No discussion on Castro?

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No discussion on Castro?

Postby Tabby » Sun Nov 27, 2016 10:49 pm

On one hand, I find it odd because he was such a polarizing figure. On the other hand, Americans are probably all on the same side of that coin. He was a dictator. He certainly violated more than a few human rights. On the other hand, the dictator he overthrew was worse. And he did raise the country to one of the highest literacy rates in the world and one of the best health care systems in the world. Comments anyone?

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Re: No discussion on Castro?

Postby PaulaO » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:35 pm

I thought he died years ago.

The majority of Cubans live in poverty, lack of running water and electricity. Yep, he was a dictator and I don't believe there are degrees of dictatorship. One isn't better than the other. Unfortunately the country is in the hands of his brother so while Fidel is dead, the dictatorship lives on. Hopefully the people will revolt and take back their country. And I really hope no U.S. statesmen/women go "pay their respects."

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Re: No discussion on Castro?

Postby Chisamba » Mon Nov 28, 2016 2:47 pm

Health care is government run. It is a crime to criticize it. Individuals do not have the right to a second opinion, or to refuse treatment, infants with abnormalities ( like downs) are automatically aborted without parental concent. This to improve infant mortality, ( which numbers you cannot believe because they are politicized)

Education , school are used for systematic indoctrination, think hitler youth

Anyone who disagrees is executed without trial.

And the american media has so jumped the shark that they are praising this genocidal dictator.

He had/ has forced labor camps where they carried out retraining if non communists and homosexuals. After about a decade of executing, retraining, and systematic indoctrination, i am sure becomes easier to represent yourself as a hero.

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Re: No discussion on Castro?

Postby rosinante » Mon Nov 28, 2016 11:59 pm

Per the U. Miami

Pre-Castro Cuba
In the 1950's Cuba was, socially and economically, a relatively advanced country, certainly by Latin American standards and, in some areas, by world standards.

During the 1950's, the Cuban people were probably among the most informed in the world, living in an uncharacteristically large media market for such a small country. Cubans had a choice of 58 daily newspapers during the late 1950's, according to the UN statistical yearbook. Despite its small size, this placed Cuba behind only Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico in the region. By 1992, government controls had reduced the number of dailies to only 17.

Cuba's infant mortality rate was the best in Latin America -- and the 13th lowest in the world in the 1950's.

In terms of physicians and dentists per capita, Cuba in 1957 ranked third in Latin America, behind only Uruguay and Argentina -- both of which were more advanced than the United States in this measure. Cuba's 128 physicians and dentists per 100,000 people in 1957 was the same as the Netherlands, and ahead of the United Kingdom (122 per 100,000 people) and Finland.

Cuba also had an excellent educational system and impressive literacy rates in the 1950's.

Pre-Castro Cuba ranked third in Latin America in per capita food consumption.

Cuba ranked first in Latin America and fifth in the world in television sets per capita.

Pre-Castro Cuba had 58 daily newspapers of differing political hues and ranked eighth in the world in number of radio stations.

Cuba's infant mortality rate of 32 per 1,000 live births in 1957 was the lowest in Latin America and the 13th lowest in the world, according to UN data. Cuba ranked ahead of France, Belgium, West Germany, Japan, Austria, Italy, and Spain.
In 1955, life expectancy in Cuba was among the highest at 63 years of age; compared to 52 in other Latin American countries, 43 in Asia, and 37 in Africa.

In the 1950s, Cuba milled an average of 43.9 million metric tons of sugarcane at a rate of 507,000 metric tons per day to produce 5.63 million metric tons of sugar per year.

Today, Cuba's sugar production ranges from 1 to 1.5 million metric tons per year (Less than 20% pre-revolutionary levels).\

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Re: No discussion on Castro?

Postby TeresaA » Tue Nov 29, 2016 1:47 am

There's been so much written about Cuba it's hard to find the balance but I found this article quite informative:

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