PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Postby Hayburner » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:38 pm

Comparing PP to Ultra Cruz skin and allegory supplements. Both suggest feeding 2 scoops per day. I have listed the amount two scoops would provide.

Algal Omega-3. 1,020 mg
Quentin. 210 mg
Purified Thymus Calf Protein and Zinc Gluconate 1,560 mcg

Ultra Cruz
Algal Omega-3. 1,400 mg
Quentin. 240 mg
Purified Thymus Calf Protein. 2.5 mg
NO Zinc with the all Protein

The cost difference is huge! PP is $106 for 70 servings which is about 30 days
Ultra Cruz is $ 34.95 for about 30 days

I did originally buy the PP (which is a powder) and it really does not stick to the other supplements, so quite a bit gets wasted. The barn owner even mentioned this to me that it sticks to the container!

The Ultra Cruz comes in a powder or a pellet.

My mare had horrific allergy reaction last summer, tried a few meds and a few differnt supps and nothing worked and had to resort to low dose Dex, one shot of 5 cc then put on feed for the balance of her treatment.

We did do a basic allergy blood pull and my vet found it amusing that she had no real markers for allergies, lowest she has ever seen and what was listed we don't have in our area!

I do t know if she will have a reaction this year or not, but I want to catch it before it gets as bad as last year.

I did start her on Coco Omega Granules and also a good splash of the Coco Omega oil so she would eat her supps. Both of these are high in Omega 3 . I have to watch the oil, even tho it is great for her coat she is a very easy keeper Andalusian.

So based on the two products is there really a big enough difference for me to stay with the PP? Or should I start the Ultra Cruz and see if it works.

Heck, since this is the first time she's had such a reaction, should I just wait before I start any of these products? Maybe she won't even have a reaction this year. Just keep her on the Omega products and hope they do enough.


Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Postby blob » Mon Feb 08, 2021 5:57 pm

I am the queen of skin supplements. I've tried them all with MM who has bad skin allergies in the spring/summer.

Spirulina and smarthbreathe were the most effective in keeping down inflammation.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Postby Hayburner » Mon Feb 08, 2021 11:42 pm

Thanks Blob, I'm praying she does not have an issue this year and last year was because our weather was so freaking hot and dry!

But, I do want to be prepared just in case and so I can get it under control before it reaches the needing DEX point.

I did give her Spirulina last year, and while it did nothing, I think she was too far gone for a supplement(s) and antihistamines to get it under control.

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Re: PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Postby exvet » Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:14 pm

If you didn't see much difference with the PP then I would try the Ultra Cruz product. I do think that starting before the inflammation starts is a big leg up to achieve maximum efficacy with any of these products. When I started Morgan on the PP, I also had him on and kept him on MsM and flax seed. I think it was the combination of the 3 products that kept his hair on him and the itchiness under control. He would still get itchy but he never rubbed himself raw again. He is now living in an area of the valley with no Palo Verde trees and is much, much more comfortable and off of all supplements, at least for now.

Bringing Life to the DDBB
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Re: PP Skin &a Allergy Supplement

Postby Hayburner » Tue Feb 09, 2021 2:15 pm

Exvet, Possibly the only reason I didn't see an improvement with the PP was because I started it after the vet started the DEX.

I am going to keep her on the CoCo Omega Granules and a pump or 2 of the oil. She gets just shy of a cup of the Granules split between 2 meals. I have had her on oil (per vet) since the middle of Nov and so far have noticed a bit of weight gain. But, I have also not been riding or working her. If she continues to gain, I will take her off the oil and Uckele has a liquid flavoring we could use to help her eat the powdered Granules.

Hopefully, the Granules will be enough to keep the itches away. If I see any itching I will start the Ultra Cruz product and see if it works.

I will say, once I started the oil her coat, mane and tail have been so much softer which is a plus as her hair is so thick and course nothing seemed to soften it.

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