Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:37 pm

Kyra’s mom, it is good to hear your latest report. I think it’s encouraging how the ground work is translating into good riding for you, (and SF).

I like a lot of Karen R’s stuff and from my POV, it helps me keep from being overly focused on arena drilling. Honestly, if I am not careful, something takes over in my OC brain and I spend way too much time in the arena. I know that some horses and some riders do fine on a day in day out arena work schedule, but personally, I get frustrated with too much arena work, and in turn, my horse ends up frustrated.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Mon Aug 06, 2018 4:53 pm

Mountaineer - I feel that pain. Cindy Ishoy had me working on EXACTLY that with Bliss last fall. It makes a huge difference. Another (very good) clinician also said "If you have to squeeze every stride out of them, how the heck do you expect to ride a good shoulder in or half pass??" They need to be hot off the leg. And I've realized that the hotter I can get him, the better everything gets.

I have a new-ish video to share.. it's from late June before he had his tooth extracted. He's not quite back to where he was then, but it won't be long now. :)
a9.jpg (48.62 KiB) Viewed 22841 times

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Mon Aug 06, 2018 5:20 pm

Great updates everyone. You guys make me feel a little guilty for not having ridden my horses in over a week.

No riding report, but that is because last week, being 95-100* every day, was our county's Fair week. As Dog Superintendent and 4H mom, my Fair begins with spending the weekend getting everything ready for the dog show Monday morning, while making sure ds has gotten his non-animal projects ready to turn in and his market lambs ready for weigh-in. Oh yeah, he shows his dog too, so he had to get him cleaned up and ready to go. My dog show went off with nary a hitch as did the rest of Fair. Sunday, after the lambs were moved, we cleaned all the pens, took down all the decorations, and turned the fairgrounds back to their original state. I promise, i will ride today!

ETA: Nice video Rosie.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Flight » Tue Aug 07, 2018 12:30 am

Great updates, I'm working my way backwards through them.
Rosie, good that Bliss got through his tooth problem and you are back riding. Are you doing much work now to get him to sit more? Like in the canter now, some quarters in on the circle etc? He looks ready for it if you haven't started?

Really nice pics Chisamba, I ilke the matchy matchy black/white. Titanium looks like he's enjoying the work in his pic too.

Dresseur, fantastic as always :) But helpful too with the explanations. Glad your shoulder injection helped. Riding in pain is always difficult.

Kyra's mum, I've wondered about Karen Rohlf's stuff. It does sound interesting and I liked your description of the exercise for posture.
I might not be able to keep riding with my instructor which is tough because there is no one else who trains along the same lines as what he does. I'm not sure where else to go, because on my own i tend to go down the wrong paths. I'm wondering if I need to try some online stuff etc to try and teach my own eye better for when I rewatch my vids. Anyway, I'm sure something will work out, I hope!
Mountaineer, would love to see some vid! It does make a difference when they are more responsive off you leg. I'm always working on it with Ding, but they get the hang of it.

It's been cold and wet here the last few days. We so need the rain, so I can't complain but it's on my days off and it makes it hard to ride!
I've been getting really short of breath running, and after doing anything exertional and it looks like I have really low iron. So, at least that explains it. I was getting really frustrated.
I spent the day pencilling for a really nice judge on the weekend, she is very experienced. A couple of times she said ''quick look up' while i was writing to show me some of the qualities or issues with the horses. Was very helpful.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:08 am

Flight wrote:

I might not be able to keep riding with my instructor which is tough because there is no one else who trains along the same lines as what he does. I'm not sure where else to go, because on my own i tend to go down the wrong paths. I'm wondering if I need to try some online stuff etc to try and teach my own eye better for when I rewatch my vids.

I have my son video me and work in myself, but the recent live clinic showed me that this is quite limited. It is so much better to have good eyes on the ground. I sympathize with you. It's tough to lose a mentor.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby khall » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:48 am

Flight I know how you feel! I do feel like I have finally found someone with the same background (NO) that works for me and my horses. Is it your move or is he moving away? So incredibly sorry.

Well today was hit and miss with Rip. Having to deal with a flock of turkey vultures that were hanging around the next field where we cut hay, sitting on the fence with their wings spread, Rip was rather distracted. Then the tractor came to fluff hay and that was very distracting, sigh.

But I did work on HI W,T, W transitions and they went much better this time. I like them for what they do for Rip, that takes activity and strength to do them. So the canter work was rather horrid because of his distraction until I finally put him in SF and did T, C transitions in SF. That softened him up and made him pay attention. It was wickedly hot and humid so did just a couple and called it quits. We both needed a hose down!

Have a great update on Gaila! Hauled her to the trainer this weekend and she totally blew me away at how nonchalant she was about the new place, being out by herself and the pot belly pig. I was actually stunned. She settled like she had been there forever, impressing the trainer quite a bit. The best thing was, we put her in the arena at first and I went to go get her to put her in her paddock (she will be living rough for one of mine for a bit!). She was at the far end just wandering around, I called her and she came trotting up to me happy as a clam to come with me. I was impressed with my fat girl. She desperately needs to lose 100 lbs! That is with a grazing muzzle and being worked for the last month!! She's been off with the abscess issues we had this summer.

And a weight loss update. I've committed (for the most part) to eating clean. I was doing so when Mark died and had lost a good bit of weight. Went off the deep end after we lost Mark and have struggled to get back to eating healthy again. I am an emotional eater and that has played into my weight gain especially with sweets. But I am following a clean eating program and did my first detox :o and survived. There are things I just won't follow (they really push green tea and I hate tea of any sort) and once I get past the first 30 days I will give myself one meal a week to eat as I want (which is what I was doing before). I've lost 10 lbs in 2 1/2 weeks so far. Looking for another 10 by the end of the challenge and ultimately another 20-25.

Stay cool all and happy riding!

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Tue Aug 07, 2018 4:53 pm

Flight, not sure what the circumstances are with your instructor, but would video lessons be a possibility? Glad you got the short of breath thing figured out.

Khall, nice work on the clean eating!

I have a new goal for August:. Get Tesla behaving for having her feet trimmed. Aren't babies fun!? Otherwise she is fairly civilized, at least.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:14 am

Rosie B wrote:... Another (very good) clinician also said "If you have to squeeze every stride out of them, how the heck do you expect to ride a good shoulder in or half pass??" They need to be hot off the leg. And I've realized that the hotter I can get him, the better everything gets.

When I watched your latest vid (thanks for posting it!) your vid of the clinician you referred to above came up and I watched it again. I am glad I did, too, because that advice you quoted fits right exactly into what I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. If the rider is squeezing every stride, it is a continual aid and it becomes “noise” to the horse. Then they can’t recognize the real aid from the noise. It is so easy, for me anyway, to over do aids (and get noisey) when I don’t think the horse is responding. So it was a good reminder.

I also picked up some other things from watching that vid again. Even tho my horse is naturally forward, she can still get behind the leg. Your clinician said “if you can drop the leg and they continue in the same rhythm, then they are in front of the leg.” She then added, “if you’re not sure and you close both legs and the horse doesn’t move (react), then he’s behind your leg.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Tsavo » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:25 am

demi wrote:I also picked up some other things from watching that vid again. Even tho my horse is naturally forward, she can still get behind the leg. Your clinician said “if you can drop the leg and they continue in the same rhythm, then they are in front of the leg.” She then added, “if you’re not sure and you close both legs and the horse doesn’t move (react), then he’s behind your leg.

Yes I like this testing with legs away. I did much of my horse's rehab with legs away not to test IFOTL but so I wouldn't overface him. He stayed in gait but if he didn't, I tested the waters asking until he either stayed in gait or I decided he couldn't and I walked.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Wed Aug 08, 2018 12:30 am

KHall, Yay for the weight loss!

Flight, I hope you are able to figure this trainer thing out. You are in such a good place with Ding so you will probably be ok no matter how it works out. Good thing you have the soloshot and are good at using it. It might be helpful if you end up without a trainer. Ps, i hope you’re feeling better. Are you eating enough?

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:40 am

This is what I get for registering for a show and publicly declaring it on a forum... acute bronchitis. I've been flat out since Saturday, went to the dr on Tuesday, got antibiotics that I can't keep down and an inhaler that does nothing, and I am still wasting way too much energy fighting to breathe so it's hospital for me today (better safe than sorry). Oh, and I withdrew from the show. Which was tomorrow and Saturday.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:00 pm

Well shoot, Rosie, I’m sorry you’re sick. Please try not to worry and just get better. Dressage stuff will wait for you.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:53 pm

Ugh, Rosie B. Get those good fluids pumping through the veins and feel better soon.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Hot4Spots » Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:02 pm

Well, it's over. We went to UC Davis. X-rays, ultrasound, etc. Severe CHRONIC suspensory desmitis, i.e., it ain't gonna get better. Ever. We got momentarily hopeful when there appeared to be a bone chip - maybe that's the culprit! Nope. No evulsion, no fracture. It's an osseous formation WITHIN the injured and much thickened suspensory. Surgical removal would make it worse, and it's probably not a real factor. So. He can be ridden at a walk only, no trotting. They like the changes my farrier made, but think he could go further and gave recommendations. His present arrangement of 10 x 12 stall with 15 x 40 paddock is fine. He could have a larger paddock but pasture is not recommended. Going to give him another series of shockwave, but that's not a cure - it's just to make him more comfortable. I guess he's going to have to learn to be a trail horse (moderate hills are okay, but not steep ones.) But he's never been a good trail horse, so I guess I'll just have to lay in a supply of ACE and give it a try.

I guess I'm not really depressed, more, I suppose, resigned.....? I thought this was where we were headed, but kept hoping...... I cannot afford to support two horses, so this is it. Heck, I'm still working full time to support this one. He's only 14 and otherwise in great shape. He could easily live another 10+ years, by which time I'll be 83.

He was such a good boy yesterday. Got right into the trailer, even though he hasn't been in one in nearly three years. Rode quietly. Was a little hyped coming off the trailer in a new place, but charmed all the vets/techs/students. It really didn't help having everyone say how beautiful and sweet and charming he was. I'm just going to go for a cry now.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:15 pm

(((((Hot4Spots)))) I am so very sorry about your beautiful horse.

Jingling like mad for you Rosie. Behave, follow doctor's orders, and hurry up and get better.

I have been riding lately, but I'll update later; too sad about RosieB and H4S to post now. :(

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Dresseur » Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:18 pm

That's devastating Hot4Spots. My heart is going out to you and your boy. Rosie, get well soon and Flight, I hope you figure out the trainer situation. I feel for our members who are struggling right now.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby musical comedy » Thu Aug 09, 2018 3:53 pm

What a pity about the prognosis of your horse Hot-4-Spots.

RosieB, I am disappointed to hear you are very ill and can't make the show. Your last video was so excellent and I just know you would have done
very well at your show.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:15 pm

I'm so sorry, Hot4Spots. That really sucks. I'd be crying too.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Thu Aug 09, 2018 4:36 pm

Damn H4S, that is a tough pill to swallow. I'm so sorry. :cry:

Rosie, sorry about the show and hope you are feeling better soon.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Aug 09, 2018 5:57 pm

I'm sorry HOt4Spots. that is sad.
Rosie get better soon!

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:00 pm

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby khall » Thu Aug 09, 2018 6:08 pm

Damn, I am so sorry Hot4spots. Crushing. I would be buried in chocolate ice cream. I know how badly I felt last year when we thought I was going to have to euthanize Rip because of his upper airway. I cried all the way home, 2 hours worth.

Rosie get well soon!!! I hate that for you and scared for you too. Take care, I'm glad you are going to the hospital.

Rye you know I love your horse:)

Rode in the arena today, showed me I need to not be a weeny and ride in it more:/ Ended up with some good stuff but Rip was bargey (not typical of him) and a bit spooky. I have to say I totally embrace the transitions within the lateral work especially SI/SF T/C. That saved me today. Got off and felt lightheaded and shaky from this damn heat and humidity. I need to get on earlier, but was out late last night putting horses out because storms kept them in until late. Bad storms lately, there have been lightening strikes causing house fires. Scary stuff and why my horses stay in.

Stay cool all.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Tsavo » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:10 pm

I am sorry to hear that diagnosis, 4hotspots. Life is unfair.

And I am glad you went to the hospital, Rosie. No need to mess around with something like that.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:31 pm

Hot4spots, is he in pain? I personally would not keep an animal confined and in pain for another ten years. Perhaps I sound particularly harsh but as cruel as nature is, predators pick off the slow, sore and weak and it is better at that than we are.

Edited to add, I believe in giving horses a happy retirement, it's not that, I just don't think pain is part of a happy retirement

I'm terribly sorry that the prognosis is so dire.
Last edited by Chisamba on Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 09, 2018 8:31 pm

Rosie, feel well soon.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:47 pm

Oh Hot4spots :( darn it all. I really feel for you. I understand your dilemma about how old you will be if he lives another 10 years. There may be other options so keep open.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby demi » Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:48 pm

NIce foreword movement from Riot! You are doing a good job with him. More picures!!!!!please. :)

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Aug 09, 2018 11:09 pm

Heal up Rosie! Glad you are getting care. So excited to see more of Bliss (thank goodness the oral surgery went well) and you.
Hots4Spots, I'm just devastated for you. I agree that there are various options which are humane, sane, and moral.
Flight, I'm sad that your trainer may be moving on. You have made such steady development with this person and I know that will be a real loss.
Demi, I'm excited at how well your trainer, you and Rocky are working together----even in TX heat!
Chiasamba, I'm glad you had such inspiration from your last clinic. To me, that is a sign of the approach you want to take/emulate, when you decide to embrace the whole process.
Dresseur, you are putting a lot of pieces together! Very exciting to see M's development.

I am continuing to work on elements of my position and it is very fruitful. I feel like the von Dietz, Steinberg, JJ and Charles clinics are intersecting in my body-mind in useful ways, and Em is responding like the wonderful teacher that she is. If I am lucky enough to have a horse after her (pending my health), they will benefit from what she's taught me. Real changes include:
-Better use of the upper calf as an impulsion aid.
-Better variation of seat depth (aka using a lighter seat sometimes as needed),
-Better opening of the hip in canter.
-Quieter hands (landing Emi like a wild bird on the bit),

In practical terns, counter canter is getting down right adjustable. Trot work has a lot more range (more varieties of trots). And I'm doing a better job of assessing/improving quality of bend in all movements.

I like my Soloshot camera and have used it a few times. It has been raining/stormy so much lately that I haven't set it up in a few weeks. Other times, I have bad timing with other people's lessons in the ring. I am determined to use it more and share some baseline work.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Kyra's Mom » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:09 am

So sorry Hot4Spots. I have no words. {{{HUGS}}} Maybe look into a part lease? Something you could really ride?

Rosie...get well soon. Summer bronchitis/pneumonia... NO FUN.

Rye, Riot looks great.

My back is doing fair. The leg pain I was having is greatly reduced but not gone. My primary care doctor said that it can take several weeks for the nerve that was pinched to recover after the amount of time it was compromised (7 1/2 months) so to not give up hope. I have worked Kyra at liberty a couple times. I am a bit reluctant to put her on the lunge line. She is mostly good but she can have her moments so I will defer at least until after the visit to the surgeon next week. My mother is going to Salt Lake for a possible aortic valve replacement (via catheter, not open heart surgery). She has a couple anatomical challenges so the local doctor referred her there. We are not sure they can do it either but at least she wants to get an opinion. They also have different types of valves available that are better at addressing her issues. I will be staying at her house and continuing to heal and house and dog sitting so Kyra probably won't go back to work until the week after next unless Straightforward can work in a ride or two.

I am really wanting to get back on but I won't :P . I am guessing at least 6 weeks, maybe more. I will live. That has been the story of my life for the last 5-6 years. Hurry up and wait ;) .

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby StraightForward » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:55 am

Feeling good enough to want to get on is a great sign only two weeks out!

Kyra got a good workout this morning. Someone had their truck and trailer parked by the arena door, and she thought she'd better keep a close eye on that situation, but I'm being fairly militant with her about staying focused. She didn't really give it up until they left, but she didn't get to totally take over either. We revisited the CSI/volte/LY exercise, and found it fairly difficult to the left, which make sense since she doesn't like to shift weight onto that right shoulder, so she was not a fan of straightening out of the volte and then LY to the right.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Fri Aug 10, 2018 11:34 am

Thanks for all the well wishes guys. I don't have pneumonia so that's good. It'll probably be some time before I am well enough to ride. Just pushing the wheelbarrow for 60' puts me in a sweat with heart racing because I am struggling to breathe. And this is day 7!!!

Hot4Spots - sorry about the prognosis of your boy.

Rye - Riot is looking his usual handsome self.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Hot4Spots » Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:04 pm

Chisamba wrote:Hot4spots, is he in pain? I personally would not keep an animal confined and in pain for another ten years. Perhaps I sound particularly harsh but as cruel as nature is, predators pick off the slow, sore and weak and it is better at that than we are.

Edited to add, I believe in giving horses a happy retirement, it's not that, I just don't think pain is part of a happy retirement

I'm terribly sorry that the prognosis is so dire.

The vet says he's not in any major pain. He's a little sore if you palpate the area, but he's sound at the walk, and moves around in his paddock. Vet says keeping him moving by walking under saddle is better for him, but he can't have large turnout, i.e., retirement pasture, because if he REALLY runs around at lot, he'll probably damage it to the point where he WILL be in a lot of pain. They said he could have a SLIGHTLY larger paddock than he now has, but my present arrangement is all right. A slightly larger paddock for him at our barn is already occupied, but those people may be moving their horses. But also, where he is now, is very central and keeps him mentally occupied. The slightly larger paddock is more isolated, so....??

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 10, 2018 2:12 pm

Hot4spots wishing you many happy walks.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Aug 10, 2018 3:32 pm

Susan, if I can do anything to help at the Salt Lake end, let me know.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Sue B » Fri Aug 10, 2018 4:02 pm

H4S, if i had a vote, it would be for the centrally located paddock--allows for more social interactions.

Rosie, be careful and hurry up and get better! This March, I had something similar and thought that 2 weeks was long enough to heal up so I went in a clinic. Had to stop multiple times because I could. not. get enough oxygen. Weird feeling.

Rye, thank you for sharing a picture of Riot--he looks awesome. You are doing a great job with him, and it looks like you are really having fun too!

So, I have been riding and here's my report. With Rudy, I worked on making my hh quicker/more precise and him more reactive to them. It took me awhile to figure out the coordination of aides and it took a bit for Rudy to adjust to the speed of my requests. Patience (on both our parts) and persistence paid off and I got some really nice work with almost no 3rd vertebrae folding. It really showed in our canter work where he not only powered off the hocks in the mediums but really sat when asked to collect. Hard for me to describe, but it was fun to play around with. Even Rudy seemed to "enjoy" it (or at least he did not find it stressful) once I got my aides coordinated. I look forward to doing more with that.

Tio is the flip side of Rudy--green, built like a tank, drives a bit like a Mack truck :lol: but he too is a lot of fun to ride. Forward is never an issue with him now and the other night he got a glimpse of what it means to power off the hind end and HE LIKED IT! While I really think of him as my horse to play over jumps with, he is beginning to show a rather decent trot all of a sudden. His canter, too, is improving daily, but he naturally has a very nice canter, just not strong enough to do it well with a rider up. I think by October we'll have that sorted and I'll be able to start doing actual work in the canter. Meanwhile, we do play over low fences at least once a week--something which he enjoys immensely. Rides down the road are also super fun on him now as well. So I guess my Tio report is that the kid has finally grown up (he just turned 7) and is officially a "real" horse. I look forward to taking him to clinics and shows.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:46 pm

Yes, I'd go for the mental occupation too, H4S, as long as it doesn't equate to "overstimulated appy."

Yuck on the breathing thing, do give it time to heal. (Unfortunately, the breathing thing is my life at the moment, going through yet another round of probably futile testing and biopsies to discover what and why, but it really affects my riding stamina badly.)

Now I'm going to play hookey for the afternoon and go ride my sweet horse, because I can :)

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 10, 2018 6:54 pm

Hot4Spots wrote:

The vet says he's not in any major pain. He's a little sore if you palpate the area, but he's sound at the walk, and moves around in his paddock. ...

Sounds like a good arrangement for him, and there's always the possibility that he'll mellow enough over the next few years to make a good trail horse. Some of mine have been pretty spooky for quite a few years, but then as they both matured, and had more good experiences out in the big wide world, they mellowed. They're still spooky and likely will be until the day they die, but the spooks are just smaller and less frequent. Sticking to the same trails over and over again has helped too, and because I'm not all that fond of drama now I can stand riding the same trail every ride, too.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Hot4Spots » Fri Aug 10, 2018 8:03 pm

Kande - you sound like the conversation going around in my head - If I can just get him "going down the road" and into the open space, I can stand doing the same (relatively level) ride over and over again. I'm right next to Mt. Diablo (SF Bay Area), so the areas I can take him are limited, but I'll work it out. Gotta get some syringes from the vet. I've got a couple, but I'll need more. Then, hopefully, he eventually will calm down/learn to like it/not need drugs to trail ride. Of course, once DST ends, trail riding is even more limited. And once it rains, forget it! Adobe mud is alternately extremely slippery and sticky as glue.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Rosie B » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:01 pm

Well it turns out I do have pneumonia. The radiologist had a look at my X-rays and the hospital called me this morning. They’ve prescribed 2 antibiotics which hopefully won’t make me vomit and fingers crossed I’ll be feeling better soon. This is Day 9 of being flat out.

Onward and upward.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Aug 12, 2018 1:51 pm

Feel better Rosie! Nothing to fool around with....!

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Aug 13, 2018 1:27 am

Rosie, that's a bit of an extreme way to get out of riding in a show! Feel better soon.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Aug 13, 2018 1:35 am

My show report...

It was effing hot.

We applied the advice Mette gave to us last weekend and came out with an almost 65 at 2.3. Which made me exceedingly happy. We picked up marks on things we had been struggling with (7s on the medium trot yeehaw!) and managed to lose marks on things we have been solid with in the past (astonishment leading to lack of focus largely, I think :)) we could have been a couple of percentage points higher quite easily.

And we survived the heat, just about. Now we are going to take a few days off.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Flight » Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:40 am

Rosie, hope those ABs get rid of your pneumonia asap. Not fun being that sick I'm sure.
I'm not sure why I got iron deficient. The breathlessness when doing anything is annoying, but at least I know why now. I did lose a lot of weight last year/start of this year but I was eating the best I ever had! Protein and veges etc. Anyway, I might see if I can get an iron infusion to speed it up a bit.

I've got a clinic to go and watch and watch some lessons from another instructor i might be interested in riding with, so that is good.
Chisamba, I agree the video thing still isn't quite enough. I can pick up really obvious things, but then remembering what they were and trying to fix it the next time I ride is not great.

Hot4Spots, so sorry about your horse's prognosis. I'd cry too, it sucks. I thought it was going to happen to one of mine and it's not a good feeling.

Ryeissa, nice pic! Would love to see more too.

Mountaineer, congrats on a 7 for medium trot! I did another horse trials and it was freezing! Seriously felt as cold as the ski fields I was at the week before.

So can anyone tell me why does this happen? See this pic, why does the inside hind land after the foreleg with my horse? Does this mean he is on the forehand? Not carrying enough behind?

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Tsavo » Mon Aug 13, 2018 12:01 pm

I think that might be one aberrant step that wasn't repeated. Are you saying he always traveled like that no matter how you changed his balance?

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:03 pm

it could simply be a one time thing. Look at your video and examine stride by stride before being concerned

It's hard to say from one still photo but it could be that his neck is too high, pushing the shoulder down. I'm one who believes the horses shoulder should lift the neck,

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Aug 13, 2018 3:46 pm

Kimba's mother is a stakes winning pacer. As is her brother. When I started her she had 3 gaits, trot, walk and pace . If she was very excited she'd do a kind of one beat canter. Hop hop hop.

I was at the time working with a poll always high clinician and for 2 years we were stuck in a two or four beat center. Finally I went to an SRS clinician. He wanted her back elastic and her neck falling away from the rider. Fml if she didnt immediately develop a true 3 beat canter.

Anyway. If any of my horses start losing rhythm it is cured by riding the horse so that the shoulder lifts, not the neck at the expense of the shoulder.

Those who disagree, I am properly okay with you achieving your successes your way.
Last edited by Chisamba on Mon Aug 13, 2018 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Hot4Spots » Mon Aug 13, 2018 7:42 pm

Rosie B wrote:Well it turns out I do have pneumonia. The radiologist had a look at my X-rays and the hospital called me this morning. They’ve prescribed 2 antibiotics which hopefully won’t make me vomit and fingers crossed I’ll be feeling better soon. This is Day 9 of being flat out.

Onward and upward.

I felt "just a little not quite right" and had a persistent cough. I went to my doctor, verdict: walking pneumonia, go home if there's someone to take care of you, otherwise to the hospital. I went home. I was unable to go to work for three weeks (bye-bye vacation time). Hang in there, and don't physically stress yourself AT ALL. It'll just take longer to recover if you do. Hope the antibiotics work without making you feel worse!

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby kande50 » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:11 pm

Hot4Spots wrote:Kande - you sound like the conversation going around in my head - If I can just get him "going down the road" and into the open space, I can stand doing the same (relatively level) ride over and over again. I'm right next to Mt. Diablo (SF Bay Area), so the areas I can take him are limited, but I'll work it out. Gotta get some syringes from the vet. I've got a couple, but I'll need more. Then, hopefully, he eventually will calm down/learn to like it/not need drugs to trail ride. Of course, once DST ends, trail riding is even more limited. And once it rains, forget it! Adobe mud is alternately extremely slippery and sticky as glue.

I lead mine out until they've seen the trails and are calm enough on them, and then I get on and do the same trail they've been doing every day with me leading them. If they get too scared I get off and lead them until they're calm enough, and then get back on and go as far as we can before I need to get off again. And then I just keep doing that until they become dependable enough that I no longer need to get off.

So then the only problems I run into are when something changes, which isn't often, but it can be a bit hair raising when they spot a real estate sign or a lawnmower that wasn't there the last 100 times. :-)

I think the advantage to getting off is that I can show them that I'm not afraid of whatever it is, which seems to work a lot better for them than when I used to just make them go by it.

I also spend a lot of time teaching them to stand up next to logs and rocks and stone walls so that I can get back on.

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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby Flight » Mon Aug 13, 2018 9:58 pm

Chisamba wrote:It's hard to say from one still photo but it could be that his neck is too high, pushing the shoulder down. I'm one who believes the horses shoulder should lift the neck,

I think this is exactly it. Thankyou! See what i mean about me watching my vids/pics and knowing something is wrong but not how to fix it?!
Trying to get him up in the shoulder, but then stretching out and round with his neck is what I was trying to work on with my instructor.

If i try to ride him too much down and round, I dump him on the forehand. This pic is about the best I can get with him for stretching. He still looks a bit forehandy. I think this is where i lack the right feel for it.
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Re: Are we ready for the July August goals thread?

Postby musical comedy » Mon Aug 13, 2018 10:05 pm

Flight wrote:If i try to ride him too much down and round, I dump him on the forehand. This pic is about the best I can get with him for stretching. He still looks a bit forehandy. I think this is where i lack the right feel for it.
What are you doing on this last photo? Is it a test stretchy circle or a lengthening? This would be the posture I warm up in or use for a stretch in between exercises. I don't care if the horse is on the forehand for that.

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