I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

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I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Jun 29, 2022 10:32 pm

I got my passport about 3 weeks ago so no reason to wait.

I booked for May 2023. Added some extras like a whale watching trip, and a boat ride through one of the glacier lagoons. Best one...a one hour horseback ride to a waterfall :mrgreen: . The length of it is just right for my delicate butt. I hope my behind is up to it after a long flight and sitting in a car a lot but screw my butt :P ...I want to ride an Icelandic horse. I hope I can squeak in a trip to the Lava Centre on the same day as the horseback ride. They are each only 1 hr but I will check with my travel advisor before dates. It cautions you that you can only add 1 'extra' but since both are only 1 hr and the Lave Centre is open later, I am hoping I can pull the double off.

I was going to do a 7 day trip but then my roof started leaking and is being replaced as I am typing so I knocked it down to a 5 day trip to save some $$. I am arriving a day before the tour begins to allow my poor little body to reset. It looks like most of the flights are overnight and I am not much of a sleeper in a moving conveyance.
I am very excited...now to wait 10 months.


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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Canyon » Thu Jun 30, 2022 3:46 am

Good for you for booking the trip! I've always wanted to go to Iceland.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby SnowHorse » Thu Jun 30, 2022 1:29 pm

That's awesome!

Many years ago my Mom wanted to make a little trip with me for her 60th birthday, and while I suggested Iceland, she picked another country instead.

Still haven't been able to visit Iceland. My own 60th is coming up in a few years, so maybe I should work towards that, and bring my Mom AND daughter with me? Ha! :D

I hope you have the most wonderful time. I bet the wait is brutal, though!
Face masks! Bandanas! Posters, mugs, cards etc - http://www.zazzle.com/okiepony/products -- Horses, cats, butterflies, Hummingbirds, quotes, sillies, patterns - everything!

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby StraightForward » Thu Jun 30, 2022 2:12 pm

Woo, so exciting! I know you've been planning this for a long time :mrgreen:
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Josette » Thu Jun 30, 2022 4:15 pm

You made me remember the post a few years back when Gwen visited Iceland. Her pictures were beautiful! It's on my bucket list for future trips.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Thu Jun 30, 2022 5:55 pm

Yes, I remember Gwen’s trip. I would love to go trekking but alas my butt wouldn’t handle that…and in the winter…NO. She had lovely photos and looks like so much fun.

I am just going to play old lady American tourist and get driven around with some extra side trips. I was going to do a longer tour but since my roof had to be replaced I cut it down a couple days.
This is the one I booked.

https://iceland.nordicvisitor.com/trave ... vate/1396/

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Josette » Thu Jun 30, 2022 7:03 pm

KM - what you described sounds like a perfect trip. That would be my speed too. Plus, I understand during winter months some road access is not possible in areas (ice). So very different trip itinerary warmer months versus winter. Take lots of pics! :D

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Srhorselady » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:06 am

It sounds wonderful!

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby khall » Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:34 am

That is awesome!! We can add book your trip to Iceland to the life is too short list!

I want to go back to Portugal. Maybe next year. Is your mom going with you? My issue is caring for mom here

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby zevida » Fri Jul 01, 2022 2:57 am

Iceland is amazing!! You will have a great time.

I got the chance to go in 2019 for a work trip and I was able to add several days for sightseeing onto the trip. It’s such an incredible place, so much beauty and such a different landscape than anywhere else I’d ever been.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby PaulaO » Sat Jul 02, 2022 3:16 pm

A woman I know has done extensive traveling, been to 6 continents, and told me the best meals she ever had were in Iceland.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Sat Jul 30, 2022 8:46 pm

khall...I just now saw your question and no, my Mom is not going with me. My sister will take over duties for the week I am gone. If that doesn't pan out, I will look at some respite care places. I am going...

The Fagradalsfjall area is rocking and rolling with earthquakes again like it did last year before the fissures erupted. Maybe I will see lava flow.


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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Thu Aug 04, 2022 10:54 pm

Ooh...ooh, Iceland has a new volcano. All those earthquakes (thousands in 4 days!) were magma looking for a way out of the earth. Now total crap shoot if it is still erupting in May. The one last year went for 6 months. Due due the nature of this volcanic system the guess is one week to years. That narrows it down :roll: . I won't be walking to it at any rate. That terrain is ankle breaking and it makes my poor surgically repaired feet hurt just watching other people walk on it. If it continues, I may add a day to my stay and take a helicopter tour. The new volcano is in the same area which is fairly close to Reykjavik.

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Bee » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:18 pm

I just returned from a trip to Iceland!
I went on a six day riding tour through the Southern Highlands with Ishestar.

Iceland will blow you away with its grandiose landscapes! The riding was certainly different from any riding I have ever done.
I was not familiar with gaited horses but let me tell you the TOLT is the bomb! These incredibly tough and surefooted little horses can go for hours with little walk breaks at the tolt. And that's going up and downhill and over rough terrain. We switched horses at lunchtime every day, so we could all ride a variety of horses during the trip. A herd of 50 free running horses followed us. They were all coralled at lunchtime, we changed tack and went off with our new mounts.
And yes, the meals were incredibly good - which suprised me. Our cook for the tour was a professional chef.

Iceland can be cold and rainy - even in August we had two days with heavy rain and very cool temperatures.

Enjoy your trip!

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:47 pm

I am so glad you had a great trip. I do not think I could manage that kind of mounted trip, with my tailbone issues. Way back in the day, I struggled going to dressage camp and having 2 hour long lessons a day.
I am so looking forward to meeting some Icelandic horses. For me, a DOL (decrepit old lady), the one hour ride to a waterfall will do nicely.
Iceland put out a travel ad this spring that was cute.
https://visitreykjavik.is/news/let-icel ... our-emails

Alas, the volcano has already ended…for now. Something might pop up again by May. Never know what Mother Nature will throw out.

I have observed the weather over the last year plus of volcano watching and yes, it can be quite changeable so be prepared for wind and rain…check.


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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Anne » Thu Apr 13, 2023 7:06 am

I thought of this thread when I stumbled across this link:

"Disconnect from work and let the horses of Iceland reply to your emails while you are on vacation. (Seriously)"

Oh! Susan is on to it, same link in your last post above!!!

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Re: I did it...my Iceland trip is booked

Postby Kyras_Mom » Fri Apr 14, 2023 7:40 pm

Yes, that is a cute ad.

31 days and I get to meet one of the outsourcers :lol: .

I can’t wait. I have been practice packing and ordering all kinds of travel trinkets I will probably never use again. Hopefully I have some room in my suitcases for clothes :oops: . If I buy many souvenirs, I am going to ship them back separately because I am planning on carry-on and a personal bag only.

31 days….


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