Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

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Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:18 am

So, things suddenly started happening rather fast around here.

We've neither of us been very well with upper respiratory stuff, and the winter has closed in on us all of a sudden with several feet of snow over the past week or so. I think we both have come to the realization that we've grown out of living the rugged life up the mountain and we need to move on after 20 years.

The upshot of this is that in the last two days we have both signed on with a realtor to market our place, and put in an offer for a new place. Please keep fingers and toes crossed for us on the purchase. It would be a good spot. A nice house on an unusually large lot bang In the middle of a small rural town, a block from the library and walking distance to the small grocery store and other amenities (including a yoga studio!)

The downside is, of course, the land is not zoned for horses, but there are options. The guy across the street, where the zoning changes, purportedly wants to lease out his pasture, which is one approach. But otherwise I think I'm going to find a new home for my sweet mini--he needs more attention than he gets at the moment, and then I'll retire Walker completely and find him a place to live out at pasture--I have a couple of leads. And I really think this is the last winter for Lucky at 35. I feel in some ways as he's standing there in 2ft of snow that I shouldn't have second guessed myself in the Fall.

Selling our place might be a bit of a stretch at this time of year, so we might have to carry both for a few months if the other one comes through, but you never know... I don't see us moving before April whatever happens because you couldn't get a moving truck up here.

Stressed? Moi?

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby fallingwaters » Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:15 pm

Some days you wake up and just know. It's great that it happened to the two of you at the same time too! Best of luck with your big move and life changes

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby KathyK » Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:19 pm

EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE. Fingers are crossed for the purchase of the new place (which sounds great) and a soft landing for the horses.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby PaulaO » Wed Dec 18, 2019 3:44 pm

Anything regarding moving is stressful. But it sounds like you recognize that it is time. A block from the library and close to a yoga studio would be heaven for me.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Sue B » Wed Dec 18, 2019 5:25 pm

Take it as a sign that it is time to move on. 8-) Maybe hang on to the mini as a lawn ornament? You'll have more time once you're off the mountain, right? At any rate, jingles all goes well for both of you and that winter treats you more kindly in January/February.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Wed Dec 18, 2019 6:02 pm

I agree with the others that it sounds like the signs are there and you are ready. It will work out---with some time, some money, some luck. Wishing you all the best.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Kelo » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:00 pm

It is scary and stressful and difficult.

Just ride through these bumps as you're getting moved into the place that will fit what you need (I know, easier said than done!) Think how happy you'll be when you're settled in!

It sounds like you have a really solid plan for you and for your horses.

But we will virtually hold your hand! Most of us have been through that type of thing before.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:35 pm

Well we made an offer, they counter offered and we offered to split the difference, and now we wait...

Two other sets of people are looking at the house this afternoon apparently. Aagh. There's a reason we haven't moved for 20 years.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Quelah » Wed Dec 18, 2019 9:48 pm

You've got this! Jingles for a smooth transition into a more comfortable life, I bet you'll get to ride more!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby StraightForward » Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:02 am

Jingles for getting an offer accepted (and of course selling your current place and moving). It sounds like an ideal situation!
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:09 am

Offer accepted.

Now need to get moving on due diligence and getting this place in order and on the market... I have a "Stager" coming in the morning for a consultation, which should be interesting!


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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby musical comedy » Fri Dec 20, 2019 10:14 am

Moutaineer wrote:Offer accepted.

Now need to get moving on due diligence and getting this place in order and on the market... I have a "Stager" coming in the morning for a consultation, which should be interesting!

Congratulations Mountaineer. It's exciting and scary at the same time. Best of luck!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:26 pm

Congratulations, M! I suspect that with your artistic and design skills, making your house to sell look fabulous will not be that hard. Good luck!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby exvet » Fri Dec 20, 2019 2:34 pm

Boy that was fast! Congratulations. I so know the stress having just gone through it with/for my mother. It will be so worth it once it's all over and behind you. I agree with others. I bet you'll have more time to ride and just do stuff you've always never had the time to do.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Josette » Fri Dec 20, 2019 3:05 pm

Your new home and location sounds lovely. Huge congratulations! We moved my mother last year too after 60+ years in the same house. It was huge relief for all and she realized it too afterwards. Looking forward to seeing pics.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby texsuze » Mon Dec 23, 2019 2:27 am

Well done! Another recent 'mover' here--moved my mom (after she'd been 55+ years in her home) PLUS 6 cats (!) to a house about 25 minutes from us. Her home sold after only 3 days on the market, so that was also a big load off our minds. Just lots to think about and keep in order, so stay sane and organized and you'll get through it all.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Dec 23, 2019 3:03 am

Well, guy across street is not going to work out, so I have to find Plan B for the horses. I'm going to wait until after the turn of the year to get my teeth into that one as I have to get this place on the market first.

It's a lot more complicated selling a house than it used to be, it seems--I haven't had to do this for 20 years. I've got to get this place fully staged for photography and the realtor is pushing to get it on the MLS for Jan 1st. Nice idea, but unlikely to happen. DH seems to think this is all going to happen magically around him, so we've just had a bit of a home truth session about what needs to get done, which resulted in him pulling a bunch of stuff out of cabinets, and then leaving it strewn all over his office as he's decided there is something more interesting he needs to do.

Meanwhile, I have spent several days climbing ladders and roofs to paint trim, scrubbing carpets, rehanging pictures and cleaning out the basement and closets, with a background hum of "you aren't going to throw that away, are you?"

I love the man dearly, but there are times...

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby texsuze » Mon Dec 23, 2019 4:46 pm

:) :) Love the "home truth session"! Are you sure we aren't married to twins?

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby heddylamar » Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:26 pm

Moutaineer wrote:which resulted in him pulling a bunch of stuff out of cabinets, and then leaving it strewn all over his office as he's decided there is something more interesting he needs to do.

I get no lip about the sorting, tossing, and minimizing, but I swear the "let's dump the contents of all the closets/drawers/cabinets in the middle of the room and sort" syndrome is some sorts of male thing. It needs to be nipped in the bud. If you don't want xxx, don't toss it on the freaking "to be sorted pile," put it in the trash/charity!!! :evil: :roll:
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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby LeoApp » Mon Dec 30, 2019 7:55 pm

Moving just sucks. Period. I wish you the best of luck with it and getting the horses situated. I hope that when all is said and done, your life will be a lot less complex and just a bit easier for you.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:41 am

I'm feeling rather sad. Our lovely home of 20 years went up on the MLS today. We have our first viewing tomorrow morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this doesn't turn into a long, drawn out process.

This is it, if you are curious (or in the market :))

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Jan 11, 2020 12:26 pm

Fingers crossed, M. Your home is lovely and the setting is awe-inspiring. BTW, do you also have photos *without* snow in your listing? I know people like that area because of snow, but it seemed useful to show it in another light, too, so as not to put off those who are less hardy or worried about access up the mountain. The listing also does not seem to describe the horse facilities other than stating that it is a horse property.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Hayburner » Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:14 pm

Your home is beautiful!

I don't know how you could give up those views. Moving to town will be a shock for a bit!

Yes, they do need to mention more about the horse portion of your property and include some pictures of the barn, etc.

Good luck with the new house and selling this one.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby KathyK » Sat Jan 11, 2020 1:46 pm

I thought the first photo was a painting. I understand how different it will be living "in town," but your present home, while beautiful with its incredible views, is really isolated. You will probably adjust more quickly than you think possible. The exterior of your log house is gorgeous, but remember that the interior is all YOU, and it exudes great taste and style. I hope the sale/purchase and closings go smoothly.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Imperini » Sat Jan 11, 2020 6:48 pm

What a beautiful home, fingers crossed for you.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 11, 2020 8:37 pm

Ah, well, my horse facilities are rather rudimentary, and there are more non-horse people than horse people looking for property even with lots of land, and it can be off-putting to them to have the thought of barns, etc., to maintain. So that's the realtor's approach. Which actually is fine by me. Frankly, you've got to be a hardy soul to keep horses up here. I'm the only person who has survived it long-term, and it's not something I would necessarily encourage a newbie to try.

For instance, the people who came this morning were snowmobilers, apparently, and that's what all their questions were about.

And realtors around here will only use the high res pictures they have taken on the MLS, so no summer pictures at this time. However, I have a nice album of "all other seasons and wildlife on the mountain" pix sitting on the kitchen counter.

The cats and I spent the morning sitting in the parking lot at Starbucks (which is, astonishingly, when you look at these pictures, only 10 minutes from my front door :)) so I'm hopped up on coffee and they are extremely P.0.d with me and life in general.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Josette » Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:19 pm

Beautiful property and your home pics and interior design are gorgeous. It reminds of the home shows where buyers are looking in these open space areas for winter sports. The right buyer will come along. :)

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Flight » Sat Jan 11, 2020 10:10 pm

Gorgeous place!!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Quelah » Sun Jan 12, 2020 4:09 pm

Your home is stunning!!! Wow!

I feel your pain with the DH thing. We've been talking/planning/working on selling/moving for...well on Super Bowl Sunday it will be three years since we started kicking the idea around. I've realized that DH is a hoarder. Move was his idea originally, and yet, the dead Fiat ragtop up on blocks under a car cover still sits in the carport. Obviously you got your DH straightened out as your home looks fabulous, any tips?

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:27 pm

Ha, Quelah! Note that there are no pictures of the basement or the garage... I did get a brief glimmer of recognition when I reminded him that you have to pay by the box to move stuff and that this time we were going to be the ones footing the bill. But on the whole, I've resigned myself to the fact that we are going to end up moving most of his crap, putting it in yet another basement storage room and then I'll throw it out when he's dead.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Jan 12, 2020 6:25 pm

That is pretty amazing that you can be at a Starbucks in 10 minutes from your roost on the mountain! It is over 30 minutes from our rural home to a Starbucks FWIW ;-)

I looked up other properties in your area and 1. They all have snow photos now and 2. Your place looks like a great deal (plus I bet it shows beautifully).

I recall doing a seasonal photo book for past properties, too. I also like providing a topographic map and annotated map of a rural property (ex. various natural features or look out spots, trails, spots to sit down and discuss an offer I mean enjoy the bird life, etc.).

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby LeoApp » Mon Jan 13, 2020 2:21 pm

Your home is absolutely stunning! Wow. That should sell in a NY minute!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Ryeissa » Mon Jan 13, 2020 3:00 pm

I didn't realize you lived in such a snazzy place! amazing! Good luck in the move

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Sunshine2Me » Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:20 pm

You're home is beautiful, however I believe that you will also make your future home just as beautiful, and it will feel like home faster than you think!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:29 am

It's been a bit of a whirlwind week... The weather has been horrific, but we had a bluebird half-day in there, at a time where we had just one more viewing, and the house is now, as of this evening, under contract to someone who has never set foot in it, but sent their agent around to look.

We've negotiated a leaseback period after closing, because there is no way we could actually move off the mountain in 30 days with the winter doing what it's doing to us.

Of course, it could all yet go wrong, so we have two more viewings tomorrow (once we have cleared out the incredible amount of drifted snow that has accumulated in the last 24 hours) as back-up, belt and braces potential, and then we'll be off the market. Which is just as well, as one of my poor kitties gets horribly car-sick and is finding the whole vacating the premises thing very stressful.

And now I have to gear up my search for soft landings for my horses. I chatted to my feed store-owning friends the other day and they have already sent two people to me who would be potentially interested in taking Pip, the mini, so that leaves me with the two big boys.

I've been worrying about moving Lucky, who is 35, but he was charging around bucking like a young fool in the snow this evening, telling me that he's not ready for the pasture in the sky quite yet... Finding a place that will offer him adequate geriatric care might be a challenge, though.

It's all a bit surreal. Houses just don't sell this fast around here. the next thirty days are going to be nail-biting, for sure.

And in other news, we seem to have found a reason for DHs lack of enthusiasm about life in general and the move in particular. He went for a routine stress test which turned out not to be so routine. He's got a visit lined up with the big cheese cardiologist, but it looks like he needs a stent put in. Fabulous timing, he'll be on no weight lifting for a month once it's done, and I'm of course hovering over him like a mother hen at the moment stopping him from doing strenuous things.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby exvet » Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:23 pm

Good luck with the coming weeks and quick recovery thoughts for your DH. I know exactly what you're going through and being the primary on such a project. All I can say is that you will get through this and what's meant to be will be. Once it's all done and behind you, there will actually be moments of wondering why you didn't do it sooner ;)

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:33 pm

Fingers crossed for your DH. Glad he got checked out and has a plan in place. Better earlier than later with these things!

Exvet is right---this will all eventually work out and you will be glad for the next stage of life with fewer snow drifts that are your responsibility. I'm glad the sale looks to be working out so quickly. It is really annoying to do that "quick vacate the premises" move with the small animals for showings .

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Feb 02, 2020 12:49 am

A progress report... We closed on the house in town yesterday, take possession on Monday. We did our walk-through on Thursday and both came away feeling very positive. I'll be in there brandishing a paint brush in the very near future!

This is it: ... e/86378493

Our house is under contract, for the second time--the first people dropped out, but are apparently now regretting it and may well be making a new back-up offer, which we may be grateful for as the due diligence that the current buyers are putting us through is ridiculous. It's a 25 year old log cabin. There will be things that are different to you average suburban McMansion, and no, we are not going to pay to bring it up to current building code requirements or replace the totally sound metal roof because you don't like it (with what? Another metal roof? Because that's what is required for code up here.) People are nuts.

Pip, my sweet mini, has a new home to move to in 6 weeks or so, where he will have company and a doting mom. I haven't started making decisions about the other two yet.

DH is currently not considered a candidate for surgery and has started on an array of meds that are making him cranky and distracted. Fun times.

Laddie is still on the sick list, but is doing much better. He's still quite lame, but his temp is down to normal and eating and drinking, I get to unwrap the whole leg tomorrow to see how we are progressing, I'm hoping he can get turned out for a bit if it's not too icy.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby piedmontfields » Sun Feb 02, 2020 1:26 pm

Glad you have a back-up offer percolating...the new place will bloom under your vision. It's cool that it has a nice yard and is so walkable to the town.

Fingers crossed that DH + meds get sorted. It can be tricky to get the combo/levels correct.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Ryeissa » Sun Feb 02, 2020 8:58 pm

beautiful house!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Amado » Wed Feb 05, 2020 9:15 pm

Your new house is gorgeous! (So is the one you are selling!)

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Hayburner » Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:14 pm

Your new house is beautiful - for some silly reason I thought you were downsizing.

Hope the meds help your DH and he doesn't need surgery in the future.

Glad your mini found a home and hopefully you will find a suitable place for your other two. Moving is not easy but when it's all done we tend to forget all the work we did.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby texsuze » Fri Feb 07, 2020 5:20 pm

Yowza! You're going from spectacular to awesome with this relo! Love the wood floors in your "former" home--are they reclaimed wood? That's what we used throughout ours. New home is quite big enough:) and doesn't even look like it is "in town"!

Better that DH's condition has been discovered under more or less 'controlled' circumstances than on some hiking vacation in the Alps! There are so many cardiac options for all the different heart-related problems, so don't go nuts worrying about that right now.

You will look back on this episode in 2 years' time and shake your head, wondering how you ever managed to coordinate and undertake such a transition, but you will get through. Keep us posted!

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby fergusnc » Fri Feb 07, 2020 6:13 pm

Both of you properties are just gorgeous. Many blessings in the new chapter...for you, DH, and all of your critters.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Feb 08, 2020 2:37 am

Thanks--I'm quite happy about it. Especially as the weather up here has been utterly appalling this week.

Hayburner--the new one looks bigger than it is in reality--the rooms are smaller, on the whole, and there's one rather puzzling orange room on the lower level that has no windows but will make a pretty darned fancy store room in the short term--especially as DH now has the perfect excuse not to go through all his crap. (We are also going from 30 acres to 1 acre,)

Angiogram for him on Thursday, then we can start making plans once we have the results.

Our current house is full of built-in storage--of course, we owned a cabinet company for 18 years. The new one has none and limited closet space, which is a bit of an issue, but we'll sort it out.

Yes, Texsure, all reclaimed barnwood, looks lovely with the logs.

We are now through due diligence with our buyers, have negotiated a much more minor price reduction, and are theoretically on the home stretch.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Feb 23, 2020 3:32 am

My silence is due to hours of intense cleaning at the new house. some people are just pigs...

The fridge was unspeakable, but the four bathrooms I cleaned today were way worse. Apparently urine etches travertine floors. I'm not sure one is salvageable.

My friend who is a nurse gave me a piece of advice years ago... "you can tackle anything if you are gloved up." This is true!

We closed on my lovely (clean) log home yesterday. We have a 60 day leaseback, though. Just as well as it'll take me that long to degrossify the new house! Under the grime, it is nice, just rather neglected.

Drapery material is starting to arrive--I have many projects to do!

In other news, Laddie is feeling a bit better, we're working hard to get the swelling out of his leg, and he's looking perkier. I'll lunge him tomorrow and see what he looks like and if all is good, get back on him next week.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby heddylamar » Sun Feb 23, 2020 10:24 pm

When we did final walkthrough on the current house, I asked the realtor if the grime constituted clean. Yep. Apparently "broom swept" is the standard.

It took 3 months to rid the kitchen of the grease buildup so I could finally unpack and cook.

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Canyon » Mon Feb 24, 2020 5:47 pm

Ugh - - good luck with the cleaning! I hope the move goes smoothly, when it happens, and Laddie continues to improve.

How is your DH doing?

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Re: Moving into town, redux... i may need some hand-holdng

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Feb 24, 2020 6:24 pm

Thank you for asking, Canyon. DH is doing pretty well. They decided against any kind of surgical intervention at this time and have him on a pretty stringent drug regime to get his blood pressure down. He is actually feeling much better and more like getting stuff done, even if that stuff is packing avoidance...

Laddie looked pretty good yesterday. Very exuberant on the longe line so I think there will be a couple more days of that before I get on! Feeling an even greater abundance of caution than normal, what with everything going on (and it didn't help that I walked into the ring the other day to find one of my barnmates sitting in the dirt, on the phone to the paramedics, having fallen off the mounting block of all things, and broken her ankle in 3 places.)

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