The video

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The video

Postby goldhorse » Sat Oct 08, 2016 3:50 pm

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Re: The video

Postby Tabby » Sat Oct 08, 2016 7:30 pm

I've actually become bored with Donald over the last few months and largely ignored election news because of it. Probably because I endured Rob Ford who was basically the same person. Such blatant disgustingness eventually wears you down. However, this latest video release is unavoidable. I even read a couple of articles about it. Even his own running mate is dissing him over it. And his excuse - the Clintons are worse? Sounds like something my kids would say.

It does reinforce my initial suspicion that his primary reason for running was to ensure Hillary got in. My belief will be cemented if he actually does use the Monika Lewinsky thing to attack Hillary. I can't speak for Americans but if someone tried that in Canada they would never run for anything ever again.

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Re: The video

Postby Chisamba » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:03 pm

Didnr you just compare him to a successful Canadian politician? Ford was re elected twice, then made mayor...then after his national exposure and scandals, re elected.

So smug.

I dont think anyone gets to speak for a nation.

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Re: The video

Postby Tabby » Sat Oct 08, 2016 10:44 pm

Foed was a drunken crack smoking misogynistic law breaker who bought his constituents with an annual party complete with free beer and a midway. The people of "Ford Nation" are poor, mostly non English speaking or criminals . He did nothing for the neighborhood except shoot his mouth off and keep the drug dealers in business. Why people loved him is beyond me. His nephew won the by election after his death and only because he had his last name changed to Ford. That doesn't remind you of Trump supporters?

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Re: The video

Postby Josette » Sun Oct 09, 2016 11:43 am

This has interesting background about Clinton vs Trump. IMO there is a scene with Obama making a joke about Trump with his name in lights over the White House. This was "throwing down the gauntlet," a challenge to an egomaniac like Trump. ... ast-lives/

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Re: The video

Postby goldhorse » Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:08 pm

I think it goes deeper than that. His family came from Queens and his father build low-income housing. I think Donald wanted to be part of Manhattan society and he was never accepted. He wasn't born into it and he didn't have the manners or temperament or personality to ever be allowed in. So he thiought that showing his wealth in a gaudy manner would garner respect. Maybe it impressed a "commoner" but he was shunned by the old money folks. The narcissistic personality started early and was never squelched. And it grew and grew and grew and we as a nation are facing its ugliness.

Just today, he had to leave his penthouse to mingle with a few supporters outside to get his adoration fix.

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Re: The video

Postby Chisamba » Sun Oct 09, 2016 9:19 pm

Let me start by saying i am not a Trump fan. I am not a Clinton fan. I would love to be able to support a woman for president, but I have disliked Hillary Clinton for a long time. It may be unfair, but her body language, her facial expressions are so practiced and unemotional, like a sociopathic chameleon. I actually hoped for her success for a while, in the election versus Obama, because I really was on a kick hoping for a woman to be successful in a presidential run.

I did not like Trump on tv, and I have not liked his blustering attitude. However I do understand his appeal politically. He is the opposite of Hillary, not practiced not poised, not a chameleon and not a political insider. However he is, in my non professional opinion, pretty narcissistic.

SO that is the choice on the surface, a political ventriloquists dummy, versus a mega narcissist.

its not a pleasing thought.

My optimistic self thinks that both, for different reasons will be driven by popular opinion. both have the ability, ( i really hope) to surround themselves with smart successful and able people who can overcome their weaknesses, and that would be my greatest hope, whoever gets in is smart enough to fill in their deficits with able smart associates.

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Re: The video

Postby boots-aregard » Wed Oct 12, 2016 4:29 pm

My optimistic self thinks that both, for different reasons will be driven by popular opinion. both have the ability, ( i really hope) to surround themselves with smart successful and able people who can overcome their weaknesses, and that would be my greatest hope, whoever gets in is smart enough to fill in their deficits with able smart associates.

I think it's that way for most presidents in the modern age. Our country is so complex, one person couldn't actually stay on top of it without MANY able associates.

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Re: The video

Postby WheresMyWhite » Wed Oct 12, 2016 6:38 pm

In part isn't that what the Cabinet is for? Trusted advisors in various areas to provide the President with information and "guidance"? Although ultimately the President is the one "in charge" and responsible for decisions, not the cabinet members :)

And Congress to hopefully be a checks and balances so that just because a President-elect (I don't care who) says they will do something doesn't mean it will happen...

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Re: The video

Postby Tabby » Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:15 pm

Based on Trumps record with campaign managers and even his fellow republicans, I don't see him relying on guidance from any advisors, trusted or otherwise. I'm sure Congress will provide checks and balances, regardless of which party controls it but it is the President him/herself that speaks to the nation and meets other world leaders face to face and Congress can't stop him/her from saying anything. It could be disastrous.

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Re: The video

Postby WheresMyWhite » Sat Oct 15, 2016 4:39 pm

Tabby, this is precisely one of my personal concerns with The Donald. While I find his behavior despicable with respect to the female gender, I am not sure that I think that is of significant concern about his qualifications to be President, just as releasing or not his tax returns was of significant concern about his ability to lead.

What has concerned me all along is his ability, demonstrated time and time again, to open his mouth and speak before engaging his brain and thinking through what he is about to say. How many times has he and his team had to clean up "messes" after he spoke his mind before thinking. *That* is not a quality I want in a President. As you said, the President talks to world leaders of other nations and has the codes and can start wars ("conflicts") without going before Congress. Regardless of their political leanings, treatment of women, gun control, whatever... I don't want someone who doesn't know when to shut up and doesn't think before they speak.

This, more than anything else, lost my vote for him... I just can't vote for this quality even if I did like everything else about him (which I don't).

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Re: The video

Postby Tabby » Sun Oct 16, 2016 7:00 pm

I don't think I could get past his despicable behavior. You shouldn't have to worry if your kids should be able to listen to your own president speak but that will be the case if he wins. I practically expect all men of power to be pigs - but in private, not bragging about their predatory behavior. There really isn't anything to like about the man - at all. I'm stunned that he still has followers. It's a little disturbing actually.

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Re: The video

Postby KathyK » Sun Nov 20, 2016 3:03 pm

Tabby wrote:I don't think I could get past his despicable behavior. You shouldn't have to worry if your kids should be able to listen to your own president speak but that will be the case if he wins. I practically expect all men of power to be pigs - but in private, not bragging about their predatory behavior. There really isn't anything to like about the man - at all. I'm stunned that he still has followers. It's a little disturbing actually.

I was stunned then, and I'm more stunned now.

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