Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby kande50 » Sat Sep 29, 2018 8:11 pm

piedmontfields wrote: I hear you on the challenge of "sitting chilly" in the lateral work and calling the horse to it. I'm becoming convinced that anytime my body isn't within a fairly small range of motion (similar to hands staying in a relatively small box of space), I'm probably doing something funky.

I usually know when I'm doing something I shouldn't be, but never realize how badly I'm doing it until I see it on video.

I don't mind exaggerating an cue for a short time if I think it's helping my horse catch on to what I want, but then as soon as he gets it I need to fade it back down to a much more subtle one.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Sep 29, 2018 11:34 pm

Really super ride again today, with me focusing on my body position as much as anything else. Less is more... He's got so much more through and soft in my hands recently, and the canter work is so much straighter. Such a good horse.

We did what will probably be the last bath of the season today, too--lovely mid-70's day, just nice to be puttering around at the barn in the sunshine with no particular rush to be anywhere else. Laddie is getting fuzzy. Winter will be upon us before we know it.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Sun Sep 30, 2018 3:21 am

I rode Rip for the first time today since his stifle injections, let's just say I was doing some one handed riding because the other was grabbing the oh sh*t strap! I had gotten on after some WIH and the rain came. He can be a fire breathing dragon riding in rain! We kept at it though (was trying for a "light" ride!) and finally toward the end I was able to feel a bit more secure that he was not going to put a big spook in. Ended up with some beautiful RB. Cannot say how happy that makes me it was a long road for him getting a good RB.

I am also switching up my filly. Her stifles, R especially, are loose with the R catching partially. I should have had my vet look at her last week while we were up there and I just plain forgot, so may have to make another trip to see what he says, sigh. So I am going to steer mostly clear of lunging and am working her in hand WT out in my rolling field. She is so much easier than Rip! Even still he can be a twit doing trot work in hand. She is soft and light and except for her reaching over to bite me for some unknown reason (chisamba it was cranky horse day here, Jo bit me good and my old mare tried when I went to go adjust her fly mask) Jo has never bitten or even tried to before, don't know where that came from (old mare it is not out of the norm for her in her stall) so she had a bit of talking to over that. Will probably add in some caveletti and did RB up a slight rise. She is so much more moveable than my WBs are, her dam was too though.

Starting to gear up for Cedar, Rip's Spanish W is getting good Flight! Will get some video of it. Just in hand, got to figure out how to put it US. He has great expression and reach in his shoulders, pretty fun. Going to keep Rip's work a bit light for the next few days and then back at it so we are ready for Cedar. Gaila will be back as well this time, think the trainer who had her though will ride her with Ceday and I am riding the TB/Perch as well.

Good riding all! We are still trying to stay cool here. According to the weather this morning we have not had a day yet in September that was under 90 deg. Ick.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Rosie B » Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:48 am

The weather here is really starting to cool off. We've had a few mornings with frost already and daytime temps are between 50-60 degrees.

Bliss is being a good boy as always. I've been working away at increasing the straightness, angle, and bend in all the lateral work and overall. Yesterday I added trot/walk/trot transitions in the lateral work for some added difficulty and realized that I was blocking him with my seat in the trot, so once I relaxed (and when I could remember to relax) the lateral work was much more flowy. He's also getting much softer in the hand and neck and much straighter overall. Good times.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Mon Oct 01, 2018 12:08 pm

If the lateral work isn't correct I post the work. If it gets better then I was blocking. I am working without mirrors as are many people so it is harder.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:57 pm

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ponichiwa » Mon Oct 01, 2018 3:16 pm

Helloooooo October!

Rye, I'm also going to be in saddle-buying hell (heaven?) because despite the fact that I own more saddles than I do horses, none of them really fit Queso. And how can he be expected to perform at an elite world-class level if his saddle doesn't fit?

More vanity questions: should I get him a breastplate? I think he'd look super cute in a breastplate with fancy stitching, but it's actually unnecessary. Decisions.

In non-tack-related news, both of my horses are doing great. Kiwi is beginning to be fluent in the 1/3-turns in the canter, especially to the right. Left is much harder. The key to the left lead canter is actually outside rein and outside leg to make sure the bend is actually real and not swinging the haunches to the outside.

Queso can now canter under saddle off the longe! These are indeed exciting times. The actual canter itself was composed and not exciting in the least; he struck off like he's been doing this his whole life. I'm verklempt. My sister took some video of us, which made me realize my canter seat could use some re-tuning. Yikes. Poor Queso; his face says: "I just take care of my amateur. That's my life."

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:09 pm

Well the beasts got acupuncture today, well only those sensitive in the 'hot' spots. We will see if Kimba appreciates it
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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:49 am

Annabelle is starting to figure out stretchy trot. Hopefully we can get something other than "no stretch shown" for that movement when we show in two weeks.

Today we practiced riding T3 a couple times. I think she was a little sore/tired from all the canter work we've been doing, but I worked out a strategy to get through a couple rough patches in the test (namely canter depart after the trot loops). Ugh, I need to sit up. Just ride better why don't I? :lol: I was sort of babying her through the test and slumping over in the process. I'm experimenting with riding her in my ViniciX now that she is wider - hoping the saddle fitter can make it work for her, because I certainly ride better in it than either of the other two saddles I have right now.

Susan stopped by for a chat and BabyT wore her tack and got her 5 minute lunge lesson. Yesterday we walked all the way down the irrigation canal past the big spillway we haven't dared to pass before. She was totally perfect and never got worried or spooked. I'm planning to start her on a little ground driving in the next week or two.
stretchy trot 100118.JPG
stretchy trot 100118.JPG (33.63 KiB) Viewed 24416 times
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Dresseur » Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:17 pm

Ladies and Gents (are there any gents on here? lol!) Miro did his first flying changes under saddle yesterday. It was a complete non-event. It took him a few passes to figure out what the hell I was asking for, but he wasn't flustered, and the gears were really turning in a good way. I won't be making another attempt until I can get back down to Andrea's because I don't have mirrors and he's so smooth that I can't feel the change clearly, but I'm excited! I'm sure next month I'll be crying about having no canter, but such is training lol!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Oct 02, 2018 2:52 pm

Wohoo, Dresseur and Miro! I am hoping to return to more direct work on the FC soon.

I had a very unfocussed mare last night. It's that time of year when the mare-dar/panic button is extra sensitive. When she is like that, she gets extremely tight and I feel like I need to break her out of her shell. The chore of the evening became just rubber band work, mostly at canter (this started in part because her initial canter was an antelope pronging version---so clearly we needed to get our butt in gear). We eventually got to very nice 4 strides collected canter, 4 strides medium canter, repeating around the large arena. We were both tired by the end.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:24 pm

Dresseur, nice work! Sounds like that is a talent area for Miro.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Oct 02, 2018 4:50 pm

Nice stretch, SF!

Dresseur, good on the FC's. We are also being careful to only work on them when we have eyes on the ground. But there's lots of "prep" work one can do in the mean time.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Flight » Wed Oct 03, 2018 1:11 am

khall wrote: Rip's Spanish W is getting good Flight! Will get some video of it. Just in hand, got to figure out how to put it US. He has great expression and reach in his shoulders, pretty fun.

Yay! Yes get some vid :) I have to work a bit on mine under saddle, Ding tends to go hollow and stick his head up, but he does try.

SF, nice stretch happening there, and she looks relaxed doing it.

Awesome for getting a flying change Dresseur! I've tried a couple with my big horse and he's definitely late behind, that half stride where you can't feel it. So, I've started working on the collected moments in the canter, like you described doing with Miro. I think he drops down on his forehand that moment just before, so I have to keep working on getting him stronger behind. I popped him in a double bridle too, he was getting quite strong in front when I ask for more collection and I've become so used to how light you can be with the curb, it's just a tightening of the fingers but with the snaffle it isn't as subtle.

I was watching the dressage at Devon, the PSG amateur classes. I love how they put the scores up as you watch. I noticed that some people had a hard time with accuracy in the test so thought I'd give it a whirl at home and yes, it is hard to be accurate especially if things aren't going quite right :D I'm thinking of doing a training day and riding PSG but I still have a bit of trouble counting the 4 x changes when there' s more than 3 to do. And I noticed how DIng gets faster between the changes, so I have to fit in half halts as well!!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby heddylamar » Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:49 am

Maia was a NUT tonight. The neighbor's cows were mooing, which is VERY concerning to the horse who used to share a fenceline with a cow (that's a head scratcher). So, Maia was doing the great big predator cat stalking walk (it's really the best walk, but she's on the edge of blowing), and our trot work resembled a fire breathing dragon. Fun times :lol:

Seriously though -- all that energy was great! I was getting the best trot lengthenings .... too bad about the collection part. And shoulder in and leg yield were on point. I even managed to get all four feet into the trailer after our ride, a first since the face splitting open incident. The trick was pissing her off enough that she nearly ran onto the trailer :shock:

I need to bribe J into 1) coming to the barn with me, and 2) taking a short video while I ride. There's a better chance that Congress will suddenly shake hands and see one anther's viewpoint. Mom will visit next June, so I'll definitely get video then.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:32 am

Still very much summer here and it is NOT FUNNY! Supposed to be 93 Friday with dew points in the high 60's. I'm still working horses, but I am so tired of the SWEAT and heat rash and the stinky clothes. I am working everyone a bit lighter because some (Rip and TB/Perch) are putting in a winter coat already. Having to wait until almost dark to put everyone out and they are all sitting in their stalls under fans. Drinking 2 five gal buckets of water a day.

Watching some Karen R videos and enjoying them. Watched one on collected walk yesterday. Used some with Rip today and was fun. Kept it short but asked for some more collected type work than I had earlier in the week. Half steps to canter, some light lateral work. Very good boy. Also riding Juliet the TB/Perch mare and she is making good progress quickly. It is all about the balance with her. Changing the saddle really helped me. We will see if she can be something for her owner to do more than just walk on. She is not easy, but tries hard. I'm just so used to riding compact horses and she is long as a bus and boy can you tell riding her.

My filly is such a joy!! Adding in WIH with the bit and she was not real sure, so taking it slow. Keeping the halter and lead on so I have back up. Added in some cavelletti and she is just fine with them. Planning on getting on her when Cedar is here. Will play with her a bit off the top of the round pen, but really don't think she will have an issue (I hope).

Gaila comes back for the clinic and will stay. Interested to see how she rides now.

Happy riding all!! As we swelter down here in the hot and humid deep south.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Oct 04, 2018 4:13 am

Well, I've had to scrub the dirt out from under my fingernails and find my city clothes... off to NYC for a few days to remember how to behave in public, so Laddie gets a well-earned vacation.

It is chilly and very wet here with the remains of Rosa sweeping in. Really very glad I decided not to go to Region 5 Champs in Scottsdale!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:46 am

khall wrote:Happy riding all!! As we swelter down here in the hot and humid deep south.

It has really cooled down here. This is the last week we will get several days in the 80s I suspect. I was a little surprised to read that it is still so hot there. You are just over the mountains at about the same latitude as I am, no?

Because it has cooled down, the horses are out 24/7 and that is probably what got my horse back to soundness as much or more than my working him. This last spring if they kept him in all day for weather, he would pay for it with a slight limp the next day. I would keep him out 24/7 all winter like last winter but it isn't feasible if he is the only one out there. He runs and screams. The other owners probably won't do that with their horses so I am stuck.

I found a retirement barn that I hope will be available next year. I haven't seen it yet but have been talking to the owner. It is 10 minutes from my house. I think he can be out with other horses. He needs to be out to be comfortable on the ringbone. I am probably going to stick to my plan to retire him at 22 which will be next March even if he is sound.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Dresseur » Thu Oct 04, 2018 1:23 pm

I did a fun thing and had an old friend come out and take some pics of Miro. I haven't seen the others, but this is the first one. One, I love him and he's gorgeous. Two, he'll never be this color again :cry: :cry:
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 9.19.05 AM.png
Screen Shot 2018-10-04 at 9.19.05 AM.png (141.44 KiB) Viewed 24262 times

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:02 pm

Gorgeous shot, Miro is so handsome!

It has cooled off here and we are finally getting a little bit of rain. It's been nice the last few weeks, but the arenas have gotten so dusty. Last weekend I did SoloShot video of Kyra, but the zoom didn't work for some reason, and with the dust and the gray horse, well, it kind of looked like I was floating along riding a cloud. :lol:

I got taken down with a cold this week, but hoping I have enough energy to get back in the saddle tonight. I need to haul Annabelle out to another arena sometime in the next few days too. She has only been off property like 3x since we moved in March, so it will be interesting to see how she handles the next show.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Thu Oct 04, 2018 8:20 pm

StraightForward wrote:I got taken down with a cold this week,

Me. Too . :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:14 pm

Forgot say SF what a lovely picture of you and Annabelle!!! Sorry you and Rye are down with colds. Apparently flu is out early this year too. May have to get a flu shot this year.

Dresseur I do so love the photo of M, those with the dark background are so striking. Pretty pretty boy. Congratulations and the changes too! That's great to get them started so early.

Tsavo I am pretty far south of you I am sure. You are in NC? Our farm is smack dab in the middle of Georgia, not far from I75 and south of Atlanta (DH and I HATE driving through Atlanta! Went 9-23 through it to visit our DS in Marietta on a Sunday, terrible terrible traffic.)

The heat is just ridiculous here this late in the season. We are at least 10 deg over normal temps. Poor Rip and Juliet were just dripping today after work, so was I. It is the heat coupled with the high dew points/humidity that is just oppressive. Need to get my old girl out but it is just too hot for her right now. She has already putting on a pretty good winter coat, not fair to ask her to work really. She ends up looking like a Yak in the winter time.8oipu

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:25 pm

Ah okay I thought you were in TN, khall. Yes I am in NC.

I can believe GA is still a blast furnace. I lived in FL for 3 years. I will NEVER return.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Kyra's Mom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 2:40 am

I rode yesterday :mrgreen: . Not really a goal but I am having a foot problem and doing ground work and in-hand work in the loose arena footing is killing me so time for Ms. Kyra to pack my butt around now. I don't go back to the doctor until a week from tomorrow but am perfectly content to walk until I get the 'official' word it is OK to ride. I didn't have any trouble lifting the saddle on her or mounting. My back was a bit tight but that is what walking is for. I do a bit of collected walk or some lateral work and release her into a big swinging free walk and that really gets things moving. I am sure it will take a bit to loosen everything up.

Clearly, all the work Straightforward has done with her for the last few weeks has helped her flexibility and bend-ability. She draped nicely around my leg in corners and on circles. I even did quite a bit on the buckle to check that she was following my body and she was spot on. After I did a few walk/halt/walk in SI position, I asked for some half-pass and it was quite nice...especially left to right. I think that is the most bend I have felt from her.
If felt quite good to be back in the saddle.

We finally had some measurable rain today (almost 1/3 inch!). That was quite a treat. The last measurable rain we had was way back on July 16 and that was a whole 0.10 inches--barely got the driveway wet. The dust and the flies have been almost intolerable at the barn so the rain was a welcome break. I hope to ride a bit tomorrow before it dries out and the dust returns.

It depends on what the doctor says but I plan to continue with my walk only riding for the near future. I want to get her out and enjoy the track and the hay field before it gets too cold and muddy. Then we can pick up our dressage work indoors.

Happy riding all.
from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Oct 05, 2018 5:17 pm

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Red's Mom » Fri Oct 05, 2018 6:02 pm

I was reading the September/October goals and realized I was reading the 2017 thread! I have not been very active on this website for about a year. I will try to rectify that. Since I have been banned from riding until first week in November, I have more time for DDBB. I will try to keep it up. I love the beautiful collected canter shot, Rye!

I have made a lot of progress with Red. Unfortunately, I came off a month ago ansd suffered a fractured pelvis. Up to that point all was going really well. I was supposedto go to a schooling show on Sept, 9th, but had to cancel due to injury.

Luckily, I found a really nice trainer a few months ago, and he has helped us tremendously. He has agreed to take red to a schooling show, that I would have done myself if I was able. It is on Octber 14th. He will show T1 and T2. I thought he could do higher, but that is trainer's choice. I will really try to post some photos and video.
Last edited by Red's Mom on Fri Oct 05, 2018 10:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Fri Oct 05, 2018 7:44 pm

Welcome back Reds mom! Happy to see you back. Definitely keep us posted how you're feeling. Good luck with your show.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:45 pm

Geeze, I am so grumpy with this heat! Worked Jo this morning and just about died. Poor ponies (except Jo she does not put in much of a winter coat) are getting fuzzy and temps are 94. I usually wait until November to do any body clipping, may have to rethink that.

Kyra's Mom glad you are back in the saddle! It's nice to have had someone to keep Kyra in work with SF riding for you. I am looking at that with Gaila when she gets back, have a friend who is a strong rider that I think might fit her ok to help keep her going, with me also riding her some.

Rye what a nice picture of you and Riot in the canter!

Played with my filly today of halfway laying over her and throwing a leg over her. She was not 100% sure about all of this but by the end was standing like a rock. Who all trains for mounting block manners? I like the horse to come to me and stand quietly and have trained that for years now. I also like fence breaking them so I can get on the fence to mount though I don't do it too often. The NH folks have them slide over/yield over to you and that I do like to train for. It is a work in progress for Jo right now.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Flight » Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:02 am

Ouch Red's mum, a fractured pelvis can't be nice. How did you stack?

Yay for riding, Kyra's mum :)

Such a nice pic of Miro, Dresseur. Those adorable eyelashes!

Khall, I train mine to be able to sidle up to anything for me to get on. Especially the big horse! No way can I get on from the ground with him.

We've had a little bit of rain, so finally getting some spring grass which the horses are loving :)

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:46 am

Got another ride in today :D . We headed over to the track. I don't think she has been over there since before my surgery and she was a delight. It was nice to not have the dust...the flies were terrible but I guess that is what you get when the field next to the track is getting cow manure spread all over it.

She had a wonderful marching walk...just the kind to help loosen up my back. My back did feel better today than on my first ride. Today for our actual dressage exercise portion of the ride, I did HP, change the bend, volte then half-pass back across the track. I worked to get equal bend both directions and right to left was better. Not quite equal but better than our last ride. We also did a few passes of SI to renver back to SI. I do very short spurts of more collecting exercises then I feed out the reins and let her do a nice free walk and it was very nice today. She was marching 8-) . She didn't utter a peep in looking for her BFF and was all business. I was a bit surprised with it being fall and the cooler weather post rain storm. Sometimes in the fall, she can kind of lose she can't help herself but so far so good this fall. Praying the calm cooperative horse stays with me.

The pictures are all great. Everyone looks so good.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Sat Oct 06, 2018 1:12 pm

Friday he was in due to heat plus I wasn't able to work him.

Saturday he has a significant limp again.

I think we have entered a state of perpetual rehab where unless everything aligns with turnout and working he is not going to be sound. It's a zero tolerance policy it seems.

I am close to calling this and going to check out that retirement barn 10 minutes from my house as soon as possible.

When I retire him to a herd out 24/7, there is some chance he is going to come sound again. I am going to force myself to ignore that.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:21 pm

Bummer tsavo. Sorry to hear that.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:06 pm

Yay Susan, glad you got to ride again, and feeling better on the second day is a great sign!

Tsavo, sorry to hear that your horse is headed for retirement. :(

I've had good rides on Annabelle the last two days. I've done canter warmup just throwing the reins away and trying to turn her with my seat. She seems a little confused by it, but I do think it gets her listening to my seat and leg more, rather than just being dependent upon the rein (probably same for me too). It feels like she's gotten through a plateau in the last two weeks, which is nice. After last night's ride, I pulled her saddle and left her in the arena to roll, then went and got Tesla, who promptly ran to Annabelle (they love each other) and kicked her in the stifle :eek: Annabelle was holding her leg in the air and I was thinking "so much for the show" but she walked it off and I couldn't find any marks on her and there was no swelling about 30 minutes later. I'll be running up to check on it this morning to make sure nothing developed overnight. No play time with big sister for BabyT until after the show. Geeze!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Sat Oct 06, 2018 3:30 pm

Thanks Rye and SF.

SF, wow did your life flash before your eyes with that kick?? What a scare. I can say my life flashed when I thought my horse was is serious trouble. I hope everything stays fine.

SF, can I ask you about Tesla? So she was 16.2 HH at two if I recall correctly. How big do you think she will get?

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Sat Oct 06, 2018 4:59 pm

I taped her and she is right at 16.1, same as Obie when I bought him at 2.5. he's 17h exactly, so I thing she'll end up about the same.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby PaulaO » Sat Oct 06, 2018 10:58 pm

Glad to hear you are back in the saddle, Susan. Doesn’t matter what you did, or how Kyra did, riding is so therapeutic for the mind and soul.

Ariel is acknowledging that she has a hind end. I had several moments during our lesson today of feeling her back round under me. She yielded to me and we did several rounds of post 6, sit 6, and it was wonderful. I know it’s hard work for her,; she seems to enjoy correct work. This is huge progress for my ex schoolie.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 07, 2018 4:40 am

I am catching up on my reading in this thread. I am happy to hear you are back in the saddle Susan.

Please forgive me if I lump everyone else together, and simply say I enjoy the update and wish continued success.

Kimba seems to be over her disagreement, and back to fluidity.

Titanium lost a shoe, the mud in NJ has been out of control this year.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Flight » Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:55 am

I went to a competition today, I usually try and get leave if I'm working at least the day before but it didn't happen this time, so I was home late each night, had to take a dirty horse who hadn't been ridden for 3 days. My nice partner actually fuelled up the ute and hooked up the float for me before I got home last night, so that helped my prep heaps.

My first test was ok, I really tried to slow down and stop over riding and the warm up went well but as soon as I went into the arena Ding tightened up and so I know that I definitely have to undo what I've done to him there.
I went for gear check 5 mins before my second test and said "I'm doing the 5.3!" and they said "There's no 5.3, do you mean the 5.2".
I'd bloody learned the wrong test!
A lovely person quickly looked up the 5.2 and I had a brief read of it but my brain had deserted me as an idiot and I rode in thinking there's no way I'm going to remember where to go. I have ridden the test a few times before so I was hoping it would come back to me.
I did get one EOC and a few times I wasn't sure where to go and was watching the judge waiting for her to beep me, but I made it through. Too bad that I rode like sh#t again and pushed Ding and a lot of my comments were 'hurried'. I wanted to kick myself for stupidity, but really I don't think I can do a comp when I'm in the middle of a set of shifts (I'm now on nighshifts!)

Im trying to figure out the trot I need for tests now. I might upload up my test and see what you all think.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Sun Oct 07, 2018 3:02 pm

Wow Flight. Props to you for soldiering on and trying to get through a test you weren't ready for. I think I would have thrown in the towel.

I've noticed that instead of school anxiety dreams, I now have dressage test anxiety dreams (forgot my breeches, don't know the test, don't know what time I ride, etc. etc.).

Happy to say Annabelle was Just Fine and actually quite sassy yesterday when I went to check on her. No apparent damage from the kick, phew.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby exvet » Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:33 pm

Whoa who let the flood gates open?! We've had so much rain in the past week that we've been dealing with flooding issues. Last night was full of thunder, lightening and torrential down pours. Weather aside, Junior has been stepping up to the plate. His canter is getting more balanced. We've been struggling with getting him to understand that he can come up through the withers and over the back; but, we're seeing light at the end of the tunnel. I think his scope in the canter has challenged his coordination a bit. Both he and the mustang have been worked up to 2 hour - 6 - 7 mile trail rides now that the heat has broken. The last two days has been a test of Junior's temperament and I'm happy to say he's falling right in line. We spent the last three days (Fri, Sat and today) schooling at the Region 5 Championships. Because of the rain last night they had to combine the competition and warm up areas for 2 of the rings. I almost didn't go this morning because I spent yesterday afternoon and into the wee hours of the night with my father at the hospital. It appears he has pneumonia since his dementia has progressed significantly to the point he's no longer ambulatory. He's currently stable so I was happy that despite the many bags under my eyes that I stuck it out and went for one more ride in the crowd. Junior schooled [again] among several horses of all levels and didn't bat an eye in spite of the much tighter quarters. Looking forward to the clinic with Heather Blitz next weekend. Thankfully I was able to get two rides despite my work schedule. The Saturday after next will be Junior's first schooling show so we'll see if we can put together a test that doesn't embarrass. LOL....guess I better read the tests since I have ridden or read them yet ;) So far though we're on schedule with our goals :)



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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Hot4Spots » Mon Oct 08, 2018 3:04 pm

Well, progress of a sort. First, while I hold out no great hope that my horse will come sound, the lump on/of his injured suspensory is waay down. (this after three years). After the visit to Davis, he had yet another shockwave treatment, but I also started giving him a supplement called "Total Tendon (and ligament) repair. I spoke to the manufacturer - a company apparently started by veterinarians - and while they didn't say it would fix him, they said it should diminish the lump and give him more flexibility, and it seems to have done so. I still can only ride him at the walk, but between the shockwave and this supplement, I'm hoping he at least feels better.

On another front. So. I signed up for hunt seat lessons, hoping to get back into jumping since the logistics of the limited dressage school horses available has discouraged me. Long distances to travel and very expensive. I had my first hunt seat lesson yesterday, and it was an intro thing (how well does she ride, etc) so no jumping yet. HOWEVER. It was a solid 45 minute lesson, on a honkin' big warmblood who was on the lazy side and required a lot of pushing. It ended up being basically a dressage lesson in a forward seat saddle. I pushed him to move out, and the instructor said, "Oh, oh. He's just realized this rider is going to make him WORK." :lol: We did leg yields, lots of circles, lots of transitions, and I believe the instructor is satisfied that I won't kill myself trying to jump a few low fences. But, OMG. I've been riding my guy (who is tall, but base narrow) only at a walk for quite a while, with the occasional use of a friend's horse who can trot, but not canter. Sunday, I went home, had lunch, showered, and sat to watch the baseball playoffs. When I got up to get a drink, I moved like I was 93, not 73. :oops: I already knew, as do all serious riders, that the horse does NOT do all the work, but I really have the truth of it now - that I'm soooooo out of shape and I worked HARD during that lesson. I'm going to walk for 30 minutes at lunch today and hope that my muscles loosen up!!!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby StraightForward » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:14 am

H4S, sounds like a good lesson. I think most of us would be sore jumping back into it like that. Also good to hear that supplements CAN do what they claim sometimes. I have Tesla on OCD Pellets hoping to avoid OCD surgery next spring. Handling her today after a week of no turnout due to irrigating, I'm REALLY hoping it works, because a week of stall rest and 60 days of handwalking will be a nightmare.

Proud of Annabelle today, boldly cantering a x-rail course. She is figuring out how to be adjustable in the canter. I finally felt like she was ready to start on verticals, but we'll save it until after our show.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Sue B » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:18 pm

Beautiful pictures Rye, Flight and exvet.

Sorry about retirement Tsavo, hope the place is a nice big pasture with friendly companions. Oh, regarding your comment about heart disease in another thread, my big boy, Scotty, died from heart problems, same as his daddy did and at the same age! So no, not uncommon.

Susan, congrats on riding--kudos to sf for keeping Kyra in riding shape for you. SF, glad that Annabelle is not only sound but continuing to progress. I probably should've sent Tio to Rene during my lay-up to keep him in shape--oh well.

HfS, glad to hear of some progress in your guy--fingers crossed it continues.

Exvet--I'm jealous. :mrgreen:

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby exvet » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:47 am

NO reason to be jealous of me; but, I'm so much happier to be back in the thick of things (actively training at a level that has recognizable progression). It balances out some of the personal challenges I'm facing right now.

I must chime in as well to say that I had one of my horses die from heart disease at the age of 25. He developed endocarditis after a dental procedure. For years I was aware and actively took preventive measure in my small animal patients but must admit that I wasn't prepared for it happening in my horse. Ironic because it isn't any different; but, live and learn.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Tsavo » Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:03 pm

Sue B wrote:Sorry about retirement Tsavo, hope the place is a nice big pasture with friendly companions.

Thanks. It was easier this time. The first time I retired him was rough mentally. He is going to stay here and go out with his goats this winter. I will protect his tail as much as possible because he is going to need it next summer for flies. Then I will likely move him to a herd and move a new horse into this barn.

Oh, regarding your comment about heart disease in another thread, my big boy, Scotty, died from heart problems, same as his daddy did and at the same age! So no, not uncommon.

Are you in Lyme territory?
Last edited by Tsavo on Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Chisamba » Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:29 pm

in Keeping with my annual goal, not this specific two month goal, i entered a real rated dressage show with Kimba, second level, and my show pressure/hate/ anxiety has already kicked in, so i am telling myself it does not matter, take her out and just try to have fun, blah blah blah blah.

Of course she has not been her best self the past two weeks anyway, I think it really has something to do with the weather.

a few posts back some one said something about a noseband they loved, might not even have been this thread, i searched Miklem and did not find it in that thread. does anyone recall with it might have been, and if it was dressage legal. I am not fond of the cavesson and flash, and it turns otu Kimba prefers a flash over a straight cavesson, i think it stabilizes the bit in her mouth or something.

thanks gobs


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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby musical comedy » Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:45 pm

Chisamba wrote:a few posts back some one said something about a noseband they loved, might not even have been this thread
Could it have been the PS Sweden Nirak that StraightForward uses on Kira? I don't know if it's legal or not.

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Wed Oct 10, 2018 1:47 pm

Week started out rough, got a phone call Monday morning from one of my former foster dogs (had litter of LabX puppies last summer, he was adopted in Massachusettes) adopter said he was hit and killed. They are devastated and I am hurting for them. I had been able to follow him after we connected on FB. Just gutted and I had trouble shaking it off. They had just adopted another from down here, arrived Sunday. Young puppy labX of which we are overrun here in the deep south. Saw him when I shared on FB he was in high kill shelter with his siblings. Hard to lose one so unexpectedly.

Not too much going on, I did put full weight on my filly several times the other day. She took two steps and started grazing:) I was just bareback and no ground help so just popped on her by laying across so I could get off quickly if I needed to. Looking forward to getting on her soon!

Rip has been going well, but now has a loose shoe so has had a couple of days off.

We are in the path of Michael unfortunately, so yesterday and today prepping for the storm. May still be Cat 1 when it gets here. This is a dangerous storm for the panhandle of FL. PCB, Mexico Beach, Appilachicola (sp) etc are all going to be devastated. We should have more fall like weather after this storm rolls through. No riding for me for a few days.

Happy riding all!

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby Ryeissa » Wed Oct 10, 2018 4:13 pm

I'm sorry Khall for the loss of your dog friend :(
stay safe

We have a ton of rain but nothing severe. Just tired of it. Been doing low key stuff and finally feeling better

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Re: Don't call it fall: September/October Autumn Goals

Postby khall » Fri Oct 12, 2018 3:21 pm

Thanks Rye, as a foster we know they are not ours to keep but we still put so much into them while they are with us. I did not have him for too long when he was adopted north, but was able to follow him on FB through his adopter. Quite the funny sweet boy. I just felt for her so much, he died in her arms. Makes me cry just thinking about it.

Well I took miss Jo to the vet yesterday after her silliness in the pasture (over dang bot fly, all my horses lose their minds when the bot flies come out) led to her being lame LR. She tore up the hoof wall pretty bad and bruised the coffin bone. Bute for 10 days, GG for at least 10 days and back shoes on Monday. As long as that bruise does not turn into a sequestrum she should be fine. Jingles appreciated for my filly!

Rip does not handle solo TO very well, Jo is his pasture mate so he is up as well until she is able to be turned back out on Monday, sigh. Lots of hand walking and grazing for my guys. Hope to get on Rip some as well, shoe is still holding at this time.

What weird weather we are having! Last week it was 95 deg lows in the 70's, then we had Michael (strong TS when it came through us, Cat 1 though into middle Ga, Cat 3 in SW Ga!) which was harrowing, howling winds and rain starting at about 1:30 Tues and through the night. Rain was gone by morning but still windy as all get out yesterday. We sustained no damage nor did we lose power, but my parents are still without power so they spent the night last night. My dad is on O2 24/7. They are on a well so no power means no water. Now our weather has turned into glorious fall weather, highs in the 70's and lows into the 50's. Quite the sudden change.

Hope all are able to ride, sound horses and good weather, sound people (SueB hope you are feeling better!)

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