March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Apr 18, 2021 5:23 pm

Hope all those with injuries and illnesses whether vaccine-related or other cause get better soon. I've been definitely in the 'training' mode for the last week. Not that I'm doing a lot different than before but the cavallettis are definitely an ongoing piece of my schooling sessions with Junior and Brandon is now going to be diligently schooled in the arena at least once and hoping to move him up to twice a week. Junior's issues are lateral suppleness especially when it comes to asking him to engage his left hind; so, half pass are more challenging to the left, 10 meter circles, etc. He also still has a 5 walk. Watching him on Pivo go through the cavallettis just underscores how much awareness and strength I need to help him develop AND how I need to incorporate more exercises to help really develop strength and more carry power and cross-over (reaching up underneath himself and towards midline) in his left hind. Warning the following video is long, boring and has some uglies in it but, it's where I'm at (maybe will get more help with my lesson today.

Brandon's resistance to the bit seems to be strength and balance related. I'm hoping by starting to work on figures in the arena I can introduce some semblance of supple. I've used the trails to work on forward which he's developed nicely. His downward transitions are really pretty good. Upward transitions are ugly with a capitol "U"; but, at least on his canter transitions he's taken the correct lead each and every time. I plan to do his and Junior's teeth after the schooling show in a few weeks; so, that may help but his issues really seem less to do with his mouth and more to do with his lack of balance. He does have a tongue relief bit. Babies, they're so much fun to see improve and grow into themselves but boy does it add to the grey hairs when you're actively helping them through this 'period' of riding.

Oh please excuse the old lady trying to mount from the ground. I rode Junior first and then Brandon. By the time I tried to get on Brandon I was very stiff and feeling every day of my age. LOL.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby heddylamar » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:02 pm

I rode for the first time in 47 days today :D Anzia and I went for a wandering walk. I figured she'd be a safer bet than Maia.

Despite the ortho's okay, I'm definitely not ready to be back in the saddle. I have a hoof-print sized chunk of rock hard and numb scar tissue on my inner thigh ... it should work out, but I'll likely need dry needling to break up that scar tissue.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:54 pm

That's a great idea, Chisamba! I think I need to start riding some tests with Annabelle as well, but jumps have been left up in the outdoor much of the time recently.

LSP, I hope you're feeling better from the vaccine soon. It took about four days for me to get back to normal energy levels, but it's worth it not to push and give the immune system time to do what it needs to do.

I got to the barn early today and lunged Tesla. Something got her wound up while she was cantering right, so she really got going, and I took the opportunity for her to get some mileage on that right lead. She is getting so much better on the lunge, it might be safe to have someone else lunge her by the time I start traveling for work again. I also need to get a height stick on her; it looks like she's come up a little more in front, so hopefully canter will start getting easier. Although it was a fairly short session, she was definitely getting tired with trying to lift her front end up and out of the way in the last little bit of canter.

Warmed A up on the lunge and she had a couple explosions despite having a hard dressage day on Friday and a jump day yesterday. Since we had the arena to ourselves, I pulled the tack and she went zooming. She is even faster now that she is fit and has more hind end strength. After that we had a really nice ride, working mostly on staying round and connected through the walk/trot transitions and trot/canter transitions. I'm also working on being more supportive with my thigh and knee to make a more definite channel to work in. I'd set up raised trot and canter poles, but only got around to the trot poles. Last time getting over them while circling left was a problem, but I focused more on thinking of my left rein more as an outside rein, and also riding her left hind up towards the right rein, and we eventually got over the trot poles without hollowing. The little flocking tweaks to the new saddle seem to be helping me sit up with less effort, so I have more use of my lower back and feel like I can drape my leg better.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Sun Apr 18, 2021 6:57 pm

heddylamar wrote:I rode for the first time in 47 days today :D

Woohoo! :D
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:34 pm

Heddy, after the "deer incident" which left me with alarge chunk of my inner thgh missing, I found it much more comfortable to run my stirrup leathers under the saddle flap. Also switched to 90 degree turned irons.

Excuse typos.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:07 pm

ugh Mountaineer, what a bummer. Hope you heal quickly.

Thanks for sharing those videos, Exvet. Love seeing the progress on your boys.

Sticking with my plan to do ground work once a week with MM, I dug out my long lines, which I haven't used in awhile. I was thinking working on changes on the long lines might be a smart path--I can see if they're fully clean, eliminate any rider issues, and can keep her forward. Well, went to practicing changes of direction with the long lines and man it was hard. the coordination and timing of everything was really quite challenging and I really just felt like I was fumbling around. I do consider ground work a strong suit of mine. But this was definitely something i need more time to get organized with. I was able to do decently successful changes of direction in the walk, but i couldn't really get it smooth and forward in the trot. Needless to say, we didn't even make it to attempting any canter changes of direction.

I've recently started introducing reinback work to RP. He wants to step very wide with his left hind, so i've been doing it with the left side agains the rail or between two poles to help keep him straight. But I think this is also highlighting a bigger problem of his left hind being not quite where it should be. I'm honestly not sure if it's strength or flexibility or where the root cause is (SI, stifle, etc). But I think continuing the backing up work and more trot poles will help

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Sun Apr 18, 2021 11:37 pm

That's great news heddylamar.

Thanks Blob! I taught Junior how to reinback in hand first because he too had a habit of stepping wide behind with this left. I was better able to control it from the ground then I got in the saddle and used the wall as you. I'm planning on doing more suppling exercises with Junior to help stretch and cross over with hind left hind - such as simply moving haunches out on the circle at walk and trot. I also intend to use ground poles in a long straight line where i walk over them in a tight serpentine. We'll see if it helps us.

At my lesson today, my instructor really worked us hard on prompt simple changes, keeping ourselves truly straight through all transitions and shoulder in, leg yield, half pass, renver and traver on the quarter line to the wall and back again, going back and forth between movements making sure to throw in some medium gaits in order to keep the forward and coming over the back. We rode similarly at trot and canter. I was able to achieve some great jump at the canter by doing so and voila, flying changes were there. My instructor and I talked having thought about it since the last lesson and my greatest challenge is timing.

I seem to always be a half second behind; so, that is what I'm going to work on for the next few weeks. I am committed to this endeavor like none other because I felt so bad for Junior. He had heard me hooking up the trailer and ran to the back of the turn out. When he saw me coming with the halter he started cantering around the arena going back and forth between some really nice medium and extended trot, back to canter and he was throwing in very clean and nice flying changes. He was up, engaged and definitely showing his power. It was like "I got this Mom. We really don't need to go. You just need to stay out of my way." He did stop and let me halter him and loaded like a dream; but, it was clear that hauling over to the lessons and the lessons themselves stress him out a bit even though there is never any drama or belligerence. The least I can do is bust my arse trying to improve my timing and thus riding so as to lessen his stress. We'll see if this old body can meet the challenge.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Mon Apr 19, 2021 2:53 pm

Thinking about all who have been knocked down but not out! Hang in there.

Exvet, thanks for posting the session with Jr. I am doing a very similar session currently with Rocky so it was especially helpful for me to see how you warm him up, how long, etc, and how long the session was from start to finish. Once you put him to work, you seem to expect him to stay in that mode and I need to do that myself more consistently. I recognized that I needed to be more consistent with her about “ok, you’ve warmed up, now we go to work and stay at work till we’re done”. After focusing on that for a while, every single ride, even trail, she got quite good and I lost the focus...and so did she. Watching you work at home was a good reminder for me.

Oh, and I loved your canter walk transitions!!

It seems to be a fine line between how hard to work them. I havent taken lessons for a while since COVID but back when I was taking them weekly Rocky started running around when I’d hook up the trailer. Jr sounds like he was in full control during his trailer hookup ceremony! But Rocky was definitely nervous. She galloped helter skelter, vs canter, flagging her tail and looking wild eyed. She would let me catch her after two or three times around the 1 1/2 acre pasture, and then load up fine, but still it made me feel bad. I don’t know if I worked her too hard at lessons, but something was stressing her so I started hauling every other week instead of every week. I think it helped, but don’t know for sure because in addition to hauling every other week, I’d close her in a small pen before I hooked up the trailer.

I had my second Pfizer vax over two weeks ago and I need to get back in lesson mode. I am dragging my feet on this. I’m not totally sure why.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Mon Apr 19, 2021 5:00 pm

Jingles for Moutaineer, congratulations for heddy and jingles

Love the videos, exvet and the pictures, SF.

Despite having pistol training all day Saturday and crazy winds Sunday, I did manage to ride both horses both days, so yea for me :P

Even though it was a bit warmer this weekend, all 3 horses had the zoomies both days, doing many laps around the north half of my pasture before walking over to be haltered. Spoiled kids got richly rewarded once they were tied up because the neighbors and his little kids came over with a bag full of apples and carrots. Oh, and they are finally dumping their winter coats so there was hair EVERY where! Once on board, both Rudy and Tio were fun to ride and well behaved, although I failed to canter Tio on Saturday. I had both their saddles adjusted Sunday afternoon 1) because Rudy was still having "issues" in the canter and 2) because Tio's hadn't been done since I bought it almost 3 years ago. Rudy cantered much better after the adjustment, so hopefully this is it for awhile. I worked him briefly in the arena after the fitting and then took him down the road. Tio also seemed quite pleased with the added flocking in the front panels BUT i couldn't work him for the fitter because he claimed his LF foot was sore. Soon as she left and I got back from riding Rudy, I hopped back on Tio to walk down the road and through the fields. Naturally, he wanted to trot, not just walk, and amazingly, he was cured! Not one unsound step--cheeky little bugger. :lol: By the time I got home, though the wind was in the 30's again and it's still blowing today, maybe even harder. Jingles for less wind.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Anne » Mon Apr 19, 2021 8:52 pm

Echoing others - healing jingles for all who need them..

exvet - can I first say how much I appreciate you sharing schooling video! I really like to observe what others do, gnarly bits and all. re. your half-pass and getting more bend, I wondered if you had played with setting it up out of a volte (10m? 8m? whatever Junior can easily cope with). And while I don't really have direct evidence, I think the principle of moving in and out of a movement to help build suppleness is a good one. That is, a few steps of <whatever> (1/2 pass, counter-SI, HI) then either straighten, or go to another lateral movement (ie. SI -> renvers). I did see you go 1/2 pass to SI maybe once or twice? So, (just a suggestion) more of that! Again, thanks for the video of both your lovely boys, Brandon's down transitions were super.

I don't post here much because it's been a long time since I've been able to ride regularly (horse injury, rider injury, work travel....). But I just wanted to share a purely fun photo, to remind you all (and me!), that I have a lovely horse, and am completely enjoying the training process when I do get the chance (photo from last week).

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:22 pm

SueB we’ve had crazy winds too. All of March was windy which we kind of expect but April has been crazy too.

Yesterday’s ride was not good but it gave me some insight into the way I think about riding tests. I was planning on doing T3 on vid to send in for judging. I felt that we’d improved on some of the issues from the last time and thought I was ready to try again. (Actually I’ve videoed it twice since the the time I had it judged but only to judge it myself.) I was a little disconcerted that made a rule change that even for coaching the rider has to have someone hold up a sign with name, date, ride, etc, before starting. I don’t have someone to do that so made a sign that I can pick up from the saddle, show it to the camera, and then put it down in view of the camera and then ride the test. Not a big deal, really, but I have some warped idea of test riding in my small brain and it was bothering me. Then, the soloshot wouldn’t work. I picked yesterday because there wasn’t enough cloud cover to interfere with the GPS. Or so I thought. But it wouldn’t calibrate and I had to fiddle with it for 15 minutes and it still wasn’t tracking reliably. Agian, no big deal except in my warped head. Then the flies were really bad and Rocky kept swishing her tail and biting at them. Then DH came out with the dogs and interrupted us....when I finally did the test the soloshot got enough of it to see that I was rushing very noticeably. That is also from my warped view of test riding.

The good news is that going through this is making me realize that ITS NO BIG DEAL! Especially doing it online. I relaxed today and had a really nice ride. It was too overcast to video but tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and I plan to try again then. Even if the freaking soloshot goes haywire again, I wont let it bother me. I have my stupid little sign on a stick which I’ll show the camera, and then I’ll ride my test come hell or high water (or gale force wind) and enjoy it! When I relax, which is most of the time now, my little horse is a real pleasure. So for me, the key is to relax and enjoy.

Relaxing and enjoying is also the reason I am dragging my feet about taking lessons again. I am thinking if I can stay relaxed for a video test ride, I should be able to carry that attitude over for my lessons. That will be my goal for the next DDBB goals/progress thread....

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Mon Apr 19, 2021 9:26 pm

Anne, we were posting at the same time and i missed your post. NICE pic of you and Conner! I’m glad you posted it and hope to see more in the future.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Mon Apr 19, 2021 11:25 pm

Lovely photo Anne.

I will often interrupt the half pass to add a volte and then continue the half pass just to help with supple and bend.

I took everyone out today, it was a bit windy and stormy. and two of the horses spun and bolted. thank goodness I stayed in the tack.
Screenshot_20210419-160427_Video Player_240x346.jpg
zoom zoom
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby khall » Tue Apr 20, 2021 2:11 am

Anne us that your new guy?
Chisamba that a lovely picture. It’s fun to go for a lively hack when they mind their manners. It was windy here today too though supposed to be worse Wednesday
Exvet thanks for the videos! Junior definitely seems to come to play with the work. I really appreciate that. But Brandon is such a nice youngster! He’s going to be just lovely.

There are multiple exercises that I use to help with HP both in trot and canter. One Mark introduced me to was to canter through the two corners then trot and HP. HP to SI to HP is a good one too. Cedar had me go from counter SI turn onto the diagonal then change flexion and bend to HP. Going back and forth between bend. The other is to hold the shoulders straighten the bend a bit to send the hind leg more. Or HP zig zag LY. To help start HP do HI through the corner turn onto CL and continue in HP.

I’m really liking the quick changing from one lateral exercise to another that Cedar had me doing with all of mine at the clinic. Going from counter SI to true SI on straight line. Or counter SI to HI on the circle. We did this in hand to having the horse yield to the bending rein all the way down to the inside hind leg in a draw. Will have to get video of it.

So I’m still working with Rip but on the ground. Decided to try my hand at long lining/long reining. He took to it pretty well. I agree with blob the changes of direction were difficult at first but once I added in SI at the walk and trot that helped with the turns. I was pleasantly surprised no shenanigans from the big guy

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Apr 20, 2021 12:57 pm

Thanks everyone! Junior is the super trooper and, well, Brandon is certainly all that and a bag of chips (especially in his opinion). They are very much alike in boldness and disposition but obviously very different as well.

Anne - after viewing the video (Pivo is the best purchase I've made in the past year, outside of Brandon and my new saddle LOL) I agree that I need to not only start the half pass with a 10 m volte (appropriate for where Junior is at now) but I also need to throw one in close to half-way somewhat like half-halting and re-balancing during a medium across the diagonal or down the full long side. I really need to 're-balance' the shoulders so that we don't just end up just getting stiff as a board. Lovely photo by the way.

Demi - I think what you point out about the focus and expectations of our schooling sessions is the reason why I 'need' to show. If I don't have specific goals (especially ones that force me to put some skin into the game) then my 'schooling' sessions just don't maintain the focus needed to really progress.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Anne » Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:49 pm

Yes, that's my 'new' guy, (ex-racehorse) Connor. I've actually had him for nearly a year, but haven't done much with him in that time, due to weather (he arrived mid-winter), some minor injuries to both him and me, and now, back to work (= travel). In the bit of work we have done, he seems to be getting more confident and willing every ride, so I'm chuffed with that. Roll on July, when I can next ride (though it will be winter again.... I'll just have to toughen up and deal with the cold/wet!). In the meantime I love reading about everyone's progress here, the ups and the downs, the challenges, the achievements.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:28 pm

exvet--I'm glad you like the Pivo. SO great, isn't it? It really helps to make sure the view of ourselves in our heads and what is actually happening becomes closer. I haven't used mine at the new place because the amazing mirrors have helped SO much. I am so bummed the show at the beginning of the month was cancelled, but so excited for the show at the beginning of May to see how it goes. (Doing PSG and I1 fs and I-2 and the first GP freestyle! LOVE my music!)

Just some ideas for the half pass that REALLY helped me. I explained this before, but it really fixed all of the issues I was having and has helped with everything. Everyone always tells you off the inside leg, and you can go circle HP circle, or HP, LY, HP. That's all fine, but it did not fix my mess. Chelsey really helped by telling me to pick my hands up and keep the inside shoulder up off the ground, which feels to me like i'm lifting them up and pulling them out, but in reality is just straight. Any time I feel like I'm losing it, that helps so much with that stiff as a board feeling.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ponichiwa » Tue Apr 20, 2021 7:46 pm

Tanga wrote:Just some ideas for the half pass that REALLY helped me. I explained this before, but it really fixed all of the issues I was having and has helped with everything. Everyone always tells you off the inside leg, and you can go circle HP circle, or HP, LY, HP. That's all fine, but it did not fix my mess. Chelsey really helped by telling me to pick my hands up and keep the inside shoulder up off the ground, which feels to me like i'm lifting them up and pulling them out, but in reality is just straight. Any time I feel like I'm losing it, that helps so much with that stiff as a board feeling.

I just (re-)learned this lesson yesterday in a clinic. We were transitioning between SI and HP in the canter, but building the SI step by step: flexion, bend through the ribcage, and finally outside rein to create the angle. Every time things felt stiff, it was because I'd lost straightness/true bend and instead had a break in the neck or behind the saddle. Worked like magic to pick up Queso's brisket and actually carry his front end, too.

Good luck at your show!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Wed Apr 21, 2021 2:19 pm

Thank you for the tip Tanga. I agree that focusing more on trying to keep both shoulders up and straight will help. I think in addition to maintaining a proper bend without collapsing or losing the shoulder it will also help me maintain the jump better in the canter. Heading out on the trail this morning and then some cavalletti work when we get back. Probably will save the half pass work for Friday morning.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Wed Apr 21, 2021 9:52 pm

I said I was going to ride my test yesterday come hell or high wind and I did. It wasn’t as windy as the day before but still too windy to get a good ride. I was holding her in because I was worried about a spook. I rode the test anyway but it was crap.I dont even care. And that’s a good thing!

I’m coming to a new mindset about tests. Exvet mentioned that she shows because it forces her to “put some skin in the game” other wise her schooling sessions dont maintain the focus needed to progress. Lack of focus describes my schooling sessions!! Well, I’m actually focused, but not on progressing...So I’m going to keep riding the tests and send in the ones that I like. I will keep trying to get a T-3 than I am happy with but in the meantime, I’ll go on to First level. The big deal for me will be to not get bogged down because the test aren’t “good enough”. I’ll move on. I’ll continue to record the work every few days, and send in tests when I think they are good enough....

Thanks exvet, and everyone for sharing your training processes!

Oh, and I’ll post a short clip from yesterday to show how windy it really was. It just shows the steady wind and not the gusts which were worse.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Wed Apr 21, 2021 10:00 pm

This clip was from yesterday, showing my sign for the virtual judge. Yes, I know the date on the sign is wrong, but the "sign on a stick" that i had planned to used was too big for that wind! So I use a prototype from a couple days before.

at least now I know I'll need a bigger sign!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Apr 22, 2021 2:41 am

Tanga, I thought a bit about your tip when I did half passes today and I think it improved them. I want doing video today so it's just a matter of feel for now.

I have a clinic Saturday so we shall see what input I get.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:27 am

Hand specialist tomorrow--keep your fingers crossed for me (as I can't cross my own...)

It's feeling a lot better today, as is my head.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Thu Apr 22, 2021 3:48 am

Chisamba wrote:Tanga, I thought a bit about your tip when I did half passes today and I think it improved them. I want doing video today so it's just a matter of feel for now.

I have a clinic Saturday so we shall see what input I get.

Yeah! It really does help. Every time I get that slogging, can't move over feeling and do that, it improves a lot and suddenly my leg works in getting one over.

I'll be interested in hearing what the clinician has to say. In 30 years riding with many, many people, I have never heard anyone explain it like that. Everyone always just says inside leg or the exercises. It's unusual to hear something new for me!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Thu Apr 22, 2021 7:43 am

Tanga wrote:
Chisamba wrote:Tanga, I thought a bit about your tip when I did half passes today and I think it improved them. I want doing video today so it's just a matter of feel for now.

I have a clinic Saturday so we shall see what input I get.

Yeah! It really does help. Every time I get that slogging, can't move over feeling and do that, it improves a lot and suddenly my leg works in getting one over.

I'll be interested in hearing what the clinician has to say. In 30 years riding with many, many people, I have never heard anyone explain it like that. Everyone always just says inside leg or the exercises. It's unusual to hear something new for me!

ya well, no one ever suggests I lift my hands because I have a high hand default position, which can encourage my horse to curl, but from early riding years I have been reminded of how useful the demi arret is. which is of course most useful from the neutral position.

so when I did HP and got stuck or lost true bend I did an inside rein demi arret type " shoulder placement" which definitely allowed the outside leg more freedom to stride forward and over. so thank you

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Thu Apr 22, 2021 5:02 pm

Brief break from raging winds (2 days ago the wind BLEW OVER the shelter my friend built for her horses! It flipped right over the panel fence that was behind it. Fortunately no horses were injured) yesterday, and so I hurried home to ride. Both horses are very pleased with their saddle tweaks as is their rider, me. Still, I chickened out cantering Tio, using his longish front feet as my excuse. I'm afraid he'll trip or stumble and I'll get launched again. Trot work started out a little wonky, with him wanting to throw his haunches to the right but patience and lateral work won out in the end and we managed to achieve a quite acceptable lengthening across the diagonal. When he'd swing his haunches right, I could feel him wanting to "stall out" like Tesla does but I kept my eyes up and my core strong so he never actually succeeded. Doing roughly a hundred ly's and the si also really helped to keep him honestly in front of the leg. Sounds counter-intuitive when I write this, but it really does work well with Tio. I think because the lateral work gets his engine (hind quarters) to the most efficient location possible, making it easier for him to be forward and engaged than not.

Rudy's canter is coming back on track and he only inverted that first transition. I think he was anticipating discomfort. The trot work is very nice feeling, very supple and free flowing. No Pivo though until I can be sure the wind isn't going to carry my set-up away!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Thu Apr 22, 2021 11:08 pm

ya well, no one ever suggests I lift my hands because I have a high hand default position, which can encourage my horse to curl, but from early riding years I have been reminded of how useful the demi arret is. which is of course most useful from the neutral position.

so when I did HP and got stuck or lost true bend I did an inside rein demi arret type " shoulder placement" which definitely allowed the outside leg more freedom to stride forward and over. so thank you[/quote]

Me, too! I've only been told my hands were too high, so always tried lowering, which doesn't work. Interestingly, I've never had a judge comment on it, once, and when you look at top riders, many have their hands quite high. We must have similar conformation.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Fri Apr 23, 2021 5:03 am

Everyone is so busy...or broke down like me :P . Jingles to all that need them.

Aside from my unhappy body, Kyra has gotten worked 5 visits in a row (every other day)! I think that is a record for this year thus far. My back seems to be doing better but I am pretty careful not to say that too loud.

She has had a varied schedule. We have had one long reining session, 2 round pen sessions w/combo liberty then work for a few minutes in surcingle and side reins and 2 nice rides (at walk) on the track. Long reining went well and her work in side reins has been nice. Her liberty today...I got the horsey finger :? . There are days like that. Her work in side reins was good though.

I was pleasantly surprised at her level of relaxation at the track. The second day, she was more on edge but listening and would come back to relaxation. The wind had deposited some kind of paper wrapping in her favorite bush (NOT--it has velociraptors in it she thinks). Although she was uptight and we kind of had to ooze by it the first time, then she pretty much forgot about it. I did go snag it and throw it away when we were done...just 'cause. She hasn't been over there since last fall. I stuck to walk as any other gait has been aggravating my back. That said, I put her to work...not just a stroll around. We have been doing about 2 miles. I do lots of lateral work. The track is about 12 feet wide so nice to do zig-zags and having 2 "rails", we can do lots of SI, HI and half-pass and get both sides without even having to physically switch directions. The first ride I did our volte-->half pass-->change bend-->volte-->half pass. The second ride and really for the first time, I asked for a true half-pass zig-zag and she did them quite seamlessly. She had very nice response to half-halt, straighten, change bend and off in the other direction.

Next week will be a crap shoot with either me or my mother having appointments every day and she is getting trimmed next Thursday but we will see.

I finally got a new phone so will be investing in a Pivo soon. That will be fun although I am not sure I want to see myself riding. Oh well. I did lose 5 lbs when I had my gastroenteritis and have managed NOT to gain it back. I am trying to find exercise that doesn't aggravate all my issues. Right now, my poor repaired feet are not happy, especially the left. Dang...hard to do ground work due to the feet and hard to ride due to the back :P :evil: . I will keep working on the fitness angle. I think the feet and back would be happier were they not carting around so much...

Happy riding all.
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Aleuronx » Sun Apr 25, 2021 12:25 am

You guys. It's finally here!!!

Ballina.jpg (120.19 KiB) Viewed 8589 times

Kora new saddle.jpg
Kora new saddle.jpg (163.21 KiB) Viewed 8589 times

I ended up driving ~4+ hrs round trip to retrieve from rep as I didn't want to wait for them to ship it to me next week. It arrived from UK yesterday. Only had a quick sit on her tonight 10-15 minutes in walk and just 3 trot circles each direction but it feels sooo good.

Feet trim Monday, off to dental Tuesday and then she sees miracle worker vet/chiro Wednesday just to be sure she's in the best place before we can get cracking!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:13 pm

Aleuronx, it's beautiful!! I hope you love riding in it.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Anne » Sun Apr 25, 2021 2:16 pm

Good news Aleuronx!! It looks lovely, and I bet you're pleased that it felt so good on first the ride!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Kyra's Mom » Sun Apr 25, 2021 3:26 pm

Lovely saddle Alex. I like the seat. It isn't so deep it is like sitting in a bucket. Enjoy.

We finally got rain...yea. We hadn't had ANY measureable precipitation in April. The ground was like freaking July...the ground is rock hard and oh, we have still have our 30 mph winds so the dust has been yuck...So nice to have a little respite from our coming drought.
That said, by the time I got to the barn, Ms. Kyra was mud from head to toe (she lives in a dry lot--not so dry Saturday :roll: ) and still wet in places.

So, I just put the lunge line on her and we had a very pleasant session. She was quite cheeky but listening to me and that makes me smile because some of the work is quite nice when she has that 'silly' energy. I have a favorite exercise I like to do with her. As she approaches the rail in canter, I ask her to stop. If she isn't square, I say 'square up' please...and she does 8-) . Then ask her for 5 steps backwards then canter on. Other than the first request where she slammed it in reverse and kind of ran backwards, she was nailing it every time. Stopping square, lowering the haunches and staying straight in the backing then immediately cantering on. I also put the long reins on her and did a bit of long reining at the end after some of the excess energy was released. I have been doing leg yield zig zags. Not so much for the leg yield but to get her to wait for me and a direction. She is so sure she knows what I want and oh, she can zip sideways...I know that the sideways isn't an issue for her. So I ask for LY and after 4-5 steps have her halt and settle a few seconds. Then walk on and LY the opposite direction, halt...rinse repeat. Finally (she turns 19 this year and I have owned her since she was coming 2), she is starting to wait and listen for what I want her to do :D . We dabbled with some half steps and the last time I requested, she was actually getting some oomph and a wee bit of suspension with her back end. Usually she just lifts them a bit. Hopefully, that means she is gaining some fitness and strength.
Really fun session though.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Chisamba » Sun Apr 25, 2021 11:20 pm

So Andrea Velas kindly came to the barn and gave us another clinic. She taught 11 lessons and then left to go run a marathon the next day. It's her second visit with 2 months inbetween and she was remarkably good at remembering what the horses were working on the previous time and notice how they had progressed.

Anyway, Saiph likes to anticipate changes, even though I'm not working on then so we worked on some lateral movements in the Carter until she realized that not every leg or half halt meant a change was coming. we also did half passes in trot and a little " school" trot to develop piaffe.

Kimba: the quality of her half pass is very different L and R, so we worked on a few exercises to help her understand how to use her outside hip and leg with more sit and reach to the weak side. we also worked on calm quality of canter brute and after flying change.

Ion Cali I really needed eyes on the ground work him. Andrea helped me confirm what is to high and to low in the neck to have the best connection hip to base of neck.

so I have my new pixem set up, and homework for the next two months.


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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby chantal » Mon Apr 26, 2021 12:42 am

I've been absent for a while. Family issues ongoing, fairly high maintenance and exhausting, emotionally and physically. But i am riding alot. I had 4 lessons last week alone. And a fifth one today. Mikey is coming along and I've had more than several light bulbs go off. Not a lot of pics or video unfortunately. A little that shows me that what I think I'm doing is not always what is happening and the one on the horse's back is the one who has to ride the horse. Sigh. I had a friend come work me with for a few days on my seat and I think some good came of that. Even thougb I feel like I'll never be able to do everything I'm supposed to do to ride dressage well. Our poles work and jumping is getting better. Our basics are really solidifying and we are much calmer at the canter now. And our dressage lessons are going really well too. I really want a video or pics of one of those. I should borrow a friends Pivo.

Sue, I'm so sorry about your mom. My deepest condolences to you and I'm sending the biggest virtual hug I can through the computer to you.

I enjoyed reading and catching up on everyone's posts. Healing for all those who need it, and love the horse pics and videos.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Mon Apr 26, 2021 2:08 am

Gorgeous saddle Aleuronex! Glad it's finally there and hope you're able to move ahead with all the issues addressed.

Chisamba, sounds like an excellent clinic. Great that you have video now and homework for your string.

I had lessons on both girls on Friday. I was pushed to get Tesla cantering right. Good lord, I run and whatnot, but clearly I need to up my game. She would still get stuck in her traditional spot going right, and I couldn't quite catch my breath before we'd end up back in that trouble spot. Introduced her to partially raised trot poles hoping to get her to let go in her back a bit to reduce the muscle blockages and get her more into GO mode. Yesterday I lunged her and today double lunged her on the bridle, and she is getting much more forward and into the contact. I measured her this weekend and she has hit 17H, up from 16.2 last summer, and is looking like she will finish more uphill like I've been hoping, so I think the cantering will get better as she gets used to her new proportions. Homework for her is me sticking to my guns and getting her canter established; less trot work in the beginning of each ride, just pop into canter earlier each ride. I might try to pop her over some cross-rails in a week or two.

After studying my videos from Friday, I noticed that my left ankle really flexes a lot, which I think is contributing to my issue of shifting to the left, so today I pulled out my stiffer Petrie boots and had another lesson on Annabelle. I think the extra ankle support was a helpful reminder to keep me more centered. We got probably the best canter yet going between making the canter more on the spot to more forward, stretching and then bringing it back together. SI and HI started out a little wonky, but were more adjustable in all directions. My instructor said she is on the verge of being a second level horse, which was nice to hear. Our homework until she is back in three weeks is pushing her out when she starts getting a little head-bobby or climbing a bit, and riding better corners with no falling in or out returning to the straight line.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby chantal » Mon Apr 26, 2021 11:06 am

SF-Tesla is looking great. The right lead thing is something I know all too well. You guys will get it, you are doing all the right things. And it sounds like Annabelle is doing great.

exvet-your boys look great. Yes Brandon is doing the young horses stuff, minimally and it will go away as he gets stronger. He looks like a fun and willing partner. And Junior looks really good!

Sounds like a great clinic Chisamba.

Moutaineer, I love Potters! I hope you are healing and will be able to get back to it.

Healing to the rest of you and happy riding, the weather seems to be cooperating. Seems to be...

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby blob » Mon Apr 26, 2021 3:54 pm

blob wrote:
*work out off the horse 3x a week
*keep practicing tests

*lunge/ground work once a week
*jump/poles once a week
*continue working on honest connection through the back
*half passes, half passes, half passes

*continue to introduce SI & HI at trot
*Canter and trot lengthenings
*work on my own position on him, making sure i'm not tipping forward or poking my elbows out

looking at closing out this bimester:

Me: I was NOT good at working out off the horse. But I was pretty good at remembering to practice tests from time to time.

MM: I was able to work on most of these goals. i wish I had dedicated more time to HPs, but I had overall less saddle time the last few weeks than ideal

RP: Did work on all of this, but all still very much a WIP, esp. the SI and HI at the trot, which haven't improved much.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby exvet » Tue Apr 27, 2021 1:06 pm

Thanks Chantal! I'm happy with both boys (well actually all 4 boys, going to see the stinker pony next Sunday).

Well my close out for the month isn't as 'fantabulous' as I had hoped. I wanted to improve second level test 3. In many ways I think Junior and I are much farther along than we were but the judges seem to all agree that low 60s is where we rank from beginning to end; so, with that realization I'm headed to a schooling show in 2 weeks to ride second 3 and third 1 in front of a small r judge. We'll of course continue to work on the basics but it's time to solidify the changes. Brandon is now cantering under saddle though it's definitely a work in progress to get him stronger and in better balance though it's no where near a scramble as I've had on other greenies. Ace filled the shoes needed to be the trail horse extraordinaire while guests were here. He's happy to continue in that vein LOL.

We are actually getting a little rain today. Thank goodness it's sorely needed. The fire season is already in full swing.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Tue Apr 27, 2021 2:42 pm

I still haven’t been able to get T-3 videoed and sent in to virtual horsesport . My temperamental soloshot3 didnt work all last week and I finally gave up on it. I ordered a pivo yesterday and it should arrive in 4-5 business days. I dont know how the pivo will work for doing tests because the best location for it is at X and the tests need to be done at C.

The main problems I’ve been working on this term have been 1.) straightness on the centerline, 2.) not letting her brace in the bridle/bit, or tilt her head to the left, trying to evade the right rein by pulling it out of my hand, and 3.) very unbalance right canter. There has been good improvement but more work is necessary. I also started on the trot work from 1st and 2nd, excluding lengthenings. The problem with lengthenings is that she wants to go her own speed, which is fast. After 2 or 3 really good lengthened strides, she puts her head down, takes the bit and completely ignores my seat. This is connected to bracing in the bridle even at trot. (And yes, I’ve tried a stuff like small circles but she is so little she can flat out gallop a 10M circle :lol: )

I was avoiding the lateral work because i thought i needed to get the more basic problems fixed first. Maybe that was a mistake, and the lateral work will actually help with the other problems. We had done quite a but of rough lateral work in my lessons (before covid) so when I started working it again on my own, I was really surprised and excited that it didnt feel or look half bad!

I got some of the lateral work on video but just when i needed the camera most, it quit working. I was able to see enough that I’m excited to feel ready to start focusing on it. On one hand I dont like doing lateral work without the camera to check myself, but on the other hand, the bit of video I was able to get gave me the confidence to keep going.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:30 pm

Demi - I posted a video of my lesson last Friday on Annabelle in the Cavaletti thread. One thing she had me do is ride SI in the short side, straighten, and then ask for some lengthened strides across the diagonal with a couple trot poles to try to set up for loading the hind legs and keeping the shoulders freed up. I'm wondering if you could use the cavaletti to break up Rocky's speed and blowing through your aids? It would be interesting to lengthen a few strides, then trot a couple raised poles at shorter spacing, and then lengthen again. I think working that shoulder in is so beneficial too because it gives you another tool to ride the hind leg towards the diagonal rein so they can't flatten out and run.

The Ritter's What, Why, How course that I have a lifetime membership to has re-started, and I am trying to get organized to work through the exercises. The first time I did it, Annabelle was super green so we did a lot of the work in walk and many of the exercises were just too advanced. Last year we were just coming off her injury, so we had other limitations. This year, I'm hoping to really keep up and be diligent about riding the exercises. Today we started off simply with counting strides on a marked circle. This was interesting, because just riding the circle was challenging in all gaits, which showed me that I need to work on riding accurate lines (this was also pointed out in my recent lesson). We float around the big outdoor and accuracy goes out the window. I played a little with shifting from working canter and working trot at 7 strides per quarter circle, to collected gaits at 8 strides per quarter circle. Annabelle really struggled with shifting from working to collected canter on the left lead, where she tends to drift in with her haunches, so we will be revisiting that.

The other thing I worked on was changing rein into the corner, so essentially riding to centerline, then riding a half volte to change direction. We did this on single track, then got to the CL by leg yielding, and finished by using the exercise to play with a little trot half pass. I've barely touched half pass this winter, so it was fun to see that it has improved without working on it directly. I think once Annabelle can find better engagement on the left lead, we might start toying with some canter HP.

Lots of rain the last few days, so Tesla will have to stick to lunging until the outdoor has a chance to drain.
Keep calm and canter on.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Apr 27, 2021 3:55 pm

Well I did find a horse so that's a big goal down! I never did get a lunge lesson ;/ but did some no stirrup work still. I am feeling a lot more solid in my position and my fitness is getting a bit better. I did get blood work drawn and as far as I know the results have been okay. They did put in a sleep study for me to figure out why some days I'm impossibly tired. Thankfully some days I'm completely fine.

Things with the new horse haven't gone exactly as planned. I don't like the paddock's situation he is in as it has been very wet and it's very muddy. The trainer that we are planning on using for a little foundation work has been injured and I'm still waiting to see what's going to happen with that. The saddle fitter has changed dates three times on me. We had a Covid outbreak at the barn. One person ended up in the hospital...

It's been a little rough but I've still enjoyed Lynx. It's been a lot of bonding at least And hopefully trust built. I'm hoping May / June is a lot more productive!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Ryeissa » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:35 pm

oh dear--that sounds rough.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Sue B » Tue Apr 27, 2021 4:42 pm

Jingles for folks who got Covid, speedy recovery!

Thank you Chantel for the wonderful cyber hug, it arrived just when I needed it.

I did ride, I even cantered in teh very chilly 25mph wind on Tio. I still can't get myself to go all the way around the arena because that's what I was doing when he and I parted ways, but his transitions are spot on--I'm very pleased. Rudy continues to improve with the latest saddle adjustment, and no, I still haven't used the Pivo--dang wind. Riding Rudy, I worked on NOT tilting forward going from sitting to rising trot with interesting results. When I'd go into rising, his trot would get very animated, as in more cadence, and he was swinging through his shoulder more. So it was like trotting through cavelletti. From there, even in sitting trot, I could adjust the trot to whatever I wanted. His lateral work was also very nice, flowing easily from si to renvers to travers to hp back to si. Also I could vary stride length in si and hp. I don't know what was different (aside from my more vertical rising trot and recent saddle adjustment) but he and I were just so in sync. I live for fun days like that. :P

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Tanga » Tue Apr 27, 2021 6:52 pm

Well, my completely stressful change of barns beginning of April has been really fortunate. The new barn is stunning and amazing, the owner is wonderful, the people are super nice and every rides and rides the trails, it's cheaper for me, there are mirrors, the horses are super happy and look fabulous and actually are making other friends besides with each other. The other barn just closed down because of strangles, and also apparently had pigeon fever! I am glad they are being super safe. It would have been a bummer to cancel another show because of another plague!

I'm so nervous and excited to show next weekend with both my freestyles, and a regular test, each.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Moutaineer » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:17 pm

Well, I will be sitting it out for another couple of weeks. My noggin obviously took quite a boink when I fell, so I'm still feeling a bit vague... And the finger/hand is going to take some time as it's a mess, still.

However, every cloud... My trainer is riding Potters twice a week, and my barn manager, who is a whizz at lunging, is lunging him two or three times a week. Potters adores my trainer and is very happily moving freely forward, entirely without spooks, and is a joy to watch.

In other news, barn manager appears to have finally vanquished the protests (ew, horses, flies, arena!) of the suburbanite hordes who have moved their citified selves into the designated, zoned, equestrian subdivision where my horses actually live, and has finally been granted a permit to build a new barn and arena, so we should be in a less ghetto environment by next winter, yippee!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:25 pm

Sue B, your ride on Rudy sounds wonderful!! I hope you have many more like that to look forward too.

Tanga, I'm so glad to move went well. Moving can be so stressful. I'm at a barn that I know pretty well but in a different living situation and even that threw me off! I can't wait to hear how your freestyles go!

The silver medalist that I work with came out today for another session with Lynx. She agreed with me that my saddle is not a total fit right now. Although she kind of thought that the general shape was fine but it was too low at the front and it might just need a reflocking. She is of the same mind as me though better wait until we know it's fitting before riding. I'm sure I'm looking at buying another saddle though. I might end up trying to borrow one so that I can start riding at least a little bit. I hope the saddle fitter does indeed come out and we can get this going.

But in all other areas I feel like we're making progress. He didn't know how to lunge very well. I have been lunging him in a bridle (need a new cavesson) instead of a halter and there's a big difference. He is learning quickly to be more forward on the lunge and stretch down instead of inverting. We also do some in hand work teaching him to move his hind end and to move his shoulder. He's catching on! Even though I'm not riding him, I still feel like we're making good progress that is going to help us in the long run. He officially turns 4 in June. So I figure it's better to not rush right now. He's so young. And I'm thankful that I'm still taking additional lessons on school horses so I can stay in shape.

It's all good. I'm really excited for summer!
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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Lipsmackerpony88 » Tue Apr 27, 2021 7:27 pm

Mountaineer, I'm so sorry about your downtime and healing! I hope you get better as quickly as you can. It's a bummer sitting on the sidelines but I'm really glad to hear that Potter's is doing so well!

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby demi » Wed Apr 28, 2021 12:22 am

Sorry about your head,Mountaineer, but as you say, at least Potters is in good hands and you can watch.

SueB, I really get what you said about living for the fun days. Rocky is no where near where Rudy is with the lateral work but, man, just riding good leg yields on her now is fun. She has nice crossing which surprises me because she is not even close to being long legged. She is easily staying straight, and it feels like I’m on a real dressage horse! She gets it and the way she puts herself into it, makes me think it feels as good to her as it does to me.

SF, I saw your vids on the poles thread and was impressed with how Tesla’s trot got some very attractive bounce to it. I was thinking you’ll soon that “second trot” if you want it. Anyway,, I’ll think about trying poles with Rocky but I’m not sure it’s right for us. I don’t think I have enough core strength anymore to carry it off without losing the connection. She is masterful at evading connection in my hands and seat as it is. It’s a tricky situation because of her downhill build, short back, stocky muscling, and super sensitivity. When I got serious about the sitting trot several weeks ago, you had noticed that I leaned forward when I posted a few strides in between sitting. I though about that a lot and watched vids. I think what was happening was that I was instinctively taking the pressure off just briefly by leaning forward and rising when her back would start to get tight. That gave her an opportunity to soften and relax while I kept the connection, and then I’d be able sit again. It seems to be working as the sitting trot has gotten comfortable for both of us without losing energy.

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby Flight » Wed Apr 28, 2021 4:08 am

Aleuronx - saddle looks nice!! I'm still waiting for mine from the UK and hoping it will be good too.

Demi, bummer about your soloshot. Mine broke too and I haven't sent it back yet, the shipping costs to/from Australia are really high. The pivo is good, quicker to set up but I miss the higher video quality that the SS3 had.

Sue B, that trot work sounds great! Moutaineer, hope your head heals up soon and your hand. Love the Potters updates too.
Tanga, glad you've found a good barn.

Chisamba, I would love to watch a Andrea clinic. You'll have to share some pixem vids too soon!
BTW, anyone hear from Dresseur lately? I hope she's still riding.

I didn't have any real goals so my end of goal term is easy :)

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Re: March-ing into 2021, and April too - Goals and progress

Postby StraightForward » Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:54 am

I think I'm ready to call it on this one.

Annabelle - the straightness is definitely improved, but the left hind continues to be a weak point. I took a jumping lesson today and was using some TOF to get her stepping under and told the instructor that her left hind leg is a purely decorative feature. :lol: But, it is definitely getting better. Did pretty well getting the pole and gridwork in at least once a week and I think it's paying off. Tonight was my first jumping lesson in almost six years and I was surprised to learn that Annabelle can jump pretty well when I get out of her way, and we got some darn nice canter out of the deal as well. Canter walk transitions have definitely improved, and we are working towards hints of some collection and self carriage.

Tesla - the lunging improved tremendously with introduction of side reins. She is now cantering quite well on the lunge to the left and the right is coming along. I was told to do whatever it takes to get her cantering in our lesson last week, and I did that today. We are definitely not rolling in and out of canter the way I envisioned, but hopefully we'll be over the hump soon. I realized that she has grown two inches, and is figuring out how to pick her front end up and canter in better balance. Obedience in the trot is getting much better, so we are on the road, even if it is a rocky, uphill road.

Me - I have started using the kettlebells more consistently, and I think my legs are getting stronger, but most weeks I haven't managed the 2x2 workouts like I'd hoped. Still more fit than at the beginning of February though, so I'm not mad.

StraightForward wrote: So Annabelle March-April goals:
  1. Get that left hind carrying and improve the lateral work as a result
  2. Some type of pole or grid work each week that footing allows
  3. Focus on throughness in the canter
  4. Maintain bend and connection in all the transitions

Tesla, well, girl, you turn 5 at the end of this period, and it's time to start growing up. :lol:
  1. Keep working on the lunging; someday it would be nice if each lunging session didn't start like an MMA cage match.
  2. Ride at least 4x a week.
  3. Obedience in trot, iron out those stalling moments and start getting an honestly forward trot sooner in the ride.
  4. Start rolling in and out of canter both directions

  1. Finish Feldenfit 2, continue on to FF3 if it's offered, or go back and work through FF1 again.
  2. Run 2x a week
  3. Kettlebells 2x a week
Keep calm and canter on.

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