep and see if she will let me try it for a few days before we place the order. I hate doing that but 5k is a lot of money and if I don't like it, ill now have 2 Saddles that I won't use.

Thanks for replying :)

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2020 11:39 pm
by Hayburner
Blob, BTW what did you end up buying?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 1:07 pm
by blob
I don't think it's unreasonable at all to ask to spend time with the demo before placing the order! So, I would definitely encourage asking and hopefully the fitter will say yes!

The saddle that I had ordered and took a good bit of tweaking before I liked is a Frank Baines Elegance. It's a really comfy saddle--very cushy seat. And I did end up liking it. But it's going to be for sale soon. I just need to get around to taking pictures and making an ad.

The saddle I did a long trial on and ended up buying is a dynamic saddle. It was not cheap ($5700) and it's not a very well known brand so there was a lot of hesitation on my part. I also had a hard time wrapping my head around the technology. So being able to really spend time with it was very valuable and the rep clearly knows this. As a rider, there are saddles that lock me into a perfect position better than this one does--it's relatively minimalist compared to some modern saddles. But I do like the very close contact feel, the narrow twist, and that it pulls my leg down and around, not down and out. And ultimately it's a saddle I can use on both my horses and one that will meet my very sensitive pony where he is as he continues to change shape/develop. Both horses had a pretty noticeable difference with the saddle.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2020 3:32 pm
by AmityBee
I went custom still had two weeks of trial before it was final.

Went through a lot of fitters and saddles before and whenever a saddle seemed worth a try I could keep it for a while (couple of days to weeks).

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:03 am
by Hayburner
Blob, I also have a Frank Baines Elegance that I will be selling! I've had it a good 10-15 years but really didn't use it much once I found the Wintec Isabell. It's still in very good shape with nice soft leather. I just didn't feel locked in enough in it. At that time I was doing more trail riding, so I wanted a bit more security, which the Isabell definitely does.

I have heard of Dynamic Saddles, but never really looked in to the,..Glad you are loving the saddle!

AmityBee, thanks for the reply. What did you end up with?

I am going to call the fitter tomorrow and see if she will let me ride in it again and maybe keep it for a few days.
Hopefully she won't change me for a farm call or fitting fee again :evil: She isn't far away do I would even be happy to go and pick it up from her.

I'm a bit fearful that the Albion may only be as deep as my F. Baines and I'd like something between the Baines and the Wintec with external blocks. I'm not 100% confident in my horse yet.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:33 am
by silk
I have had Albions for years and years and years. I understand their fit and when I couldn't find what I wanted second hand, I purchased new, from overseas to boot. The fitter I worked with (remotely) reviewed my photos and tracings of the horse to confirm the saddle was correct. It arrived and was perfect, and I loved it (I knew I would).
I would do the same again if I needed to (erm, 'when'... sold that saddle, and probably need to buy similar for that horse's daughter, oops).

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 2:46 am
by blob
It's interesting my FB (which was customized) sounds quite different from yours! But it is also their newer elegance. It has a pretty deep seat and is a monoflap with an external thighblock. The block was the part we had a hard time getting right. It took several tweaks to get it in the right location and the right length. And ultimately the fitter actually moved and reattached the entire flap. Now, it make me feel super locked in. I used to ride in an Isabell, which I also rather liked and do consider it to be a very secure saddle, I used it on a lot of youngsters I started. So interesting that we've had some similar saddles in our history!

I don't know how customizable the albions are, but perhaps you can request a deeper seat?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:38 am
by AmityBee
Hayburner wrote:
AmityBee, thanks for the reply. What did you end up with?

Something very obscure :D It's a very young company close to Sommer saddles (in location and built) Philimar. They do custom only and will build you a saddle in any color imaginable. :lol: (The homepage is all german (even though they went to an expo in Florida when I was looking))

I just realized that I don't have a single picture of the saddle. Weird. I bought it in 2017 and I'm still happy with it.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:36 pm
by Hayburner
Yes Blob, very funny how we both were using the same brand and model of Saddles!

The seat on the model I test ride cannot be changed, tho I wonder if I could get Buffalo leather which would be a better grip than calf skin.

Silk, thanks for the positive review of your Albion saddle.

AmityBee, yes, I looked at their site and it's all German, tho from the pictures the Saddles and strap goods look beautiful.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 1:48 pm
by exvet
AmityBee do you use this saddle on your welsh cob Crispin? If so would you mind posting pictures (on your horse) if you get a chance?

I've settled on Albion for a number of years and have had mainly two models over the last 30 years. It has worked for me and for my Welsh cobs the best. I have toyed with the idea of Black Country because other welsh cob owners raved about them. Truth be told my favorite saddles have always been Passier but they simply do not build a saddle that suits the Welsh cob shape.

My challenge at the moment is seeing if Albion (or another option to customize brand) will build a 16 inch of my preferred (and the Welsh cobs') model(s). There are some saddle companies that will not do this even though they advertise that they will customize a saddle. Junior does okay with 16.5 inch saddle but I think as he works up the levels based on his muscle development a 16 would be better. I rode in a 16 inch for years on the stinker pony but the flap really wasn't forward enough for me and I couldn't find one built that really fit my longer femur. I would stinker in one of my 16.5 inch Albions which I think contributed to his arthritis though he was never lame or back sore at the time.

Any how to stay in line with the OP's question, I have to ride in a saddle multiple times to be satisfied as to whether or not I like it. That being said there are plenty of saddles that I can sit in immediately and know that I don't like it at all. I would not go with less than a week trial and preferably two weeks if possible.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 5:35 pm
by Sue B
The saddle fitter left Tio's saddle with me for 2 weeks so I could decide how well it fit me and him. She lives 150 miles away so most of the fitting was done remotely with many pictures and short videos sent by me. I wound up buying the demo saddle instead of ordering a new one because it just happened to fit both of us so well.

Rudy's County Perfection I bought on ebay with the approval of a saddle fitter who had personally come out several times trying to find the right saddle for Rudy's crazy back. The person I bought it from was also a saddle fitter but in another state. Again, she let me ride in it for almost 2 weeks because Rudy was a little tender from all the saddles I'd tried on him. She actually held onto the check I'd sent until I gave the thumbs up and then sent me new billets because one of the billets suddenly developed a serious crack in it! Local saddle fitter came out, adjusted it to Rudy and we were off and running. Because it isn't exactly what Rudy needs or wants, however, I finally saved my pennies and started saddle shopping again. This time he's getting a custom saddle, the demo of which I rode in for only a few minutes two times. Thing is, each time the fitter put THAT demo on him, Rudy gave a huge sigh of relief and moved like a dream. It seems to fit me as well, so I hope the one I ordered comes out the same. She did a ton of tracings and pictures--fingers crossed. I never imagined that I would like that particular brand as I rode a friend's horse in it years ago and found it super uncomfortable, go figure!

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 21, 2020 9:54 pm
by Josette
If I were shopping to fit a wide body type this saddle appeals to me. It reminds me of a saddle I rode in when I did a test ride on large pony. I agree with the comments about immediately eliminating a saddle versus really liking another. If you can get a bit longer trial time for test rides - do it. These saddles are a huge investment imo.

I'm currently riding in a custom Hennig which I really like with the external thighblock. I needed some cut back for my guy's shoulders. My only regret is that maybe I should have gone down a half seat size smaller. However, it fits my guy really well and that was critical for us.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 6:14 am
by AmityBee
exvet wrote:AmityBee do you use this saddle on your welsh cob Crispin? If so would you mind posting pictures (on your horse) if you get a chance?

Yes, the saddle is Crispin's and will do. It'll take a minute though. Unfortunately we are on a hiatus from riding for another 7 days. Crispin was diagnosed with arthitic changes in his hocks last november. And, after responding really nicely to joint suplements did an idiot 180° stunt on his left hind which made the joint flare up badly. So, he just got his hocks injected for the first time (plus I'm going on vacation for a week). After that I'll be happy to take some pictures. :)

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2020 2:07 pm
by exvet
AmityBee wrote:
exvet wrote:AmityBee do you use this saddle on your welsh cob Crispin? If so would you mind posting pictures (on your horse) if you get a chance?

Yes, the saddle is Crispin's and will do. It'll take a minute though. Unfortunately we are on a hiatus from riding for another 7 days. Crispin was diagnosed with arthitic changes in his hocks last november. And, after responding really nicely to joint suplements did an idiot 180° stunt on his left hind which made the joint flare up badly. So, he just got his hocks injected for the first time (plus I'm going on vacation for a week). After that I'll be happy to take some pictures. :)

So sorry to here about Crispin's issues; but, owning one who attempts similar antics just to add more gray hairs to my head I can relate. Hoping he has a swift recovery that he feels he doesn't have to challenge and that you have fun on vacation.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:32 pm
by Hayburner
Ok, so I asked after fitter texted me if I could trial the saddle for a couple of days to be sure of my selection, No Response. I to,d her I wanted to be sure I liked it and to make sure it did t fit like my other saddle that I didn't like.

2 days later she calls, we get disconnected and she didn't call back for 3 days.

Calls today to tell me the color I liked is available for the piping, but never commented on my request for a trial of a few freaking days.

I point blank ask her about a trail and she says No, I do not do trials. I reiterated that I am worried it is the same depth as my other saddle and she says No, they're totally different, which I semi agree since my saddle does not have thigh blocks. The saddle seemed to fit me well enough, but I am still hesitant since I was only in for 15-20 minutes.

She does not do trials since she brings Saddles for people to try . Good Lord a 15 minute ride is not in my opinion enough time to make a decision. Tho, I agree if I sit in one that is totally wrong , I immediately know it.

I tell her, I am worried since I didn't feel as secure in it, that's another reason I want to try it again.

Nope, she won't do it, she said she put it on order, I said CANCEL the order!

My goodness, I am at a barn with a very good friend of hers, and I am not some wacko who will destroy it! I am a very responsible adult! I am only 45 min away from her so what's the big freaking Deal! I would be happy to pick and also return it to her.

There is more money down the drain and No she does not deduct her saddle fitting/test ride fee from the price of the saddle. I have no problem paying a farm call fee, but a portion of the fitting/test ride should be deducted if you buy a saddle.

Am I wrong here?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 7:54 pm
by Josette
Frankly - I do not care for this saddle fitter/seller as you described and would not give her your business. I agree when you are paying in the $4K - $5K+ range that is a lot money and I would like to be pretty sure of that purchase. In the past, I've spent a small fortune test riding saddles with the shipping and return fees - but it did help me eliminate saddles. However, I recall that shipping fee was even included to the purchase if I decided to keep a saddle.

So, have you really narrowed down your search to a specific maker, size, features, etc,?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 9:21 pm
by blob
Ugh, Hayburner, that sounds like a very frustrating experience.

A request to try a saddle for a few days before ordering a new one is hardly unreasonable and something many (if not most?) fitters let people do.

When I ordered my Frank Baines I did not pay a farm/fitting fee for the fitting appointment that resulted in me ordering the saddle, nor did I pay for the multiple visits after that it took to get the saddle right for me, which I really appreciated. (Also, I'm an idiot and it's actually an Omni not the Elegance).

Is there another albion rep you can use for the same saddle? Or perhaps you can find the model you like used somewhere that will let you do a trial? or maybe Albion is having a demo sale sometime soon?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2020 10:20 pm
by silk
FWIW, I worked with Tom from TDS Saddlers in the UK to buy my K2. He was very helpful. It took a few weeks to make to my specs (I had a 'standard' combination of tree/gullet/seat/etc, but some other customisations: Velcro knee blocks and extra billets) and about a week to ship to the other side of the world (NZ), then a week to be released at the border (incl payment of import duties). Pretty quick!

Exvet, considering Albion make pony size saddles, they should be able to accommodate your request. The hardest part I found was finding a suitable fitter who would correlate the size/tree/gullet requirements and order the saddle. We have 2 official Albion reps in NZ. The "local" one wouldn't believe my horse needed an XW gullet, and didn't have any for me to trial anyway. The other rep wouldn't have worked with me as I should have gone to my local one *rolleyes*.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 5:35 am
by exvet
Silk - thanks for the information. There are no albion pony saddles that I've found stateside. I do use a certified saddle fitter who is also an Albion rep. Unfortunately she is located on the other side of the country from me; so for the last ten years our contact has been all long distance. I've been happy with her service though would prefer it if we were in the same state. The challenge is because of our lack of proximity I would have to order a custom and hope that via long distance we'd be able to 'make sure it fits'. Not sure I want to go there.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 4:27 pm
by Sue B
I live 100's of miles from any saddle fitter (well, at least 150 anyways) and I have never had a saddle fitter charge for test riding or for fitting my ultimate purchase! I would run, not walk, from that saddle sales person. No way would I sink that kind of money into a saddle with that kind of customer service. Buying and fitting a saddle is hard enough without having to deal with an entitled fitter. Just my 2 cents :P

Exvet, that's too bad you can't get a pony Albion, they sound like just the ticket for your mounts.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 2:24 pm
by Hayburner
Exvet. Did you look at Albion's Fabrento model?

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2020 5:55 am
by exvet
No but I'll look into it and see whether it's something I could/should trial. Thank you.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2020 12:56 pm
by Hayburner
Exvet, you may also want to look at DP Saddles. If I had a rep nearby I would definitely try one for my mare.

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:37 pm
by AmityBee
exvet wrote:AmityBee do you use this saddle on your welsh cob Crispin? If so would you mind posting pictures (on your horse) if you get a chance?

For exvet, pictures of the Philimar:

IMG_2228.JPG (62.71 KiB) Viewed 9385 times

IMG_2229.JPG (34.2 KiB) Viewed 9385 times

For me the choice was less about the brand and more about the features. Besides the obvious like a wide channel and changeable head plate/gullet, must haves were:

-reasonably flat seat
-independent panels (the kind of panel is an independent part of the saddle only attached at two points, front and rear of the saddle)
-absolutely NO billet attached to the point of tree
-velcro attached knee rolls

IMG_2224.JPG (71.22 KiB) Viewed 9385 times

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2020 7:51 pm
by AmityBee
I went custom because I couldn't find anything that was flat enough to fit Crispin's back in the rear. Here you an see how flat the panels are and how the independent panel isn't attached to the sweat flap.

IMG_2217.JPG (32.69 KiB) Viewed 9383 times

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:02 am
by exvet
Wow! Thank you AmityBee. I really like it, especially the flat seat! That channel is also cobterrific!

Re: Test riding saddles

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2020 11:50 am
by Chisamba
its kind of funny, I really dislike the modem wide channels. i think the lateral instability is less comfortable to the horse than a well flocked slightly narrower channel. i love the old Kieffer that had great width at the wither and then tape to a slightly narrower channel at the back.

I read as much as I could find about channels and could never find an actual study so if anyone sees one is love it. i also have a big problem with the long gussets, i am used to horses with tiny backs. not cob types