Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

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Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:43 pm

In a nutshell...busy, good, hard, and everything I'd hoped for. :D And amazingly, all done in about 6 months...blows my mind when I read it and remember that time line! :o

In the last few months, we have gotten stage 2 of 3 done in the electrical column, and stage 1 of 2 in the plumbing column. So, I have put an end to 200' of garden hoses and all extension cords...yay! There are lights and outlets in all the horse areas of TLRB, with the only remaining work to be done when DH builds out the tack room in the back of the barn. I have my motion detector light at the roof's peak, which lights up the feed room in The Little Gray Barn when I roll back the door in the morning....this allows me the big savings of not having to wire a second barn! I have a yard hydrant right outside the fenceline between TLRB and TLGB which meets all our needs...until it's time for warm water. Once the tack room is built out, the water heater and sink will be the last stage for the plumber. The water line is there, capped off, and just waiting to be put to work.

DH finished the 20x26 addition and roof extension, allowing for a covered area/pseudo-run-in we call the 'picnic area' or 'salad bar' as this is where I toss hay. Unbelievably, he did it 100% by himself...and he is an IT guy, not a contractor. :shock: He is amazing.

Stalls are still roughly done, but safe and functional. Siding replacement will happen at some point. Third pasture area will hopefully get fenced this winter if weather allows. We found out a dear friend of ours rebuilds four wheelers, so we are pursuing our plan to get a big one to use in lieu of a tractor, and our friend actually had one that is perfect for us and brought it out for a test run this past weekend. We will probably have it in the next week or so. Hay fields continue to flourish until care of Our Guy. Horse trailer is parked snugly here at the farm as of of about two months ago...only took me about nineteen years to get my own. :lol: Driveway redo is done, giving us a jug handle for easy turn around with trailers, as well as a big gravel parking area in what used to be a neglected mess of pseudo-driveway.

Dallas The Rescue Pony continues to come out of his shell and has recently decided he is my horse---not just a guest, that he belongs here, and he can seek out attention in a calm, safe manner that does not infringe on personal space. I venture to say I trust that little pony now, through daily snippets of time, every day, and real consistency. He is enjoying learning, he is physically changing, and he still makes me grin ear to ear when he channels his inner warmblood while going end to end in the pasture. Fergus is Fergus, my right hand man.

Sad news, we lost 3 of our 5 indoor kids over the course of four months. Somehow I am down to two dogs and two horses, and it is surreal. Both kitties were old, one passing made total sense, the other while not a surprise as far as facts went was still a complete gut punch. Due to DH's asthma, we had agreed that when my old guys were gone we would become a dog-only family. That is hard. Donating items at the cat rescue undid me. The loss of our female Bully, miss Hope, was completely out of the blue, shocked everyone who knew her, and was heart wrenching. Easily the hardest, saddest, most involved ending in all my experience. We put her down in the ICU 12 hours after getting to the ER vet. No one had any idea how sick she was, including the ER vet. And I am a crazy attentive mom who does not miss things. Maybe I will share more on this later. It was 1.5 months again and I cannot even say how hard it knocked me and DH to our knees. Fetal position, primal sobs, game changer. I cried about it just yesterday....

And to keep this thread valid...and to try to get back to the joy...some photos. ;)
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Last edited by fergusnc on Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:45 pm

My little picnic area...little thing like a table and a flower pot and some wind chimes made it like a real barn all of a sudden. :D
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:53 pm

Linc the cat who thought he was a dog...the orange boy. Millie the teeny black cat who never looked her age. And Hope, who endured more in eight years than I can even imagine...and who never complained.
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:56 pm

This arrived with a card from a friend after we lost Hope, and I had to sit down when I saw it. I fought like hell to counteract the irresponsible, back yard, yahoo "breeders" that made her, then either tried to kill her or gave her to someone that did. 8 years was a miracle. But it still feels like she was cheated.
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:57 pm

Dallas The Rescue Pony
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Tue Nov 29, 2016 11:59 pm

And my right hand man, Fergus, holding things down.
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:06 am

And just because i really liked this one... 8-)
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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby Rockabilly » Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:54 am

They are both adorable, but Dallas really is a pony. :D

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby viscountessleftfield » Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:40 am

They look great Fergus!

I lost my special cat last year to lung cancer and I was curled up on the floor of the vets office after we put her to sleep. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I'm so sorry about Hope, it's tough to lose them so quickly and after such a short time together.

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Wed Nov 30, 2016 12:34 pm

Rockabilly....in every sense of the word, Dallas just embodies "Pony" and it cracks me up. :D :D :D

Thanks V...it was so tough. Sobs all the way down from my toes while sitting on the floor of the ICU as we let Hope go....she couldn't leave the O2 cage long enough to be PTS comfortably. True Bully, no one knew how sick she was, even the Specialist, until they took her out of the O2 to do an ultrasound and she collapsed from anoxia. I think it really made an impression on the vets...they thought they knew pit hulls were "stoic", but Hope reminded them that treating them isn't nothing like treating the majority of the dogs that they meet. Her whole life was giving back...even to the end...hoping that helps the next Bully that comes through their doors. (Don't get me wrong, theybare good vets, great reps, it was just a train wreck of perfect storm aspects).

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby LeoApp » Wed Nov 30, 2016 6:32 pm

So sorry for all of your losses. :(
You know we all understand.

The barn looks great and so do the boys.

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby PaulaO » Wed Nov 30, 2016 7:27 pm

I heart Dallas. And you are right, the picnic table makes it a special place.

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby Canyon » Wed Nov 30, 2016 8:51 pm

I'm so sorry to read about all your losses.

The TLRB, TLGB, and your place in general look very nice - you have right to be proud of what y'all have accomplished in six months!

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby Kelo » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:48 pm

I'm so sorry for your losses, fergusnc. It is hard enough losing loved pets, but I'm familiar with the loss of a extra-beloved dog with no warning, and my heart aches for you. :( They were all obviously loved.

I am also very glad you're settling in on the farm, the place is shaping up and the ponies are enjoying their domain. They look great!

PS...Dallas wants to try a ranch riding run one of these days :mrgreen:

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Re: Update on Life in The Little Red Barn at Fergus' Farm

Postby fergusnc » Wed Nov 30, 2016 9:50 pm

Thanks everyone. Every now and then, I still dole out supplements for three dogs when I feed meals...even after all this time. Hope was so omnipresent, it seems impossible that the world hasn't quit turning with her passing. She and the two cats were just always there, front and center, little chatter boxes. With all three gone, the house is soooo quiet. My old boys are great, special dogs, but we just never realized how calm and well behaved and go with the flow that they are. :lol: With Hope gone, they have started playing together again. I realized that all the playing stopped when Hope lost her leg. Even though Gunny is also three-legged, he was so careful with her. And then when she blew the CCL in her remaining leg, they got even more careful of her. And it was like they realized that she became number one time-consumer and priority, and they were fine with that. It is a different dynamic around here for sure. And with both boys being 11 years old, that's scary too. But for now, we just love the hell out of them and enjoy 1 side kick each.

This place makes me so happy. When horse friends come to visit they all comment on how "zen" the place is. How happy the horses are. How horse-centric the set up is. It's very simple but to me it's the best place on Earth. :D Lately we have gotten to the point that we can work on house stuff...like hanging pictures, or having a deck built....and barn things like hanging blanket bars and extra bucket hooks get done because we aren't tied up in week long projects that consume every hour of our weekends.

And Dallas...yes, he I saw easy to "heart". :D I was just out there in 30 mph gusts, scooping poop, not even taking twice about where the boys were around me...no way that would be the case a few months ago...he was a bit unpredictable still and could go off flying in any direction at any moment, regardless of human placement. He has come sooooo far. Kelp, I cannot wait to see all that he wants to do! He is so curious now, not suspicious like he used to be. I don't want to over face him, but I am really excited about what games he may want to play.

And I couldn't be happier! 8-)

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