Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

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Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jun 06, 2017 1:51 pm

I did not take notes, nor was i nearly as good an observer as Piedmontfields, but i had some very clear general points to take away from the Bachinger clinic.

Shaping the horse with the legs and aids is the key to bringing the horse into correct contact and balance. If a horse was tilted, pushing a shoulder too deep or two downhill he would ask the rider to do a lateral work that was most appropriate to improving it. He would remind riders to do correctly bent shoulder in, to use the outside leg, he encouraged lots of shoulder in on the center line to half pass, he would changed his input based on how the horse was responding. a horse that was too haunches leading in the half pass, the rider would be reminded that if the shoulder is not leading the horse cannot activate its hind. he would have the rider begin the half pass as a diagonal, and then begin to become more parallel to finish the half pass. If the horse tended to get to strong he would recommend changing bend through the body using the legs for a stride or two before returning to half pass.

He gave riders the most important seat changed they needed to accomplish their goal, keep the inside leg on, or put your weight to the inside of the horse, or turn your toes inside and keep the heel long in lateral work. One main point the rider could change to improve the horse, and then one main piece of advice to improve the achievement of the exercise.

Each exercise was to encourage straightness, connection, balance, and gait. He addressed takt, for horses that were too slow or too rushing, he paused in canter work to do walk pirouettes to encourage engagement, he had riders, do many transitions if the horse was too downhill and rushy, and he had riders do more medium work inbetween lateral work if the horse lost its takt in the laterals.

i rode with him three times, the first ride was very valuable, but the second ride was horrible, Kimba had lots of resistance, and was not appreciating the transitions, however we finished well, by the third ride, Kimba and I were both more with the program, and I was able to feel major improvement and bring home lots of positive directives.

The thing that was most apparent from my photos is that i put my mouth into all kinds of awful positions when i am riding. sigh. I had very few photos, my friends were not very helpful in that regard, here is one where i quite like Kimba but i look like an oompah loompah. Image

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby musical comedy » Tue Jun 06, 2017 3:48 pm

Kimba looks nice and 'up' on that photo. Don't worry about your mouth. Lots of riders do that. George Williams used to it.

What happened in your second session that upset Kimba?

Did you pick up on any tips for advancing her? Anything that would help you with your upcoming show?

Was this clinician in NY or did you go all the way to Md./Va.?

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jun 06, 2017 6:45 pm

The clinic was in Maryland, so it was a bit of a haul, and of course hotel fees etc.

MC, on the second day she was anticipating transitions and stopping or even backing up.
Whenever the clinician asked for something she would tense and lean on the left rein. I think she considered the work hard and was trying to insist on an easier way. She was also offended by my outside leg kicking out when I used it.

When Christian reminded me to keep my toe in and leg long she accepted the feel of it better. Mainly though, to improve the resistance, I took two whips and touched her with the whip rather than increasing the strength of the leg, so she could accept a lighter leg aid.

Day 3 I took a canter around their hill before the lesson so she could loosen up and be ready for work. Christian reminded me to be patient and wait for us to be ready to ask. Problem of course being at the show she will need to be ready at the letter.

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:56 pm

Very interesting, Chisamba. I can see the point where two whips could be more tolerable than loud(er) leg! Mares do have their preferences.

I also like the photo of Kimba. No worries on your face---you are thinking and working! I suspect the rewards of this clinic trip for you and her will exceed the very good lessons with Christian--just doing that trip together and figuring things out is quite good work. I am always tempted to do a walking (or cantering!) hack before a serious lesson or clinic as my horse does take some time to warm up and it does not work to "chase" her in trot---she is a little diesel engine! Tonight I rushed my walk warm-up and regretted it. It doesn't make the ride easier to rush through our process!

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:31 pm

a better pic or two



yes Musical Comedy, of course i chose the ones i liked

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:35 pm

walk pirouette,



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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby musical comedy » Thu Jun 08, 2017 11:54 pm

Those are nice Chisamba. But that walk pirouette pic looks odd to me. What phase of the movement are you in? got that arm position you've been wanting!

Darn, that guy is fit, eh?

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:09 am

musical comedy wrote:Those are nice Chisamba. But that walk pirouette pic looks odd to me. What phase of the movement are you in? got that arm position you've been wanting!

Darn, that guy is fit, eh?

its the last step before straightening

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby musical comedy » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:48 am

You are going to the left then?

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Chisamba » Fri Jun 09, 2017 12:50 am

musical comedy wrote:You are going to the left then?

yes, returning to the track, pirouette to the left. I suppose it looks obvious to me because i rode it, lol

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby demi » Sat Jun 10, 2017 2:28 pm

These are very good and helpful pictures, Chisamba. Thanks for posting. I didn't have any trouble with the walk pirouette picture. I saw it right off. It's very nice.

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby Flight » Fri Jun 16, 2017 1:00 am

Photos are nice! I pull this weird face lately in pics too, I think we are just concentrating :) Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby LeoApp » Fri Jun 16, 2017 2:02 pm

Nice! Funny about the making faces thing. In yoga, the teacher often says "relax the skin on your face", and it makes you stop for a second and realize that you are clenching your jaw or tightening somewhere. Then once you do relax your face, the rest of your body responds in kind.
So trying to keep your face less tense might actually help relax the rest of your body. I am not saying that you look tense, BTW. But we all can hold tension somewhere in our bodies when we are riding and concentrating.

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Re: Personal impressions from the Christian Bachinger clinic

Postby demi » Fri Jun 16, 2017 9:31 pm

LeoApp wrote:Nice! Funny about the making faces thing. In yoga, the teacher often says "relax the skin on your face", and it makes you stop for a second and realize that you are clenching your jaw or tightening somewhere. Then once you do relax your face, the rest of your body responds in kind.
So trying to keep your face less tense might actually help relax the rest of your body. I am not saying that you look tense, BTW. But we all can hold tension somewhere in our bodies when we are riding and concentrating.

Tension has crept in as I have aged. I have to work hard to recognizing and then get rid of it. Most horses, it seems, will give us the message, one way or another, that they feel tension, but we still have to recognize when they are telling us, and not attribute their message to something else. I get the weird faces, too. They are even weirder because I am old. Old lady weird face! :o :shock: :lol:

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