Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Sep 14, 2018 6:21 pm

Imperini wrote:As for me, I won't really be joining in for this thread because I uh.. moved.. to Las Vegas. Like some sort of crazy person. :lol: Pal is with my coach until the weather gets more reasonable for her to adjust to down here and then she'll come too so perhaps I'll be able to join in on the next thread..

wow! why? did you move for work? its nice that you have a trainer to help you in the transition

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:00 pm

So I started asking for more, as in more difficulty stuff, really clean simple canter walk transitions in a straight line, etc. The interesting thing is that as i ask for more demanding stuff, i can see where the holes are in the easier stuff, so i intersperse circles and serpentines in between help her be more even and supple. For example she has long enjoyed taking more weight in the left rein, but what that really means is that she does not really want to accept a through half halt in the right rein. So after doing straight line simple changes, i do some trot serpentine to regain easy contact in each rein, and help her relax.

also doing some half pass leg yield zig zag, but with the horse maintaining the bend equivalent to half pass, when leg yielding the other way. ( so technically not a leg yield) simply yielding to the leg in the opposite direction of a half pass. Surprisingly she did not find this as easy as I expected. After more collected canter work and then serpetine and zig zag, i test for "forward" I think her expression is improving

yes the pad is getting a lot of use. lol

edited to add, yes i know my leg could be longer in the sitting trot lengthening, but hey, im sitting ;)

Titanium was ridden by my friend yesterday and she was impressed with how much more consistent he is, he still likes to throw his head and neck up when asked to yield laterally to the leg, even in simple turn on the forehand.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Sep 15, 2018 1:25 pm

Wow! Nice work! She's really showing more power. Really lifting in front and sitting . looks like a horse I Want to ride.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Imperini » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:37 pm

Lovely pic Chisamba, looking really good!

Ryeissa wrote:
Imperini wrote:As for me, I won't really be joining in for this thread because I uh.. moved.. to Las Vegas. Like some sort of crazy person. :lol: Pal is with my coach until the weather gets more reasonable for her to adjust to down here and then she'll come too so perhaps I'll be able to join in on the next thread..

wow! why? did you move for work? its nice that you have a trainer to help you in the transition

It was a combination of reasons. We didn't technically move for work, but were able to keep the same jobs so that's a plus. One of the more fun benefits of our move is due to the weather my DH will be able to spend more time on his astrophotography (I did a thread in the OL a long time ago with some of his pics).

I will mention because last thread I was having some stifle slipping sort of issues with Pal which have since resolved with an increased work load, backing up, and hill work, plus I almost think that having her teeth done helped out for some reason, and her feet needed to be on a more frequent schedule than they were. It's probably something I'll always have to keep in mind when working and caring for her but it's a relief that it got better with more work/specific work and it also means that when she gets here in a month or so I will be able to join the thread.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Sat Sep 15, 2018 2:59 pm

Imperini, glad to hear you were able to improve the stifle issue with targeted work. I just wanted to mention that how you ride can cause or prevent falling out at least on my horse. If I allow him to just trot along and not put him in one piece, he will sometimes fall out. I can prevent falling out almost completely by just riding him correctly over the back, back to front, into my hand. I learned this when rehabbing my horse about 10 years ago and complaining to my instructor about falling out. My instructor saw that I was riding tentatively because it was rehab and to immediately cut that crap out. I put him together and he stopped within that ride.

I like to think that it means he is loose and not tight. I do think he is generally loose because the nuchal ligament is easy to flip even when the neck is up. But it means I can't let him just lump around which is fine.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Sep 15, 2018 4:16 pm

That's great news! I have mentioned that I found Chiropractic extremely important for maintaining my horses stifle. I do it every 4 months religiously.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Sat Sep 15, 2018 6:50 pm

Well we survived our 2nd level debut. We got a 63.5% for second level test one which considering I haven’t showed in 3 years, we went off course once, and there were a few other mistakes I am quite pleased with. :)

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Sat Sep 15, 2018 7:24 pm

Congratulations Rosie! That is a big hurdle, and I'm sure you'll continue to excel from here!

I had a great ride on Kyra this morning. A few days ago I asked Thomas Ritter for some advice on how to approach Kyra's tendency to get distracted without adding tension. He suggested staying within a gait for a length of time, riding a common base pattern with a small twist each time. This gives the horse a level of comfort in knowing what they're doing, but still listening for the twist in the plot rather than going on auto-pilot off into lala land. A new boarder was schooling on barrel racing in the adjacent arena, so she definitely had an attractive distraction. We trotted lots of single loops, adding more voltes each time around the arena, then cantered with CC loops, and finally, cantering down centerline and then riding a volte at X and a half-volte at the end. Towards the end, she was becoming quite engaged and collecting the canter. Of course I'd forgotten to put the memory card back in the SoloShot, so no video.

Tomorrow is lesson day; it will be interesting to see what instructor thinks vs. first lesson on Kyra 3 weeks ago.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Flight » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:26 pm

Yay Rosie! Congrats! Need more of a report though, were you nervous or ok? How was Bliss there? I always do an EOC, it's a miracle if i don't and i compete a lot :roll: :D

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby PaulaO » Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:29 pm

Had a migraine today, plus there was a show at the barn so I didn’t ride Ariel. I hopped in a schoolie and had an impromptu lesson focusing on my seat and the bending aids. Go me!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:28 am

LOL Flight... ok just for you.

I wasn't nervous, but he was a bit tense and high in the neck at times which knocked a lot of the marks down. It was also crazy hot and he was a litte sticky as a result. There were FIVE issues/mistakes in the test including the off course where I realized I didn't know where the freewalk started and guessed the wrong letter. oops. Then there was a fly on his neck (which resulted in lots of head shaking.. in the shoulder in), a wrong lead (which I corrected), a break from canter, and a messed up medium due to me having to correct the wrong lead.

So, not the best test ever. But not the worst. No the worst was my second test of the day, which shall remain undiscussed except for me to say I was eliminated for the first time ever. :lol: :roll: It started off well... all 7s and 6.5s halfway down the page and then it went to hell in a handbasket. We'll blame the heat.
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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby PaulaO » Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:02 am

Rosie, very nice pics. Job well done!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 16, 2018 12:45 pm

Rosie, i am impressed that you are out there doing what I goaled to do, and then did not!! I did want to debut second level with Kimba in a rated show, since we did okay in a schooling show, but you are there, way ahead of everyone who did not show up!! like me. I like the canter photo

that said, it might be easier to fix riding mistakes than training problems, so you should be fabulous next time!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby musical comedy » Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:29 pm

Chisamba wrote: I did want to debut second level with Kimba in a rated show, since we did okay in a schooling show, but you are there, way ahead of everyone who did not show up!! like me.
Chisamba, maybe consider the rated dressage show at Buck's County Horse Park on October 20. I always liked that show because the weather is usually cool and nice. It is 1.5 hours from you which is a drive, but not a too bad one. I like the facility and they usually get good judges.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:33 pm

Congratulations Rosie! Glad your debut went well.

I have decided to not show next weekend, biggest issue is Rip's strained muscle and frankly the heat. Supposed to be 97 early this week with mid 90's later. Ridiculous to get much done here riding wise to prepare and off of Rip anyway until early week at least. Still WIH lightly, using the loop and sore no more.

My filly is now in Rip's saddle (had to find a girth small enough for her) and am looking at different bits to try. Don't like the one I have for her. Also trying to find a new bridle, hers is a bit tight across the brow band. Trying to find a French caveson (NO cranks) black. Ordered one from Dover but it has a mono crown which is weird. Apparently a new concept in bridles. So if anyone has a source for good quality leather with French caveson preferably without reins at a reasonable price $150 or so send it on. ... =3&theater

I think I may need a more anatomic shaped girth for my round no withers filly. The saddle slid forward a bit after working in it. (see other pictures) Like how it fits her though.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Sun Sep 16, 2018 1:53 pm

khall wrote:My filly is now in Rip's saddle (had to find a girth small enough for her) and am looking at different bits to try. Don't like the one I have for her. Also trying to find a new bridle, hers is a bit tight across the brow band. Trying to find a French caveson (NO cranks) black. Ordered one from Dover but it has a mono crown which is weird. Apparently a new concept in bridles. So if anyone has a source for good quality leather with French caveson preferably without reins at a reasonable price $150 or so send it on. ... =3&theater

I think I may need a more anatomic shaped girth for my round no withers filly. The saddle slid forward a bit after working in it. (see other pictures) Like how it fits her though.

Well, leather quality @ $150 is probably not going to be great. Pretty much every bridle is MonoCrown these days, but you might look at Ovation, or for a little more, the Kieffer Anja Beran bridle. They have a fully removable flash. Flexible Fit Equestrian allows you to build a bridle, but I think they only have monocrowns. I've heard good things about the quality for the price.

You're probably better off going used though - bridles without a monocrown are cheap on eBay and you'll get better quality. Another option is to get in touch with Rock Horse Ranch - she deals in Bobby's bridles, and I believe she will piece together what you want.

I am going to have a 26" Total Saddle Fit StretchTec girth for sale pretty soon ;)
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:00 pm

i am with you on disliking the monocrown trend. especially the bulky padded monstrosities. i do not for a moment believe they put less pressure on the crown. I also dislike crank nose bands. makes bridle hunting difficult for me at this time. i tend to look for hunter bridles.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby heddylamar » Sun Sep 16, 2018 2:54 pm

I really dislike the mono crowns because it's impossible to find one that fits in all directions properly. All of my mares have needed more circumference from the noseband than offered in the bridle that fits height-wise and around their forehead.

Maia's in a Bobby's bridle right now that was bought for Mom's old rescue Trakehner. The noseband just barely fits ... on the last hole. Meanwhile, throatlatch is far too long, and the browband is perfect. I haven't tried the flash -- I just pulled that off. I'd have pulled the noseband off too, if it weren't a mono crown.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:03 pm

Thanks guys. :)

I was really pleased with my first test today (Second test 1) so I scratched from my second because I knew it wouldn’t be better than that. And I was happy when I got the score, too. 66.97%. :)

Still lots to improve upon of course. But it was a respectable test today.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby musical comedy » Sun Sep 16, 2018 3:07 pm

Rosie B wrote:Thanks guys. :)

I was really pleased with my first test today (Second test 1) so I scratched from my second because I knew it wouldn’t be better than that. And I was happy when I got the score, too. 66.97%. :)

Still lots to improve upon of course. But it was a respectable test today.
That is so awesome. Congratulations. He is only 8 years old and you do all the training yourself, plus you were ill and he had time off for dental issues. That all makes it more awesome.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Sep 16, 2018 5:48 pm

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Sun Sep 16, 2018 6:08 pm

Thanks to Chisamba and Rosie for posting the pictures. Very nice.

I am watching radar for a break in the rain to work my horse and the other horse I ride.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Sun Sep 16, 2018 10:59 pm

Some pics from today... I have lots more but don't want to spam the thread. lol...

*EDITED* to add some video:

And thanks guys for your nice comments... lots to improve on still obviously.
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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:24 am

Well done Rosie!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby PaulaO » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:39 am

I bought a Bobby’s bridle from Rock Horse Ranch via eBay. The seller was lovely to deal with and I’m very happy with the bridle.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:32 am

musical comedy wrote:
Chisamba wrote: I did want to debut second level with Kimba in a rated show, since we did okay in a schooling show, but you are there, way ahead of everyone who did not show up!! like me.
Chisamba, maybe consider the rated dressage show at Buck's County Horse Park on October 20. I always liked that show because the weather is usually cool and nice. It is 1.5 hours from you which is a drive, but not a too bad one. I like the facility and they usually get good judges.

Thanks for the opportunity suggestions, it's not lack of venue, its severe lack of motivation. I want to, but then I stall and put off perhaps I dont really want to.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Flight » Mon Sep 17, 2018 7:34 am

Thanks for the report Rosie! That first day sounded hectic but certainly sounds like you both settled to do so well on the second day. Congrats! Showing is hard. Love the pics.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby PaulaO » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:26 pm

Sunday was too hot for me to ride. Miss A. has been forging lately, so we did some in hand work over ground poles. She had good lift in her hind end so I hope to replicate that under saddle.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:51 pm

Nice work, Rosie! Good pics and video. I liked the canter pics in both sets of pics you posted. Do you get any comments about his canter? Because I think he has a good one.

You and Bliss look so nice together. I know some people aren’t interested in “looks”, but personally, I love really nice visuals, and I am looking forward to watching you and Bliss as you progress. I think we will see, not just a pretty picture, but good, correct dressage!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Mon Sep 17, 2018 1:55 pm

Chisamba, thanks for sharing your progress with Kimba. The latest pic is really nice. I get a lot out of reading what you are doing with her. Your explanations are clear, and the pictures add even more to your explanations.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Mon Sep 17, 2018 2:20 pm

I’ve had a week away from any riding whatsoever. I plan to walk on Rocky today and tomorrow and then have a lesson on trainer's horse Wednesday. A week off hasn’t hurt my mental state, I am really excited for my next lesson, but physically, at my age, I am wondering if I am able to do a full lesson. At the last lesson, about 10 days ago, I was able to get the mare organized enough that I could “feel the canter in the trot”. I am excited to start cantering her.

I am getting the bug about showing from reading other’s show reports!! I have very limited show experience but when I did, I found certain aspects of showing to be very rewarding. I know how hard it is, especially getting started. I showed DH’s Arab gelding many years ago and it really bonded us in a special way. We always went to the same show grounds about 30 minutes away, and on the way home I would stop at MacDonald’s and get him a hot apple pie. He expected it! One time, i was in a hurry to get home and didn’t stop. He started pawing anc whinnying when we passed the Mac exit!

When I started showing him, I jumped right in as soon as I could walk, trot and canter him. The scores weren’t good at first but improved a lot over time. I am no longer in a position to jump right in. I need to wait until Rocky is REALLY ready at home before I try to show her. If I don’t wait till she’s beyond ready, I might end up getting hurt. I will have to take her several times to just school, and will also ask trainer to show her a few times first.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby piedmontfields » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:09 pm

Love the photos! Rosie, great report. I think you'll have some awesome scores down the road, and these weren't too shabby given the challenges. Kimba looks lovely, Chisamba. Imperini, good luck with your move!

I realize that I am transitioning from mainly working on me/my position to back to focussing on increasing engagement and responsiveness. Not that I get to stop working on me, but we're more back to our developmental program---much to Em's shock. A few days ago, this meant weight-lifting lateral work on a circle (after Em's extra seasonal spookiness doing hills made me decide to abandon that effort :shock: Just because I can sit her 360s doesn't mean I want to :roll: ). A fun exercise yesterday (before the rains of Hurricane Flo started creeping over the mountains) was collecting the canter in shoulder-fore on the long side , with some 10 m circles added as needed, and then extending it on the short side. Then we did the opposite in counter canter: Extend on the long side, collect on the short side. This felt pretty easy by the end of our work.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:38 pm

We've been chugging along quite nicely, but he felt a little "off" to me yesterday, left front. It was pretty obscure, but there. I know my farrier quicked him a couple of weeks ago, so maybe we have something brewing from that. We will see over the next few days, I guess.

Two steps forward, one step back.

Anyhow, this is him strutting his stuff on Saturday :)

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Mon Sep 17, 2018 3:46 pm

Nice photos Rosie, and a great day 2 score!

I had lessons on both Annabelle and Kyra last night. Instructor kicked my butt on both horses. Yeah, I slept well last night!

Annabelle just needs more of everything, more bend, more forward. She did say she is looking more supple than last time. We worked on getting canter transition put of trot SI, some LY in direction of the lead for straightening, then some TOF to trot. In the past I've done today and then go straight out, but she had us maintaining the bend and trotting out with a LY feeling.

I thought that my ride on Kyra would be easier, but no. She got us really put together with a super forward, connected sitting trot, SI to Denver, then canter work medium to collected, SI on the circle to counter bending.

As I said to my husband when I got home, if I worked that hard every ride, there would be no need to go to the gym. I think I found a whole new sector of my core. :lol:
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tuddy » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:07 pm

Yay Rosie!
Mountaineer - what a gorgeous horse!

No update, just being a hobo. Horses are not happy that their pastures are turning sparse.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:41 pm

StraightForward wrote: I think I found a whole new sector of my core. :lol:

Yeah, same here. I was doing okay on the smaller horses, but then I had a workout on Sting and found out that I need to ride him more if I want to stay in good enough shape to ride him at all.
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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby kande50 » Mon Sep 17, 2018 5:56 pm

demi wrote:A week off hasn’t hurt my mental state, I am really excited for my next lesson, but physically, at my age, I am wondering if I am able to do a full lesson.

Is your lesson a full hour, and if you feel like what the instructor wants you to do is too much is she okay with taking more walk breaks?

We got a group together to take lessons a few years ago, and the instructor was very accomodating when it came to our "special needs". :-)

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:15 pm

ok, I like the new saddle. Cheating or not, bring on the knee rolls.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:35 pm

kande50 wrote:
StraightForward wrote: I think I found a whole new sector of my core. :lol:

Yeah, same here. I was doing okay on the smaller horses, but then I had a workout on Sting and found out that I need to ride him more if I want to stay in good enough shape to ride him at all.

Kyra is a smaller horse. I blanche a little thinking about riding an equivalent trot on Tesla.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Sep 17, 2018 6:40 pm

Last edited by Ryeissa on Sun Sep 08, 2019 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Sue B » Tue Sep 18, 2018 5:50 pm

Great job Rosie. You and Bliss will be 3rd lvl before you know it.

Nice picture on Kimba Chisamba, she's reaching much more with her shoulder.

Laddie looks ever so handsome, Moutaineer--are you done showing for the year?

Welcome to the dark side Ryeisssa. :lol: And I totally agree with you about sitting trot and small horses. :P

So...I'm out. :cry: We took an awesome fishing 3-day weekend, got back Sunday evening where I was greeted by my two fellas charging over to see me and get pets. :mrgreen: Last night I hopped on Rudy and had a lovely ride--not entirely sure what all we did but it was fun and Rudy was a good kid. The I hopped on Tio. Probably should have at least done some ground work, or even lunged, before getting on. He immediately headed down the road, but I wisely brought him back to the arena early because I did not have my cell phone with me. He was spooky but actually quite good in my freshly dragged arena until we started working on canter. He was giving me a nice big, very forward canter (really started using his back) when something startled him, causing him to hop towards the middle of the arena. All would've been fine, except he got his front feet tangled and almost somersaulted. :shock: At the last second he managed to gather himself back up, but by now, I was already pulled up onto his neck. Still, I thought it would all be fine until...he let off a massive buck and flung me off over his head. I somersaulted through the air and landed flat on the small of my back and slammed my helmeted head into the ground. While I lay there trying to figure out if my legs still worked, he came over and nudged me, trying to get me to stand up. I used him to pull myself up and hobbled back to the pasture to tie him up and call DH. So, here I sit with an ice pack on my back, wishing I was 20 or 30 years younger so I would heal faster. :lol:

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:46 pm

Sue, that was very coherently written for someone who recently had her head slammed into the ground! But please tell us you got a medical check up, too. I'm really sorry that happened to you.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Tue Sep 18, 2018 7:29 pm

Man Sue... rest up and feel better soon!!!

Crappy luck. :(

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:00 pm

Oh Sue!!!! Dang it. I am so sorry. Take the time to heal and hopefully you’ll be riding again soon. You didnt mention any broken bones, so that’s good. I’m sure you know that hairline fractures may take time before they can be seen on X-rays. Please keep us posted on how you are feeling and doing.

You mentioned that you should have done ground work with him first. You will probably NEVER make that mistake again!!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:09 pm

kande50 wrote:
demi wrote:A week off hasn’t hurt my mental state, I am really excited for my next lesson, but physically, at my age, I am wondering if I am able to do a full lesson.

Is your lesson a full hour, and if you feel like what the instructor wants you to do is too much is she okay with taking more walk breaks?

We got a group together to take lessons a few years ago, and the instructor was very accomodating when it came to our "special needs". :-)

My trainer is very good about not working me too hard. She frequently tells me to tell her if I need a break. The problem is my own, in that I am still learning what my limitations are as I get older. There was an article in the latest Dressage Connection mag about older horses. It mentioned that some 65 year old people cant walk down the street, but others that are even older are still riding. The point was that like people, horses are all different. Aging isn’t always straightforward, and we have to pay attention and think about it. I have trouble paying attention until it’s too late. But I am finally learning, I think.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:15 pm

StraightForward wrote:I thought that my ride on Kyra would be easier, but no. She got us really put together with a super forward, connected sitting trot, SI to Denver,

No wonder you were sore...

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Sep 18, 2018 8:18 pm

And darn, Sue! I am sorry. Take it easy!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby demi » Tue Sep 18, 2018 9:04 pm

Mountaineer, that is a lovely, lovely picture of you and Laddie. You look so harmonious together and he looks very focused on you. Thanks for sharing. But now I want more pics!!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Wed Sep 19, 2018 4:31 am

Ouch Sue, I hope you're oK and back in the saddle soon! :shock:

Moutaineer, lol, I'm actually in Denver currently, but hopped a plane instead of riding poor Kyra over the mountains ;)
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:46 am

oh sue! that is awful.

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