Dog Meds

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Dog Meds

Postby Briarwood » Mon Nov 21, 2016 2:02 pm

This past Thursday my 6 y.o. Weimaraner had heart surgery to correct a congenital defect, PDA, at the University of Illinois Vet Hospital. The local vet had been prescribing meds in increasing doses over the past 2 months since I noticed something was not right. I realized that this was not helping my dog. Prior to my taking her to U of IL I recently picked up another month of meds. Marley was discharged on only 1 different heart med and I now have lots of pills I hope I can pass on. Does anyone have a pet on any of these, know someone who does, know a clinic or vet or rescue that would pass these on free to someone who can use them?

I have available free, including postage:

Enatapril 10 (enacard) 10 mg - approx 100 tabs
Furosemide (lasix) 40 mg - approx 100 tabs
Denamarin for dogs 35 lbs and over - 12 foil blister-pack tabs unopened (This was $93 for the month supply)
Prednisone 20 mg - She is being weaned off this now and I will have approx 50 available after next week

There is no where locally that I can pass this stuff on to. I hate to just toss the meds when I know that there must be some place/someone that can use these medications.


P.S. Marley is home and doing well. Link to PDA info below if anyone is interested. ... t-disease/

Sue B
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Re: Dog Meds

Postby Sue B » Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:19 pm

Congratulations on Marley doing well post-surgery. I hope there is someone out there who has a pet in need. For those who don't know what Denamarin is a highly effective, "natural" liver supporter/promoter. Dogs with liver disease or damage do very well on this compound.

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Re: Dog Meds

Postby Snork » Tue Nov 22, 2016 6:33 pm

Briarwood, congratulations on Marley doing well!

if you don't have anyone locally, I'll be very happy to pass the meds on to Boxer Rebound (, the IL boxer rescue. They are wonderful and do so much with very little - my charity of choice, for sure - and they almost always need something, if not everything, on that list.

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Re: Dog Meds

Postby Briarwood » Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:02 am

Snork, Thanks for the suggestion. I am now waiting to hear back from the Weim rescue from which I got Marley in July 2015. (Their website is having an issue of some type.) If they are not interested I will send the meds on to the IL Boxer Rescue. If I send to the Boxer group do you want me to send the meds directly to them or to you? If I send to them I will include a note so they know that they are getting these meds because of your suggestion.

Thanks again,

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Re: Dog Meds

Postby fergusnc » Wed Nov 23, 2016 1:16 pm

Glad for the good news with your pup! We recently put down our 17.5 year old kitty after getting RX's filled shortly before. Anything "drawn up" could not be donated back to our vet, but the blister packed meds could be and they had a cabinet for clients struggling with finances. I called the local kitty rescue and they are legally able to take the drawn up meds, as well as the pills in Rx bottles, but they do bring them to their vet first for him to make sure the label matches what the pill looks like.

I hope you find a place that can take them/use them. I totally get feeling frustrated at the idea of meds going to waste.

Posts: 57
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Re: Dog Meds

Postby Briarwood » Sat Nov 26, 2016 2:49 am

Found someone who knows a vet in Burlington, IA and they have a "donate" cabinet. Meds being picked up tomorrow.

Thanks for the well wishes and suggestions.

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