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Postby Tuddy » Tue Aug 28, 2018 4:44 pm

I am starting this thread as I am back on the getting healthy wagon. I've had, literally, 6 months of eating and drinking anything I can get my hands on. I feel like garbage.

Started cleaning up my diet after my clinic last week, and started back at the gym. I take regular pole dance/fitness classes, but that has been stalled for 6 weeks as the studio I go to moved locations. I will be back at that hopefully in 2 more weeks.

I have no desire to lose weight, but if it happens, it happens. I am just so tired and blah and want my energy and strength back.

If anyone else would like to join me or have some fun motivational quotes to keep me going, it would be great. My favorite motivational quote right at the moment is:

I may look like a potato now, but when I turn into a French fry, you're gonna notice me then!

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Tue Aug 28, 2018 5:21 pm

My roommate was trying to accomplish some of the same things I was, and one of things she'd learned was that just because she fell off the wagon that didn't mean she could give herself permission to quit, because that's not how it works. Instead, she'd take a short break if she really wanted to, but then she had to pick up her helmet, put it back on, put her head down and get back in there.

I'm just coming off a break too, but now have my helmet back on and am working on gaining fitness, because trail riding has been much too leisurely to help much. I've been increasing my trot and canter sets gradually, but this new schedule is actually working pretty well because I'm at my mother's every other day, so when I ride on my days off I'm more willing to push harder because I know I'm not going to be doing anything strenuous the next day.

I also started saddling 2 horses so that one can rest while the other one works, so now I have no excuse to avoid longer trot/canter sets. :-)

Now we'll see if I can keep it up....

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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Wed Aug 29, 2018 1:51 am

I’m in. I feel fitter, stronger and healthier than I have in the last several years but I am still 15-20 pounds too heavy. I have lost 1o-15 pounds and gained it back several times over the last 20 years. I know I can do this if I really want to, and, after watching myself walking around the arena tonight as I tried out my new soloshot, I want to. I really want to.

A friend and I had a motivational quote several years ago: “Skinny again in 2010”. It didnt work. The only thing that works with me is to get tough with myself and as the title of Tuddy’s thread suggests, be accountable. I have a great app called MyNetDiary which I will start using again right now.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:36 am

I think I finally realized not to assign labels to food. Eating something rich and decadent doesnt make me a bad person, simply a person who ate something decadent. Removing the emotional labels attached to food has helped me with healthier eating choices. It's the balance of the whole day that counts. Eating mostly fresh veggies and salad, and choosing smaller quantities of the other stuff, but never feeling deprived.

So far it has helped. People are starting to say "you look good" and "have you lost weight' .

I do find I need a weigh day to be accountable. Nothing like that scale to be honest with you. That whole " dont weigh yourself go by how you feel" nope doesnt work for me. Weigh myself regularly.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Wed Aug 29, 2018 2:06 pm

Chisamba wrote:I think I finally realized not to assign labels to food. Eating something rich and decadent doesnt make me a bad person, simply a person who ate something decadent. Removing the emotional labels attached to food has helped me with healthier eating choices. It's the balance of the whole day that counts. Eating mostly fresh veggies and salad, and choosing smaller quantities of the other stuff, but never feeling deprived.

So far it has helped. People are starting to say "you look good" and "have you lost weight' .

I do find I need a weigh day to be accountable. Nothing like that scale to be honest with you. That whole " dont weigh yourself go by how you feel" nope doesnt work for me. Weigh myself regularly.

Fully agree, I am not depriving myself of anything, but am just making myself more aware of what I am eating. Now that all the garden harvests are coming in, I had fresh roasted zucchini last night for supper. I literally ate the whole pan! Lol. With a very healthy size glass of red wine.

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Thu Aug 30, 2018 3:39 pm

Tuddy wrote:
Fully agree, I am not depriving myself of anything, but am just making myself more aware of what I am eating. Now that all the garden harvests are coming in, I had fresh roasted zucchini last night for supper. I literally ate the whole pan! Lol. With a very healthy size glass of red wine.

I struggled with weight at one time, and something I learned was that not eating enough was just as big a problem as eating too much--and that portion size is important.

IOW, I had to try every single shortcut I could think of before I finally just went on the weight watchers diet and ate exactly what was on it until eating that way became habitual. Now I eat whatever I want whenever I want, but it did take a lot of planning and measuring and weighing to get to that. But then, planning, measuring, and weighing is what I do, so no surprise that that approach to weight control worked for me. :-)

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Re: Accountability

Postby StraightForward » Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:08 am

I will join in! The summer heat has started to subside, so that is making the logistics of riding much easier, so it is time to get back on the exercise bandwagon.

I did (mostly) jog 4.5 miles on Saturday, and then went out again for 3 miles on Tuesday. The most logical thing for me to do is run 3 miles before work; I can get that done in about half an hour. I waste more time drinking coffee and staring into space when I could be jump-starting my metabolism for the day and getting some fresh air.

Most of this year, I've been putting together a weekly meal plan/schedule. That helps a lot, but lately I've been weak on doing the prep work, especially for the lunches. Now I'm thinking I'll add a couple check boxes to the template for running and core exercises. That way, I can just check off the 2 boxes for the week, and it won't matter what day they happen, but I'll have them staring me in the face from the fridge.

I've also been using bread and pasta a little bit as a crutch, so need to banish those for a while.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 10:27 am

StraightForward wrote:I waste more time drinking coffee and staring into space when I could be jump-starting my metabolism for the day and getting some fresh air.

The story of my life, although there was a time long ago when I could get out of bed and get dressed and go out and ride without having to fiddle around for an hour first. But now that I'm retired I am finding that jump starting my metabolism is even more important than it was before, because it's way too easy to make procrastination a way of life.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:52 pm

Well, I have hit the gym every day this week. 3 days of lifting, 2 days of cardio and stretching. I feel sore, but the muscle memory is starting to come back. Upped the water intake and added more good food to my diet and I lost 2 pounds in these past 5 days. Flushing out the water retention. I've never peed so much in my life!

I'm still dealing with a nagging head cold though, and now have a dry cough. I think I might have to hit a doctor's office because it a full week now and it is not getting better at all.

Yesterday was cardio day, and I found this sign on one of the mirrors at the gym last night. I put it on my Instagram, with a caption, "Well, I wonder what the story behind this is all about?" Haha!

And someone needs a dictionary....

gym sign.jpg
gym sign.jpg (147.44 KiB) Viewed 41879 times

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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:18 pm

kande50 wrote:
StraightForward wrote:I waste more time drinking coffee and staring into space when I could be jump-starting my metabolism for the day and getting some fresh air.

The story of my life, although there was a time long ago when I could get out of bed and get dressed and go out and ride without having to fiddle around for an hour first. But now that I'm retired I am finding that jump starting my metabolism is even more important than it was before, because it's way too easy to make procrastination a way of life.

Ha ha and amen! Although, I think it is good to take time to just sit and stare into space. It gives the important stuff time to sink in. I know I need that time, but I also know that I can sit for way too long sometimes. Especially when the house needs cleaning.

4 days into it and I havent fallen off the wagon yet. I am trying to eat one very low carb meal a day, and then the other two meals just relatively low carb.
I had commitments on Wednesday that left me no energy for doing my exercise routine. Then yesterday I had a sinus headache and couldn’t manage to exercise, however I did ride! I did my Jane Fondas today.

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Re: Accountability

Postby redsoxluvr » Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:35 pm

I'm in. I have to carve this weight off one way or another. I also need to be more realistic about keeping two horses in full work.
Sitting on my tush staring at my phone thinking about working horses does not equal working horses.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:49 pm

i think the positive thing is when it becomes a habit. For the past eight years i have met with friends for the Grand prix, we get a table together and they feed us. I took my own salad, carrot sticks, and a drink in with me, and sat and ate in in perfect satisfaction. I did not feel guilty about eating the very fattening funnel cake at the fair because i had decided one indulgence was okay. I do drink a lot of coffee which some might consider unhealthy lol. I eat a lot of salad, and veggies, i choose the lower impact ones with good nutrition. I have been avoiding bread, pasta, and any refined grains, and I choose lower fat options when i choose my protien.

I feel satisfied most of the time, if i have a sweet craving, i tell myself that friday is my treat day, and postpone it til friday. Often, when friday comes, something small and not very high calorie satisfies, but if it does not, i will indulge once a week.

My endocrinologist said that my goal should be to loose ten percent of my body weight, then to stabilize at that weight and then re evaluate. I have superceded that goal, so i am adding in a little more food at this time, to stabilize at this weight for a few weeks and let my metabolism reset. Apparently if you lose more than ten percent of your body weight at a time, the likelyhood of regaining weight increases exponentially.

Since i do not want to yo yo, i am trying to level off right now.

my sister in law says when she is trying to level off she weighs daily instead of weekly, so she can immediately react if she gains weight, i am not sure what I plan to do to be accountable.

best wishes to everyone.

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Re: Accountability

Postby StraightForward » Sun Sep 02, 2018 3:36 am

demi wrote:
Ha ha and amen! Although, I think it is good to take time to just sit and stare into space. It gives the important stuff time to sink in. I know I need that time, but I also know that I can sit for way too long sometimes. Especially when the house needs cleaning.

Once I get past the "everything hurts and I'm dying" phase, I do some of my best thinking when I'm running. It's a good counterpoint to dressage, which is so mentally absorbing.

To that end,I did my 4 miles this morning. I briefly considered signing up for a half marathon, bit then I came to my senses.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Tue Sep 04, 2018 4:43 pm

I am suffering from horrible headaches. I think it is sugar withdrawal... just get over the headache, and then eat something with a fast release sugar in it, boom, another headache. I ate a banana today. I think my brain is coming out of my head.

But, I made all five days at the gym last week, did not go yesterday as it was a holiday and I was not driving an hour round trip to sit in the gym for another hour.... so I spent those three hours house cleaning and meal prepping for this week. No more bananas though. Lol!

Back to the gym tonite and then my pole studio officially opens in its new location today! Super duper pumped to get back on that pole!

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:39 pm

Tuddy, I recommend vitamins and electrolytes to stop headaches when changing nutrition

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:06 pm

Chisamba wrote:Tuddy, I recommend vitamins and electrolytes to stop headaches when changing nutrition

Yes, Gatorade and upping my vitamins for sure. And Probiotics. Gotta keep the tummy happy or the brain isn't happy. Oh, the things I have learned from having anxiety!

I feel much better today, had a really good sleep last night, back to the gym today! :)

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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:41 pm

I’ve not been doing well in diet or exercise over the last few weeks, so I came to this thread right now to get motivated. I should have delayed breakfast this morning because I wasn’t hungry but I caved in when DH was making toast out of some nice bakery English toasting bread (that’s the point where I should have come to this thread!!) Instead, I caved in and had two pieces with real butter, and also caved in and washed it down witht a glass of OJ. Now, that isn’t too many calories for me, but way to much simple carbs. Then, because the weather is cooling down and i didnt have to rush out to ride, I messed around inside drinking too much coffee and staring into space. I did do some laundry and housecleaning, as well as fed and walked the dogs, fed the cat and cleaned the litter box, and finally went out to clean stalls. I cleaned 2 out of 3 and suddenly felt my blood sugar plummet. I was shakey and had to go in and get something to eat. DH is diabetic so we have blood glucose testing equipment and mine was 65. I ate some yogurt with nuts and raisins. So, I ended up eating too many calories this morning.

Watching the rest of you reminds me that there is a lot of discipline to this. I need to get tougher. And I need to balance the extra calories this morning by skipping lunch and then eating a light, healthy dinner.

I’m stilll encouraged by those of you who are doing well. Thanks!

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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Wed Sep 05, 2018 3:54 pm

Oh, BTW Chisamba, I noticed in your more recent pics that you looked like you were losing weight. I just didnt say anything because it’s a personal thing and I always fear saying something that might make someone uncomfortable. You are doing great and I’m inspired by your effort!

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:13 pm

Thank you Demi.

I am diabetic too. I suggest some protein if you eat carbs to extend the glycemic index. 65 feels awful

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:42 am

demi wrote:I cleaned 2 out of 3 and suddenly felt my blood sugar plummet. I was shakey and had to go in and get something to eat. DH is diabetic so we have blood glucose testing equipment and mine was 65.

Ahhh, so it is the blood sugar. That (getting shaky mid-morning) happens to me often, and for the same reasons, yet I just keep doing it over and over again. I plan to eat fewer carbs with my coffee, but then go right ahead and put sugar in my coffee and jelly on my toast and then get shaky a few hours later. Odd how I can have coffee and carbs later in the day with no effect except for maybe an energy boost, but not in the morning.
Last edited by kande50 on Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:53 am

Again, if you eat sugar it seems counter intuitive to eat more, but add cheese, protein, fiber, to slow the digestion and carry you past the insulin spike too much sugar causes.

Don rely o. Your will power, just add fiber or protein if you already caved .

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:55 am

Tuddy wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Tuddy, I recommend vitamins and electrolytes to stop headaches when changing nutrition

Yes, Gatorade and upping my vitamins for sure. And Probiotics. Gotta keep the tummy happy or the brain isn't happy. Oh, the things I have learned from having anxiety!

I feel much better today, had a really good sleep last night, back to the gym today! :)

Tuddy I find the sugar in Gatorade counter productive, I use propel or powerade zero. There are healthier versions I just grab the available version lol

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:56 am

I'm not trying to convert anyone, just hoping to be helpful

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:15 pm

Chisamba wrote:I'm not trying to convert anyone, just hoping to be helpful

No, this is great! Thanks for all the help! I actually only use Gatorade/PowerAde stuff when I feel I need the electrolytes. As funny as this sounds, a lot of that stuff has way too much citric acid in it for me, and that really bothers me.

The headaches are finally receding though, thank goodness.

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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Thu Sep 06, 2018 1:46 pm

Just checking in. I wasn’t hungry so resisted eating breakfast. I had to really resist because I made a nice omelette for DH and could have had half. It was just egg, ham, and cheese which would have been a good protein breakfast. But I wasn’t hungry.

...then everything went upside down because when we walked the dogs we found a stray dog on the property. Skinny, female boxer pit mix. She was scared of us so we just put some dry dog food and water down.

Chisamba wrote:Again, if you eat sugar it seems counter intuitive to eat more, but add cheese, protein, fiber, to slow the digestion and carry you past the insulin spike too much sugar causes.

Don rely o. Your will power, just add fiber or protein if you already caved .

This is good advise.

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:08 pm

Chisamba wrote:Again, if you eat sugar it seems counter intuitive to eat more, but add cheese, protein, fiber, to slow the digestion and carry you past the insulin spike too much sugar causes.

Don rely o. Your will power, just add fiber or protein if you already caved .

Bean salad has been my go to this summer. The way I make it (sweet/sour) it does add more sugar, but also adds a lot more fiber than anything else I eat. I try to go heavy on the vinegar and light on the sugar, and put lots of veggies in it along with the beans.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:27 pm

Hope the dog is ok. I'm sure she appreciated food

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Re: Accountability

Postby StraightForward » Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:10 am

Just did a quick kettlebell workout while the zucchini noodle bolognese was cooking. Heading out to ride now, and will have time to go for a run in the morning since I'm teleworking. I managed a 3 mile walk earlier this week, but tomorrow will be the first run. Maybe I need to start counting hoof trimming as part of my workout routine - I've trimmed two other than my own this week, which could explain how I'm getting some definition in my shoulders.
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Re: Accountability

Postby demi » Sun Sep 09, 2018 1:40 am

Have kept carbs under 50 grams per day for two days. I feel better already. It’s one of those thing where I have to get over the hump before it starts to get easier.
Chisamba, I think the dog has moved on. She came back for the food the first morning and then hid the dish is the bushes. Poor thing. I put food out the second morning but it was still there by late afternoon. We will keep looking for her...

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Re: Accountability

Postby Fatcat » Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:14 am

Tuddy wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Tuddy, I recommend vitamins and electrolytes to stop headaches when changing nutrition

Yes, Gatorade and upping my vitamins for sure. And Probiotics. Gotta keep the tummy happy or the brain isn't happy. Oh, the things I have learned from having anxiety!

I feel much better today, had a really good sleep last night, back to the gym today! :)

If you're really cutting out sugar, you should avoid Gatorade, it's laced with it! Try an electrolyte like Vega that's sweetened w/stevia not sugar or HFCS.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Tue Sep 11, 2018 3:21 pm

How we doing friends?! I am feeling 1000 percent better after last week's illness. I haven't been to the gym, but I have been running/walking everyday at home. Diet is back on track and I feel great!

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:21 pm

I'm riding more so life has improved 1000% for me, too. All it took was getting my schedule straightened out so that I have the same days off every week, because trying to keep track of which days I was going to have off wasn't working very well. That, and I met someone who likes to ride in the ring and can ride during the week, and that has helped a lot. Most of the time I'd rather ride by myself, but this is working well because it makes it harder for me to procrastinate, and as always, once I get on and get going then I have a good time and can't understand why I can't get going more often.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:45 pm

I have been riding and keeping busy. I'll let you know Thursday if I am still on track weight wise. Im feeling ok.

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Re: Accountability

Postby StraightForward » Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:29 pm

I've had to admit that there aren't enough hours in the day to work three horses, hold down a job and the rest of basic life duties, and also run on the regular. I'm still trying to get a core workout in here and there, but running is on the back burner for a few weeks while I'm still riding Kyra. My weight is static where it's been for about two years. As long as it's not going in the wrong direct, that's OK for now.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:19 pm

I quit the YMCA because it is just too far away for me to fit in on my regular routine, i would like to join a slightly closer smaller place, because i really do work out better if I go somewhere to do so. I will talk my son into joining me at it!

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Re: Accountability

Postby heddylamar » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:07 pm

I need to join in here! I'm normally a pre-dawn runner, but since I became fully self employed earlier this summer, my adherence has slipped. And I cannot stand running in full sun when it's hot (if there were any shady routes, it would be fine). Anyway, the past month has been better.

Competed in a 5 miler this morning -- 10th out of 148 in my age/gender group :D I just need to continue to build on the current streak and add in more early morning miles this month before a half in October.

I have to agree with Chisamba that if you go off track, make sure you still eat some protein/fiber. If I miss protein/fiber in favor of (insert random indulgence), I'll be wide awake, nauseous and starving at 2 AM.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:40 pm

I am snacking on fresh green beans as i read this, and admiring Heddylamar!! congrats.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:03 pm

heddylamar wrote:Competed in a 5 miler this morning -- 10th out of 148 in my age/gender group :D I just need to continue to build on the current streak and add in more early morning miles this month before a half in October.


I had family from out of town this weekend, and all we did was eat lol, but it was good, wholesome, home cooked food. I got some extra cardio in when we had to pen up some of our cattle as our big bull had twine wrapped around his back feet. I can still run pretty good through a messy cow corral in flip flops I tell ya!

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Re: Accountability

Postby heddylamar » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:03 pm

Thanks ;) I am far from a speedster, but I've finally reached the age group where my normal pace is paying off.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:36 pm

My chaps slid off without being unzipped. My jeans dont fit and I borrowed a belt. That was as almost a cluster as it was a slider, and I couldn't work our how to get it loose. Lol.

Still need to join a gym

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Wed Sep 19, 2018 5:16 pm

I pulled on a pair of jeans today without having to struggle to do them up. It was amazing.

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Re: Accountability

Postby khall » Fri Sep 21, 2018 9:27 pm

Great work on the weight loss everyone and the desire to be fitter everyone! I've been eating clean (for the most part) for about 45 days now and have lost 15 lbs with another 20 or so to lose. I don't exercise formally but my lifestyle is very active with 15,000 steps a day being the norm. I do want to add in planks and yoga. I am not much of a runner especially without my good running partner Koda who was a foster dog. My young pit I had to coax around the track with her questioning why we were moving that much! My DH does like to jog and is now also bike riding. I'm just trying to eat better and add in a bit of exercise.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Fri Sep 28, 2018 4:03 pm

Howdy friends!

Guess who caught a flu bug! BLAH! And may have tendonitis in her arm! :(

Doc appointment on Monday to check out my arm though, I can barely type, yet, had no issues doing all my moves and exercises at the pole studio on Wednesday for class - weird.

Have a great weekend!

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:09 am

Had to indulge in my least favorite activity today, clothes shopping at least this time it was smaller clothing.

Tuddy, feel well soon

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Re: Accountability

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:54 pm

Congratulations, Chisamba!

I've been lurking on this thread for a while, and am finally stepping up to the plate. I'm in week 4 of a diet/lifestyle change because I quite badly need to get healthier. While I'm not seeing much of a result on the scale, I'm finally getting stronger in my core and chest.

I tried for a while to use my clothes as a guide for when I need to cut back instead of stepping on a scale, but ultimately the only way I stay accountable is if I weigh myself at least 2x/week. Otherwise I end up explaining away trends as just little blips. Darn you, northern-European peasant metabolism.

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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Mon Oct 01, 2018 4:17 pm

Thanks Chisamba! Flu bug gone... arm getting ultrasounded on the 24th. Yeesh.

Now that winter showed up here, I have to actually wear pants. Boo to that! I want my summer dresses forever.... on a positive note though, said pants are sure sliding on a heck of a lot easier than when I put them away last spring!! :)

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Re: Accountability

Postby Sue B » Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:32 pm

After being bucked off and damaging my sacrum and lumbar spine, I can now walk on level(ish) ground for more than a few minutes at a time, BUT I can't figure out how to do any core exercises besides sitting up straight and holding myself up right when walking. I do gentle stretches in the shower to ease the tension on my sciatic nerves; left hardly ever screams and right is getting less grouchy. Riding and walking have always been my primary forms of exercises, I need some ideas to tide me over while I heal.

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Re: Accountability

Postby kande50 » Tue Oct 02, 2018 10:27 am

Last winter, when I finally realized that if I wasn't going to ride I needed to start an exercise program, I started using two heavy walking sticks whenever I walked anywhere. I was doing it partly for my posture and partly because lifting them worked my abs, and kept switching to bigger ones as I adjusted to the weight I was using.

I'd been using ski poles in the winter anyway, so just started collecting heavier walking sticks whenever I walked in the woods. I also carry a backpack with some weight in it more often now, for the same reasons.

Don't know if your injuries are up to that kind of workout yet, but you could always start with light sticks and work up to heavier ones?

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Re: Accountability

Postby Chisamba » Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:30 pm

can you sit comfortably, Sue B. if you sit in a chair, and sit up straight, and put your right hand on your right knee, now push down with your right hand, but lift your knee, so you are offering your own resistance leg lift, make sure you feel your abdominal muscles engage. My mother is a senior, and she has several seated core exercises that were given her, that I did with her as she recovered, ( she has to use a walker) after her hip surgery. That is one that I find useful still.

the other is to hold a light weight in your hand, and turn slowly, with your arms parallel to the ground and shoulder height, of course this assumes you can twist comfortably.

put a can of beans in each hand ( any 1 lb can) and sit upright, reach sideways and touch your knuckle to the ground, then straighten, then go the other way. all three of these work core muscles

hope this helps


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Re: Accountability

Postby Tuddy » Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:41 pm

Chisamba wrote:can you sit comfortably, Sue B. if you sit in a chair, and sit up straight, and put your right hand on your right knee, now push down with your right hand, but lift your knee, so you are offering your own resistance leg lift, make sure you feel your abdominal muscles engage. My mother is a senior, and she has several seated core exercises that were given her, that I did with her as she recovered, ( she has to use a walker) after her hip surgery. That is one that I find useful still.

the other is to hold a light weight in your hand, and turn slowly, with your arms parallel to the ground and shoulder height, of course this assumes you can twist comfortably.

put a can of beans in each hand ( any 1 lb can) and sit upright, reach sideways and touch your knuckle to the ground, then straighten, then go the other way. all three of these work core muscles

hope this helps


Oooh - thanks for this - I can do these at work!

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