July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Tue Aug 15, 2017 5:46 pm

Simply riding four correct corners should prevent boredom, lol

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:52 pm

musical comedy wrote: She has a straight line from bit to elbow. Raising the hand would lose that.

I noticed that too, but it looks like she's getting it by rolling her shoulders forward. I think if she got her shoulders back and at the same time let her horse bring her neck up and her nose out more, she'd still have her straight line?

I visualize it as sternum up rather than shoulders back and down, but both seem to have the same effect.

I do think it's important to try to maintain a good alignment, but without working too hard at it, because as soon as riders start working too hard at it then the braces creep in and they lose that soft flexibility they need.
Last edited by kande50 on Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:58 pm

piedmontfields wrote:I will admit that when I hear riders say "my horse is bored" I think it is because their riders are bored and are boring! and are not paying attention and expecting the same from their horses :-D.

I think when horses start acting like they're bored it's because they're becoming suppressed. At first I was going to say suppressed or relaxed, but suppressed behaviors look very different from relaxed behaviors so I'll go with suppressed.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Dresseur » Tue Aug 15, 2017 7:23 pm

Yes, I'm talking, SLIGHTLY raise the hands - that will help with the shoulders, and if she then rides the hind up to the bit, it will bring Bliss that last bit up to have the poll at the highest point - which would keep the straight line from bit to elbow.

And, just to be clear - I'm not a proponent of poll high being the only way, I think that sometimes you have to ride in the posture that is best for the horse, but to me, it looks like Bliss is ready to come up that last little tick.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Rosie B » Tue Aug 15, 2017 9:52 pm

Thank-you all so much for the feedback and nice comments. I wish I looked like that all the time, but I certainly don't. That was the best moment from about 4 minutes of video that were taken that day. I have lots of other pics that aren't that good. But I'm not posting those. :lol:

Dresseur - your beautiful posture has been my mental image for the past 3 weeks and it's really helping me to stay focused on fixing my upper body. Bliss is naturally very high in the neck and it's very easy for him to brace his underneck, so I am trying to get him staying consistently soft through the neck with no bracing, and I am not sure he's ready to come up yet. What makes you think he is ready? Just to be clear what I'm dealing with, the pic below (of him as a 2 year old) is his default posture. LOL.

kande wrote: I do think it's important to try to maintain a good alignment, but without working too hard at it, because as soon as riders start working too hard at it then the braces creep in and they lose that soft flexibility they need.

I take issue with this. If you keep everything comfortable all the time so that you never work too hard, you'll never effectively change anything. It's only by making yourself a little uncomfortable that you make progress.

Imperini - your progress is noticeable!!
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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Tsavo » Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:01 pm

For me, the only way I can manage my shoulders is to have built the correct musculature up. That took 2 years for me because I was starting from such poor posture that I was in PT for shoulder pain from it. I work on the exact muscles needed to pull the shoulder blades down and together every single session I have at the gym. My personal trainer knows this is a very high priority (along with core and open hip angle).

I had to get to a point where I could easily chin (wide grip) over 100 pounds (8 reps for 3 sets) with my shoulder blades back and down and not coming up before I could do it on the horse with any ease. I can do much more weight (125 or 130) for a set of three. That may be particular to me but I am saying it is no small amount of muscle development in my opinion if you have rounded shoulders. For people with shoulders that are naturally back/down, maybe they need no gym work. I don't know.
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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Flight » Wed Aug 16, 2017 1:37 am

Imperini - I can relate to a few things with your position, as I do similar.
The big things I have to work on is opening that front hip angle, so your thigh drops more vertical.
See, in the canter pic - the 'down' phase, you've dropped your pubic bone downwards and your bum moves to the cantle and you get that hollow in your back (I do this and also in the 'down' phase of sitting trot). I really have to think of holding my pelvis more under, getting rid of that hollow and keeping my pubic bone more 'up' especially during that phase of stride.
All of the stuff Dresseur has mentioned on this forum about aligning your body basically!!
For shoulders, I had to let my reins a bit longer, let my upper arms hang vertical, so my hands were a bit closer to my body and think "ride posh!" Like a posh person :)
You're almost there really, just a few tweaks. I think Dresseur said, don't be afraid of feeling a bit stiff and and awkward when are working on it. I tend to go to maximum stiffness and hold my body there, and then relax as much as I can without losing it too much.

Here's Ding's Spanish walk after a few sessions! Tip for new players with recent knee surgery - don't stand too close or in front, because they start offering it when you're not ready and they crack you straight on the sore knee!!!
Anyone that's trained it - feel free to give suggestions on how to shape it into a proper Spanish walk.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:05 pm

Tsavo wrote:
Ryeissa wrote:very nice! you remind me of me, as part of supporting my upper body I need to make sure the lower back stays filled.

Excellent point! So important to flatten the lumbar.

I thought about suggesting that Rosie go from the slight "C" shape she is in to a slight "D" shape with her torso but I refrained because I was worried she would loose her lumbar position. It is like M. Wanless says wherein you have to expand to the front AND the back of your lower torso. It reduces to the bear down she talks about.

yes, exactly. good way to think about it. The lumbar position comes from this filling. Most people have this problem

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:35 pm

Rosie B wrote:

I take issue with this. If you keep everything comfortable all the time so that you never work too hard, you'll never effectively change anything. It's only by making yourself a little uncomfortable that you make progress.

Agree that we need to push to effect change, and that making changes will be at least mildly uncomfortable, but when we push so hard that we become braced then we've entered the realm of *too* hard.

I think the problem is that riders aren't always aware of just how long (how many hours of education and training) it takes to learn how to make changes without sabotaging their own efforts by trying to get too much, too soon. It's IMO, one of the most valuable lessons the odg's have to teach us, and the one that seems to be the most difficult to learn.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Wed Aug 16, 2017 11:28 pm

Well Kimba was introduced to the "we are going to a clinic" program today. I said to her, want to go to a clinic with a really cool trainer. She took a mouthful of hay and put her head in front of the fan. I honestly think she tolerates the hour of riding because the rest of her life is okay like i tolerated a 12 hour shift last night because i like salary and health benefits.

She also had her annual dental, and was very good. She is such a nice horse, she may not be a fancy warmblood
and her gaits are moderate, but she is just a super nice horse.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Thu Aug 17, 2017 10:17 am

[quote="Chisamba"]Well Kimba was introduced to the "we are going to a clinic" program today. I said to her, want to go to a clinic with a really cool trainer. She took a mouthful of hay and put her head in front of the fan. I honestly think she tolerates the hour of riding because the rest of her life is okay like i tolerated a 12 hour shift last night because i like salary and health benefits.

My take on it is that they tolerate the riding because they feel they have no choice, which is why I think it's up to us to make sure that their hour of work isn't torture for them. Not that we can know one way or another, but if it was a person we wouldn't try to justify torturing them for an hour by giving them everything they could possibly want the rest of the time.

Not that I think that most horses feel that they're being tortured, but given their natures, and their limited ability to communicate distress (or at least humans' limited ability to interpret the signs) I do often wonder just how much they suffer?

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 17, 2017 11:19 am

Early warning of an outburst...

If I felt about horses and riding like you Kande, claim to, I simply would not ride. I do not think so little of my horses ability to express opinion and choice as you do,

I find your opinion of horses so disrespectful and belittling to the horses themselves that I have you blocked so my life is not polluted with your poison. Unfortunately I read this page without logging in, and so I saw your "almost" equate riding with torture, yes you introduced the word, so the equivalence is out there, if you really believe riding is in anyway akin to torture, and YOU still choose to do so.

So either you are so full of delusion, or you are a sadist. By your own definition. No one else constantly expresses slavery, torture, oppression as you believe, and yet you still ride.

I know horses can express themselves, I know when they hurt and I know when they are worried and I know when they are content. I even know when they think something is different. The tricky part is when, like with humans, something is wrong but neither can work out exactly what.

Like nutrients perhaps.

Deneb, for example, might be nervous and reactive, but she loves human company. She will leave food to nicker when I arrive. She looks to me to help her when she us afraid. Riding actually comforts her.

Now argue all you want, but I believe this, and so consider riding a cooperative effort, symbiotic, and positive. That is why I do it.

You claim it's oppression and slavery, and still do it.

Now I have said too much. Back to signing in and avoiding this via the foe block.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby khall » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:04 pm

Not really any updates here, still trying to come to grips with loss of Dodger (had bad day Tues with his owner here going through stuff and talking with vet about him, update in Observation thread) and have foster pups heading out for new homes left and right so busy there. Heat and humidity has settled back in to dangerous degree again. Ready for a cool down!!

I did lunge Rip to check him out training wise and medically (breathing wise) and all was good.

Sounds like most all are doing well even those on disabled list (Flight) still getting some stuff going! SueB I totally understand about family needs! My DS is a Sr this year and we are doing the college search, will have last year in marching band and just general teenager stuff that DH and I want to be involved in.\

Flight I do have a suggestion on the Spanish walk. I watched Mark work with a horse on it and he did it one side at a time, did not introduce L and R together. Mark also asked for the horse's best elevation with the leg before asking the forward motion. So he got the leg up and reaching, then stepped them forward. Was interesting to watch. Need to try this with Rip!

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby demi » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:11 pm

The Texas heat is still in full swing but Rocky, at least, is acclimating. Poor Emma is struggling with sweet itch and, while my vet says some horses have it far worse, she is such a princess that it affects her more than the average horse I think.

So I rode Rocky today. It felt very nice, even just walking. I rode her 15 times in June before the heat got unbearable and then only rode her once in July and now twice in August. I think that by the September/October thread I'll be able to have some good goals with her.

Progress: I started going to the gym and working on the elliptical trainer 4X a week. This is my 5th week and I am feeling stronger. I plan to keep this schedule with the elliptical trainer until I get rid of some body fat and then will go talk to a personal trainer and figure out a different program. A program designed to get and keep me fit for riding.

I am still looking for the Soloshot 3. I plan to video every ride and watch immediatley after. I also think this board will be super for posting the videos for feedback. OF COURSE, I won't be posting everything! I will pick a lot of the best stuff!! but also some of the worst. Fair and balanced (haha).

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Ponichiwa » Thu Aug 17, 2017 6:06 pm

demi, you're not kidding about the TX heat. Kiwi and I are melting even when we ride at 7:30 or later. It doesn't help that both of us are too fat for the weather, but we'll ignore that.

Current progress:
- 45s side planks are becoming easy(ish). 15s to go to hit my stated goal.
- Flying changes are clear, clean, and expressive, but the balance and straightness can be, uh, ephemeral. Work in progress. However, I've committed to a schooling show this weekend anyway. Fingers crossed for a decent score.
- I haven't stepped on the scale in weeks. I'm afraid.
- Averaging 13500 steps/day instead of 15000, but that's still progress over the 10k from June.
- I've been in the saddle a consistent 5 days/week this entire challenge, with a bit of a break last week due to weather and my graduation.

All in all I'm feeling pretty good at the 75% point of this challenge. I'm really motivated by the progress reports I'm reading above, and rest assured that the struggles are common too.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Thu Aug 17, 2017 8:05 pm

We've had some hot humid weather here in NJ too. A few days 80% humidity are rough to ride in. So it's hard to keep up a regular schedule. We did a short lesson over the weekend (I was dripping afterwards) but tried another ride and was pestered with those little black knats in the face. I had applied fly wipe to pony's face and neck but they buzz around the eyes.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 17, 2017 9:40 pm

Josette, the bugs have been truly awful this year, I think because lots if mud and heat, more than usual.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:30 am

yes - scratches too on the heels especially on those pink skin horses with white stockings. I'm almost looking forward to a temperature dip. ;)

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Flight » Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:17 am

khall wrote:Flight I do have a suggestion on the Spanish walk. I watched Mark work with a horse on it and he did it one side at a time, did not introduce L and R together. Mark also asked for the horse's best elevation with the leg before asking the forward motion. So he got the leg up and reaching, then stepped them forward. Was interesting to watch. Need to try this with Rip!

Thanks! This is good info, because I don't really know the best sequence of training it.

Very wintery couple of days here, so I'm not minding not being able to ride. Looking forward to Spring :)

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:33 am

Chisamba wrote:Early warning of an outburst...

Oh gawd, not another one. :-)

My point for those who also lack reading comprehension skills, is that I believe that some do torture their horses when they ride them but are just so sure that they don't that they just continue on endlessly.

Those who are confident that they treat their horses well feel no need to be defensive about humane issues, so if someone is reacting strongly to suggestions that horses are not always treated very well then maybe it is time for them to reexamine what they're doing with their horses?

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:46 am

khall wrote:I watched Mark work with a horse on it and he did it one side at a time, did not introduce L and R together. Mark also asked for the horse's best elevation with the leg before asking the forward motion. So he got the leg up and reaching, then stepped them forward. Was interesting to watch. Need to try this with Rip!

I've had a hard time teaching tasks that involved learning on both sides, but have gained a lot of insights into how horses think in the process.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:04 am

demi wrote:
I am still looking for the Soloshot 3. I plan to video every ride and watch immediatley after. I also think this board will be super for posting the videos for feedback. OF COURSE, I won't be posting everything! I will pick a lot of the best stuff!! but also some of the worst. Fair and balanced (haha).

That's what worked best for me (a good representation, rather than just what I thought might be the best parts).

I also found that it was useful to make the videos shorter so that it was easier for me to figure out which parts the comments applied to, because I think I missed out on a lot of useful comments because I wasn't confident that I was matching them up to the parts of the video they were directed at.

I also got much better at figuring out what kind of feedback I was looking for, which allowed me to sort out the footage that would stimulate that kind of discussion.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 18, 2017 12:53 pm

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 18, 2017 1:46 pm

[quote="Josette"]Interesting video by Allison Brock.

The first vids I've watched all the way through in awhile.

When I was watching the first one I noticed the spurring and wasn't going to watch any more, but then the instructor started correcting the rider's blocking hand, and then the spurring, and then I was motivated to go look for more Allison Brock vids.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Dresseur » Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:25 pm

Sorry, between pitches at work and earning my silver freestyle bar :shock: 8-) , I've not had much time to check in.

Rosie, your comment is exactly why pictures are less than half the story, looking at your stills of Bliss, I would never have guessed that he likes to carry himself high and inverted. So, absolutely, you know your horse best and don't bring him up too soon.

However, why I said that he looks ready to come up is that he looks nicely and honestly forward, with good activity behind. The balance is nicely uphill, which leads me to believe that if you asked him to come up a bit, he just may maintain that posture. It's not an all or nothing thing, you can experiment with it in the last trot set after your canter work when he's nicely forward and warmed up.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby ASBJumper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:35 pm

This is such an informative thread, I love it!

Anybody have any tips for keeping hands even when one hand is holding the dressage whip? I notice in videos that I consistently "hike up" the hand that's holding the whip...
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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Tsavo » Fri Aug 18, 2017 3:49 pm

ASBJumper wrote:This is such an informative thread, I love it!

Anybody have any tips for keeping hands even when one hand is holding the dressage whip? I notice in videos that I consistently "hike up" the hand that's holding the whip...

First I want to say your horse looks pretty correct here. Really nice.

Second I have a question... Do you always hold the whip in the same hand?

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Dresseur » Fri Aug 18, 2017 4:23 pm

I frequently touched my knuckles together to test where I was carrying my hands. Was an exercise that I could use myself to correct the habit.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Rosie B » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:14 pm

Dresseur wrote:
I frequently touched my knuckles together to test where I was carrying my hands. Was an exercise that I could use myself to correct the habit.

That's pretty brilliant. I'm going to start doing this as I've been noticing lately my hands are seriously uneven.

Any tips for steadying the hands? Mine are nowhere near as still as I would like. :roll:

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby ASBJumper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:32 pm

Tsavo wrote:
ASBJumper wrote:This is such an informative thread, I love it!

Anybody have any tips for keeping hands even when one hand is holding the dressage whip? I notice in videos that I consistently "hike up" the hand that's holding the whip...

First I want to say your horse looks pretty correct here. Really nice.

Second I have a question... Do you always hold the whip in the same hand?

Thank you, Tsavo, that means a lot - horse isn't mine but I'm the one who started her and did all her training.

Guilty - I carry the whip mostly in my left hand, but I do try to remember to switch sometimes.. that said, I've noticed that on video even when I carry it in my right hand I hike that hand up as well.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby ASBJumper » Fri Aug 18, 2017 5:33 pm

Dresseur wrote:I frequently touched my knuckles together to test where I was carrying my hands. Was an exercise that I could use myself to correct the habit.

Will try this, thanks!!

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Aug 18, 2017 6:49 pm

For quieting the hands, it is helpful to keep them fairly close (hence the value of the knuckle check!). I am also really loving using a bridged rein in one hand when I feel like our connection is not quiet and clear enough. It is such an immediate fix for us. I then try to secretly add the other hand back while keeping the peace and quiet.

BTW, congratulations, Dresseur, on earning your silver freestyle bar!

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Dresseur » Fri Aug 18, 2017 7:47 pm

The knuckle touch helps with quieting hands as well. :D

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:49 pm

Putting a bit of mane between the baby finger and the rein reminds you if your hand is moving. Keeping knuckles close helps with lateral inequities, leaning, collapsing on one side and over dependence on the inside, or outside rein

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 18, 2017 9:56 pm

Chisamba wrote: Keeping knuckles close helps with lateral inequities, leaning, collapsing on one side and over dependence on the inside, or outside rein

question here - how close together for reference? I think I keep my hands close/ thumbs up but we do have to deal with some leaning on left rein. I've been working lots of figures and shoulder in/ leg yield but this is an issue.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Tsavo » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:04 pm

Chisamba wrote:Putting a bit of mane between the baby finger and the rein reminds you if your hand is moving.

Along these lines you could hook your pinky under a grab strap.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Tsavo » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:08 pm

Josette wrote:
Chisamba wrote: Keeping knuckles close helps with lateral inequities, leaning, collapsing on one side and over dependence on the inside, or outside rein

question here - how close together for reference? I think I keep my hands close/ thumbs up but we do have to deal with some leaning on left rein. I've been working lots of figures and shoulder in/ leg yield but this is an issue.

What is causing the lean on the left rein? I don't think you fix that with rein.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:19 pm

what way is the horse leading Josette? is the horse throwing in shoulder? are the withers staying correct? (ie- not tipped in or out).

If the poll is the problem, the rein is a good fix- lift up and out, not down and back.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:20 pm

good question - when I got him he was heavy in the left rein. I'm guessing previous rider issues. He has improved with lateral work and transitions and working to get him straight. Maybe he is weaker behind in one direction. Again, there is much improvement since I initially got him - this just creeps up now and then. Lots of direction change across the diagonal has helped and sometimes a slight counter bend to help straighten going to right. Goes back to maybe a balancing issue of hanging on the previous rider maybe.....

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:23 pm

Ryeissa - I'm fairly careful and avoid down and back. I will flex left or right sometimes to move his poll.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:40 pm

Josette wrote:
Chisamba wrote: Keeping knuckles close helps with lateral inequities, leaning, collapsing on one side and over dependence on the inside, or outside rein

question here - how close together for reference? I think I keep my hands close/ thumbs up but we do have to deal with some leaning on left rein. I've been working lots of figures and shoulder in/ leg yield but this is an issue.

in theory the width of your knuckles, you should not have to move your had more then the width of your hand to use any of the actions of the rein. turn your wrist in, turn your wrist out, ( like turning a round doorknob) turn your wrist up, like lifting a door handle. nowadays people are not taught to turn their fingernails up, but that is what was taught " in the old days" or perhaps by certain schools, it prevents riders from becoming too hand dependent, and using their legs or seat to correct rein weight. SO despite not turning your wrist, the application remains, not more than the width of your knuckles. If you are moving more than the width of your knuckles you are not riding the hind end to the contact

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 18, 2017 10:44 pm

Both my mares, in fact probably every horse that has come to me has been heavy on one rein and light on the other. I ride bends from the leg to the outside rein, i ride corners carefully, i do many serpentine, both shallow and the width of the arena, because the horse really has to strengthen to get straight, but they leaning can simply be a horse relying on that contact. re-balancing the horse every time it leans is the real key.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Josette » Sat Aug 19, 2017 12:31 am

Thanks Chisamba for reminding me of the wrist turning actions. I will experiment next ride. I recall initially when we had lunged him used a sliding side rein device to prevent leaning/hanging - it really baffled him. He wanted to lean on the side reins but their action prevented it. He had to figure out to hold himself up and not lean in.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby demi » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:01 pm

Third morning in a row that I have ridden Rocky and I am trying to contain myself. After an 8 week break from riding for Rock, and 5 weeks of vigorous elliptical training for me, we are both feeling REALLY good. I tend to get over zealous about riding and I don't want to get too excited and get hurt. I have to continually remind myself to pace myself...Rocky is a hot little mare. It is easy to rev up both her and Emma, but the difference is that a revved up Rocky is like a dancer on "So You Think You Can Dance" while Emma is like a middle aged woman doing the Texas Two Step at the local bar. When Emma bucked me off this spring I didn't get hurt even in my old out of shape age. If Rocky ever bucked me off I am afraid I might not be able to ride anymore. Really. My mantra must be "keep a steady, controlled pace".

Before summer curtailed my riding, I was riding Rocky without a whip because I was trying to train myself to get better without relying on a whip. However, Rocky needs to stay in front of my leg not just for good training, but for my own safety. Yesterday and the day before, when I rode her without the whip she started backing off my leg and I ended up nagging her with my leg. Today, I used the whip and it was much easier to keep her in front of my leg. The contact was more secure and steady.

Emma is still on hold but I am going to mow her hill area so I can start the hand walking hill work with her again as soon as she is mostly over the sweet itch. In Texas, besides the summer heat we have to worry about Rattle Snakes. We had 7 inches of rain recently and the grass grew like crazy. We are in hill country and we've had to dispatch several rattlers over the years, a few of them quite large specimens. It's not safe to walk in long grass this time of year. I don't even ride in it.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Imperini » Sat Aug 19, 2017 3:14 pm

Thanks for the comments and suggestions everyone, much appreciated and gives me plenty to work on!

Shortly after I was able to lengthen my stirrups last I decided I needed to work on getting my leg under me and in an effort to force it I put the larger thigh blocks that came with my saddle back on. It ended up irritating my muscles (I think anyway) to the point where I would get on and would barely be able to reach my stirrups because the longer my leg got the more arched my back got. That would be the psoas I'm guessing? In any case I put the smaller thigh blocks back on, gave myself time to feel better and I'm incrementally working on this instead of trying to force it. I do find that my back gets pretty arched whenever I try and get my leg under me but I think with time and proper stretching I can get there. Did some no stirrup work yesterday but that I also have to do carefully and not too much at a time because it really irritates my hips. I did have better results with the stand up in my stirrups exercise though. Seems to be a great instant feedback exercise.

I'm liking the hand position tips especially having a bit of mane to keep track of whether they're moving or not. I'd worry that using a grab strap for the same purpose could more easily end with a broken pinky. I used to carry my hands practically in my lap and I think in an effort to get them out in front of me I'm rounding my shoulders even more to accomplish it so that's definitely something I can really work on. Hope I don't look too odd to people when I'm walking around without a horse trying to get my shoulders back and down :lol:

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 5:05 pm

demi wrote:We are in hill country and we've had to dispatch several rattlers over the years, a few of them quite large specimens. It's not safe to walk in long grass this time of year. I don't even ride in it.

That certainly does make our upcoming snow and ice sound a lot more attractive, in an "it could be worse" sort of way.

Have to admit that I too, love the first few rides after taking a break, even if it's just a short break, or a break to ride other horses, or any kind of a break for that matter. Vacations from my everyday routine can be so refreshing, and especially when it's a multi-day or week break.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Aug 19, 2017 6:27 pm

My horse feels terrible after a break, he does better with more work. to each their own!

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Sat Aug 19, 2017 7:01 pm

Ryeissa wrote:My horse feels terrible after a break, he does better with more work. to each their own!

Just shows how unique our experiences can be.

My perception is that my horse is no different at the end of a break than he was at the beginning, but because my mind is refreshed I enjoy riding more after I've been away from it for awhile. The longer I'm away from it the more I enjoy it when I get back on, as long as I don't lose too much fitness while I'm slacking.

I usually don't though, because I trail ride my mule and even though he's smaller and easier to sit on, I ride him for longer so probably get just as much exercise.

When I was younger and rode a chunkier TB/QH I was much more concerned about keeping my horse fit, but Sting has a lot of Arab in him, and runs the fence a lot on his own, so he's always way ahead of me when it comes to fitness.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Aug 20, 2017 2:33 pm

kande50 wrote:
Just shows how unique our experiences can be.

Oh yes, 180 degrees different I'd say

My horse does a lot of cross training, too.

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Re: July/August Perspiration and Progress Thread

Postby kande50 » Mon Aug 21, 2017 9:42 am

Ryeissa wrote:
Oh yes, 180 degrees different I'd say


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