Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

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Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby greenholmeshandy » Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:31 am

Because some one had to succumb to starting the thread :lol: !

My goals are:

Go to dressage training day which has a focus on training on how to warm up and ride in at a competition, plus individual training session

Enter 2 x dressage competitions so pony can start to gain experience of the indoor enviroment

Go to Trec GBP awards night, a rare weekend away with husband and not child, collecting award as ranked 7th nationally level 1 Trec.
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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Sun Jan 01, 2017 12:53 pm

Yay, thank you for starting the thread, January and Feb are the coldest months of the year here, so if I can just maintain I will be happy.

Over winter I usually work on solidifying basics, and adding things like poles, gymnastics and a little jumping to prevent souring, with being indoors so much.

So, poles or gymnastics once a week
riding my ladies at least four times a week , but honestly, if i can get three good rides I will be satisfied.
and continuing to lose weight and get fitter. ( i would like to be able to consider showing this year, so losing some weight is a priority, i kind of was thinking of starting another thread on this topic)

for my students, i would like them to set goals, so that i can plan my lessons to help them achieve them.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby demi » Sun Jan 01, 2017 3:43 pm

My goal for Emma and me this time is to just have fun. The last few months have been slow, with only a ride or two a week. We lost the last 3 of our old dogs in the last 3 months and it derpressed me so that I didn't have any desire to ride or even think about riding. We have 30 acres for 3 horses so if they don't get regular ridden exercise it's not a problem. They are happy with lots of turn out and comfy stalls at night..

I plan to start Emma back on a regular program today. No goals as far as dressage progress, but we'll just ride and see what happens.

I haven't kept up with everyone else's progress other then a quick occasional skimming. The regular contributers are all looking good and the discussions look like real progress is being made!

In November we took in an older Boston Terrier that was surrendered from a puppy mill and she is such a joy. Yesterday, we had a visit from a border collie/greyhound cross that was rescued from a hoarding situation. It looks like we will be adopting her, too. Not dressage, I know, but dogs somehow affect my riding :shock:

Hoping for a good year for all!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Mareless » Sun Jan 01, 2017 9:25 pm

Started the year off with a riding lesson today. Included was a discussion with my trainer in which she gave me permission to become more of a dressage queen, lol. We both know my horse really has no future (the navicular), so rather than focus on improving him I will now ride to solely to improve me. Meaning she is going to expect my timing, aides, coordination, etc to be 100% no matter how my horse is going on any particular day. So if all we can do is walk (on a day he's a little off) it better be a 10 walk, and the figures be perfect.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Dresseur » Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:17 am

Overall 2017 goals! We'll see what happens.

- Silver medal, and if all goes well, an Intermediare debut may be in the books.
- For Miro, we're not looking to compete much. Maybe take him out at 2nd level by the end of summer. He's qualified for the 1st level regional championships, but we're not going to expose him to quite that much atmosphere yet.

For January goals:
2 tempis - Right now I'm struggling with consistency - the 3s and 4s are pretty reliable, but the 2s are very hit or miss. I struggle with straightness and the canter quality.

Miro is rising 4 and we're looking to solidify the shoulder in and lightly introduce the haunches in and shoulder in to renver. He spends a lot of time doing transitions and hacking out as weather permits. We've played with shoulder-fore and on and off and whenever we've asked for a bit more the feel has really improved and because he is so flexible he finds it very easy, so we have to be careful that he doesn't just gumby and collapse.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 02, 2017 4:08 am

I'm now hoping to actually ride! My little horse is getting most of Jan off from being lame last month, he looks almost right now though. I've just stuffed my knee in the surf, it's very swollen and tight, so I'm now the lame one. Hoping it's nothing serious and should be right once the swelling has gone.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Josette » Mon Jan 02, 2017 3:13 pm

Riding the past few weeks has been hit or miss with the weather. I managed to get 2 rides in the past few days but I expect it will be the last until spring. Once the grounds are frozen solid I have to stop plus frigid temps. I hate winter and am count down mode for spring now.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Kyra's Mom » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:05 pm

Goals--to survive the current Ice Age we seem to be in. We haven't seen temps over 32F in weeks (going on 4 I think) with 7-8 inches of snow on the ground. Very odd for us. We do get snow but it seldom lasts more than 3-4 days. Barn help has been gone and since the weather got bad, seem to only be cleaning when they feel like it. I know the weather is bad but the horses don't stop pooping ;) . So, I have been spending most of my barn time cleaning pens. Parents are not doing so hot and need lots of help and that really cramps my time but I do what I can, when I can.

I still don't have a plan or date for surgery for my tailbone. One more injection then back to the surgeon for a plan...I hope. I have been to 6 doctors about Since Jan. 2016...really, an we just get on with whatever?
I haven't ridden because it has been so cold. Usually in the teens when I make it to the barn. So I guess, my main goal right now is just to get some horse time. I am working with a program from Karen Rohlf that is mostly addresses ground work and manners. It is good for my mare who I have owned since she was coming 2 and worked extensively on ground manners.BUT..she likes to take over. You would think by now, I could prevent it but no...she sneaks in her dominance in a split second if she is in that mood. This program gives me something constructive to do with her and I can continue that work even if I do have surgery.

Right now just praying for a thaw!
Happy riding all.
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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby exvet » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:10 pm

Well to keep hitting the trails............Going this afternoon in fact.

Mustang - more miles/exposure on the trails, start cantering

Stinker Pony............hopefully get another lesson but we'll see. Keep working on the canter pirouettes and the tempi's, P&P too.

Junior .................. more ground driving, will start ponying him from the mustang too, ultimate goal is to back him "for real" this spring. I've already sat on him a couple of times.

We'll see how far we get on those goals before focusing on any showing.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 02, 2017 5:21 pm

I almost rode yesterday cuz it was relatively warm (20's), snowing lightly and not blowing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of ice under the dusting of snow, making the road, the hay field, and the ground near the arena very slick and unpredictable, and so I decided it would not be wise. :( Oh well, horses are happy all snug in their blankies and my hilly pasture is not slick, so they gallop about playing stallion games.

Happy New Year!

ETA: I did, however, start the new year right, and have been going for an early morning walk 2 days in a row! :lol:

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Josette » Mon Jan 02, 2017 6:36 pm

Sue B - I am very cautious now of frozen ground with possible ice underneath. When I was a teen I went for a trail ride on frozen ground as we were just out walking about. While walking up a small hill my Arab slipped and fell on top of me and really hurt my knee bad - limped for a month. Very lucky we both didn't break anything. Now I wouldn't be so lucky. Maybe I'll try to catch up on cleaning tack instead. :roll:

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jan 02, 2017 7:23 pm

My first winter in many with an indoor ring, so we are working.

I have a new to me saddle, finally, that actually fits us both. He obviously isn't going to expand another tree size and I really prefer not to ride with quite so much shimming and whatnot. (Now keep your fingers crossed for me that my barn mate buys my other one so I don't have to face the hassle of advertising it!)

We are working away on collection and extension and counter canter and the odd flying change, so all is good.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Abby Kogler » Mon Jan 02, 2017 8:45 pm

Im on crutches and in a boot following tendon surgery Nov 3, so no riding for me for a while longer. I sold my pretty Bella to a wonderful home that works with Jeremy so as much as I miss her its as good as it gets. I was given a thin old TB ex jumper/foxhunter/eventer and am looking forward to seeing how well he can feel. I have three at home and one leased. 2016 was very busy and sad and hard at times with a move, the surgery, family illnesses, big house renovations, pet loss...very little riding. Here's to 2017! I hope to finally show but every time I commit to that I jinx myself, so will not make any plans >;-> Just want to enjoy the boys. I am auditing all the Legerete clinics and have found that work to be fascinating and as good as I expected it to be. If these Legerete USA clinics are anywhere near you, go.

Ill be in Wellington for one day, Jan 18. Hoping to see Ann again!

Happy New Year to all! I don't post much but read regularly and so enjoy the updates.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby mari » Tue Jan 03, 2017 4:31 am

Still struggling with a torn disk in my neck. So my goal is just to get a few rides in, even if they are just in walk.
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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:04 pm

Ouch, Mari and Abby! Hope you heal soon.

Kiwi and I are ready to dive in this year. Over the next two months, I will be:
- Going to yoga classes min 1x/week
- 15000 steps/day

Over the next two months, we will be:
- Working towards 4-tempis
- Gearing up for a show at 3rd level (date TBD)
- Incorporating more renvers in the trot work to improve the quality of the halfpasses.

Happy new year!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Imperini » Tue Jan 03, 2017 1:37 pm

My goal for this month for myself is to improve my position, my legs have a tendency to sneak back/up in the trot and tip me forward partially because I need to focus on keeping correct position and partially because Pal is a lazy bum and I feel like I am constantly asking her to go forward but I'm pulling up my leg and using my heel because I'm full of bad habits. So building on that I also would like to try and convince Pal that not being a lazy bum is way better so I'm going to go fairly basic for the next couple of really cold months and just try and get more oomph and reaction from lighter aids and a steadier forward so I don't feel like I want to nag.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby cb06 » Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:33 pm

My goal is to improve canter quality, forwardness (without nagging) and work on prompt flying changes (and multiples)...and my timing/position/aids in asking for them...so the December discussion about flying changes was great! thank you!

In a surprising twist, I upgraded his double bridle and tweaked the bits and decided to ride in it a bit last month just to see if it fit right, if he liked the bits, etc. He was so much more round, through, sitting. His canter improved within 2 rides in the double, and we got four clean changes down the long side...I really had not considered that just riding him in the double would really change his balance that much. I'm scheduled to take my first lesson of the new year this week, and am going to use the double and see what trainer says. But it has been an interesting revelation for me...anyone else had this experience? A friend said he might be better with it because he is less likely to 'argue' with the double, and I think there is something too this...

Also, a little vent/observation about the double in dressage. I came from saddleseat background, were the bits are thinner, lighter, and generally used with a lighter contact. My horse does not have a huge mouth, not a ton of room in there....most of the dressage bits are HUGE, bit circumference wise. HUGE. I had to scour the internet to find a 10mm circum. french link bradoon and it was a Baucher, which he rides in anyway, but still....what is up with that? Why such fat bits? Is it because some people think thicker is kinder? I always thought it was more dependent on hands at the end of the reins. Seriously, if I had used a pretty dressage standard 14/16 mm snaffle/curb combo, I'm not sure he could have closed his mouth. :?

Anyway, rant over. But here it is..you can see the "Uh oh, now your serious!" look on his face. ;)
I fiddled with the adjustment. The bradoon looks a little low to me, but if you put a finger in there, it is less than a pinky finger width below his teeth..so there it stays. He went well with this too, so I left it.
...and he is a Yak right now, so excuse the facial fuzz.


and just for fun, his blurry Christmas pic.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Tuddy » Tue Jan 03, 2017 2:50 pm

Hello and Happy New Year! Goal setting... I made it a mission to not really set any goals except just to enjoy my horses and take things day by day. I find when I do make definite goals, I put too much pressure on myself and my horses which leads to undesirable results.

Yesterday was a good day. Yonka was in the barn with me just chilling while I was feeding and cleaning up, when I decided, well fella, lets see what you remember. I brushed him up and threw a saddle on him. First time since August. He took it all in stride and I gave him lots of love and encouragement. Kinda blurry image, but I was pretty happy with the #blondebastard . Stay warm folks! We are back in the deep freeze with -40 windchills for the next few days!

Yonka Saddled.jpg
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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby kande50 » Wed Jan 04, 2017 3:31 pm

Abby Kogler wrote: I am auditing all the Legerete clinics and have found that work to be fascinating and as good as I expected it to be. If these Legerete USA clinics are anywhere near you, go.

Don't I wish. I've made it to two, but they were both such a long drive that I couldn't stay long. I got some of my burning questions answered though, and got to see it in person so it was worth the drive.

What I'm hoping is that there will be more graduates soon so there will be more instructors and more clinics within reasonable driving distances.

My riding goals are the same as always: get out there and get on a horse, any horse, and do anything as long as it's on a horse!

Although I did get on my mule yesterday and was trotting around and he tripped over a clump of hay and fell down. Fortunately, he popped right back up again and I was still in the saddle (barely), but the reason I was riding him was because I didn't feel up to any drama and thought he'd be my best bet.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Sue B » Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:48 pm

It's snowing and blowing again and schools are closed, so still no riding or horse working. I have come up with different goals for this month.
1. Walk every morning (so far I am 3 for 4) to get fitter
2. Start doing core exercises like planks and crunches every morning after my walk (or evenings)
3. Clean all my tack
4.Go skiing at least once!

1. Ride every day that weather permits (at least 2x's/wk)

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Tuddy » Wed Jan 04, 2017 9:47 pm

kande50 wrote:What I'm hoping is that there will be more graduates soon so there will be more instructors and more clinics within reasonable driving distances.

You and me both! I am lucky to have a friend who is an instructor in training (goes to Washington and rides with Bertrand Ravoux). I think she finishes this year and will be licensed to teach.

As for my #liveinthemomentgoals , just trying to stay warm, back to the -35 to -40 winchills. Bleh. Training all four of my horses to find their feed tubs at supper time and to have no arguments as to who is eating out of who's pail. :D

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Sue B » Thu Jan 05, 2017 3:05 am

So our little blowing snow turned into a blizzard this afternoon. It was 12F with 20mph wind when I snapped this picture. Oh, did I mention it's supposed to rain on Sunday? :P :x


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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby vkitty » Thu Jan 05, 2017 4:00 am


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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Flight » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:38 am

I love snow pics SueB!! Especially because it's usually so hot here when it's snowing over there.

I rode my little horse today, he's been sound for a couple of weeks so I lightly rode to see what happens. Couldn't resist just seeing what he'd do if I asked for a flying change and he did it fine both ways first go. Sometimes a good break seems to help with training (or it was a fluke!)
So, looking forward to bringing him back into full time work soon!
My knee is still swollen, I'm really struggling to ride the big horse because he's more bouncy but it seems to be not as painful when I'm riding the little horse. I know I should just wait and let it heal, although I've been swimming and that has helped a lot with reducing swelling.


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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Imperini » Thu Jan 05, 2017 1:33 pm

Oh the snow! It rained here all day just the other day and there's STILL snow on the ground after that! Under it is ice so we're stuck in the indoor until spring I think.

What nice no drama changes Flight!

We had a good go at getting more in front of the leg last night but I think the 35km/h gusting winds and the lady chasing her horse around waving a plastic flag maaaaybe had something to do with it :lol: I was not riding my best but overall it was good and if I can somehow get that even on calmer days we'd be in a much better place to move forward with other things.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Sue B » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:05 pm

It was -14F this morning with a gentle breeze so who knows how cold it felt. I slogged thru 4 foot drifts to feed the boys and then walked the dogs. So now I am 4 for 5 on my New Year's resolution to walk every morning. Supposed to be even colder tonight though so I may wimp out tomorrow morning. The sky is perfectly clear, sun is brilliant, snow everywhere--it is absolutely beautiful today. :D Weather dude says probably won't break single digits but dang, that sun feels good!

ETA: Nice changes Flight. Come over to the States and teach my horse too!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Jan 05, 2017 7:20 pm

Flight, thank you for your video! It shows me how to be calm and clear :-) I hope you continue to heal and feel stronger.

For all of you enduring winter, do hang in there! Sue B, it must be so beautiful where you are though. We are getting our first snows later today (but it is a matter of a dusting, not FEET). I am hoping to get a ride in this evening before southern driving on white stuff commences.

Goals for Jan-Feb:
-Keep up the regular riding schedule (at least 4 x week, but usually 5) + at least 2 swims and 4 pilates/yoga/or weights 20-30 minute sessions
-Keep riding/asking for more trot
-Maintain decent standards for bend and throughness--even on our stiff/cold/rough days. Address issues at a basic level as needed.
-At least 1/wk get the canter you need for changes and ride the changes as an exercise. Act like it is no big deal (I am glad to be at a new barn without judgement on this.)

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jan 05, 2017 9:34 pm

We are having the same kind of weather as SueB. 50" or thereabouts of snow has fallen so far this winter and it keeps on coming. Last night's blizzard was impressive. Tomorrow is supposed to be a blue sky an sunshine day.

But yes, we are supposed to get rain followed by extreme cold later in the week. Blah. Ice... I don't mind snow, but I do hate ice and all it's ramifications.

I suspect that there will be folks not including me shoveling off the barn roof tomorrow.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Mareless » Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:32 am

A great opportunity came my way this week: I was offered the use of another horse for lessons. Which means not only can I schedule regular lessons without having to cancel because my horse is lame that day, but that I will be riding a horse that knows more dressage than I do.

Had my first lesson on T (the horse owned by another boarder) this afternoon. It was mostly a "getting to know you" kind of ride-- and he did test me a bit-- but I also rode the best leg yields and shoulder- in ever!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:52 pm

On the pirouettes thread, Hafdressage mentioned she (assuming here) doesn't post on these goals threads because as soon as she does, something goes wrong.

As if to prove her right, this past week has been nothing but rain transitioning to extreme (for this region) cold, and now that the weather is clearing up Kiwi pulled a shoe. Horses, am I right?

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Jan 09, 2017 7:01 pm

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Flight » Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:18 am

Well our flying changes are getting more and more 'normal'. He just seems to know what to do for the L to R ones now, today we did 2 and they were both fine. Still not counting my chickens yet, but will keep chipping away at it.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jan 10, 2017 6:07 am

Hah, Flight, we have R to L down pretty well, but L to R are proving more of a challenge. I think it's not him, though. I have to think much harder in this direction than the other...

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jan 10, 2017 12:35 pm

Mareless wrote:A great opportunity came my way this week: I was offered the use of another horse for lessons. Which means not only can I schedule regular lessons without having to cancel because my horse is lame that day, but that I will be riding a horse that knows more dressage than I do.

Had my first lesson on T (the horse owned by another boarder) this afternoon. It was mostly a "getting to know you" kind of ride-- and he did test me a bit-- but I also rode the best leg yields and shoulder- in ever!

that is a really good opportunity

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Jan 10, 2017 3:57 pm

Well...we have the same weather as SueB and Mountaineer although we don't have the depth ours is a record. All I have been able to do is get out and chop out some frozen poop IF I can even get to the barn. This morning...3 inches of very wet heavy snow and it is raining...or snowing depending on the moment...like crazy.

Kyra hasn't gotten worked in a month now. I was hoping it would be a short vacation but this winter is a winter I have never seen the likes of around here. I did get out yesterday and it was all I could do to slip/slide through a foot of heavy wet melting snow to clean some poop. We are so behind in cleaning but you can't even find most of it. I have done a couple sessions with some ground work on manners but actual riding and training...bupkus. Straightforward is out of town until March so someday, I may be able to get back on her and at least start all over with getting her fit.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jan 11, 2017 4:13 am

Not much snow here but colder than usual even for us. It sank below my ride/ teach level so groundwork was the order of the day. I work them in bridles, focus on posture and outside rein, moving shoulders and haunches. Tomorrow is supposed to be warm enough to ride so I will see if it had any positive influences that translate to under saddle.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Mareless » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:50 pm

Wild weather here this week. Had a trace amount of snow over the weekend. Monday night, it snowed 5" but began sleeting about dawn. Through the day, that turned to rain, and by nightfall most of the snow was gone. Then super high winds last night--can't believe we didn't lose power; we nearly always lose power when it's windy. This morning all was still, and the ground was frozen. Now, however it's 45 degrees outside!

My boy got new bar shoes and full pads on Monday evening. This is my last try at finding the magic 'fix' to make him comfortable enough to be ridden with his navicular. I'll be putting him up for sale sometime between now and summer, and he will either be going as a 'can be ridden moderately with shoes and pads' or as a 'barefoot pasture sound companion' horse.

I rode him today, and while he was so-so in terms of his feet; not obviously sore, yet moving not quite right (change of shoes?) we did have a nice ride. And wonder of wonders, since my lesson on the other horse on Sunday, I am now suddenly able to ride leg yield on my boy so much better. :lol: It's almost like I think "okay, time to LY" and my body and my horse just naturally do it.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Jan 14, 2017 11:57 pm

My mid-month report is that changes are happening---not always perfectly--but each ride they improve. In a counter approach to "perfect practice" I decided we needed to let go and make flying changes normal as a part of what we do and who we are ! :lol:

Given that my mare is the sort who likes to "marinate" in an exercise, I realized that getting the perfect moment for a great change was stressing me out and surprising her. So, we are exploring just doing piles of changes as a no big deal normal thing. Sometimes we do this out in the field (where I am way more relaxed--go figure that I trust my seat and riding more outside of a ring) and sometimes in the ring. I do like the pirouette canter to change but I also am being "loose" about it right now. They are sometimes ugly, not always perfect, but we are improving together. I am really using the mirrors at my new barn to help us. Had some very good big clean ones the hard way today.

Bottom line is that we are communicating and starting to get somewhere! I do love my little mare. :D She is such a trier and a very earnest partner. Her trot is getting better, too---without a lot of attention on my part--probably thanks to the improved canter work.

To show you how mild our weather has been lately, here is Emi after a bath!
Emi after a bath Jan 2017.jpg
Emi after a bath Jan 2017.jpg (235.06 KiB) Viewed 28234 times

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 16, 2017 1:37 am

I can only wish my grey mare looked that clean! Not ready to attempt changes yet, but working on changes of carriage, in trot, collecting, then medium and back, after a few of these with some expressive disapproval from Kimba on the transitions, she finally got really supple and accepted the transitions. This in turn improved her canter transition. anyway, here is a picture of her after several transitions within the trot. I was wearing jeans, an indication i was not intending to ride, but then in the evening after a long day of lessons i decided not to skip riding her, and my son snapped a couple of photos on my phone.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 16, 2017 2:41 am

I had a little dressage comp yesterday with my young horse. I didn't get home from work the night before until 11pm, so it was a bit of a rush to get him clean and sorted the next day. I did have time but got yakking and ended up with a 6 min warmup for my first test and I thought "she'll be right" as he's pretty calm. However, not being ridden for 3 days and a few horses around, when I got into the arena he was a bit strong! There was also a few wild legs and weird half changes thrown about and coming back from lengthened canter was quite cowboyish :D I could add some photos from that test but I'm not game to put it on a public forum when they could be taken out of context!
The second test was better after a longer warm up. But now I really do have to start riding him more together, smaller strides and more on the hindlegs, to get better balance.


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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 16, 2017 6:28 am

Lovely photo Flight.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:48 am

It's Norsey!! He is looking quite grown up, Flight. Very nice! I'm happy for what you're doing with one of my favorite DD horses :-D :lol:

And Kimba: Always gorgeous and so soft looking over the top line Chisamba. I love that. I think of your photos of her when I am riding Emi.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby lorilu » Wed Jan 18, 2017 1:30 am

Now that I have my boys at home, my goals are:
Bravo: continue refining my skills at Third - especially getting consistent changes. Problems are ALL mine - Also work on SI-Medium_SI at trot to work on not only the transitions but sitting the medium as well. Sign up to show at schooling show in Feb.
Ludie - Keep working on relaxation, and try a few more bits to see if any will work better than the illegal one he loves. The ONLY one he loves. The ONLY one he will go forward to. :roll: Try and get a bridge built so I can practice Working Eq. obstacles.

Oh, and keeping a notebook of the exercises my new trainer gives me, and whatever else I find interesting......

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Dresseur » Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:00 pm

Progress on Gala seems infinitesimal. Not enough quickness behind, not enough up in the shoulders, not enough straightness, not in front of my back/leg enough- the litany of sins is great when trying not to act like a monkey on a GP horse! I'm feeling glimpses of what IS "enough" but when "enough" is relative (it is more than it was before but not enough for the standard that I'm being asked to ride up to), it feels like throwing darts at a dartboard while blind folded. My coach is an excellent interpreter and when needed, she gets on, creates the feel or the balance, and I get back on and try to not loose whatever "enough" is.

The big education is the frequency of half halts - I definitely don't use enough, and the quickness of the hind legs, I go bigger, not quicker, and the balance goes onto the forehand, so again, half halts. Because of the way Gala is built, the difference between up in the shoulders vs down on the forehand is great - but until you feel her up in the shoulders, you have no idea - because hello, she's a GP horse and it all feels amazing. (Cue my coach slapping her hand to her forehead.)

The one interesting thing as I continue to slog through my inadequacies is that we pulled the changes back off of the wall. I was doing them against the wall to conceivably help with straightness. It was working for a while, but as Gala is a clever girl, and my attempts at changes went more and more to sh#&, we realized that she MAY be "leaning" on the wall. So, we took the changes onto quarter-line and the diagonals again, and I could instantly feel the sway that was happening, and I was able to straighten it and voila, changes again. All the way down to twos - which were surprisingly not an epic disaster.

The other interesting thing on the them of "not enough" is that my coach felt that I was misunderstanding "building the change". Gala is possessed of very uphill, expressive changes, but with me, she kept stubbing behind. So, Andrea got on to show me what she meant. The change in the horse was pretty remarkable - so by building the changes, she means that the stride gets a touch bigger and more uphill - so that when she asks, the change is very uphill and buoyant. I was collecting, but more like a pirouette canter - where the balance gets more uphill, but the stride gets shorter. This was a bit of a revelation to me that when I ask for her to build up, she can't just flip a change on me, and she can't just get shorter. This ended the stubbing behind quite effectively!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby khall » Mon Jan 23, 2017 12:58 am

Some jingles for my big guy Rip would be appreciated. He has been diagnosed with cicatrix syndrome which is scaring in the upper airway probably from the pythium. Even though he was vaccinated and pronounced healed last August, it started back up again in October and now he has scaring which was not there before. This syndrome is not supposed to be in GA, only TX and panhandle of FL. Not much treatment wise but I have a great vet on board who will look into what we can do. This is a problem from exposure to pasture, which means I need to make a bunch of dry lots now for my farm. Taking my filly and another boarder up to be scoped to make sure they are ok since they are TO with Rip. Not able to ride him at this time and not sure when I will be able to.

This just sucks.

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Dresseur » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:19 am

I've never heard of that Khall, it sounds scary. You can count on my jingles!

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Flight » Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:43 am

Great post to read Dresseur, because that uphill feeling with quicker hindlegs is now what I think I'm feeling I need to have more of, but since me and my horse are learning together, it's hard to know what is right and what's not.
I've entered a comp next month at medium/3rd level. I'm not sure if we will be ready, I'm having trouble even memorising the tests because I've never ridden at this level before. I know I won't get good scores, but it will help me push on and motivate me with training.

Khall, jingle for Rip. I've not heard of that condition before either. That's not good if he's too unwell for you to ride, that does suck :(

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jan 23, 2017 2:11 pm

Jingles for Rip. Had to research that. I hope you can find solutions

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Sue B » Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:22 pm

Khall, jingling madly for Rip and I hope your filly comes away with a clean bill of help.
Flight and Dresseur, lovely conversation you two are having. I just hope I remember all you guys have discussed when I finally get to ride Rudy again.

Snowing sideways again this morning (and yesterday afternoon) with lots of ice still as temperatures hover just below freezing. We had a bunch of antelope get stuck trying to cross the river, I think they euthanized 11. Sounds like a lot, until you hear that there were close to 500 who made the crossing that day. Antelope do not do well when their desert is covered with snow though. I guess i will start a deep cleaning of my tack and make any repairs that may be needed while i wait for better footing. :D

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Re: Goals and progress January Febuary 2017

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Jan 23, 2017 3:23 pm

Jingles for Rip!

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