Calling all enablers....

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Calling all enablers....

Postby Tabby » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:03 pm

One of my old cats was sadly PTS this past January leaving his sibling very lonely. I've struggled over the decision of getting another cat/kitten - even posted here. She's doing alright but she's still awfully needy. But she's old and probably won't take well to another cat/kitten - at least not right away. She did hold her own on a visit with my MIL's dog ( a teeny little ankle biter smaller than her but previously would have sent her hiding). I degress - anyway a friend of ours has a cat who had kittens recently. One was a calico/tortoiseshell-type and a runt (exactly like my current cat). I asked for dibs and strangely enough, managed to reserve a kitten :twisted: . DH wasn't overly pleased but the timing is perfect because we're going on vacation next week and the kittens won't be ready until we are home. I'm actually worried about my cat while we're away because she's so needy. But despite that, I know she's going to have trouble with a new kitty in the house and given her age and arthritic condition, she will have lots of trouble with a kitten. But someone on this board (yes I blame you) suggested 2 kitties! It turns out the orange kitten (same colour as my old one) is still available!!!! I think I inadvertently reserved him too!!!!!!!

I asked my husband and he just shook his head. That means I can have him, right??? It wasn't an outright no. It's his fault if he didn't communicate effectively right?

I'm asking all the enablers on this board - and I know we have a few - please tell me I'm doing the right thing and most importantly reading my DH's body signals correctly (not no is good enough)!!!!

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Tabby » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:04 pm

I should mention that I've already named them Kate and William. In case that makes a difference :)!

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Canyon » Wed Sep 06, 2017 11:15 pm

Oooh, Royal Kitties! Obviously, you are obligated to provide a castle for them in your home!

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby demi » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:37 am

You must take Kate and William.

We got the best kitty in the world (and I'm not even a cat person) in 1997, the year Princess Diana died. The wife of a guy who was doing some bulldozer work for us asked me if I needed a barn cat. I said ok and the next day she brought out this tiny all white kitten in a bird cage. It was in August and the heat was sweltering. No way could I let this tiny princess stay outside. I promptly brought her inside, named her Princess Di, and spoiled for the next 18 years.

You MUST take the kittens.

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:45 am

I am totally not commenting on your marital communications, but yes, this seems totally reasonable :-D

(My DH would not have the pointers he loved except for me identifying them and bringing them home.)

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Flight » Thu Sep 07, 2017 2:02 am

:D Can't wait to see pics of your new additions :D

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Tabby » Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:28 am

No idea what the privacy settings are on this but photo is here: ... =3&theater

Kate is the calico. William is orange.

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby VBOpie » Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:13 pm

The link wouldn't work for me

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 07, 2017 7:38 pm

They are very very cute. I think that in reality two is better than one when adopting a kitten with an adult cat in the home. they will play with each other but still be there as company for the older cat.

If your hubby is anything like mine, a definite no is easy for him to say, and a shrug or a head shake is nearly as good as a yes.

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Flight » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:11 am

Link doesn't work for me either. Will wait until you get them home :)

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby PaulaO » Fri Sep 08, 2017 12:29 am

Kittehs!!!111!!!! Orange kitteh!!!! You must get William and Kate.

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby SnowHorse » Fri Sep 08, 2017 2:19 pm

I don't know.

Let me think about it.

It's a really hard decision, isn't it?

You really should consider.

As you know, it could be so unexpectedly fun, awesome and grrrrreat to have two kittens in the house :D

Really, a calico and a ginger? Hell yeah, go for it! They will not only provide you with endless entertainment, but your old kitteh might just sit somewhere and watch them, and have a smirk on her face :) I've had that happen before ;)

Just give the old kitteh time to get slowly introduced to them - keep the babies separate from her in another room for a week - if you just can.

I actually had my new kittens (they're 4 months old now) in a big huge dog crate for the nights when they first arrived - and if we were not at home I'd put them in the crate, too. I have five other cats in the house, and I wanted the other cats to be able to see them and smell them, but only get close to them when I was around to supervise them. There was really no drama to it, only one of the old ones hisses at them when they come closer than a foot or two of her.

And yeah, your husband is really secretly intrigued of the thought of two kittens - he just won't say it out loud :D You'll see, he will be telling you he had forgotten how stinking cute baby kitties are while he's holding one and snuggling with it. :P
If he didn't want them he would have said "NO" in no uncertain terms!

I can't see the pic either, maybe I need to log on to fb....
Face masks! Bandanas! Posters, mugs, cards etc - -- Horses, cats, butterflies, Hummingbirds, quotes, sillies, patterns - everything!

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:26 am


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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:26 am

does that show?

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby demi » Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:44 am

Yes! Kate and William are you home yet?

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Sep 17, 2017 10:01 pm

so what happened??? :)

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby PaulaO » Mon Sep 18, 2017 12:46 am

Chi, are those your kittehs?

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Re: Calling all enablers....

Postby Flight » Mon Sep 18, 2017 2:41 am

Yes, pic works!
So much cuteness :)

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