Ariel in the winter

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Ariel in the winter

Postby PaulaO » Mon Jan 15, 2018 3:53 pm

Between the subzero temps and being sick (influenza/sinus infection) Ariel had close to 3 weeks downtime. Saturday I felt good and the weather was above 10F, so we had a lesson. I asked Karin (instructor) to hold her while I ran to the bathroom and apparently Ariel would not stand still (which doesn't surprise me, she's a very "busy" mare). Took her to the mounting block where she jerked the reins and slammed me into the mounting block, just so she could smell a manure pile. Naughty. I mounted, and she pranced and threw her head, shaking it. Frankly, her behavior unnerved me. I got off and Karin lunged her. Miss A. cantered and bucked and was silly. She finally settled and I mounted up and we had a nice walk lesson. However, her antics kinda scared me and I was a wreck the rest of the day.

Karin is going to ride her during the week, lunging her first. I can also have one of the working students ride her just to get her energy out.

Miss A. was not like this last winter and is always good as gold under saddle. I guess she's finally "let down" (like an OTTB) and can get silly. I don't know her like I knew Bob but that's a matter of time.

I'm in my head a little bit right now and feel my skills are rusty. I do have wonderful support in Karin and like I said, someone can ride her to tune her up. I feel a bit disappointed in myself.....

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby Josette » Mon Jan 15, 2018 4:11 pm

IMO this is just a reaction to the cold weather and maybe less turnout and riding. You used common sense to recognize she was in a "zesty" mood and need some lunging. She behaved well afterwards for you and that is what COUNTS! Let it pass as a silly day for her and she needed to let it out. Too much confinement for any of us will make us feel crazy. :)

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby Hayburner » Mon Jan 15, 2018 8:36 pm

A few days out of the saddle and I get rusty and weak too. I haven't ridden in months I hate the thought of getting back on but I will have to do it. I have a great trainer that will work her before I get on and then for a few rides I will only walk her out.
PaulO. Better safe than sorry, not everyone can "ride thru it" . I know I can't, I'm not proud of that, but Until I get more miles and turn 30 again, it is what it is.

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jan 16, 2018 12:37 am

The cold has been extreme in many places. Even in the mid-south, where my mare is getting less serious work than normal, she is very "up." Today it was 40 F and she was on her toes and polite. We've had some antelope rides, though, out and about! And she is still getting mostly regular turnout (for winter).

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby demi » Tue Jan 16, 2018 6:04 pm

Just wanted to say that my mares are very affected by the weather change. And I don’t think it’s worth the risk to ride when they are super frisky. I agree with the other’s comments that it is better to be safe. You have so many good rides on Ariel under your belt, that it won’t hurt to not ride on the occasional bad days.

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby PaulaO » Wed Jan 17, 2018 1:42 am

Karin will ride Miss A. tomorrow and I will ride Thursday. I've lined up Alexa, a working student, to do a training ride Friday and twice next week so she can blow out the carbon. Thank God for the younger riders who have a boatload of skills and confidence!

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby heddylamar » Wed Jan 17, 2018 3:27 am

Both of my mares run hot under normal circumstances, so they've been a bit exciting the past few weeks. I don't ride if the arena's not soft enough for trot work, and I wear a crash vest every ride, particularly for the 4yo.

Ground work is a great training tool when they're too energetic. Both of my mares have gone on in-hand trail walks (with lots of in-hand exercises) over the last few weeks. The 4yo is learning shoulder-in, and the 19yo is just being reminded of her place in the food chain :D

Don't be discouraged.

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby PaulaO » Wed Jan 17, 2018 2:53 pm

Never having had a mare, I wonder, is this a mare thing? Or just a "it's cold, I haven't worked steadily, and I don't wanna" thing?

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby PaulaO » Sat Jan 20, 2018 9:00 pm

Ariel was sheer perfection today. Alexa cantered her last night and that burned a lot of excess energy. We did trot leg yields, trot cloverleaf over poles, and even a short canter. A tired TB is a good TB!

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Jan 21, 2018 6:33 am

I don't think it is a mare thing. She just feels good! And sometimes we would rather not deal with that.

My horse is out 24/7 and can move at will and has room to trot and canter in her pen. Now mind you, I haven't been working her this winter but yesterday, I turned her and her buddy out in a small turnout. BO doesn't want it torn up and it rained hard this week. So, I turned the buddy loose knowing she wouldn't make a fuss and I walked Kyra on her lead rope for a few minutes. She calmed down and was doing a nice flat footed walk but as soon as I took her halter off. BOOM. That girl can't keep her feet on the ground sometimes. I need to get a can be impressive. Leap and buck, buck and leap. She didn't do it for long as I went and got some hay so she would cool it.

When they feel good, especially after some downtime, you just have to adjust things on the front end...walk, or lunge a bit longer. I usually get my horse to walk. I don't allow yahoos on the lunge line, she just has to move until moving is more on my terms. It will be interesting this spring. I have been on her exactly twice since April when I had my surgery. You can bet we will be doing at least of month of solid groundwork before I get back on...yes indeed.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Ariel in the winter

Postby StraightForward » Mon Jan 22, 2018 2:13 am

Susan, let me know if you want me to come out for the Inaugural Ride. :)

I don't think it's a mare thing. Obie gets just as obnoxious when it's cold, though it's tapering off now that he's 14.

I was pretty proud of Annabelle for only doing one Superman impression leap on the lunge today. Once she got that out, I got on and enjoyed having a little power to work with, rather than letting her burn it all off running in circles. With silicone fullseats and suede seat and knee rolls on my saddle, I'm not too likely to become unstuck. ;)
Keep calm and canter on.

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