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Postby Moutaineer » Sun Aug 27, 2017 11:11 pm

What do you eat for Breakfast?

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Re: Breakfast

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:49 am

At home: 3 espressos--to get my heart started!

Then I drive 50 miles to work.

When I get to work, I usually have a Kind bar and sometimes a greek yogurt. Or a yogurt and some almonds. I have to eat something in the morning or I find I really can't think and write (work). On the weekends, I like a soft boiled egg and piece of toast, but I can't manage that during the week.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Josette » Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:52 am

Fruit smoothies with all the summer fruits available. Goal was to drop a few pounds but my smoothies may be over the top. I use almond milk, huge tablespoon of almond butter :roll: low fat yogurt, lots of mixed berries and peaches - topped with handful of spinach. My down fall is I snack on too many nuts which I love.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby silk » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:03 am

At the moment, one or two pieces of peanut butter toast after I get to work (because some mornings I can't face eating as early as I need to get out of the house). I usually have a coffee before I leave or take a travel mug with me to sip while I'm sitting on the bus, because a morning without ANYTHING is not a good morning.

On weekends, when I usually do more physical tasks/work (ie trimming), I'll have something more... Two scrambled eggs on toast, sometimes with bacon... or leftovers... I try to make sure it has decent amounts of protein and fat because (especially on trimming days) it'll be several hours until my next opportunity to eat.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby goldhorse » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:05 am

Breakfast is the hardest meal for me because I try to eat low carb. I'm pre-diabetic and have to eat low-carb to keep my blood glucose under control. So I usually have a protein shake with some frozen berries or I'll have eggs. I'll eat them hardboiled or scrambled with ham and cheese, but it's difficult because I'm not fond of eggs. I am so bored with this menu. I'm hoping that I'll get some ideas from whomever else chimes in.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Tarlo Farm » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:07 am

An egg. With tea. A little later I'll have some fruit. I save my coffee for after lunch to help with that afternoon slump.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby heddylamar » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:22 am

I'm not sure I'm anyone's idea of inspirational breakfasts ;) Breakfast is generally on the move from run to house to train to office, or run to house to barn. Over 3 hours, post-run, I'll consume 20-32oz water, cheese stick, 15oz water, espresso, and on long run days (10+ miles) I'll add something like more cheese and an apple, a hunk of banana/zucchini bread, or a protein bar.

If I'm home, it's liquids plus something like cottage cheese and raisins, oatmeal with egg, sesame oil and chili paste stirred in, or toast with tomato jam and a fried egg.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Koolkat » Mon Aug 28, 2017 1:46 am

We've had smoothies for breakfast for 25 years = plain yogurt/banana/OJ/berries - for the past 15 years, we've been on the farm, so a smoothie before going down to deal with the horses (grain/letting out/cleaning stalls). I fix "real" oatmeal before going down, and before retirement, I'd put a handful of berries in the bowl (fresh in season, frozen otherwise), oatmeal on top, take to work and microwave. Now I just eat it when I come back up to the house, cuz, well. . . I'm retired! Still adjusting one month out. . .

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Re: Breakfast

Postby StraightForward » Mon Aug 28, 2017 4:13 am

I've been trying to do the slow carb thing lately, so 20 grams of protein within 30 minutes of rising,.so usually some cottage cheese or whey protein smoothie ( no fruit) and coffee with heavy cream. Maybe a Kind bar or nuts later if I'm hungry before lunch.

On the weekends, usually eggs and bacon with veg and maybe sweet potatoes around 10-11, then I skip lunch.
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Re: Breakfast

Postby Nikiwink » Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:40 am

I'm on mat leave at the moment so i usually have a hot mocha then a few bites of what bubs is having. Once he is sorted if we are not going out i cook myself and egg with tomatos, avo, aspargus, holumi, feta or part there of and hollindaise sauce :-)

Im a very slow eater in the morning so if im in a hurry its mocha and half a bit of toast or if i have time ad will be driving i make my egg mess and eat it in the car :-)

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Anne » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:30 am

I luuurve breakfast! It is a meal for which I prefer : weetbix, home made un-toasted muesli (rolled oats, pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, dried cranberries, raw almonds, dried coconut, sometimes some other nuts depending on what's on sale at the supermarket), fresh fruit (usually kiwifruit), plenty of milk and sometimes plain yoghurt and/or cream. If I'm feeling decadent, a spoonful of brown sugar on the yoghurt.... Yum!

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Rosie B » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:53 am

Wow I eat a lot of breakfast compared to you guys!

Weekdays I eat about 1/2 cup plain Balkan yogurt, 1/3 c harvest crunch, with either fresh fruit or applesauce. The little nugget has yogurt, cereal, and fruit. The bigger nugget usually has toast, yogurt, and fruit.

Weekends I usually make fried eggs and toast for everyone, sometimes with bacon. Also with fruit. :)

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Re: Breakfast

Postby PaulaO » Mon Aug 28, 2017 2:33 pm

Every day I have the same breakfast. Half a grapefruit, cup of coffee, 2 scrambled eggs, and 2 cigarettes. I love eggs and could eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby amygdala » Mon Aug 28, 2017 5:34 pm

i'm never hungry until mid-day, so 'breakfast' is a cup of coffee. and 2 cigarettes

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Imperini » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:12 pm

A banana and a cup of coffee. Also a hand full of almonds an hour or two later. If I'm feeling adventurous (or just out of bananas) I might have an avocado or some oatmeal, no almonds later if I do that. Pretty boring I guess but it works for me.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby boots-aregard » Mon Aug 28, 2017 7:25 pm

Two eggs when the chickens are laying (I sure miss it when they stop), over easy. Sometimes with fried tomatoes.

When the garden is going great guns, french bread toast with mayo and cut tomatoes, open faced. lucious.

Fresh figs, when the trees are bearing.

I *LOVE* fruit in the morning, but it doesn't stick with me. Gotta have eggs if I'm riding that a.m.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby PaulaO » Mon Aug 28, 2017 8:38 pm

amygdala wrote:i'm never hungry until mid-day, so 'breakfast' is a cup of coffee. and 2 cigarettes

I call this the Breakfast of Champions.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Aug 28, 2017 9:47 pm

I just can't get inspired by breakfast. I'm trying to lose 5lbs or so (doesn't sound much, but I'm really struggling with it. And my clothes don't fit properly.) and while I can do a salad or something for lunch, and a sensible dinner, breakfast defeats me. I'm always in a rush, and pretty much everything that doesn't require preparation is loaded with sugar, which is like crack to me. Once I've had something sweet, I'm craving it for the rest of the day.

I'm doing a low fat greek yoghurt and a protein bar at the moment, which keeps me going for about 4 hours comfortably but it's really nutritionally pretty awful.

So that's why I'm looking for inspiration.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby PaulaO » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:18 pm

Hard boiled egg and a piece of toast with a little bit of butter?

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Re: Breakfast

Postby silk » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:38 pm

I have given up sugar (fructose). The transition was the hardest part, it's easy once you form the habits and find the foods that work better for you.

For me, nuts and protein are key. Snacking should be little and often, I try to avoid getting HANGRY (hungry + angry) because then I overeat.
Not eating too much bread has helped. In no way do I mean gluten free or anything like that - just, only eating a sensible amount of the stuff seems to work better than eating too much of it.
I reach for nuts, cheese, meat if I am hungry but it is not an appropriate time for a meal (or if I'm trying to fill a gap because I'm about to do something more physically demanding). Yoghurt with stewed fruit (home made, no sugar) is good too.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby silk » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:46 pm

Oh and, I have lost a fair amount of weight by excluding fructose. I hover about 5kg (11lb) lighter than I was (and I was by no means overweight so it's a fair drop... nearly 150, down to ~135).

I can eat as much fruit and fat as I like (butter, cream, etc). I do not avoid fructose if it comes in its whole form ie fresh fruit. I did not quit sugar to lose weight, it was a 'bonus'. I did it because it's healthier and better for me.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby kande50 » Mon Aug 28, 2017 10:58 pm

Weak coffee and toast with ham or chicken salad at home, and then a bagel with peanut butter and jelly at my mother's. But when the tomatoes started ripening we started having sliced meat, cheese and tomato sandwiches for breakfast at my mother's, and decided we like them better than bagels so that's what we've been eating every morning.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby heddylamar » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:13 am

The added info gives me a bit more to work with. My breakfast is so disjointed because of the rush out the door too -- running (or sleeping) is 100x more important than breakfast for me!

Anyway, go you need to eat immediately? Need a snack to tide you until you're at the office? Eat enroute?

Immediately is my standby -- cheese stick. Punch of fat and protein, but overall low calorie, so I can eat more later. My husband prefers something higher calorie, and sweeter, like a protein bar.

Enroute snacks include peanut butter toast or cheese toast (protein + carb). I buy the grind your own PB, so no added sugar.

Once I'm settled I'll have something more substantial like full fat Greek yogurt (fage total), 4%/full fat cottage cheese and raisins (mango/pineapple and lime juice is good too), steel cut oats with an egg, sesame oil, and chili paste stirred in (cook a lot of oats, freeze in 1-1.5 cup portions; package and transport stir-ins separately).

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Re: Breakfast

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Aug 29, 2017 1:47 am

In general, I agree that fat laden foods are key to happiness, lower cal/carb eating and weight loss. If you eat dairy, cheese. If not, nuts.

For me, 5 lbs weight loss = no wine for a week (or traversing 10 miles a day by foot + horse).

Good luck.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:41 am

Gosh, I wish I could lose 5lb by not drinking wine for a week. My metabolism is not what it was, sadly.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Kyra's Mom » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:14 am

My go-to breakfast is 1/4 cup of Tillamook Greek yogurt--yes the fruit on the bottom stuff with 1/4 cup cottage cheese and a small serving (1/4 cup-ish) of some fruit...raspberries or strawberries or banana or apple and 1/2 of an extra sourdough english muffin with 2 tbsp of peanut butter. Quite tasty and I can vary the flavor of yogurt. I decrease the yogurt and add the CC to decrease some sugar and add some protein. Sourdough helps moderate the sugar spike in the muffin and I keep the fruit to a modest portion but again...lots of flavor and fiber. Peanut butter...yummm...good and lots of protein. This will easily hold me until 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

For a change, I will have a couple eggs with some cheese (1/8 cup) and 1/2 ES english muffin and some butter and maybe 1/2 of a medium apple or banana.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Sue B » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:42 pm

So what would you feed an almost 15yr old boy who starts his day a 6am (so I can get him to school by 7) and rarely gets home before 7pm. He's in marching band (so the practice marching in the morning) and soccer (so game or 2hr practice every day but Sunday.) He says he's getting real sleepy in English, which is at 1pm; so about 2hrs after lunch. Thought I'd try eggs and toast for him tomorrow.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby PaulaO » Tue Aug 29, 2017 4:54 pm

I gotta go with protein,protein,protein for your boy. The egg and toast is good. Does he eat lunch?

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Tuddy » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:24 pm

Protein - can he have a shake? And some fat. I find when my energy is low, I need some fat. I'll grab some peanuts (if he can have that at school), just a small handful for me, but since he is a growing boy, he will need more.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby SnowHorse » Tue Aug 29, 2017 6:37 pm

Blueberries and half a banana topped with oatmeal (made from steelcut oats).
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Re: Breakfast

Postby Canyon » Tue Aug 29, 2017 7:07 pm

This combo has been my go-to for a while - a corn tortilla with a layer of refried beans topped with some salsa, heated gently in the microwave, and topped with a poached, microwaved egg. I would add cheese, but I really don't need the extra calories.

Keeps my mind off of food for quite a while!

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Hayburner » Wed Aug 30, 2017 12:54 am

Lots of coffee every day of the week.

Week days when I get to work, instant oatmeal weight control (has lower sugar amount than the low sugar type) and a banana.

Week-ends, lots of coffee, a jimmy deanbreakfast sandwich, then a bit later Bloody Mary mix without the vodka.

Mountaineer - if your in a rush, why not make ahead little egg tarts with spinach. The recipe uses egg beater, when I was watching my weight, I'd make these as they can be eaten hot or cold. I'd make up 8 at a time. Super easy to make. The spinach helps keep you full. I found the recipe in the South Beach diet book.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Paints » Thu Sep 07, 2017 4:06 pm

Sorry - couldn't figure out how to quote: "So what would you feed an almost 15yr old boy who starts his day a 6am (so I can get him to school by 7) and rarely gets home before 7pm. He's in marching band (so the practice marching in the morning) and soccer (so game or 2hr practice every day but Sunday.) He says he's getting real sleepy in English, which is at 1pm; so about 2hrs after lunch. Thought I'd try eggs and toast for him tomorrow." - Sue B

Is he skipping lunch or conversely eating a lot of carbs for lunch? I've never been a 15 year old boy - but if I have carbs at lunch, especially grain sourced (as opposed to what is found in fruit and veggies) then I crash around 2. I can't imagine regulating what he is eating is easy - but I would go with highish protein, veggies, fruit, yogurt for lunch. Veggies, cheese, nuts for snacks.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 07, 2017 5:40 pm

coffee, a slice of toast and marmite

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Re: Breakfast

Postby tlkidding » Thu Sep 07, 2017 6:03 pm

Coffee and about 1 cup fresh fruit (right now some berries with splenda), or fat free greek yogurt, or a hard boiled egg.

On the weekends, I sometimes will replace the above with 1/2 of a Quest protein bar on the way to the gym and the other half after.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Sue B » Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:59 pm

So I've started cooking a couple eggs and some whole grain toast for my teenager and it seems to be helping. I also bought granola bars for him to eat with lunch and/or before soccer. He says they are really helping to keep his energy level up. He's a water or milk drinker, only drinks soda when he's out messing around with friends or on the road for a game and even then, it's more ice than soda. Btw, he's 5'11" and weighs about 140 soaking wet! Lol

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Re: Breakfast

Postby chantal » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:30 pm

my newest love, these muffins. 1 for small breakfast, 2 for a heartier breakfast. vegan, delicious, and can be gluten-free.

1 1/2 C oats
1 1/4 C whole wheat flour (i substitute almond flour for 1/2 cup of it)
1 tsp baking powder
3/4 tsp baking powder
dash of salt
1 tsp cinnamon (I like a little more cinnamon than this. Can adjust add, change spices to liking)
3/4 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cloves
1 C unsweetened applesauce
3 very ripe bananas
1/2 C brown sugar (I use 1/4 when I add it)
any assortment of raisins, shredded coconut, dried apples, sliced almonds (I do all of these-about 3/4 cup each) or anything you want

beat bananas until creamy, add applesauce and brown sugar and mix

mix oats, flour, baking powder/soda/ and salt and add to mix with fruits/nuts. stir until just mixed.

bake for 20ish minutes at 400 in muffin cups. i fill mine all the way as they don't rise very much. makes about 15

othewise a fruit smoothie with almonds and chia seeds, kale and spinach

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Re: Breakfast

Postby DJR » Sat Sep 09, 2017 4:40 pm

I recently switched to a moderate LCHF (low carb, high fat) diet so I eat eggs for most breakfasts now. I usually fry the eggs plain, but I've also done onion-ring and red pepper-ring eggs which I quite love. I cut a large onion to have a bunch of rings and keep it in the fridge. Same with red peppers. In the morning, I take two eggs, one onion ring, and one pepper ring. I put each of the rings in the fry pan for a minute, then crack each egg into the ring. Cook to desired yolk consistency, flip briefly, then nom nom nom. SO good.

This morning for an occasional treat, I made banana-egg pancakes and had them with bacon. One mashed banana, two eggs, fry them up like pancakes, and eat. Quick, tasty, and simple! The bananas are a higher-carb fruit choice so not a good regular/staple breakfast, but fine for a quiet weekend morning and a hit with my 10-yr-old.
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Re: Breakfast

Postby Tsavo » Sat Sep 09, 2017 6:00 pm

Same every day... 2 to 3 coffees plus bowl of Special K+Protein with blueberries and the 30 calorie vanilla flavored Almond Milk. Maybe another coffee for the drive to the barn or work. Bring a thermos of coffee with me. I metabolize caffeine quickly. It has no adverse affects.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby westisbest » Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:54 pm

Always OJ first, then 2 big mugs of French press, fresh ground dark roast to get my eyes open. Riding days (earliesh AM) I do a smoothie with Vega (brand) greens & protein powder, l banana, frozen fruit either pineapple chunks or dark cherries currently, coconut "beverage" and sometimes a dollop of yogurt. Non riding days 2 farm eggs scrambled with one piece of toast. Sometimes on a the weekend, toast with peanut butter and bacon. Yum.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby Racetrackreject » Mon Sep 11, 2017 3:43 pm

I'm keto, so I have eggs, bacon, or sausage with cheese, or a combination of all. If I could have bread, I would probably do something like avocado toast/muffin with an egg.

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Re: Breakfast

Postby khall » Tue Sep 12, 2017 3:21 am

My breakfast varies a good bit because I get lazy or get tired of eating what I have available.

Greek yogurt is one of my go to's whether it already has fruit or I add my own or add in some Kind granola. I also like eggs for breakfast, sometimes hard boiled prefer with fresh cut tomatoes on the side. I also love a fritta! They heat up well so I can have it for breakfast several days or even for breakfast and lunch. I like spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, feta, bell peppers, shrooms, onion sometimes all sometimes just some. It really is quite yummy!

I have just started coffee craze, never did like the stuff unless it is heavily doctored, now drinking latte'.

As for a teenager, hey you can get yours to eat breakfast! I gave up a couple of years ago, my now 17 yr old never liked eating breakfast, hates eggs, will eat breakfast meats sometimes on the weekends. He started drinking coffee early though I did not want him to. So he is out the door with coffee in hand. Eats lunch at school then home late for dinner. If he is out camping then he will eat some sort of horrid breakfast like a pop tart. I don't buy them, so he has to get them elsewhere.

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