Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

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Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:46 am

OK, so who is that utterly gorgeous kitten in the banner?

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Sunshine2Me » Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:02 pm

Kitten??? Banner????

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 2:56 pm

20180617_114244.jpg (103.05 KiB) Viewed 13731 times
Mountaineer wins the prize! I wondered who would be the first.....You win the prize in that your horse can be on the banner next month!

That kitten is my newest baby. When I lost Lexicon and Scarlett, I started looking to be on breeder's lists to get a new Siamese. I'm all about rescuing....but local rescues don't really like to adopt to homes with pit bulls.....OBVIOUSLY they haven't seen how my pit bulls have interacted with my Siamese.

Well, lo and behold, I had a breeder who had one kitten left. He had been promised to someone else who had to back out at the last minute because of health issues. I wasn't sure I was ready to get another one yet. But all the other breeders were not having kittens til Christmas!
I knew I couldn't leave my lap empty that long.

I drove to upstate NY and stayed overnight in Schenectady. On the way there, we stopped to visit Michael's friend Mike. While we were there, I got a call from the breeder. She said that her daughters dog was staying at the house and had pushed through a gate. And the kitten had gotten his foot pinched. He was three legged lame!
I told her that a. My aunt is my veterinary care isn't an issue if this was a problem. b. Lexicon had burnt his toe so badly at HIS breeder's house that he had had his toe amputated before I got him. He was permanently lame on his left front foot because of that. c. it isn't like I was going to ride this kitten and I needed him sound. He was to be a who cares?

Joy, the breeder, is a horse person too and said that she didn't want to sell me a lame kitten. But I was adamant that I was not worried.
She and I needn't have worried. He is sound sound sound.....and his nickname is high speed kitten. He is ALL over the place.

So, his name is Stonewall Tiberius Jackson....because we already have General Sherman (My husband's dog).

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Tuddy » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:56 pm

What a great story! Welcome Stonewell! You will have a great home! :)

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 3:58 pm

He goes by Jackson! He is super super sweet. He really has bonded to me very strongly. Which I love. He is a hellion. What is even more interesting is that Lois who hated Lexicon, actually gets along with him!

PS. if you can't see the picture on the banner, you need to refresh your browser.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Sunshine2Me » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:21 pm

Chancellor wrote:PS. if you can't see the picture on the banner, you need to refresh your browser. I see him! :D

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:34 pm

Well, you know, I am a meezer person :) Congratulations!

We are pondering a pair of Siamese kittens here at the moment. (We have two female cats ruling the roost at the moment, Sage, the sort-of-Siamese and a new rescue, Puff, a Himalayan, who had been living in someone's garage, apparently driven out by the dog--bad situation for a long haired cat. Sage is rather offended by the new arrival, so we are waiting until they stop hissing at each other before we add anything new to the mix.) We think two is probably going to be a better option than one at this point.

How did you find yours? I'm having a hard time tracking down a decent breeder around here, I think I may have to travel a bit.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:37 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Well, you know, I am a meezer person :) Congratulations!

We are pondering a pair of Siamese kittens here at the moment. (We have two female cats ruling the roost at the moment, Sage, the sort-of-Siamese and a new rescue, Puff, a Himalayan, who had been living in someone's garage, apparently driven out by the dog--bad situation for a long haired cat. Sage is rather offended by the new arrival, so we are waiting until they stop hissing at each other before we add anything new to the mix.) We think two is probably going to be a better option than one at this point.

How did you find yours? I'm having a hard time tracking down a decent breeder around here, I think I may have to travel a bit.

I googled for cat breeders. I was actually looking for Lexicon's breeder but she moved out of state. I can email Joy and see if she knows anyone out your way.

Jackson is so awesome. That cat can PLAY!

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:40 pm

Oh, yes please! There only seems to be one breeder in Utah that I can find.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:43 pm

She just replied that she knows someone in KY. Not far enough West I guess.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 6:44 pm

You should plan a trip to WEG and bring home a Siamese from the Carolinas!

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 18, 2018 7:08 pm

Can you imagine two Siamese kittens on a plane! (Actually, I can. When we moved out here from New York, we bought 4 cats with us. 3 of them were Siamese. That was in the days when cats went in the hold. The racket was breathtaking--I could hear them from the cabin... All survived to live to ripe old ages thereafter.)

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Mon Jun 18, 2018 8:11 pm

Moutaineer wrote:Can you imagine two Siamese kittens on a plane! (Actually, I can. When we moved out here from New York, we bought 4 cats with us. 3 of them were Siamese. That was in the days when cats went in the hold. The racket was breathtaking--I could hear them from the cabin... All survived to live to ripe old ages thereafter.)

OMG. I would have died listening to my babies crying.

We drove 2 1/2 hours with Jackson in the car and he never even peeped! In the last 20 minutes, he was moving around but no noise whatsoever.
Four days later he had to go to the vet who is 45 minutes away and screamed his head off the whole way (that was the first time I told him he was lucky he was so cute)

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby redsoxluvr » Tue Jun 19, 2018 1:50 am

Congratulations! Your kitteh is gorgeous. Many happy returns.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby PaulaO » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:52 pm

I love Meezers. Congrats on your new addition. Do any breeders still do the old fashioned apple head?

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby silk » Tue Jun 19, 2018 7:57 pm

Mine is approaching 11. Amazing hunter, drags in rabbits almost every week (and eats them - then yells for more food).
I'd love another but I've already palmed most of my animals off on my mother during the week so I shouldn't add to her burden (the cat, at least, favours her for the most part - sleeps in her bed, curls up on her chair/lap, etc, so it's not all one-way ;) ).

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 20, 2018 9:54 pm

very cute, i love the photos . I was wondering why you call them meezers?

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby silk » Wed Jun 20, 2018 11:49 pm

Chisamba wrote:very cute, i love the photos . I was wondering why you call them meezers?

Siamese -> "meez"

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 21, 2018 3:07 pm

silk wrote:
Chisamba wrote:very cute, i love the photos . I was wondering why you call them meezers?

Siamese -> "meez"

ooooh! thx

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:40 am

Lovely addition to your family, Chancellor! Keep sharing stories and photos.

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Re: Chancellor! Who is that kitten?!

Postby Chancellor » Fri Jun 22, 2018 12:30 pm

Jackson has managed to even sway Lois the cat. Lois hated Lexicon and would hiss at him at every turn. She has deigned to play with Jackson! Now, he DOES play too much for her taste and she let him have it this morning.
He plays with Sherman the dog too. We were worried about Sherman a little because Sherman plays rough. But he plays very gently with Jackson (who IS that dog?)
Now if I could just break Jackson's habit of waking at 5 am every morning!

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