Trying to resolve cough

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Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Thu Aug 16, 2018 10:57 am

This has been a hard summer with extreme heat humidity and heavy rain. I have not ridden in the past few weeks because of it. Recently my guy has developed a dry cough noticed during feeding time. He gets minimal pellets but lots of supplements and some are in powder form. I've tried wetting his feed but still a few coughs. I lunged the other day and he coughed twice with some nose blowing like allergy type response. He does have mild allergies and I'm guessing all the rain has triggered this problem with lots of mold.

I recently had him on Clenbuterol given by my vet and he responded very well - however, I was unable to ride during the extreme heat. He has been off this medication for about a week and the cough is back. I also started him on daily scoop of EquiShield SA powder but the medication is what made the difference. I pulled him off his grass paddock too as he is on prascend and thyroid meds too. He looks fit in nice weight as I got him to drop some pounds. He still bucks around when it is dinner time. The cough is very concerning and I am considering restarting him on the medication again. He is fed very clean timothy on a rubber mat. He does not like his hay wet - I've tried that already. Any suggestions what has worked for you? I want to get this under control ASAP.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Chisamba » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:00 am

The only thing that worked for my coughing horse is steamed hay.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:32 am

Chisamba - was it a seasonal issue with your horse regarding allergies? Do you steam hay year round or only during the crazy allergy seasons (which seem to be constant now)? There appears to be lots of human respiratory problems going on now too during this summer season. I have some sinus issues in the morning too with some throat clearing coughs. :roll:

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby kande50 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 5:17 pm

Josette wrote:He is fed very clean timothy on a rubber mat. He does not like his hay wet - I've tried that already.

I think the reason they may not like their hay wet is because the water leaches the sugars out, which for many horses is a good thing. Mine would all like to eat richer hay, but the fatties get the coarse stuff and because it's all they get they eat it.

Another option is to just mist the hay rather than soaking it. Run the hose out and set up a mister on the fence, or somewhere over the hay. I think mist is better because it's not just the hay that gets wet, but it takes the dust out of the air around it, too.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Tuddy » Thu Aug 16, 2018 6:48 pm

Have you had a vet out to listen to his cough? When Yonka came home from the trainers and he had that viral infection, he would cough a lot. I finally gave him, and Tuddy, who also caught the boogers, a round of Exceed. Cleaned them right up and I haven't heard any coughing at all. And it has been insanely dry here as well, very dusty. Just a thought, hope your horse recovers soon though!

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Thu Aug 16, 2018 7:01 pm

Yes - vet was out and gave him the prior medication which has now been completed for over a week. We have the opposite weather here. Extreme heat with lots of rain some areas have washouts and roads closed for repair. Daily Humidity is 80 - 90+% which causes mold. Heavy mildew smell. Lots of weird mushrooms growing in the nearby woods. More rain and storms over the next few days. Wish I could send it to California.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Srhorselady » Fri Aug 17, 2018 4:31 am

I had a horse with what used to be called COPD who was on clenbuterol/ventripulmin. It is very effective BUT the more you use it the less effective it becomes. So use only when needed at the lowest effective dose. It’s also quite expensive. With regard to wet hay...none of my horses who had to have it liked it. however if all you are doing it for is to reduce dust etc. just put in a hay net and hose it thoroughly. Then let it dry. Once dry most of my horses would eat it. I do this after soaking it also and they find it more appetizing. Good luck.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Fri Aug 17, 2018 11:01 am

SrHL - Thanks very much for that information - that was something I did not know about the medication. I'm giving his powdered supplements on soaked hay cubes now.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Chisamba » Sat Aug 18, 2018 8:56 pm

Josette wrote:Chisamba - was it a seasonal issue with your horse regarding allergies? Do you steam hay year round or only during the crazy allergy seasons (which seem to be constant now)? There appears to be lots of human respiratory problems going on now too during this summer season. I have some sinus issues in the morning too with some throat clearing coughs. :roll:

I do steam all year , but the horse is definitely worse seasonally.

I also treat with ventipulmin kn the worst of the allergy season.

Between the two we have managed to restore capable lung function.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby musical comedy » Sat Aug 18, 2018 9:05 pm

If you think it is the hay causing the problem, could you feed Dengie hay?

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:38 pm

Thanks MC - I found this product online and it is available where I currently buy my hay. I think this is the equivalent of Dengie hay. It is certainly worth giving it a try. Thanks again.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby musical comedy » Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:31 am

Yes, I think it's basically the same thing. Some of it has molasses in it, in case that is a problem. I had a horse with an allergy and I fed it for a while, but it was a long time ago. I think I was able to get Dengie then, but maybe that is now just a UK product. I would email Lucerne and ask how they mark the date on their packaging. I say this because I got some that was moldy one time. I had gotten it from Agway and they weren't the best managed feed store.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Sun Aug 19, 2018 1:06 am

Yes - when I searched on Dengie hay it kept showing for the UK site. So this product had the closest description. I don't want any molasses added so will avoid that choice. I hear you about moldy products as I toss out hay cubes if they have been sitting a while. Also, I am very particular about sweeping a clean area on the stall mat to place hay. I can't say the same about my house keeping though.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Chisamba » Sun Aug 19, 2018 5:55 am

None of the hay products I searched addresses mold spores before processing. I have found that steaming the hay reduces dust and spores in a way that buying hay product just did not. Using hay pellet did not stop Teddy's cough the way steaming has.

Just my experience.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:12 am

Thanks Chisamba - I'm looking into the small one at Smartpak site. It's all about managing horses with health issues and getting it under control.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby kande50 » Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:45 am

Josette wrote: Also, I am very particular about sweeping a clean area on the stall mat to place hay.

I've always read that it's better to feed allergic horses outside, but maybe your stall mats are outside?

If I find a dusty bale I save it to feed when it's either raining or snowing.

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Re: Trying to resolve cough

Postby Josette » Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:00 pm

Raining now and this has been a miserable summer. All doors open in the barn with multiple fans on almost 24/7 - extreme heat humidity and bugs. Some days daily rain here. My horses prefer to stand in stalls with the fans on. Free access to private turnout off their stalls.

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