Goals and progress:. June and July.

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Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 01, 2016 11:31 am

Please continue to share. I love these threads.

Kimba:. First confirmed first level requirement.
Ride four times a week
Get out to a show

Acacia:. Get confirmed training level
Ride four times a week
Four outings to accustom to activity

Deneb. Ride five to six times a week
Update on her thread

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Tuddy » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:43 pm

I will play.

Yonka (aka #blondebastard) - start lunging him and getting him back in the game.

Lucas (#bigblackfreighttrain) - hop on and see how that hock is holding up to 10 min of riding

Stetson (don't have a hashtag name yet for this guy, lol) - throw daughter up on him and get them back riding

Tuddy (#warhorse and now also named #thehound after GoT) - keep on trucking, Dale Irwin Clinic at the end of July, possibly take him to get him used to travelling. Will update his thread as we go.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby StraightForward » Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:56 pm

Pickle (turning 3 next week) -
One trip in the trailer each week
Allow me to spray her all over with the hose and clip her bridle path
Ground drive in side reins and begin lateral work
Go to a local show and show in hand without drama
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ponichiwa » Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:45 pm

T-2 weeks til I get to ride my horse again and my move is over! Hurray!

Our goals will be:
- Fitness for both of us. Measured by cleanliness of changes for her (luxating patellas), ability to zip boots without swearing for me.
- Relaxation under saddle in a new environment... with cows
- Resuming 3rd/4th level schooling by end of July.

I'd actually like to be able to enter an August show at 3rd level, but will hold off on that one til I see how my pony/person fitness regimen goes.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Mareless » Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:44 pm

Ponichiwa wrote:
Our goals will be:
- Fitness for both of us. Measured by cleanliness of changes for her (luxating patellas), ability to zip boots without swearing for me.

:lol: :lol: Mine usually zip without swearing, but it's always fun to find out if my calves are going to start throbbing once the boots are zipped, and if they do, will it be ignorable/go away once I get in the saddle. One time was so bad I had to get off, take my boots off, take my socks off (to make my calves infinitesimally smaller, :D) , put my boots back on my bare feet, and get back in the saddle.

My main goal, at this point, is to get Mr. Navicular sound again, so I can ride. He is okay at the walk, but I really wonder if working him at the walk makes him less likely to be sound the following day or if I should just not work him at all. When this lameness first showed up, in early Spring, I tried giving him two weeks off and it helped, but came back after the first ride once his rest was over. I'm debating the selfishness of medicating him to make him sound just so I can ride him/sell him versus a wait and see attitude, plus rest for him since it's only been a week since he had his 'magic no more navicular (or so I hope)' shoes put on.

Corollary goal is to figure out how long I am going to keep him and when I can start shopping for a new horse. Since he's 17 and 'inherited' from my now grown daughters, my plan was only to ride him for another 2 or maybe 3 years and hopefully during that time save up money toward the purchase of a 'real' dressage horse, a much younger one. With the navicular thing now going on, I'm thinking it might be better for me to get him sound as possible and sell him right away, then shop for whatever I can afford as long as it's 10 yrs old or less (preferably around 4-5 yrs)

Meanwhile, I probably should do something about losing some weight and/or getting in better shape so my boots won't squeeze my legs so tightly!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Wed Jun 01, 2016 8:54 pm

So, I had for clients sign up for a show so I did not enter Ms Kimba because coaching and reading four, two tests each is not conducive to a relaxed show experience for me.

However Mr Faramir,. Client horse, herd the word show and immediately self injured himself, minor injury but enough to preclude showing,. Si I am letting my client ride Kimba .

I have misgivings, because I can get picky about people riding my horse, but have decided that outing will be beneficial for both of them.

Will update. Show is Saturday. ( After all anyone aught to be able took ride a well trained horse, right?)

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Kyra's Mom » Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:23 am

Well, I might try sticking my toe back in these threads. It has been a long fall/winter/spring and for the first time in my life (horse(s) since age 14 and I'm 60), I was seriously considering selling the horse and taking up golf (no sitting involved) :P . I have a chronic issue with my tailbone area and for the first time since it started annoying me about 10 years ago, riding became intolerable...especially if I wanted to sit down or sleep (back sleeper). No precipitating factors that I could pin down. So, this winter, Straightforward helped me out a bit and rode Kyra some. I could sometimes manage 1 ride a week but did do quite a bit of ground work. I must say, it has been really good for SF to ride her. I started this horse myself and from the get-go had mouth and connection issues. I initially thought it was me but it turned out that she was getting her massively flabby inner cheeks pinched by pretty much any jointed bit. Well, umpteen bit trials later, we got some things sorted out but that brace and history was still there. Nika doesn't have that history and has very nice hands and she has improved a lot in that department despite a pretty light riding schedule. Everyone at my barn that has seen her ride gives me a glowing report of how nice Kyra goes for her 8-) .

Anyway, butt issue has waned again. Things are more comfortable and I actually had 3 rides last week. W-T-C--the whole shebang :D . Of course, not doing much sitting trot at this point...

My first goal is fitness for both of us. I have become a blob in the last 3 years due to physical issues that affected my mobility or my ability to sit (like on a bicycle) and I really need to get my core strength back. Horse just needs some miles. She is already doing great in our short sessions.

I am saddle shopping...after 1 particular saddle from Prestige that has a hole cut out of the seat in the coccyx area. I have been really busy and haven't gotten around to calling but did get my tracings all done for the horse. Not sure it will be the answer but if the hole is in the right place for me and it fits the horse, it has to help. Yeah...not many variables there :lol: . I currently have my saddle tricked out with a piece of a Thinline pad with a hole cut out in the back under my coccyx stuffed under a Thinline seat saver. Where there is a will, there is a way :idea: .

Not making any lofty goals. Besides my issues, I am doing lots of elder care with my parents which is taking lots of time and you never know when a crisis will happen but I WILL be riding. Before all my infirmity hit me, I was a hair's width of making the leap to 2nd level so that is a longer term goal. Must break it down to baby steps for now.

from susamorg on the UDBB

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Rosie B » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:26 am

I'm in again although I won't be riding past mid June. I've realized I need to set a date to stop riding or I won't stop. LOL. Physically I feel like I could keep going indefinitely and am still feeling great in the saddle, but mentally I am not willing to accept the risk of continuing to ride (because shit happens). So the date for my last ride is June 12th.

Until then, I'm planning to ride 4x a week and enjoy every ride like it's the last, and of course, keep chipping away at the basics in the 7 rides I have left (yes, I'm counting! lol). :)

I had a SUPER ride last night. In my lesson on Sunday we worked on REALLY getting Bliss responsive to LIGHT leg aids and holy crap it paid off. He was supple, forward, light, and connected. After our warm-up we did SI and Travers at trot and they were both really good. We also played with a bit of trot half pass and it was also much better - more consistent in the bend, and much easier for me to transition between HP and LY and back to HP. In the canter he was light and straight and very balanced. We just did basic transitions in and out of canter, and the canter/walk/canters were SUPER. He'd lift himself easily off the hind into a beautiful uphill canter, and then alight like a bird back into walk. We did a handful of those both ways, then finished up with some forward and back at trot, and of course some stretchy trot. It was one of those rides where it was pure fun, for both of us I think!

After June 12th, I plan to do a combination of in hand work, longing, long lining, and free jumping 3-4 times a week for the remainder of the challenge, with the goal of teaching him to do all the lateral work in hand, and have him completely manoeuvrable in walk and trot on the long lines.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Jun 02, 2016 11:47 am

Overall goal is to continue my commitment to genuine connection. It is tricky with Emi because she is comfortable and easy to do a lot with even when she is not connected! However, my increased understanding of just how much more active her hind legs can be is motivating me to say let's improve this situation.

My main work the last several weeks has been very basic: Can we remain connected through all transitions? Can we take the improved connection we develop in canter to trot? Can we keep a soft connection while freeing the shoulders in mediums? Plenty of times the answer has been No....! So we have work to do.

When everything is going well, I'm fine with going back to improving movements. But I think we need to spend more time on these basic issues at this point. I'm kind of feeling like I'm back to some beginning stage, but it is just a combination of Emi's past habits/training and my own. She is feeling more like a "normal horse" these days---that is good from a training/development point of view but also a bit annoying to me!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:34 pm

We are off to a good start! I'm so glad Kyra's mom joined us. I so hope your saddle with the hole in it works. It sounds like having Straightforward to help with the riding is a really good thing. For some reason I thought Straightforward was from Texas...I still am having trouble keeping people Straight (no pun intended).

Rosie, enjoy those last few rides!

Chisamba, I "know" Deneb and Kimba, but who is Acacia? I remember one of your goals somewhere along the line was to spend more time riding your own horses and it sounds like you're doing so.

Piedmont, I appreciate your posts because they are easy to read and understand. I can tell you aim for the same clarity when you ride Emi. I look forward to your progress.

I'm rooting for all of us, and see some exciting stuff in the future. Ponichiwa, even if your boots cause you to cuss a bit, I am looking forward to some nice reports from you.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:42 pm

Emma June and July:

Carry over the same goals from April/ May since I am still working on them, as I wait for the torrential Texas rains to subside.

I will be thinking a lot about harmony and ease of movement, which only can happen with the genuine connection that Piedmont is working on. Also, in a thread somewhere, Flight talks about "tuning" and I think of this as all part of harmony and ease of movement.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:32 pm

demi wrote:We are off to a good start!

Chisamba, I "know" Deneb and Kimba, but who is Acacia? I remember one of your goals somewhere along the line was to spend more time riding your own horses and it sounds like you're doing so. .

Acacia is an older half sister to Kimba, who I went back and got after Kimba worked out. Was also obese and in my b opinion at risk. Original intention was to get her for a client but the client uncommitted.

Acacia has the disadvantage of being a mature green horse. Her progress had been slower, but she is coming.
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:40 pm

Tuddy, sounds like you have lots on your plate,. Tuddy progress is good to see

Straightforward,. Working with a young horse is entertaining, full of the unexpected, and rewarding.

Kyra's mom, hope you can find a comfortable saddle!

Demi, are you safe from the flooding ?

Piedmont, I think true connection is a progression

Rosie, enjoy your rides, and then enjoy your time off.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Jun 02, 2016 10:58 pm

I think I remember Acacia when you first got her... she is a beauty.

My plans include further work on collection and connection, and in particular, establishing a medium/collected canter transition that doesn't involve prayer.

I would like to not disgrace ourselves at our first show of the year, and our first ever at second level, next weekend.

He felt fabulous last night, did everything I asked him to, so I think we are ready. Now I just need to not overcook him before the show. Which is why I am still in my office rather than on my way to the barn... well, that and the ludicrous demands of my clients.

By the way, the Neue Schule Verbindend is a very nice bit for him. He's much less fussy than in the HS. He's still opening his mouth some, but not as much, and there is, thank heavens, no more teeth clacking going on. I think there is some habit in there that may or may not be surmountable. I think he finds it comforting to lean into the noseband.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Niki » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:05 am

I do like reading these threads :)

I have very little to report - can't even remember what month i last posted. Bess Has turned into a mostly paddock ornament as i have joined the pregnancy club :) I'm lucky if i have time to ride 1-2 a week still and her fitness has gone at a great rate (i'm finding my stamina is gone). So we are more just enjoying some basic stretching stuff when i do manage to get in the saddle.

I'll toddle around for as long as i am comfortable - i can see getting off being a problem as my belly gets bigger lol. I have given up the farrier work though. I have a trimmer coming in next week to do all the residents. They are all quiet and very good to do but i just don't want to take that extra risk.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Astral » Fri Jun 03, 2016 1:15 am

For the first time in years, I'll play!

Right now, my goals are pretty simple. Due to two bad ankle sprains (January and April), a broken foot (April through now), a winter with almost no snow (when you ride outside, snow's important in the winter!), moving, and starting a new job, riding hasn't really happened this year! At my last appointment (for the broken foot), I was given clearance to ride again (granted, he knew nothing about riding or what my foot would be doing in the stirrup, but that's not the point). I've got on once, a few days ago.

So my main goal is to just learn how to use my body again, and get back on a regular schedule. I started my guy again on long reins about a month ago, but we've both lost so much fitness over the past months. That first ride, while not a disaster, really highlighted how much we lost. As someone who's never missed more than a week of riding or so in the last 30ish years, it felt completely bizarre!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby khall » Fri Jun 03, 2016 3:06 am

I'm in! I have a clinic coming up the end of the month in SC with my trainer, so hauling to it and looking forward to the clinic. Big guy is doing well, though back slid a bit after being adjusted/acupunctured for some reason. Not sure if he was sore afterwards or what, but starting to get back into the groove again. Still enjoying riding the big beast, fun to ride one with all the buttons he has. Put him back in the double to see how he will handle it, a bit fussy these first couple of rides but not terrible. Looking for a sparkly brow band for his double, have found a couple I really like!

Mare is doing pretty well when I can get on her, in hand work is great and lunging is great but boy is she FAT! Sigh easy keepers are so difficult to care for.

Rosie, love the pictures for horse of the month! Enjoy your last few rides, you can get lots accomplished though on the ground. I love in hand work. I long lined my riding mare at the time (now deceased, was almost 16 yrs ago!) 3 days a week until the week I gave birth. She was well established on the long lines prior and had piaffe that I worked on while I was pregnant and she was in the lines. Did wonders for her. Now I am hooked on the in hand work, so much fun and good for the horses. Free jumping is a blast too, good for them to cross train.

Chisamba, I don't remember Acacia, she is a nice looking mare. Big girl, is she Lippi?

Glad all are chiming in here, looking forward to updates. My goal is to not die of heat stroke, been mid 90's here this week, yuck.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby mari » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:26 am

Love the updates! My goal is to not go crazy while waiting for a suspensory injury to heal. We've been out since March, seriously losing my grace. I have some other horses to ride, and it's making me a better rider and I'm enormously grateful blah blah blah. But at some point, riding other horses while yours is broken is a bit like kissing someone else's husband. Fun and thrilling in the immediate moment, but ultimately not very rewarding in the long term... *grump grump*
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Rosie B » Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:34 am

Love reading everyone's goals!! Niki - welcome back!!! Nice to 'see' you here. Dismounting is definitely the least comfortable thing. I push myself up off the pommel quite firmly with my arms to make sure I get some air between pommel and belly on the way down. lol.

Had another super ride last night. :) I feel like what we worked on in our lesson last weekend gave us the last piece of the puzzle and now everything is coming together. Just in time to stop! lol

mari - I'm sorry you're dealing with suspensory issues but this made me LOL:

riding other horses while yours is broken is a bit like kissing someone else's husband. Fun and thrilling in the immediate moment, but ultimately not very rewarding in the long term

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Sue B » Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:10 pm

First goal is to ride more--say, 4-5 times a week.

Second goal is to pull more weight off Tio by getting his muzzle back on and by riding more (see goal 1)

Third goal is get flying changes put on Rudy by taking him up to coach's place for a few days or so.

Fourth goal is to get Tio used to going on trailer rides. I have severely neglected that aspect of his training although I don't anticipate any major issues.

So, June 1 both horses got ridden first out of and then in the arena. My neck was hurting very badly and the pain was working its way down my back and I didn't know how well I'd do so I walked Rudy down the road first. As usual, just walking helped the pain so much that I wound up doing a regular schooling session in which we worked on w-c-w after establishing forward with h-t-h. As a side-effect of our work, he gave me one of the nicest should-ins I've ever gotten on him both directions. These last few months, even though I have not had the time to school him as much as I'd like, he is really starting to show me what a nice upper level horse he has the potential of becoming. I can't help but get excited over that prospect. :mrgreen:

Every time I ride Tio watches me and Rudy head out up or down the road for a warm-up and/or cool-down. June 1 he made it clear he was ready to do the same and travel further than just a few 100 feet. We made it about 1/4 mile without any anxiety about being out of sight form his buddy and just a few hard looks at "scary" things--like the neighbor's horses out in the sage brush--and then I turned him back for home. First few steps he jumped into a trot and thought about bolting but quickly settled back to a nice swinging walk. The only resistance I had was turning him back to the arena but it was easily overcome and we had a fun little workout to finish out the session. I am very pleased with his progress.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:03 pm

I don't really have any goals for the next couple of months.
Continue on with what I'm learning at my working student place. Keep Dingaling going forward (his tuning session has helped a lot) and trying to improve my riding.
My young horse - well we are doing a first level test at a training day this month, I"m hoping we can stay in the arena after the lengthened canter!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Sat Jun 04, 2016 12:26 am

Chisamba, I just love Acacia. Thanks for posting the pictures. I think those pictures should be DDBB horse of the month soon! You make a very nice pair and I hope we get some more pictures now and then.

Looks like we have more players in the goals and progress thread this time. That's exciting. I need to start reading every day to keep up. Pictures really help me keep people and horses sorted. I know it's not always easy to get pics or vids but maybe we could just post selfies with our horses once in a while!? Vids are the best for discussing training, and still photos of working horses can help, too, but even a current pic of the horse just standing there adds a lot (at least for me, anyway).

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Sat Jun 04, 2016 3:45 am

Apparently I can't read... I have 2 weeks until my first show, not just one. I think that's a good thing...

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Sat Jun 04, 2016 11:43 am

The every other day program with Emma seems to be working ok for now. Our last ride was really nice but the one before that was not. The muggy weather is irratating for both of us. I don't know if it's visible on these photos but after only 30 minutes work she was wet all over. I looked even worse. I'd have posted a selfie but didn't want to scare anyone!
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Josette » Sat Jun 04, 2016 8:21 pm

Catching up on these threads. Chisamba - Acacia is a beautiful mare - lovely pics. Trying to get straight all the horse names here.

Horrible humidity here today - maybe some thunder storms headed our way soon.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Sat Jun 04, 2016 9:42 pm

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Sun Jun 05, 2016 3:08 am

I realized that I haven't posted on here since a 2015 goals thread in which I said that I was selling Willie (who was wholly unsuitable for his owner after her stroke and knee surgery), and that I was getting a new horse!!

Well, Willie sold and his owner got herself an eminently suitable small quarter horse mare. Willie's new owners love him to pieces.

As far as my new guy, I brought him home about 2 months ago from being started. Riding a young horse is an entirely different ballgame and I'm so worried about ruining him or making a mistake in the training that will affect future upper level work. So far, I haven't undone the excellent start that he's had :)
My goals with him:
1. get him on the trails more often
2. Stop being so hard on myself and just enjoy this special horse!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Brydie » Sun Jun 05, 2016 8:59 am

Well as of today I am now the proud owner of a toyota land cruiser!! I'm not sure how much riding I'll get done over the next couple of months (may still send him to my trainer for a few weeks but not sure as I spent most of my savings!!)

1. Trail ride at least once a week (we didn't have trails where he was kept but they just moved to a place with trails a few days ago).
2. Ride without stirrups more (possibly take then off my saddle completely?)
3. Canter a lot more, work on forward and straight.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Mareless » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:43 pm

Had a good ride today. On a horse that actually felt happy, energetic and not lame. (Full disclosure, trainer and I decided to give him bute since Friday, since his new shoes did not seem to help his navicular. The thought process was to see if he would still be sore even with bute, and if so consult the vet about further kinds of treatment.)

On one hand, I feel like my ride is shadowed by the fact that he isn't sound without meds. But on the other hand it just felt so good to be riding all three gaits on a horse that wanted to work. He was definitely pleased with himself. I think we both needed that positive session.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:17 pm

Good rides in the heat all weekend. Consistency improving, lengthenings improving. He's really fit and happy to work, which is so nice!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:33 pm


Kimba did quite well at her show with her catch rider. 72. Something for TL 3. She had a small tantrum in the canter transition which dropped her into second place. We worked on transitions today and had improved balance and acceptance in them. I also began working on my sitting trot on her.

Acacia did intro A and B she is not elastic in her canter connection yet, and scored over seventy, and we were just excited that she stayed in the ring and on the connection in a strange place.

For the first time since the mirror incident, Deneb did not attempt to pull the reins out of my hands.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby calvin » Mon Jun 06, 2016 9:36 pm

Holy. You guys ROCK!!! Love Acacia, Chis, and well done to ALL. I purchased "letters" for our ring. Is there an easy way to resize Ipad photos to upload here? In any event, plan is to work on our second level tests and to show the first weekend in September. I practised two of the said tests two weeks ago, and realized, NOPE!! 'nuff said. Need goals, and this thread is most helpful!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Chisamba » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:36 am

Calvin I find the jump from first to second level most difficult.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby piedmontfields » Tue Jun 07, 2016 12:58 am

Chisamba, that was an awesome update, including the Deneb bit. Well done. And thank you for the reminder about connection as a journey! I am also keeping Demi's "clarity" comments in mind. Sometimes it's not pretty, but it is "clear"!!

Just wanted to cheer everyone on in their pursuits, deadlines (Rosie will be dismounting for awhile), photos and re-entries! I do appreciate your notes very much. This is such solitary undertaking, even with a local coach/cheering section (if one is so lucky) so the online support is awesome. Emi is feeling good, working hard, and frankly such a joy. Had some awesome trot half pass over the weekend and nice transitions tonight. I feel very lucky. I just need photos!!! (besides of her ears)
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby khall » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:56 am

Yeah for updates Chisamba! Love your girls.

I also find that it is one thing to be able to do the individual parts of the tests and another to string it all together. Something I don't do very often and should.

Rode my mare quick ride yesterday, was ok, could have been more umph in the trot. Big guy got lunged lightly and then worked in hand, some great work in hand!! All the laterals were there and then did some trot, halt, RB and trot transitions that were awesome in hand!! Very light and with me. Those have been coming well for awhile now and I am still amazed because the big guy trotting him in hand initially was watching my life flash before my eyes! He could be explosive, now he is very obedient and very engaged and listening. Could not have asked for him to be better. This is prep work for piaffe in hand. Farrier was here today, so tomorrow back to work for both and play a bit with the older mare. Trying to decide on Anna, if she is up for getting back in work or will require a vet trip see what lameness is lurking in there.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:25 am

I finally got DH to take some pics this morning. I was not happy with them at first, but after thinking about it, I'm a little happier. I've only had her for a bit over 6 months and I am an amateur working alone. With pics I can see a lot that I don't feel. I can see changes that need to be made, and I can see changes that have already been made. I get nervous having pictures taken and tense up and Emma feels it. The Soloshot 3 will be a huge help for training. Being able to see my rides right afterwards is going to help me isolate problems that I am not feeling, or probably more precisely, am feeling but don't connect the feeling with what is really going on...plus I'll get used to being on camera.



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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby amygdala » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:41 am

lovely horse! you look great together!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Jun 07, 2016 3:53 am

Nice, Demi! and you fit each other beautifully!

I'm thinking a Soloshot 3 would be a good investment, too.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Tue Jun 07, 2016 4:28 am

Chisamba- great results with all 3! And I do love the look of Acacia in your pics further up this thread.

Khall, I do a bit of inhand work too, and our trot in hand is much better now too! I had to LOL at your description. I had to get my guy to do some halt - trot-halt, reinback-trot-halt to get him more snappy about it and at first I was like stoooooop! Thinking I'm going to be dragged through the sand.

Demi - nice pics! You sit really well.
When I first got my soloshot I was trying a bit too hard because I was in front of the camera. Now, I use it so often that I can just ride normally. I'd love to have mirrors too, for that instant feedback.

I haven't been riding much, it's raining.. again! We are getting full days of rain! I'm not used to it.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Rosie B » Tue Jun 07, 2016 11:33 am

Wow Chisamba!! Those are great results! You must be very pleased! :)

piedmont - looks like you have some lovely places to ride! There are few things (imho) that feel better than a GOOD half pass! Sounds like things are going super well!

Mountaineer - can't wait to hear about your show! I am sure you guys will kick butt!!

demi - So nice to see pics of you and Emma finally! You guys look good together. :)

calvin - nice to 'see' you here! Which show are you going to? (I'm in NB)

Mareless - best of luck getting your boy sound!

Dresseur - nice to see you back here!! Your new horse is very nice. Can you tell us a bit about him?

Rye - sounds like you have a great trainer and you're well on your way!! Often, going back and addressing the basics will get you further than continuing to hammer away at more advanced things. Good for you and for your trainer for taking that step and getting things back on track. :) It sounds like it's working out well.

Sue B - It's always amazing to me how our horses can continue to progress hugely even when we're not riding 4+ times a week. Sometimes I think they actually progress faster with LESS work of higher quality. Rudy sounds like he is going fabulously. I can't wait to see some pics/vids!! (hint hint)

Byrdie - yay for new wheels! Sorry that ate your training budget tho. :(

khall - I think I've been bitten by the in hand bug. :) On Sunday I started introducing Bliss to double longeing first with the outside line going over the saddle and then when that was totally ok, by putting it around his bum. Holy crap does that ever give control over the outside and over his quarters!! We just did walk/halt/walk transitions to get him used to it but he was stepping right up under in halt - something he doesn't usually do. So I am excited to see where it goes from there. :) And I know double longeing isn't technically 'in hand' work, but it's a step on the way to long lining.

Flight - hope you guys get some drier weather soon!

I had a SUPER ride on Saturday. My old coach (from when I was a teenager) came up to see Bliss and it was one of the best rides we've ever had. I love it when that happens! The trot work was good but what really blew me away was his canter. He gave 110% - he was soooo light and soft and connected to my seat, we were doing forward and back on the 20m circle at canter and when I asked him nicely to collect he'd pick himself up and I could almost feel the pirouette canter. With all that lovely collection I had to try a bit of half pass at canter (which we've barely touched although we've worked the prerequisites a fair bit), and it was easy, effortless, and fluid. Holy crap. I could feel the third level horse inside waiting to come out! If I was feeling braver I would have thrown in a change but this far along in my pregnancy I didn't want to risk a huge reaction so I didn't even try. :P Anyway, I didn't get any of the canter on video, but got a few pics from some of the trot work. His LYs are coming SO much better!
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby StraightForward » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:19 pm

Rosie B wrote:I had a SUPER ride on Saturday. My old coach (from when I was a teenager) came up to see Bliss and it was one of the best rides we've ever had. I love it when that happens! The trot work was good but what really blew me away was his canter. He gave 110% - he was soooo light and soft and connected to my seat, we were doing forward and back on the 20m circle at canter and when I asked him nicely to collect he'd pick himself up and I could almost feel the pirouette canter. With all that lovely collection I had to try a bit of half pass at canter (which we've barely touched although we've worked the prerequisites a fair bit), and it was easy, effortless, and fluid. Holy crap. I could feel the third level horse inside waiting to come out! If I was feeling braver I would have thrown in a change but this far along in my pregnancy I didn't want to risk a huge reaction so I didn't even try. :P Anyway, I didn't get any of the canter on video, but got a few pics from some of the trot work. His LYs are coming SO much better!

That sounds incredible, and is a testament to the excellent foundation you've been building with Bliss. Something to really look forward to when you come back to riding, though I know it will be hard to leave off at this point, too.

Demi, you have great posture and a very nice seat. Thanks for posting photos! Solo Shot is on my list for when I'm actually riding again, as well.

Susan, glad Kyra seems improved. I thought I was noticing it, but riding infrequently enough that it might just be a fluke. Wish I still had time to ride her, but Pickle's boot camp is taking just as much time as working a riding horse.

Today is Miss Pickle's third birthday. Need to get some photos tonight. She is almost there with the bathing; I'm sure with the hot weather she'll come round to deciding it feels pretty good after all. There's an open show coming up in a couple weeks, so I'm thinking we'll try to hit that for the halter class and see how a stock horse judge feels about her. Need to either work her on the ground in a bridle a bit first, or get a proper lead for her fancy leather halter.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Dresseur » Tue Jun 07, 2016 1:36 pm

Hi Rosie! Ditto to you and Bliss - I'm a fan!

Miro is a 3 year old Andalusian by Festivo MR. He has the distinction of being the first US bred foal by Festivo. I have to say, if this is the temperament and movement that Festivo passes on, everyone should have one!! Right now, he stands 15.2hh. Festivo is 17hh, Miro's dam is 15.3, so who knows where he will finish. What I do know is that he has a walk with such a big overstep that it can almost appear lateral at times - so, he's got some growing into his walk to do. Also, he's supposed to be a gray - but he's shedded out brown! Very brown! The inside of his double mane and the inside of his tail are white though - very cool coloring. Also, he won't touch anything but carrots. Very, very picky! :lol:
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So the tough parts, he's only been under saddle since November and since then we've found that he's a bit of an internalizer and he's an absolute gumby horse. He wants to break into a million pieces instead of staying together. Lateral work will NOT be an issue. He also wants to be out behind and jam his neck, which leads to some very interesting porpoise leaps in the canter - I know, he's 3! BUT - we have GP in mind and I think that it's a good idea to take note of overall tendencies, even early on so that as he progresses, we can keep an eye on things.

Trail work has been fantastic for him. It puts him together in a good way because he can't just go bumbling up and down hills, and it gets him seeing the world. He's incredibly steady out there. Ring work we keep short and light and fun for him - he's got a spark to him in the best way and we're taking our time building him up.

Overall, he's my dream horse. I saved for 5+ years to get a horse like him, which makes me put A TON of pressure on myself to not screw him up :/ So, I need to keep things fun on my end too!
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Jun 07, 2016 8:26 pm

very pretty!

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Tuddy » Wed Jun 08, 2016 1:48 pm


Had a liberty session with Tuddy last night, it was pretty humid out and I hadn't pulled him out of his pen for a few days, so I just let him wander the yard on his lead rope and eat grass. I think he was pretty happy with that. I will update his thread with our antics from last night. :D

I started working a little with the boys at home. Yonka is fat as a little seal and is starting to forget his manners and gets a little grumpy when reminded that he needs to use them. Lol.

It is vet day for the horses at home on Friday, vaccines, teeth, Coggins tests, the whole nine yards. Once I get the Coggins testing results back, I am going to start trailering down the road to use my friends arena. It will be good for all the horses, and good for me to get used to driving the truck and trailer and doing things on my own.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby demi » Wed Jun 08, 2016 4:45 pm

Pictures are such a good training tool for me. Looking at the pictures DH took on Monday I can see the problem. Partly because of nerves from the camera and also because I switched bridles (with different reins) a week ago, Emma was able to manipulate me into giving her longer reins!
I totally forgot my mantra of “forward, short rein, lots of change of direction and gait”.

Long reins don’t work with her at this point. So today, we went right back to the program. Forward! Short reins, lots of change of direction and gait. I also took the spurs off because I was using them in place of the whip which of course is incorrect. We started right off the mounting block with short reins and I had to boot her to get her to accept the shorter reins. I have to work so much harder with short reins. Looking again at the pictures on Emma, my leg is drawn up, my hands are in my lap, and I’m not using my core. I know better.

The pics below are me 12-15 years ago (I’m guessing). My hands were still in my lap, but different horse and situation. My 6 month goal is to get back in that position and level of fitness. So I am marking my calendar for December.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby piedmontfields » Thu Jun 09, 2016 12:21 am

Demi, I don't think it will take you that long! Photos are hard critics. But can be useful. I look forward to seeing more! I can tell you are a thinking rider and your mare is lovely.

My mantra of late has been "I want the left side more like the right side! And I want the right side more like (the good bits of) the left side!" There is a point in training that one just gets cranky about this and then does the work. And Miss Mare sighs, licks and digs in. Miles of left shoulder in. Not so many miles of right shoulder in. Such a good girl.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Mareless » Thu Jun 09, 2016 2:20 am

Had my first lesson on my horse with the new trainer tonight. Wow, just wow. I always thought he had a lot of potential (for a quarter horse) in dressage. After tonight, there is no doubt he's got talent. As usual, he just needs his rider to be confident, clear, and just get out of his way. There are a lot of ingrained habits I need to overcome --like being very stiff in my arms -- but boy, was it eye opening how he responded the instant I got myself correct. It was a really good lesson.

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:16 am

Cool updates :)
Dresseur I hope you keep posting in years to come because it will be great following Miro's progression! I love Andalusions :)
Rosie, beautiful pics as usual! Going to be a bit of a bummer to have to stop riding, just when he's going so nicely! But he will remember it all down the track.
Demi - you are hard on yourself! But if you are objective and learn from your pics/vids you improve so much. I struggle with mine, mostly because I feel that if I could drop 10kg I would ride and look much better. Trouble is, I LOVE eating and I perhaps use it as a bit of an excuse not to work harder on my riding.

I have been riding a little bit with this rainy weather. There was a bit of a break, so I got the camera out, only lasted 5 mins :roll:
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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Sue B » Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:35 pm

Again, I wrote an update but it didn't load for some reason. So here is the short version.

I rode in the heat (90's) Saturday knowing that Tio would most likely be sluggish and piggy because he hates heat. Boy was I wrong! he was not only forward and enthusiastic, he even tried having a bucking fit when I wouldn't let him veer out of the arena to go for a jaunt down the road. His fits are hilarious and short-lived, and he did earn a ride out in the end when he settled into some quite nice trot work complete with t-w-t transitions.

Rudy was his usual fun fella both out and about and in the arena. In my usual quest for straight/forward all the time, everywhere, I worked on w-c transitions. To the left, he tends to not fully engage the right hind which is critical to a really good transition, so I was focusing on that when, apparently I miscued the transition. Instead of w-c, I got the most lovely half-steps!!!!!!!! I praised him, eased back into walk and he followed up with a beautiful w-c. I really need to save for a SoloShot so I can see if he looks even half as good as he feels. Lol

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Re: Goals and progress:. June and July.

Postby Flight » Thu Jun 09, 2016 10:56 pm

Sue B, I like it when mine has some unexpected energy too and it's ok if you know that the 'fits' are short lived and not likely to transform you into a lawn dart :D
The half steps sound great, yes soloshots are great, but sometimes disappointing because I think 'wow' that was amazing! Expecting to see some amazing GP horse ... and it's just.. us :D

I'm a bit reluctant to share this vid from yesterday arvo because it's not fantastic, but Ding is now giving me this more elastic, stronger trot (even though it's inconsistent) that feels amazing. Again, it feels better than what I see on the vid and I don't think we'll ever have a Bliss trot Rosie, but he is feeling like a different horse. He's now not heavy on my hands, I don't need to keep pushing and pushing anywhere near as much.
I just need to not hold too much with my hands and I can see on the vid, when I have a better hands, he carries himself better too.
The half pass is on his stiffer side, and it was good to see on the video how much he is improving, and his changes are getting better.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that it is a progression and to enjoy the progress.


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