Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

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Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:15 am

It's seemed too late to jump into the February/March thread, but I'm starting to work with my filly more, so I'm starting the next thread two days early. ;)

2013 GOV filly. Pretty naive of everything, so we are doing lots of basic ground work right now. Clippers are the biggest bugaboo, so I'd love to have her tolerating clipping by the end of May.

This weekend will be bathing. A week or two ago I washed her legs and tail and it was no big deal, so I'm not anticipating too much drama, but we'll see.

Today was the third day of introducing her to ground driving, and she seemed to 'get it' this time and started on some very rudimentary steering. Hoping to have her pretty solid and maybe introducing some lateral work in hand by the end of this challenge. Also need to teach her to move close to, and stand by the mounting block, and start taking her off property a bit.

Who else is in for this round?
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:15 am

I'm in, though April may be a bit rocky...

Moving to a new barn on Friday, with a trainer on site and an indoor, so I'm looking forward to doing some catching up on the lack of riding and training due to the weather and general flakiness over the winter.

We will be working on consolidating the counter canter and the lengthenings now I will have the space to work on them, and brushing up on our 2nd level stuff with the plan to move up this year. He's entirely capable, just needs his fitness built back up. I just need some consistent eyes on the ground. We won't show until mid-June, probably.

We will also be able to escape from the sandbox at the new barn, so we will see if he can handle some hacking out.

I have a clinic with Verena Mahin in a couple of weeks, assuming I am in the country. Looking forward to that. I enjoyed her very much last time and it's always nice to go out to play.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:00 pm

I am in, April is important, as It is getting ready for the first show in May:

Kimba,, get her show ready for training level
Deneb, continue to progress and assess
Acacia, i am not sure she will be ready for a show, but progress toward potentially showing this season.

while getting show ready for training level is the goal, i like to have the horse thoroughly versed in a level above showing for the season, so Kimba needs to be elastic through working and lengthening gaits and leg yielding . I do not much use leg yield in training, so i have to practice it just to show.

Deneb, the same work that Kimba does, just more about relaxation, and safely working on the aids

Acacia, beginning to adjust through working and lengthening gaits, but consistent relaxation in the aids. Improve lateral work increasing the number of steps in lateral

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby MaryC » Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:09 pm

I'm in! Our first show is at the end of the month, so time to get focused.

We'll be doing 3-3 for the first time (we debuted 3-1 last fall and were pleasantly thrilled!). Canter HP to straight on the centerline is our current challenge, keeping my big girl properly lined up from tip to tail. Everything else is ready to go. Since I board at a hunter barn with a huge square ring, I'm going to try to haul out a few times to one that is closer to regulation size to put it all together.

We're looking ahead to bigger things, which is where most of our training is. We've been doing square turns at the canter which also incorporates very collected strides, going in and out of half steps at the trot, and sequence changes. I seem to need 5 strides to get organized for the next one, gotta get that down a bit! And building more strength with lots of transitions, some hill work when the ground permits, and having some fun on the trails. I'm looking forward to putting winter behind us!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:19 pm

I'm in, no shows scheduled (still paying off vet bill and have clinics scheduled). I am hosting a clinic with my fabulous trainer this weekend, looking forward to it with both of my horses. My big guy is doing well, CC getting solid now, W-C-W getting nice a solid, need prep for FCs, need some help with mediums, collection in the trot on my big guy is harder than in the canter for some reason, so working on that with all the lateral work, trot-halt-RB-trot etc.

So happy with his full sister, she is finally getting some good lateral work understanding which is really helping with straightness. That and the whip to help with forward (I learned just tap with the whip if she does not respond to light leg aid) now she is feeling more like a grown up horse and boy is she so much easier to ride than the big guy! He is 16.22 and BIG, she is 15.2 but still quite large bodied, yet smooth as glass to sit on, he not so much. I am appreciating the smoothness with her!

Looking forward to updates from all!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Mar 31, 2016 8:33 pm

I'm totally in!

No shows or really even clinics on the horizon; I've got a relocation coming up in June so lots of my time is going to be spent fixing up/staging the house to sell and figure out where I'm going to be living next.

But that doesn't mean I don't have horse goals!
- Regain the fitness! Kiwi needs to be pretty fit to keep her stifles feeling good, which means minimal collection til we get back in shape. Oh, and also I need to stay in shape too. I'm feeling better about my fitness vs. last thread and have seen progress. Time to keep it up. Which means:

- Ride 4x/week on average. No excuses, just riding. Bonus points for 5x or more.

- Cleaner halt/reinback/trot transitions. By the end of this 8-week period, I'd like to get them clean enough to be show-able. Right now it's about 80% there.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Mar 31, 2016 9:38 pm

oooh, get riding fitter is also on my list, Ponichiwa!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby capstone » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:38 pm

It's April 1st here in Switzerland, so I will jump in now!

I won't return to the states until April 15. In the meantime, my trainer is readying Cartier for his recognized show debut of PSG and I1 next weekend. I'm excited and a bit nervous. If anyone can make it happen, she can, but it is not going to be super easy for them. He can do everything in the I1 and so the PSG seems easy by comparison. However, his last rated show outing was last October. With me. At Training Level. And we sucked. :oops:

Once I return, we put their FEI stuff on hold and start readying for his and my First Level outing which is planned for May 7-8. I need to be more confident (ask and allow) and assertive (clearer aids, shorter reins). I truly believe we can get 70% but I will have to work for it.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:45 pm

Looks like this will be a fun thread!

I am looking to just keep Emma happy and increase the work, especially canter. Still working on 4-5 rides a week, with one of them being a good solid 45 minute workout. She is getting stronger and I finally see the start of some muscle building. She got her 4th corrective trim today and the progress has been exciting and a little nerve wracking. I took pics and will post an update on the Emma thread.

I have only ridden her in my small arena as the full size arena was built 19 years ago (yikes) and the location has become unfavorable for developing my relationship with a horse like Emma who has a history of spooking. It is right next to the road which curves right at our property and is now quite busy with local traffic as well as lots of construction traffic. Lots of slam-dump trucks with air brakes which they use sometimes to go around the curve.To give an example of the drama, we've had two dump truck accidents on the curve. One tipped over and spilled its full load of gravel. Also, lots of hot rodding. Teenage Texas boys "rackin' their pipes". So, my goal for the next two months is to start getting her used to it. I'll start by riding her out there at a walk (she seems more confident with me on her than off) early mornings and Sundays when there is less traffic.

We are ready to try to first level tests and even tho she is only 15.2hh, the small arena feels cramped to me...

The only other thing I want to add to the program right now is lessons. I probably won't try to schedule it until May.

I wish I was planning for a show, but I will get my excitement from reading about you'alls experiences! Good luck to all!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:21 am

Sounds like some cool stuff happening for these next months.

I've got a competition in a couple of weeks. My horse has some swelling in his tendon sheath though. I have seen the vet and had it looked at thoroughly with an ultrasound and he's not at all lame and there's nothing wrong with any tendons or ligaments. The vet said to keep him in light work and bute for a week, and if he's still ok after that (not lame) then keep on with normal work. I don't know what caused it and I'm hoping it wont develop into anything worse.

Also, now I've started with a different instructor my riding method has totally gone down a different path. So the past few weeks I've been having lessons and undoing what I currently do and replacing it with different things.
So, these next few months will be interesting!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby mari » Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:47 am

I'm navigating the treacherous waters of suspensory rehab. So my goals are walking, walking and more walking. And also to try and stay sane and not imagine every horrible terrible thing that might show up on the second scan near the end of April.
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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:48 am

demi wrote:
I have only ridden her in my small arena as the full size arena was built 19 years ago (yikes) and the location has become unfavorable for developing my relationship with a horse like Emma who has a history of spooking. It is right next to the road which curves right at our property and is now quite busy with local traffic as well as lots of construction traffic.

Is it fenced? The reason I ask is because I finished the fence around my outdoor so that I could put horses out there so they could get used to the commotion across the road (logging operation). I put the new mule out there too, and set a round bale in the corner as close to the road as possible so she could get lots of exposure.

The big problem with the logging operation is that there's a hedgerow in front of it, so they can't really see what's going on over there. They can hear the chainsaws and the clanging and banging, and catch glimpses of movement through the trees, but as soon as the leaves are on they can't really see much.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:49 am

Flight wrote:Also, now I've started with a different instructor my riding method has totally gone down a different path. So the past few weeks I've been having lessons and undoing what I currently do and replacing it with different things.
So, these next few months will be interesting!

That sounds interesting. Looking forward to hearing more.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby AmityBee » Fri Apr 01, 2016 12:48 pm

umm, yeah, well... I guess I should join this one. I agreed to ride in a clinic in may. With a clinician I rode with before and really like. Only problem? I still have no saddle! I've been riding TheNewWelsh bareback since sep/oct.

Our saddle is not a horrible fit, tree shape is a little off, I should be able to wedge it up in the back and ride in it for said clinic. Tried yesterday and *hated* to be back in the saddle. :shock: :lol: I felt so constricted. Pony went okay though. I did a lot of canter work, which I do not do much bareback, and guess what, it's really imporoved. Go figure.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 03, 2016 1:25 am

StraightForward wrote:
This weekend will be bathing. A week or two ago I washed her legs and tail and it was no big deal, so I'm not anticipating too much drama, but we'll see.

Well, we have drama. :roll:

Oddly, she let me spray down most of one side of her body, soap it up, and then rinse it about half off, then she more or less had a meltdown. I need to learn my horse a little better to anticipate these a little better and remove the pressure before it becomes a Big Thing. Ended by getting her to stand while I sponged her down. Will try again tomorrow with just a trickle from the hose on the legs, and then a sponge bath for the rest. She is filthy and I've been SO looking forward to bathing her. At least her left shoulder is clean. :lol:
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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby klark_kent07 » Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:25 am

I have a clinic on the 15th, then a protocol day on the 24th of April. After that will be the first recognised comp for the year on the 7th and 8th of May.

I've started work on the changes in my lessons, with me on board. Got 1 clean one and 2 that were a stride late behind in our first attempts! I'm so happy with the progress, they are the first changes I've ridden and Kent has only had a week and a half of FC work with my coach, and that was a couple of months ago. I don't really need them until this time next year so we have a whole 12 months to work on them and consolidate the training. I'm also waiting on a double bridle to arrive that I ordered, then I'll be on the hunt for a curb and snaffle to go with it.
Won't need to compete in the double for at least a year and a half but Kent can be a little hesitant when it comes to new things so thought I would just start hacking in the double once a week and make it no big deal :)

So for the next 2 months-
# Work on the changes in my lessons (once a fortnight).
# Show further improvement in the medium trot and the transition back from medium canter.
# Gain first lot of qualifying scores for State Championships from the May show.
# Gain first lot of scores needed for bronze rider medal at May show.

I think that's it for now! :D

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:36 pm

So, let's see. Last Tuesday (Mar 29) we got about 14" of snow over the day, but by April 1 day temps were in the 50's and last weekend we hit the 60's! Now we're back to high winds and freezing rain yesterday. Gotta love Idaho in the Spring. :lol: Anyways, i did get rudy and Tio ridden over the weekend so I think I have a plan for the next 2 months. They were both a little froggy on Saturday, but by Sunday they had rediscovered their manners and Rudy even let my frail sis ride him around in a walk for a cooling out session. Rudy has only ever had one other person on his back and that was my beginner rider ds who proclaimed him too bouncy and will not ride him again! Oh well.

Goals for Tio
1. Confirm w-t-c
2. Make big round circles in each gait
3. More time riding out in the fields and down the road

Goals for Rudy
1. Work on medium trot (like establish one in the arena that is as nice as the one down the road)
2. Get someone to put flying changes on

Both horses--get a saddle fitter out to my place.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Tue Apr 05, 2016 6:14 pm

Well we are off to a rocky start...

At the end of March I got another nasty flu so Bliss had a week off.

Then when I went to feed Bliss last Wednesday morning he had zero interest in his feed, had gross green stuff oozing copiously from his left nostril, and he was super lethargic. He spent most of the day Wednesday lying down out in his paddock looking miserable. He didn't seem to have a temperature (but my thermometer was broken so I couldn't be sure) and his vitals were otherwise normal.

The vet came out late Wednesday afternoon and did a very thorough exam including using the speculum to check his mouth and tubing his nose down to his stomach. She also took blood because his gums were yellow. Then that night she called me to tell me that his white blood count was super low, he was anaemic, and he had banded neutrophils in his blood, all of which indicated that he had a raging infection that required IV antibiotics, so she recommended we bring him into her clinic. So we did... She has a lovely setup so he got the best of care including daily turnout. While there, she X-rayed his head and scoped his nose with a camera.

Everything indicated that he had received trauma to the head which (somehow) caused sinusitis... so the official diagnosis was 'idiopathic sinusitis'. He has a broken incisor, a laceration in his gum (neither of which show any sign of infection), and separated cartilage in the left side of his nose, which is where the infection set in. I suspect he got kicked in the head, but there are no outward signs of this other than the broken incisor.

Anyway, his blood work came back better yesterday, so we took him home this morning. He's still got copious amounts of green goo, and is still off his feed although he seems to be a bit perkier. He's on a whopping dose of antibiotics for two weeks, plus bute.

So he'll be off for another week at least I would say, for a total of almost 4 weeks off...

But for what's left of the 2 month challenge after he's better, I just plan to ride 4+ times a week, and continue to improve his straightness and balance. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:30 am

Scary update, Rosie, but so glad he got quick care and diagnosis. Healing jingles to Bliss!

After tonight's ride in the fields (Miss Emi still a little ouchy on the hoof that just sloughed a sole) I was thinking about how I am different as a horsewoman than even a few years ago. I'm much more willing to both listen and demand from my horse---depending on what is going on. I'm also very quick to praise and encourage---even when it is effort but not super performance.

I so enjoy everyone's updates---thank you all for continuing this thread! Although Emi and I work regularly (sometimes I think that is all we do work work work work work work--20 times in January, 15 times in February (bad weather), 20 times in March, 5 times so far in April), our progress is truly stilted at times due to her body, my body and the circumstances of being. I love hearing about your progress especially when the work is uneven! It gives me so much hope. Thank you all.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:43 am

Rosie B wrote:Well we are off to a rocky start...

At the end of March I got another nasty flu so Bliss had a week off.

Then when I went to feed Bliss last Wednesday morning he had zero interest in his feed, had gross green stuff oozing copiously from his left nostril, and he was super lethargic. He spent most of the day Wednesday lying down out in his paddock looking miserable. He didn't seem to have a temperature (but my thermometer was broken so I couldn't be sure) and his vitals were otherwise normal.

The vet came out late Wednesday afternoon and did a very thorough exam including using the speculum to check his mouth and tubing his nose down to his stomach. She also took blood because his gums were yellow. Then that night she called me to tell me that his white blood count was super low, he was anaemic, and he had banded neutrophils in his blood, all of which indicated that he had a raging infection that required IV antibiotics, so she recommended we bring him into her clinic. So we did... She has a lovely setup so he got the best of care including daily turnout. While there, she X-rayed his head and scoped his nose with a camera.

Everything indicated that he had received trauma to the head which (somehow) caused sinusitis... so the official diagnosis was 'idiopathic sinusitis'. He has a broken incisor, a laceration in his gum (neither of which show any sign of infection), and separated cartilage in the left side of his nose, which is where the infection set in. I suspect he got kicked in the head, but there are no outward signs of this other than the broken incisor.

Anyway, his blood work came back better yesterday, so we took him home this morning. He's still got copious amounts of green goo, and is still off his feed although he seems to be a bit perkier. He's on a whopping dose of antibiotics for two weeks, plus bute.

So he'll be off for another week at least I would say, for a total of almost 4 weeks off...

But for what's left of the 2 month challenge after he's better, I just plan to ride 4+ times a week, and continue to improve his straightness and balance. :)

Thank goodness you found the infection. I hope Bliss e recovers fully

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Wed Apr 06, 2016 12:45 am

Kimba and acacia both have given me the opportunity to practice riding fresh horses. I think the fifty degree drop in temp had something to do with it. Since energy and not fear was a factor, we worked energetically into relaxation. Kimba's lateral work is beginning to have balance and carriage.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:13 am

Wow Rosie, that was some update!! Hope Bliss recovers fully and soon.

Well our clinic went very successfully last weekend despite the weather! I hosted my trainer for a 3 day clinic here on the farm, we woke up Friday (1st day of clinic) to tornado warnings in our county, yikes! One was just west of us and one headed right for us. I had riders on the way, so called and stopped them and we all 4 stood looking at the window trying to decide if we were headed under the house. Never saw or heard one, just lots of wind and heavy heavy rain, wow did we have rain, lightening and lots of rolling thunder. As one friend put it though we have some diehard riders! They braved flooded roads and storms to make it to the clinic. We did get two and a half rides in the arena but then more weather moved in so we moved to the barn aisle. We do lots of in hand work and it is amazing how much work you can get done in a wide aisle way! Thoroughly enjoyed my in hand lesson with my big guy (I did get a ride in the arena on my mare), some good stuff there and he has gotten so smart these days!

I was extremely happy with how both of my horses are going, amazing what good in hand work will do for one. Trainer was very pleased with them both as well. Working on trot, halt, RB, trot on my big guy, that was really jazzing him up! Another good piece was to canter, trot, long side to HP, boy did the canter help the HP! His HP left is good, but sticky on HP right so used canter right to engage and energize his trot and it worked great! My homework is the canter, CC which is coming but needs to be right there, especially on 20 m circle able to W,C,W where ever in preparation for changes. Lots of fun with both of them.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:37 am

Eeek! Get well soon , Bliss!

We are getting used to our new digs. Laddie has settled in beautifully, seems very relaxed and happy, both in his stall and turnout, and in the indoor and the outdoor. I had a lesson with my new trainer on Saturday. I was quite pleased. She seems educated and caring, and zeroed in on the things I know are a problem and has strategies for solving them. Most of them are my problems, not his problems, I might add :)

Aaand, we went for a little trailride on Sunday. First time I've ridden him outside an arena. He was such a good boy. Had a little bit of a leap around when a horse came running over to it's fence to investigate us and hit it's electric fence, but nothing we couldn't deal with. He lets it go quickly, which is so nice. However, I have been warned that there is a field of savage alpacas who will need to be negotiated sooner or later... we might wait until the weather gets really hot before we venture in that direction :)

I will miss riding with Verena this time. I leave mid next week to go home for my dad's funeral and memorial service.

I can tell that trainer is itching to get on him and play while I'm gone...

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:30 am

Thanks guys. :)

I have been enjoying reading everyone's updates even though I haven't been responding.

Khall - you guys are dedicated!!!! I can't imagine riding with a tornado warning!!! Sounds like you all made the best of a bad situation.

Mountaineer - I saw the gorgeous photo you posted on the Obs lounge... what a gorgeous facility. I had to look twice for a second at your last update though - Verena is actually my first name (Rose is my middle name). There are not too many of us around!!

peidmont - those are excellent numbers!! I thought I was doing well with 19 in Jan.. then my health took a beating in Feb so only got about 9 rides... then late March again took a beating so I haven't counted my March rides yet but I suspect it's around 10 or so... Oh well!! Bliss was still going super well and was keen for work so I don't think it hurt him one bit to have a little less riding.

Sue B - you're a trooper!! Tio sounds like such an old soul. :)

klark_kent - can't wait to hear about your next comp!! Kent is looking FABULOUS!!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:06 pm

Reading and enjoying all the updates and thinking i need to do an update myself.

Yesterday, five days after Emma's last trim on Mar. 31, I had a good ride. 50 minutes of solid work. I didn't plan to ride that long but I felt like she was testing me and that I needed to deal with the issue. She didn't want to go to work even though I felt pretty sure she wasn't having any physical issues. By not wanting to go to work, I mean that she resisted the shorter rein length that we had been working at over the last several rides (my thumbs just behind the second stop from the bit). When I insisted on the shorter reins she stopped and wouldn't go forward. I still don’t carry a whip at this point so I booted her. It took a few boots to get the right amount of boot, but it worked. Then I had almost too much horse as she threatened to buck. I compromised for my own safety by not asking for any canter but instead working her at a solid, no nonsense, working trot and continuing until she dropped the attitude. Lots of change of direction, serpentines, 20 M circles, 10M circles, head to the wall leg yielding. That took 50 minutes. I was satisfied with the rein contact at the end of the ride and I think Emma was, too. The final halt was perfectly square and she was at attention. I have some trouble “feeling” a halt, so I didn’t know how good it was until I got off and could see it. Before I get off, while she is still at attention, keeping the same contact and length, I move the reins to my left hand and hold them on the pommel as I dismount. Today when I ride her, I plan to ask for acceptance of the shorter rein length before I get on.

Also, got the Tota comfort noseband. For a few different reasons, I get the feeling this mare especially needs to feel secure . I think the Tota gives her a sense of security. Maybe it has an effect like those t-shirts people put on dogs that are afraid of thunder. I don’t crank it down, but just fit it comfortably snug. She can easily eat an apple slice the size of an 1/8 of large apple.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:25 pm

piedmontfields wrote:....I so enjoy everyone's updates---thank you all for continuing this thread! Although Emi and I work regularly (sometimes I think that is all we do work work work work work work--20 times in January, 15 times in February (bad weather), 20 times in March, 5 times so far in April), our progress is truly stilted at times due to her body, my body and the circumstances of being. I love hearing about your progress especially when the work is uneven! It gives me so much hope. Thank you all.

I feel this way also. This board is more realistic to me than what I read in magazines and elite dressage sites because we don't get to see most of the difficulties the elite go through. On this board, most of us have to deal with more average type horses, and average "circumstances of being" and things don't go as quickly as our minds would like. Seeing regular folks diligently and methodically working away, even through many setbacks is encouraging. For me (and most of us, I'd guess), the diligence comes easily because I love my horse and what i am trying to do with her, but the methodical part is very difficult when setbacks occur. Personally, journaling on these two month progress threads has been a huge help in keeping on track. Thanks everyone!!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Apr 06, 2016 2:38 pm

just want to add some encouragement for RosieB and Bliss. I went through two years of sinus problems with Demi. It didnt have to last that long but i stayed with the wrong vet for too long. Demi was 16 when she broke one of the teeth leading into her sinus. The vet issue is a long story, but once I found the right vet, he cleared it up in a month, broken tooth and all. It sounds like you have Bliss' situation under control and he will be back to health in short order.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:12 pm

Rosie--How scarey for you. I hope Bliss mends quickly and completely.

Moutaineer--it was such a beautiful weekend, i am happy to hear you got outside to enjoy it with Laddy. Continued hugs over the loss of your dad.

Demi--I am so glad you joined the challenge and have made so much progress with your lovely mare. My my current tb, Rudy, likes a snug, padded cavesson and fusses if i forget to fasten it properly before riding. I think it simply helps to keep the bit quiet in his mouth.

Everyone else, please keep posting your wonderful pictures and insights. I may not be getting much riding in right now, but I can pretend by reading you guys' entries.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Mareless » Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:13 pm

I'm joining in a little late.

I've been riding 3x a week pretty steady for the past month--and actually my number of rides so far in 2016 have now surpassed the total amount of rides I got all year in 2015!!--so now I'm wanting to step it up to 4x a week in April and hopefully go the full 5 rides a week in May. However, youngest daughter comes home from college at the end of April, so that may mess up my nice schedule I've gotten going since becoming an official 'empty nester' at the beginning of Feb when my eldest son and his family moved into their own place. Honestly, I'm really hoping dd will end up with an internship or summer job that either a) has her working 40 hrs a week so I still have my afternoons free to schedule as I see fit, or b) is where she can live with her grandma up north or my older daughter so I can keep having an empty nest. Sounds selfish, but after over 26 years of having kids at home, and only two months without, I'm not ready to go back to having other people here during 'my time' (the hours I'm not at work but DH is).

Anyway, back to horse goals: keep with the regular rides, which are slowly starting to show in his muscle development. The difference in his canter from Feb to beginning of April is just amazing; he's feeling uphill now instead of flat and the canter strike off has so much more power. I also want to improve his SI and LY. (Remember, he is going from being a hack-around horse my daughters used to now being my dressage horse after I put down my 26yo mare last December, so he has a lot to learn.)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:45 pm

how do we post youtube videos on here? can anyone help? I used to do it on the old forum but it appears something is different here?
many thanks

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Brydie » Wed Apr 06, 2016 9:25 pm

Ok been a bit distracted recently but I'm here finally! Trainer rode Red for most of our last lesson. Really need to work on him thinking forward, so for the next couple of weeks at least she wants us thinking "lengthened strides". Had issues again with the humidity and girth sores so been riding bareback a lot. Haven't ridden since our lesson yet and won't get to ride til Sat.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Wed Apr 06, 2016 11:17 pm

Brydie wrote:Ok been a bit distracted recently but I'm here finally! Trainer rode Red for most of our last lesson. Really need to work on him thinking forward, so for the next couple of weeks at least she wants us thinking "lengthened strides". Had issues again with the humidity and girth sores so been riding bareback a lot. Haven't ridden since our lesson yet and won't get to ride til Sat.

just curious, have you tried a string girth ( mohair) or such? hope his sores heal well

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Brydie » Thu Apr 07, 2016 9:43 pm

Chisamba wrote:
Brydie wrote:Ok been a bit distracted recently but I'm here finally! Trainer rode Red for most of our last lesson. Really need to work on him thinking forward, so for the next couple of weeks at least she wants us thinking "lengthened strides". Had issues again with the humidity and girth sores so been riding bareback a lot. Haven't ridden since our lesson yet and won't get to ride til Sat.

just curious, have you tried a string girth ( mohair) or such? hope his sores heal well

I couldn't find an English type here in Australia so tried a sheepskin cover which still caused a sore. Might have to get one custom made as I've seen a website that does custom mohair girths.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Apr 07, 2016 11:19 pm

i like the string or mohair, we used them in the hot climes of zambia, they are move flexible, move and breath. if your horse already has a scar from a girth gall, i find they get them so much easier again, what length do you need?

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Fri Apr 08, 2016 11:10 am

Just one quick thought... the horse I used to ride previously (Prussia) developed a girth gall out of the blue one day. I tried everything - string girths, sheepskin covers, cotton girths, more padding, less padding. Nothing worked. Then I realized that the gall was forming at the buckle part of the girth and that the girth was just too short for her. I got another girth 4" longer that was identical to the one I had been using originally, and never had a problem again.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby AmityBee » Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:14 pm

Rosie B wrote: ...Then I realized that the gall was forming at the buckle part of the girth and that the girth was just too short for her. I got another girth 4" longer that was identical to the one I had been using originally, and never had a problem again.

A classic. But Brydie posted a couple of videos a while back, her girth looked to be the right lengths.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ponichiwa » Fri Apr 08, 2016 1:59 pm

Rosie and Brydie, sorry to hear about the health woes! Hope all heal up soon.

If I had to put a theme to this year thus far, it'd be inconsistency. Weather, training, saddle time, travel, diet (whoops), health (currently suffering from the head cold to end all head colds), the lot of it. Maddeningly inconsistent.


All that whining aside, Kiwi was super yesterday. Clean expressive changes when I asked for them, and also when I didn't. She's also getting much more consistent in the connection, despite this post's preamble. But (whining starts again in 3... 2... 1...) I'll be out of town for work 14 of the next 21 days.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Apr 09, 2016 10:48 pm

Yay, Kiwi! Good luck with the work trip, Ponichiwa.

I had a really good ride on Emi today. Probably the best lateral work ("miles" of SI, T, R) in a few months and some very relaxed pre-canter piourette canter. Good mare! I joke that she is in love with the new old gelding added to her herd---so she is feeling wonderful and special :-)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Sat Apr 09, 2016 11:20 pm

Rosie, I hope Bliss gets better quickly!

Brydie - ... sh-girths/ ??? Do these have anything, maybe email and ask?

I've had to change so much about how I ride that I'm probably going a bit backwards overall, but forwards in the new way of going. If that makes sense!
It's been good watching the trainer (we don't really call them trainers here, so it wounds weird saying it!) working with different horses.
He's letting me ride his 15yo Andalusion stallion, for the horse to help teach me to ride. It's pretty funny, the horse is so tolerant (he has taught beginners with him) but if you don't ask the right way, it just doesn't happen.
I was like "oh yeah I know half pass"
Stallion does some strange, crooked, sideways thing and says "ha, you so don't"!!!!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Sun Apr 10, 2016 5:10 pm

Flight - I am intrigued. What are you having to change? I need some details! Lol.

Piedmont - that sounds like a great ride. :)

Ponichiwa - I often think they don't NEED to be ridden 4 or more times a week to progress. And s week off here or there is probably a good thing. I often find some of my best rides come after Bliss has had a little break, or when I'm only getting three or so rides a week.

Speaking of Bliss, he is getting better. :) He is eating s little more of his grain and his demeanour has improved. His nose has completely dried up too so that's great. I still don't think he's up for riding, but the last couple days I've been playing with him in hand just working on attentiveness and basics like halting and backing, yielding his haunches and forehand based on my body positioning, and I started playing with shoulder-in in hand as well. He seems to enjoy it and I love how tuned in he feels after a few minutes of work like that.

And I'll be doing A LOT more in hand work starting in another month or two, because I'm currently 3+ months pregnant with baby No. 2. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Apr 10, 2016 6:45 pm

Well, congratulations, RosieB!!!

It's bucketing down with rain here at the moment. And I'm about to go ride... indoors!!!

Laddie has settled in beautifully in his new digs. Quiet, relaxed, interested in his work, never stops eating... I do think the switch to grass hay seems to have turned off his spook button--dangerous thing to say, I know!

Trainer hopped on him for part of my lesson on Friday to get a feel for him, which was interesting. I haven't seen anyone else on him since I bought him. Our biggest goals are building his topline and stamina back up from a lazy winter, keeping control of the right shoulder, and the everlasting quest for straightness.

So I get a couple more rides in before I head to England on Wednesday, and trainer will take over from there for a few days. I like the way she rides. She's not exactly stylish--has a fused back and all the arthritis issues that go with being a 50 year old horse professional and skier--but she is soft and has a good seat and nice hands.

So, so far, so good.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Flight » Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:32 am

Rosie B wrote:Flight - I am intrigued. What are you having to change? I need some details! Lol.

I'll try not to make this too long, so I'll summarise.

Old way - Basically down and round with head/neck and wanting more weight into the contact. Never holding or pulling back on the reins, but getting the feeling of the horse pushing into the contact.
New way - horse holds it's own head up! Initially riding with the head and neck much much more up (to undo old learning) and horse is responsive to light rein aids. Still have the feeling on the reins and horse should follow the contact, but I had to think up and forward, not down and round. (This was such a weird feeling at first!!)

Old way - more driving them forward, using legs and seat. Feeling like you are pushing the hind end into the contact.
New way - much more responsive to smaller leg aids, allowing seat. No pushing. Having them really hot off your leg. (for me, I have quiet horses!)

Those are the two major changes for me, from old instructor to new.

Other stuff, a lot more lateral work, bending and thinking of getting the horse to step through with the inside hindlegs to get more strength and mobility for engagement.

This is the stage I am at the moment. Sorting those things out! More activity and roundness will come later.. apparently!! :D

Glad to hear Bliss is feeling better :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:03 pm

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby khall » Wed Apr 13, 2016 1:07 pm

Wow flight I swear you must be channeling my trainer!! I have been down that road as well and am now enjoying the fruits of my labors. So glad you have found an instructor that works for you.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:35 pm

Rosie B wrote:......- I often think they don't NEED to be ridden 4 or more times a week to progress. And s week off here or there is probably a good thing. I often find some of my best rides come after Bliss has had a little break, or when I'm only getting three or so rides a week.....

I agree with this Rosie.It depends so much on each situation. I even remember reading once that Stephen Peters had an upper level horse that he only rode a few time a week. I can't remember which horse, but it was a special case of an excitable horse. Personally, at this stage of my life, I feel I have to try to ride 4-5 times a week to keep my body going. Even though i work out with a personal trainer twice a week, I get stiff often, and riding as much as possible helps me to stay flexible.

Oh!!and congratulations on the upcoming baby!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Apr 13, 2016 10:39 pm

Things seem to be moving along for everyone here.

For me, four rides already this week, one was actually a longe. We had some rainy, windy cold weather and one hot (90 degree) humid day! Emma was a little distracted maybe because of the drastic weather changes in a short period of time and for other reasons, too, I am discovering.
I got her out of the arena twice in the last two weeks, just short rides down a lane toward the full size arena and busy road. I did this after our regular arena ride. Both times were in the wind and she was looky and tense. Our other two horses (one of them being her turnout buddy), were in pastures, on either side of the lane so she had their support (it did enter my mind that the other horses might get frisky but I was prepared). I chose not to keep her on the aids in the same way I do in the arena, but instead, rode with one hand pulling me deep into the saddle with the pommel strap, and the other hand holding the reins short but well forward. The first time she did what I asked without incident and we turned around at the end of the lane, rode back to the barn and ended. The second time, the other horses weren’t out. We got halfway down the lane and she spooked at I don’t know what. I was holding the strap and felt very secure. I think that she was comforted by my security. The spook was a big motion ending in a half-hearted buck but that was it. No spin, no bolt. I acted like I didn’t notice. We continued to the end of the lane, turned around and went back to the barn.
In the arena work we’ve had some head flipping issues, which I deal with by keeping (or trying to keep) the same contact on the reins with an elastic quality to my arms, always after the flips, ending with my hands in the position where I started. So I think part of her head flipping issue is from not liking her mane and forelock on her ears. She didn’t have a forelock in November when I bought her and they said she somehow ripped it off…Now it is growing back and about 4-5 inches long. The head flipping didn’t start till Feb 20th at the same time I started asking her to keep the energy on a shorter rein. I thought the flipping had to do with the shorter rein, but looking back, it may have been exacerbated by the forelock growing out and touching her ears. Tonight I braided the forelock and top 6-8 inches of mane. I also put her right on the aids with a short rein and only got one flip halfway through the ride. It’s probably a combination of things. She’s got the Arabian thin skin and she’s kind of a prissy mare. And I say that lovingly! She’s a princess.
Tomorrow my plan is to go back to the “George Williams’ 4 exercises for putting your horse on the bit” from Dressage Hub that I first tried 3 weeks ago. I think Emma is more securely on the aids now, her canter is more reliable, and she is starting to build strength and muscle. I want to use George’s exercises as a guage.

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Brydie » Thu Apr 14, 2016 8:32 am

Flight wrote:Brydie - ... sh-girths/ ??? Do these have anything, maybe email and ask?

This morning I ordered a 100% mohair girth from "The Horseman's Shop".

Will get Red back to work on Saturday, have two shows next month so need to get him back to work! Have been away so he's had even more time off. Bet he's been enjoying it though!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Thu Apr 14, 2016 11:16 am

Thanks for the details Flight! That gives me some good stuff to think about. :)

Bliss is recovered!!! He gave me 'the look' the other night... the slightly grumpy one that says "Mom, when are we going to WORK!?!!" So after putting my son to bed last night I scooted up to the barn. :)

I longed him first and he was a little snorty but behaved himself admirably for having had 3+ weeks off. Then I hopped on and he was foot perfect. It is such a lovely feeling to be back in the saddle after some time off. We just did walk/trot but it was one of those rides where the horse is beautifully relaxed, energetic, and connected from the word go, and you just have to sit there and enjoy the feeling that you are being given. I didn't canter because we were running out of daylight and I didn't want to push my luck, but am hoping to ride again tonight and do some canter.

We did big circles, basic figures, and some shallow LYs and it was all lovely. Bliss seemed to be enjoying it as much as I was... he was relaxed and blowing but powerfully forward without being rushy. When we were walking around on a long rein to cool out he was marching beautifully forward, neck low, nose out, and ears pricked, clearly happy in mind and body. :) Love that feeling! I only rode for 15 minutes start to finish, but what a great start back. :)

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:26 pm

Super update, Rose. So glad Bliss is back to himself. And BTW congratulations on your growing family!

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Re: Can we get a jump on April/May training goals thread?

Postby Mareless » Thu Apr 14, 2016 4:52 pm

I love reading how everyone else's month is going. I'm doing well with my goal of 4 rides per week so far this month. Been playing with not just transitions between gaits, but also within gaits the last few rides. Pleasantly surprised that my guy is keeping the tempo within the gait when I ask him to lengthen, then shorten, then lengthen, then shorten. . . last time I tried that with him was late Feb and he thought lengthen meant run on the forehand. For a variety of reasons, I changed plans with him around that time and am just getting back to the transitions within the gait. The difference from then to now is really pleasing.

And. . . drum roll, please. . . it looks like I might have found a new trainer (I haven't had a lesson/trainer in eight years because of time/money/my previous trainer's failing health). In the process of working out exact details, but it looks like I will be moving my riding horse (my 17yo QH) to her barn in May and keeping my old very retired guy (the 32yo) where I've been boarding forever. Now that I'm actually riding 4-5x a week, I feel 'worthy' enough to work on my other goal this year of getting back to regular lessons.

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