Goals and progress, October and November

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Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:40 pm

My first goal for this 8 week cycle is to get Kimba and Deneb. And if possible, my client horses out once before winter.

Started well, took Kimba on a hunter I pace, even did some jumps, had a wonderful time riding on bridle paths winding past some of the hugest estate houses I have seen. Manucured acres, huge houses, some very interesting architecture. The four of us, two teams, simply rode together and it was a great fit. Nice people nice horses.

Now i have to collapse into a sleep.heap, since i worked last night, and work tonight.

Happy riding, my friends, happy riding.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby mari » Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:51 am

My goal for the next few weeks is to ease my sore back and neck back into riding, and lateral lateral lateral.
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Rosie B » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:47 am

Hopefully this will be the 8 week session where I can get back in the saddle!!! If that happens I will be thrilled. :) Baby has yet to make an appearance though so for now I am just waiting.

Bliss continues to thrive with my western trainer:
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 03, 2016 4:07 pm

It's "activate the hind leg" month here...

We did a clinic ride on Saturday with a trainer from the Netherlands who gave that to me as my homework.

To improve our mediums and extensions, we need him working through from behind more consistently, which means developing his strength and musculature through his back and hind end, so lots and lots of walk canter walk transitions, lots of shoulder in, lots of stretching.

I ride with Kristi Wysocki next weekend. It will be interesting to get her take as well. If I've got my legs working again by then...

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Tuddy » Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:15 pm

Tuddy will probably come home for the winter at the end of October, and then I will take the #blondebastard over for me to ride. My goal is to get on both before the end of November.

Winter is coming on the Prairies, so I am hoping to get as much horsey time in as possible these two months before the snow and cold sets in.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Brydie » Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:22 pm

Goals these two months are, more forward/hotter off the leg, more throughness/softer in the bridle and hopefully by the end of the two months he's through enough to have good transitions. Combining these two the end goal for the two months are "first stride the same as the fifth stride" in all our transitions.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Mon Oct 03, 2016 10:42 pm

Rosie, hope bub arrives safely soon and wow that would be cool if you'll be back riding in this goal round.

My goals - ride the young guy at a little (45cm) horse trials at the end of Nov and the other one, maybe have a go at a medium level test.. maybe...

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:19 pm

Well, I am back riding and the almost 5 week break from the heat was a good thing. I longed Emma for 5 days when i started back because she was really frisky. I was afraid that out of self preservation I would start hand riding her, so longeing her on a long rein for a while gave us a chance to work together in a way that allowed her plenty of freedom and allowed me the chance to watch her, interact with her, and feel safe all at the same time. I've ridden her several times now and we are on good terms.

My goal for the next two months is to keep the giving quality in my hands and arms, and to get her in the habit of working off my seat. I want to develop real trust and work toward a relationship that allows every ride to be a pleasure. I want to ride Emma into my old (older!) age. I have a long term goal of getting her back to PSG even though she had a serious issue with the canter when I got her.

I waited for months to canter her after i got her and while I was able to eventually get some sporadically nice collected canter, I think I started canter again too soon. It should have been solid, not sporadic. So now that we've had a break, I am going to go about it differently. She was so nice today that I had the urge to canter but I refrained! I "felt" a canter in the trot today, but just barely. I want that feeling to be much more solid before I ask for canter again. This is not the same situation as asking a lower level horse for a canter. As I think about it, I want to be able to feel a canter in the WALK before I ask for canter again. I think I know what I am going for, but don't know exactly how I will get there. I am just going to keep her happy and feel my way along. I will have to be very, very patient. I know a lot of us on this board are dealing with patience so let's keep each other encouraged!

I am looking even more forward to the Soloshot 3.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby quinta » Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:30 am

I am finally back for this round! (after several months of non-riding while I dealt many veterinary woes with my old black mare). Autumn and I just came back from a three-day bootcamp with pammy (who remembers pammy??). We really worked on preventing that right shoulder from falling in / haunches falling out. Dressage goals this month are all about straightness, and crisper reactions to the leg. Also building up fitness with trail work (now that it has cooled down here in NC!) and getting back to jump grids (also straightness). I've also started working with an Alexander Technique teacher again to try and get better alignment in the saddle. Here's a photo from the clinic. I love the energy in this trot, even as I see the things I need to work on.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby khall » Wed Oct 05, 2016 1:01 am

Quinta, NICE!! Yes I remember pammy, good on getting with her and great job.

I am in, trying to work 4 horses and maybe start playing with my coming 3 yr old just a bit now that it has cooled off to acceptable levels. Big guy Rip is going so very well, even with his sh*thead moments (worked him on line and in hand yesterday and in between the silliness he was brilliant, sigh, just when I thought he was truly growing up!!) His full sister is so much easier! She is coming nicely, just a fun ride. Not as far along in training but that is ok, she will get there. Back on their dam Gallie a bit now. She is my easy horse that has the training just needs the fitness back again. She is such a good girl. Still working Anna (my filly Joplin's dam) just in hand. I am trying to 1) get her stronger behind, very weak and difficult to shoe behind so pulled back shoes 2) get her fit to ride again now that soundness seems to be good (have dealt with LF lameness from hoof issues low ringbone that is tricky to keep happy. Working her in hand several days a week, she is just so easy! One of the lightest horses with a great brain I have ever worked with. I did some trotting SI in hand yesterday just for kicks, not much because she is not fit yet but dang is she fun to work with. She is great to ride too. Light and maneuverable, a ballerina compared to my big muscled WBs (Anna is 1/2 TB) who ride like they wear combat boots not ballet shoes.

Goals Rip keep after increasing engagement/collection, half steps, CC, collected C, medium trots (it's there on line if I can get it US). Gaila start asking for more engagement and work on canter. I asked C-W trans on line the other day and she gave it not bad. Gallie, just get back in the saddle with her. Anna, maybe riding by Nov if she can get her fitness back up. Maybe schooling show for Rip end of Oct and clinic first of Dec.

Good riding all! I have video of both Rip and Gaila I will have to post. Need to get my youtube back going again.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby StraightForward » Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:41 am

Hopefully not a false start this time. I've had a pro working with Pickle for the past week, and he got on her today and she trotted a few times both ways without putting him into orbit. She is a quick learner, and it seems that all the groundwork I've done wasn't for naught. Luckily, she's a pretty sensible girl and doesn't particularly like bucking, despite how good she is at it. Goals for this challenge are to work on my position and aids while riding Susan's mare Kyra, and to hopefully ride my own horse and generally keep her going as weather allows.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:30 pm

Some good looking horses on this thread, and some inspiring goals. Good work everyone.

I'm back, with some more modest goals than I'd like but that's just how life goes:
- When not traveling for work, ride 5x/week (but does not have to always be heavy schooling for both our sakes)
- When traveling for work, hit hotel gym at least twice
- Choose more salads
- Rediscover love of serpentines (true and counterbent)

A separate conversation in a separate thread was talking about the value of steady quiet counter shoulder in for tense horses. I'd known that and had done that with Kiwi in the past, but somehow it dropped out of my toolkit in the intervening years. Thanks to this board for the reminder, Kiwi has now had 4 straight rides without any drama. Victory is mine!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Dresseur » Thu Oct 06, 2016 1:48 am

Oh no... $&@?'s about to get real! Miro is getting entered into his first show Nov 5th. End of season so will be very quiet, and there will be plenty of ground help. Doing easy peasy classes just to see how he is, will scratch if necessary. I guess this makes my goals be 1. Tame his mane, 2. Have a great experience!
Let the freak outs commence.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby PaulaO » Thu Oct 06, 2016 6:50 pm

I'll bite. My modest goals for the next 2 months are to not freak out while riding, and get comfortable with the canter. Miss A. has a lovely rocking horse canter and I just need saddle time. Yet mentally I'm afraid to ride without the physical presence of my trainer. I'd also like to start working on (just start) getting her wriggly body more controllable. Sometimes her neck goes one way and her body the other. Leg position, leg position.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby kande50 » Thu Oct 06, 2016 7:11 pm

I'm working on details again, because that's what I like to do.

My project today was to address his reluctance to go into the corners. I have ridden him quite a bit with barrels set in the corners so that he has to bend to get around the barrel, so I know he is able to go into the corners and bend around them. My plan for today was to stay in walk until I could inspire him to actually yield toward the corner as he was going through it, and then, if we could get that to try it in trot again.

He has the most trouble when he comes across the diagonal and then needs to change the bend to the left to go through the corner. You can see my aids and how he blows them off and cuts the corner in the last part of this video. https://youtu.be/VYjJljoD7bg

I'm not entirely sure what happened today, but he had no problem yielding into the corners at the walk, and then the change of bend to the left coming into the corner was much better. Maybe it was just a matter of preparing him more, or maybe it had something to do with his lower neck carriage today? We'll see how it goes next time.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Rosie B » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:00 am

Hi guys,

Off topic a bit but it seemed appropriate to post it here. Baby Kai arrived safe and sound today after nearly 18 hours of labour and I have very minimal damage so hope to be back in the saddle soon. Older brother Max (2.5) has stepped into his new role beautifully and I'm very proud. :)

I can post a pic later if you guys want to see. Happy riding to all!!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:06 am

Rosie B wrote:Hi guys,

Off topic a bit but it seemed appropriate to post it here. Baby Kai arrived safe and sound today after nearly 18 hours of labour and I have very minimal damage so hope to be back in the saddle soon. Older brother Max (2.5) has stepped into his new role beautifully and I'm very proud. :)

I can post a pic later if you guys want to see. Happy riding to all!!

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post in Ob Lounge! we all love pics.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:55 am

Well, wahoo Rosie B and welcome to the world, young Kai!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Fri Oct 07, 2016 3:39 am

Oh, that's good news, RosieB!! Congratulations to your whole family! We will be waiting for some pictures when you and Kai are ready. I remember the precious pic of Max and the bulldog sitting in the snow and know we'll get some good ones of the new baby, too.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby StraightForward » Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:25 am

Congratulations RosieB!!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:14 am

Yay congrats RosieB!!!!!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Oct 07, 2016 5:49 pm

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Sue B » Fri Oct 07, 2016 6:18 pm

Yay! Welcome to the world Kai and congratulations RosieB family.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby khall » Fri Oct 07, 2016 7:58 pm

Yeah for Kai and RosieB! Congratulations on your new addition.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Chisamba » Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:25 am

Super news RosieB. Please do share photos. Congratulations and great recovery wishes.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Brydie » Sat Oct 08, 2016 12:27 am

Congratz Rosie!!

Last weekend Red and I went show jumping for the first time since August last year. Had a blast and actually felt quite confident jumping. Very lucky my growl at him worked at one of the fences or I would have gone straight over his head if he stopped... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtuiWXVGJHI

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby StraightForward » Sat Oct 08, 2016 2:52 am

Ryeissa wrote:and yay for Pickle! :) all good news.

Fuzzy Riot is happy for cooler weather.

Woot he already cantered her yesterday, then moved from the round pen to arena today and walked and trotted all over totally chill. She gets the weekend off and trainer says he'll canter in the arena on Tuesday. It was a little exuberant than I'd like to ride, but he got her focused and chilled, and he's really pleased with her. :D
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:56 am

Red didn't look worried at all about jumping, Brydie. Nice one :)

The little horse was feeling a bit off in the arena the other day, wasn't sure if he was becoming lame again or what it was so I've taken him out for a ride the past couple of days - no arena stuff at all. He's definitely not lame and was full of life!
The amount of feed/grass around is amazing, 6 months ago this was all brown and dead. He kept pretending to rub his nose on his leg to stuff his face full of clover!
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I took the big horse out to an xc course with some friends to see if I will enter that horse trials next month, and he was really good! Just taking it really really slowly with him though.
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:31 pm

I took Kimba out again, trailered to a large park shared between walkers, equestrians and mountain bikers, and situated next to a small plane airport. The trails we chose were rocky and windy and need a horse that will look at their feet and pick their path, alternating with flatter more open paths, leading around a large lake. I was quite stressed as i am still in the middle of this "change" thing, but i enjoyed the ride, with good friends, and Kimba was very good, only giving me one moment of disobedience when something came crashing down from a tall tree.


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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby exvet » Mon Oct 10, 2016 2:01 pm

Quinta! She looks awesome! You have no idea how much I'd love to have a chance to ride with Pammy. Sorry to hear about the medical issues.

Well stinker and I are continuing to work on tempis. Pirouettes are actually coming along nicely. He is also starting to really get the rhythm for passage too. We'll never impress anyone at a show but it's just fun getting the training under my belt. Now Junior, on the other hand does show some promise that others might see too. I've started lunging him lightly and found out yesterday that my long lines need replacing; so, I've ordered another pair and once they get here, well, ground driving will be introduced. He is taking to working in hand with a lot of curiosity and willingness so this training thing promises to continue to be a blast lol......On a side note, I went to try a horse yesterday. She was/is a green broke 9 year old. Actually a rather nice level headed mare who doesn't know a darn thing. Figured at 53 I was done climbing aboard those I've never seen/ridden or bred but she was actually rather fun too. By the end of our ride she was halting with breathing alone and realizing that moving off the leg was possible without a yeehah!!! LOL, she probably won't be coming home to stay but I was reminded just how much I enjoy the whole starting/backing process (as long as they have a reasonable mind). Lovely pictures everyone!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Sue B » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:14 pm

Finally, after 2 long weeks of life conspiring against my riding, I made time to ride both horses Sunday. :D :D :D

Rudy and I just focused on the basics--straight, in front of the leg and keeping withers up for Rudy, using my core not hands and sitting in the middle of the horse for me. Easy right?

Tio managed to canter almost a full circle, yay! Of course that was after much drama over wishing to go play instead of having to stay in the arena and work. :lol: I did take him to the hay field after our work out but was too chicken to let him take off for parts unknown. Instead we walked a little ways and turned back for home when he threatened to become uncontrollable. Oh well, next time I guess. I did at least let him splash in puddles and gawp at "scary" stuff. He's quite curious and bold, so I still hope to do a little combined training with him next year.

Goals for this 2 months can be summed up with 1 word. RIDE

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 10, 2016 5:39 pm

2 rides with Kristi Wysocki this weekend...

We worked a lot on neutral hands and aids from the seat. I'm essentially a monkey, use my hands for everything. I thought I had it under control, but this is why we do clinics, isn't it!!! (Hah, just seen your post, SueB :))

And then there was the walk. In his busy bee little brain, the walk is always an interim while he anticipates being asked for the next thing. As a result it can get a bit tense and she is concerned that it could easily get lateral. One part of our homework is a lot of just walking, with no "next thing." A ride a week where I just get on and walk, do figures and lateral work, for sure, but just walk. (The walk was night and day from day 1 to day 2. He was a bit tense on day one, in an arena that we have been in before, but only as the warm up at a show when it's been a zoo. Day 2, he was a lot more chill and showing off his 8 walk :))

Apart from that, activating the hind end, making him sharper off my aids, getting his best movement rather than dumbing it down... She loved Laddie, and feels we are on the right track, which was reassuring to hear. She said not to worry about his permanent toothy grin. He isn't showing his tongue, so ignore, don't strap his mouth shut and he just might eventually stop doing it.

Her view was to be very careful and casual about how I ask him for new stuff--like changes, for instance--so it doesn't turn into a drama. If the stars align, ask. If it works, praise to the heavens. If it doesn't, leave it alone until the next time the stars align. Don't drill.

Lots to work on for the winter.

We've been out and about a lot over the last few months, with shows and clinics. He's beginning to learn that when he gets on the trailer to go somewhere, I'm sticking around, and we go back to the same home afterwards, and he can trust that his sky isn't going to fall in again.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby kande50 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 7:57 pm

What a day. The weather (cool, sunny and breezy) sounded just perfect for a trail ride, so some friends decided to trailer over and park in a rest area about a half mile down the road from me. So I thought instead of hitching up to trailer half a mile I'd try riding my mule down to meet them, since it was close enough that if he couldn't handle it I could always lead him.

As it turned out it was cold and windy rather than cool and breezy, but surprisingly, Mr. Mule was fine. Instead of getting all in a dither like he used to when he went anywhere by himself, he actually dragged his feet all the way out, because apparently, he didn't want to go but wasn't unhappy enough about going to get all worked up.

I however, was so happy that he wasn't being an idiot next to the road that I just let him lollygag the entire way to the trail head. But the best part of the ride was after I dropped everyone else off and was free to trot and canter all the way home, because I haven't been able to do that for a couple of years because the people I've been riding with like to walk.

So now if this super duper trail riding weather will just hold on for another month or two....
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:01 pm

Moutaineer wrote:...We've been out and about a lot over the last few months, with shows and clinics. He's beginning to learn that when he gets on the trailer to go somewhere, I'm sticking around, and we go back to the same home afterwards, and he can trust that his sky isn't going to fall in again...

I like this^

Dressage training involves so many different things that sometimes I forget how important the trust part is. And how long it can take to develop, and how much effort we have to put into developing it, especially when the horse (and even we riders) have complications that hinder the trust.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:02 pm

Nice picture Kande! I cant belive you all have jackets on!! I rode today in a sleeveless top and was sweating after 30 minutes. BUT I am not complaining!!! It is lovely here.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Tue Oct 11, 2016 8:08 pm

Flight and Brydie, your jumping is impressive! It's nice to see dressage riders jumping. Also trail riding! I liked Kande's pic and Chisamba had a couple of wonderful trail pics, too. Thanks everyone for sharing.

I have been riding regularly for over two weeks now and things are going well. I'll update later.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby demi » Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:41 am

I can't seem to get a post :( I just wrote a long update and lost it. I just cant sit here a rewrite it now but suffice it to say that things are going nicely with the wonderful Emma. I'll try to get some pictures in the near future.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:45 am

Demi, I sometimes just select and copy my longer posts before I hit submit, just in case it gets lost. So annoying when it happens!

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:22 am

Demi, to paraphrase the discussion that Kristi and I had on Sunday...

Horses get no explanation. One day they are doing what they've been doing as usual, often for years and years, and without warning, everything changes--home, people, rider, quality of care, boom, just like that. And we expect them to just suck it up and carry on.

Laddie has made me more acutely aware of this than any other horse I have owned over the years.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Oct 12, 2016 9:01 pm

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Thu Oct 13, 2016 10:27 am

Quinta, I remember Pammy, she gave me some kind riding advice years ago on the dressage forum. Wish she would post again (does she anywhere?). Nice photo too by the way :)

Finally a definite Tshirt weather day! I actually don't like hot days, however our winter has dragged on with rain and crappy winds so today was amazing.

I also watched a vid going round on FB of this young girl riding a dressage pony and she sat sooo well, it actually inspired me to get out and sit the bloody hell up!! As long as I don't arch my back, it actually helped my riding and I didn't mind watching my vid today... funny that..!

T-shirt weather! And my little horse was a darling today
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Sitting up
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Rosie B » Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:17 pm

Lovely pics Flight! Ding looks super. Sitting up makes such a big difference. I love the first photo, the light is gorgeous!

Chisamba and kande - your photos are lovely. We've been having a beautiful fall here and it looks like you are as well!

As always I enjoy reading everyone's updates. :)

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby kande50 » Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:06 pm

demi wrote:Nice picture Kande! I cant belive you all have jackets on!! I rode today in a sleeveless top and was sweating after 30 minutes. BUT I am not complaining!!! It is lovely here.

Not only jackets, but gloves and snowpants, too. It was chilly because of the wind, but no bugs. Everyone was happy they went, because most of us are older so no longer take successful trail rides for granted!

I think most everyone here on DDBB did well struggling through the heat or cold (depending on which hemisphere they were in), and maybe now we can all get a break from the extremes for a couple of months.

Haven't ridden my horse in the ring for a week because we've been doing play days and quadrille and trail rides. That'll all come to a screeching halt when things freeze up and no one wants to trailer though, so we're getting out while we can.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:37 pm

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby khall » Thu Oct 13, 2016 3:18 pm

Well our heat is back, not as horrible as over the summer but with our fuzzy winter prepared horses (I have not clipped anyone yet since coats are still coming in) it is hot for them. Me too!! Tried working horses yesterday and the gnats (small buzzing evil creatures that swarm your face for those not familiar) were driving me and the horses insane. When the humidity rises, the gnats are the worst. Suppose to be almost 90 next week:(

So for those enjoying beautiful fall weather send some our way!!

Our last hay cutting is being baled this week, so my DH and I have our work cut out for us over the next several days.

Good riding all!

I have a bit of an update this week. First of all, got all the hay in and I hopefully am set for winter, yeah!!

As most know I lost my trainer to a riding accident in June and have been struggling as to where to go now. I have made a couple of steps that I feel very positive about. One is I am rereading Anja Beran's latest book, all just resonates with me. The other is that I have signed up for an online course the Straightness Training course that I am sure most of you know about. I am enjoying it quite a bit. She does do things differently than what I was taught, but there is still some good stuff in there. I especially like the liberty work she does and the in hand work in WTC. Been trying some in hand at trot and boy it is HARD! I think it will be a good somewhat fit for me, much better than Manola M. Anja Beran though has what I consider to be the best information for me and my training.

AB talks about in her book the steps for piaffe training and in her opinion the horse needs to be able to trot in their stepping over (or SI on volte, or as Mark called it advancing the haunch) so that is where I have gone with Rip this week and man does it help with engagement! He cannot start on the SI volte in W and then T, I have to let him T in hand then move to the volte. Made more sense to him. I have also found the best spot to apply the whip aid for him which is point of hip. Lower and he wants to kick. All the other piaffe in hand work I had done like gallop and Mark both described (RB, trot/halt, etc) was good but when I tried to activate Rip he would crash through me,his MO. So the SI on volte prevents this which is exactly what AB talks about. This is how I taught a long ago mare I owned piaffe in hand and then US, reading from the German Riding book https://www.amazon.com/Advanced-Techniq ... iding+book.

So I feel pretty positive on my advancement with Rip, plus we have been working on uberstreiken in the canter, SF in canter and C-H-C.

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Rosie B » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:04 pm

Thank-you all so much for your well wishes with Kai's arrival. He is doing wonderfully and Max is being amazing with him. I finally got around to posting some photos in the obs lounge.

And I've accomplished my goal for this session - I got back in the saddle!!!!

I rode today. It was absolutely wonderful. Bliss was foot perfect despite my imbalance and lack of core strength (or fitness). I love him!!!

I have some video which I may post. It's certainly not amazing and there are lots of flaws, but I might share anyway because it felt like such a milestone. :)
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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Dresseur » Sun Oct 16, 2016 10:58 pm

Congrats Rosie, and glad to see you back in the saddle!!

Miro and I are having fun! We've dispensed with the longeing (it was only a formality at this point anyway) and I'm liking the feel so much better without it. We've still been having some saddle fit issues- the back is still lifting a bit even with a fitter taking a look at it in person- he wants to send the saddle forward and there's a large amount of movement in his back which makes it challenging. And in terms of what we're really working on - canter forward! It's easy for him to get a bit quiet behind and lose volume in the stride, so I'm making sure that he's really driving up in the canter.

We met cows on the trail for the first time, he never lost his head, but did do a very quiet, very controlled levade/pivot and then just stayed and waited for instructions lol. I think that in 10 years, he'll be learning levade for real :lol:

And in the midst of all this, we've been running through 1st level test 1 and 2 for his first show, which is in November!! He's finding it all very easy so fingers crossed no meltdowns. He's been shown a lot in hand and was very good, so hopefully nothing has changed there :)

The wooly bear also got clipped... and you can hardly tell already argh!! And, I've been super ill with whatever plague has been going around so I've been a pile of mush in the saddle which means that my reins are super long which means that my hands are too high. sigh... :(

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Flight » Mon Oct 17, 2016 7:52 am

Khall have you watched her videos ? I have Anja Beran's book too and the videos complement the book really well.

Rosie B you must be stoked to be riding again, looking like you've never had a break from it!
Miro looks ready for his first show, how exciting:)

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Rosie B » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:21 pm

Dresseur, you and Miro look great as always!

Here's the video from yesterday. Lots of warts but I'm sharing (unedited) anyway. I am happy with some of it. I think he's showing better self carriage, more honest connection at times, and more power. Of course I'm all over the place lol. Let me know what you guys think!

https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=you ... uUgID3-f9s

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Re: Goals and progress, October and November

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Oct 17, 2016 5:23 pm

Ugh. I have been completely down for the count with "para influenza" for the past week. Back in the office today, but I feel like Jello and I'm not achieving much.

It's cold, was snowing hard and horizontally when I left home this morning, and just generally miserable.

I will get back in the saddle when my legs stop shaking.


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